The Writer’s Edge – Finding Your Muse
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The process of self inquiry shared with others can immeasurably benefit one's self, and others. An ancient teaching art with peculiar derivations, it is validated with much history. Fantasy, the imagination at the threshold of change is highly expedient.
No doubt a striking measure of such expediency is the measure of responses experienced by our follow travelers in time. We are only safe by one maxim:
Humans are eternal optimists,
- Magritte " Madame Recamier " 1967
1. Neitzsche, F. "Beyond Good and Evil" Vintage Books
NY 1989
2. Ouspensky, "A New Model of the Universe" Alfred P Knopf , 1931 New York,
3. Brickhouse, T.C. & Smith, N.D. " Socrates on Trial "
Princeton, 1989
4. Burr, G. "Narratives of Witchcraft Cases - 1648 - 1706
Scribners, NY 1914
5. Dasqupta, S.N. "Hindu Mysticism " Ungar Publishers NY 1971
6. Foucault, M. "Les Mots and les Choses" (The Order of Things)
NY Pantheon Books 1970
7. Schoenfield, H. "The Essene Odyssey" London 1984
8. Ginsberg, D "The Kabbalah " Routeldge & Kegan NY 1955
9. Chandler, W. "The Trial of Jesus" Two vols Empire Publishers
NY 1908
10. Barrett, W.P. " The Trial of Jeanne d'Arc " Gotham 1932
11. Toeffler, A. "Powershift" Bantam Books NY 1990
12. Kim, Wonsik Korean Shamanism and Hypnosis American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis Vol IX no 3
Jan '67 pp 193-197
13. Alfred Korzybski, - Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems
and General Semantics (1958), 61.
14.Levitsky, A. The Constructive Realistic Fantasy American
Journal of Clinical Hypnosis vol ix No l Jul '66 pp 52 -55
15.Magritte, R. "Retrospective" Paris, Musee National d'Art Moderne 19 Janvier '79.