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Dragon's Possession (BBW / Dragon Shifter Romance) (Lords of the Dragon Islands Book 4)

Page 22

by Isadora Montrose

  He must have been waiting for her body to go stiff, because he laughed against her neck and nibbled on the tendon until she squeaked, while he slid the flat of two fingers down either side of her outer folds. When he got to the end he tapped on the patch of skin there and dabbled in her own moisture. Her pussy began to pulse in time to those tormenting hands.

  “Wet enough?” he whispered.

  “Yes.” Would he never touch her properly?

  “Good.” His fingers returned along the outer labia moving with tantalizing slowness. He paused to trace the very edges of her stiffened, aching petals. She quivered. “Not yet,” he whispered. Then it was time for her inner lips to be treated to their share of teasing. “You’re very wet, sweetheart. May I put a finger inside?”

  “Yes.” Her voice was shrill and pleading.

  Lars’ big finger began by tapping its way around her entrance, waking up nerves she had never known she had. How could she feel any more? When her pussy was clenching in a new rhythm, he switched to rubbing where he had tapped. At last he dipped his finger inside, barely penetrating her. He stroked pussy juice around her entrance where the spasms were always strongest. Nicole tried to clamp her legs shut as anticipation built in her. He held them apart.

  “Not yet,” he whispered. He wet his finger again and circled her clit.

  He bopped the tip lightly and the sensitive bud flinched. “Sorry,” he said backing off. He stroked the sides with the edge of his finger. She felt as if her clit might burst as the blood pumped through it so fiercely.

  He raised his mouth from hers. She grabbed his shoulders to protest the loss of their shared breath.

  “Better?” he asked, stroking her clit again.

  “Yes,” she panted.

  “I’m going in.” He slipped his finger inside her and pressed upward with a curling motion. He stroked firmly again and again. “Do you enjoy that?”

  “Yes.” Her shriek was loud enough to wake the dead, let alone Matt, but Lars caught it with his mouth. Her sex felt huge and hot and turgid. Had she ever felt like this before? Surely her climax was overdue. But he slacked his pace and drew her back from the brink before building the intensity ever higher. She could only clutch at him with arms and legs and hang on for the ride.

  “You’re getting even wetter,” he said a short while later. He pressed upward into her swollen and soft and ready passage. “Do you want to come?

  “Yes.” His mouth caught her wail.

  Lars pressed delicately on her clit with a wet thumb and rolled it around the shaft clockwise. Inside her body he added a second finger. Both pressed against the engorged mass of her G-spot while his thumb danced playfully around her clit. All her gathering tension exploded at once. She shattered. Her body flew off in all directions and when the quaking stopped she was lying on top of Lars. He was again stroking her back lightly from nape to bottom as the ripples of pleasure finally wore off. His cock was a rock hard cylinder between their sweaty bodies.

  “What about you?” she sighed. Her body felt boneless, enervated – happy.

  “Go to sleep,” he ordered. “You’re safe.”


  Lars lay awake holding his sleeping wife for a long time. Once again he was too frustrated to sleep. But he was hoping his strategy would pay off in spades. Now that Nicole’s sleeping dragoness was well and truly roused, he hoped to enjoy more mutual bed sport. And there was enormous pleasure in just holding his relaxed and satiated mate. The regularity of her breathing eventually lulled him off to sleep.

  He woke to a small face peering into his. “Good morning,” he whispered to the sprat, putting a finger to his lips. He reached for his robe before he got out of bed.

  Matteo was quite willing to let himself be led out to the kitchen. “Are you hungry?” Lars asked the boy.

  “Yes, Far.” Matteo said.

  Lars made him peanut butter toast and put coffee on. He was ravenous himself. He sat down across from Matteo and sipped coffee.

  “You were sleeping with my mom,” the boy said. His eyes didn’t quite meet Lars’ and he returned them to his plate.

  “We are married,” Lars said mildly.

  “Really and truly married?”

  “Really and truly.” It felt surprisingly good to say those words.

  “Will Mom have a baby?”

  “Maybe.” Lars hoped eventually. “Would you like that?”

  “Yeah. It would be cool to have a brother.” Matteo’s dark hair made a screen for his watchful eyes. “Would you be his stepfather too?”

  “He would be my son,” Lars said. “And I would be his Far. Just as I am yours.”

  “And would he be a bastard too?”

  Lars nearly choked on his coffee. “Who called you a bastard?” He winced at his savage tone.

  “People.” Matteo’s eyes flickered away from Lars’ and he hung his head.

  “You are not a bastard. In no sense of the word. Look at me, son.” Lars paused until Matteo’s head rose from his contemplation of his toast. “Your father and mother were married, so you are not an illegitimate child.”

  “I don’t have a father,” Matteo objected.

  “Of course you do. Everyone has a father. Yours just happens to be dead.”

  “So why do people say I don’t have a father?”

  “People often say unkind things. And they call other people names they shouldn’t. But it doesn’t make what they say true. Your father was Felipe Balcazar Mendez. And he married your mother. You were his son, and now you are mine.” Lars smiled at Matteo’s serious face, but the boy’s expression did not change.

  “If they were married, how come my mom didn’t live with my dad?”

  “I’m afraid that Felipe was not a very nice man. Your mother was very brave. She ran away to live in Santa Rosa del Pampas so he couldn’t hurt either of you. And now he’s dead, and he’ll never trouble either of you again.”

  “Did you know my dad?”

  “I did. I liked him. But it turned out he was not the person I thought he was. Not the person everyone thought he was. Your mother was cleverer than all the people in my family. She figured out what he was like right away.” Lars drank coffee. Had he explained things well enough to the sprat?

  “Was he a dragon – like you – like Mom?”

  That was an easy question to answer. “He was.”

  “Then why am I not a dragon?”

  “But you are.”

  Matteo shook his head. “No, I’m not,” he said sadly. “I’ve tried to breathe fire, but nothing happens.”

  “It doesn’t happen until after you start to turn into a man,” Lars explained.

  “When I grow up?”

  “When your voice breaks, and you get hairy, I promise you that you will be able to transform into a dragon. But until then you’re just a boy.”

  “Cool. Did that happen to you?”

  “Yup.” Lars went for another cup of coffee. “One morning I woke up and I had ripped up all the sheets changing in my sleep.”

  “You changed in your sleep?”

  “The first few times. And then I got more control and now it only happens when I want it to.”

  “Did your mom mind that you tore the sheets?”

  “I don’t think she liked it very much, but it wasn’t the first time she had lived through a dragonling’s change. I have three older brothers.”

  “Did you play together and do stuff?” Matt asked eagerly.

  “Sometimes. But my brothers are a lot older than me. We weren’t really friends until I grew up.”

  “Why not?”

  “I suppose I was just too young. When you’re only a sprat, you’re more of a nuisance to an older brother.”

  “I won’t think my brother will be a nuisance.” Matteo was vehement. “Will we live with you always?” The boy’s voice was elaborately casual but he was tense.

  “Of course.”

  “Here?” Matteo’s voice was very hopeful.
  “Almost certainly not. I told you this house belongs to my family. But it does not belong to me. We’re on holiday. This isn’t where I usually live.”

  “Where do you live?”

  “I have an apartment in Sweden, in a place called Karlskrona. The naval base where I’m stationed is there.”

  “In Sweden?”

  “In Sweden,” Lars confirmed.

  “And will we go to live with you there? Mom and me and the baby?”

  “There is no baby yet,” Lars felt obliged to point out. “But you and your mother will live with me always.”

  Matteo crammed the last piece of his toast into his mouth. Peanut butter flecked his chin. “It would be better if you lived in a house. An apartment would be small if there was a baby.”

  Nicole walked into the kitchen while Lars was still hooting with laughter. He got up to pour her a cup of coffee.

  “Is this a private joke, or can anyone join in?” she asked as she sat down at the table.

  “Matteo thinks we need a house. But I think he will find we live a little differently in Sweden.” Lars passed Nicole her cup of coffee. “My apartment is large, Matt. It has three bedrooms and a study.”

  “Does it have a beach?” Matteo asked.

  “I’m afraid not. But it’s very close to the sea. So we can go sailing in Karlskrona too.”

  * * *

  They were lying on the beach on identical loungers. Matteo was digging just above the water line. Today he seemed intent on making a tunnel. He was patiently excavating sand and then scooping out the rising seawater that filled the hole.

  “What were you guys talking about so earnestly this morning?” Nicole asked.

  “Matteo woke me. He wanted to know what I was doing in your room.”

  Nicole sat up and clutched her throat. “Oh my God. You didn’t tell him?!”

  “Of course I did.” Lars voice was calm. Too calm. He was teasing her.

  “What did you tell him?”

  “That we were married.”

  “He already knew that.”

  “But he didn’t really believe it. Someone had told him that married people share a bed. We didn’t. Ergo, we weren’t really married. He’s been worrying about it.”

  “Oh.” Nicole lay back down. “I didn’t know he was worried.”

  “He’s going to have to get used to the fact that I share your bed. Maybe we better tell him he should knock before he comes in.”

  “Yes. It sounds like a useful rule.” Nicole squirmed at the thought of her son catching her in the act.

  “I can’t say I care for being caught in the middle of fucking you.”

  “Lars! What a thing to say.” Nicole felt on the verge of tears. She clutched her jacket closed and sat up staring out at the waves.

  It was his turn to sit up. He picked up her hand and squeezed it. “You don’t like that word? It has the virtue of being direct, and old. But I know lots of words. Have you got a favorite?”

  “Of course not.”

  “We will have to talk about it sometimes. Is it the act, or the words that upset you?”

  “Matt will hear you,” she hissed.

  “Not a chance.” His voice was quiet and level. “It’s one of the pleasures of married life, to tell your wife the wonderful things you want to do with her body. And it’s not as though you didn’t enjoy making love last night.”

  “You didn’t want to talk last night. And we didn’t make love – not really.”

  He chuckled. “We talked. And of course we made love. What we didn’t get to was intromission. Though that isn’t the word I would usually use.”

  Her whole body felt hot. She turned her head to glare at him. “I don’t see any need to talk about this at all – much less out here where Matteo could hear us.”

  “If you don’t want your voice to carry, don’t hiss. And there’s every need to talk about it. I know a lot of ways to talk dirty – I’ve spent a lot of years in the Navy. I can cuss in twenty languages. But I want you to be comfortable with the vocabulary we use. We can go for euphemisms if you prefer.” He flipped over onto his stomach and pillowed his head on his hands.

  “Don’t ignore me.”

  “I’m not ignoring you, Nicole. I’m hiding my rooster from the boy.”

  “Your rooster?” And then she got it.

  “My rooster is ready to play with your kitty cat.” There was masculine amusement and a heady desire in his voice.

  Nicole pressed her thighs together. “You can’t talk about that out here. It’s inappropriate.”

  “Not at all.”


  “What are we going to do today, Far?” Matteo ran up to their loungers.

  “You’re going to go swimming with George,” Lars said. “If that’s all right with your mother?”

  “Why don’t we all go together?” Nicole asked.

  “Because you and I have other business,” Lars said.

  Nicole raised her eyebrows. “You’re being very mysterious.”

  “I have something to show you. Grownup business,” he said as soon as Matteo opened his mouth to object. “We’ll spend some time this afternoon looking at the rock pools, I promise. But now it’s time for us to go back to the house. George will be waiting for us.”

  By the time they had changed and returned to the beach, Theo was waiting for them. Like Lars he was bare chested. He was dressed in ripped and torn shorts like the ones Lars had found for Nicole. In the light of day, he looked even more like a barbarian. He was leaning on a rake which he had used to amass a giant pile of wet green and black seaweed. He had also collected a huge pile of gray driftwood, and something else. Nicole wrinkled her nose. Theo seem to have harvested every dead animal he could find. What on earth?

  “I thought we should start with a demonstration of Nicole’s talent,” he suggested heartily.

  “Good plan.” Lars smiled down Nicole. “We’ll just stash our clean clothes above the water line, and get started. I already know you can do a rapid change. What we’re going to find out this morning is exactly how powerful you are. And then we can start training you to be our secret weapon.”

  “It depends on how I feel,” Nicole said. “If I’m angry, I don’t seem to be able to control the intensity.”

  “How about if you’re frightened?” Theo asked. “We’re still trying to work out why the Villa Mendoza went up so fast.”

  “I’m not sure exactly what I did,” Nicole confessed. “I didn’t have a plan. I just breathed fire and then everything exploded.”

  “But you also were able to carry Matteo unscathed out to the pampas. So you must have more control than you think,” Theo said. “I’m a pretty ordinary dragon myself. I can breathe fire, and I can talk to animals that live in the sea, but if I tried to ignite wet seaweed, I’d mostly make a lot of smoke. It would take ages for the smoldering to turn to fire.”

  Theo waggled his beard at his cousin. “Lars here, is a two-fer. That tattoo of his is like a second pair of eyes, and a second source of fire. Dragons often have varying talents. We don’t know what yours is. So we’ll run some tests and see what you can do. Lars thinks you’re possibly the most powerful dragon he has ever met. And you have to remember that we have spent our lives training younglings to be warriors.”

  “What do you want me to do?” Nicole asked dubiously. She looked between the two tall blond men. “I’m a lot smaller than you,” she pointed out.

  “Lars says that when you take dragoness, you’re bigger than he is. And he feels intimidated by that pulsing light show thing you’ve got going.”

  Nicole turned to look at Lars. He nodded gravely. “You’re powerful,” he said. “I get the feeling that if you wanted to, you could annihilate anything you encountered. So Theo and I are going to put you through your paces and then work out some strategies to help you make the best use of your power.”

  “Strategies?” Nicole wrinkled her nose.

  “It’s what we d
o,” Theo said. “Raw firepower is a great thing. But if you have no plan, the opponent with one will win every time.”

  Lars went to investigate the stinking pile beside the seaweed. “What the heck is this?”

  “Dead fish, a pork butt from the freezer, a seagull that washed ashore.” Theo was very matter of fact.

  “Maybe we should deal with that first, and get it out of the way,” suggested Lars.

  “What do you mean deal with it?” Nicole asked backing away from the putrid mess.

  “I’m guessing there won’t be much left to stink once you give it a blast of whatever you’ve got,” Theo explained.

  “I don’t want to get undressed in front of you two,” Nicole put in.

  “That’s why you’re wearing the most ragged thing we could find. If you’re not afraid of destroying your clothes – and in a fight you shouldn’t be – you can do a change much faster.” Theo met her eyes head on. “I’m guessing that’s what you did when the Russians attacked.”

  “Yes,” admitted Nicole. “I didn’t think about my clothes, I just changed.”

  “And incinerated those bastards,” Theo said cheerfully. He pressed buttons on the massive watch on his wrist. “This isn’t a real test, because I’m going to give you a warning. But it should be indicative. When I say ‘Go’, change.”

  Nicole braced herself. As soon as she heard the command, she let her body morph without any consideration for her T-shirt and shorts. The awe on Theo’s face gave her a boost of self-confidence.

  “Not quite two seconds,” Theo said. “That’s mighty fast for someone with no training. Let’s see how you do breathing fire. And I want to see what happens if you touch something with your wings or your limbs.”

  Even in daylight, Nicole could see a sort of shimmering pulse coming off her scaly forelimbs. She had never changed in daylight. The paranormal colors she was used to seeing were bleached out by the sun and her radiance dimmed. But the men’s faces were still suitably respectful. They both backed up several yards from her muscular form.

  The idea of testing her talent had not previously occurred to Nicole. She had been driven to fly ever since she had first been transformed. By trial and error she had taught herself how to stay aloft, and how to land, bank and dive. And she knew that sometimes her pulsing body could char grass or dead trees. She had been very careful after she had accidentally started a small grass fire, which she had only extinguished by sheer good luck.


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