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Wicked Glory

Page 1

by Gladden, DelSheree

  Also by DelSheree Gladden

  Escaping Fate Series

  Escaping Fate

  Soul Stone

  Oracle Lost

  (coming 2015)

  Twin Souls Saga

  Twin Souls

  Shaxoa’s Gift


  The Destroyer Trilogy


  Secret of Betrayal

  Darkening Chaos

  The Aerling Series




  (coming 2015)

  Date Shark Series

  Date Shark

  Shark Out of Water

  (coming October 2014)

  Wicked Glory

  Someone Wicked This Way Comes

  Book Three


  DelSheree Gladden

  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright © 2014 DelSheree Gladden

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the US Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  For Ryan, whose love and patient holds me together



  Getting captured by the Eroi was part of the plan. Seeing my sister being held with a gun pointed at her wasn’t. When I told Annabelle to run, I didn’t expect her to come back for a rescue attempt. A failed rescue attempt. Now Isolde has everything she wants, well, almost everything.

  The sharp click of the Isolde’s heels on the concrete floor electrifies my frustration. I spin around to face her before she gets too close to me. The pleased look on her face pulls my hands into fists. If she notices my agitation, she doesn’t show it.

  “It’s time to make your choice, Zander.”

  “It’s not much of a choice knowing you’ll kill us all if I say no.”

  “What?” Van squeaks behind me. “Who are you, and what choice are you talking about?”

  Isolde steps forward and says, “My name is Isolde Zara. I am in charge of this compound, and I am offering your brother the only way out of here alive.”

  “And what are you asking for in return?” Van demands.


  Van folds her arms and glares at Isolde. “David doesn’t trust us enough to tell us anything and, if he even suspects what we’re doing, he’d sooner kill us than risk exposure.”

  Turning and taking a step toward the table, Isolde faces us again once she reaches it. Her blue eyes could freeze fire. “Then I suggest you do whatever it takes to make sure David trusts you implicitly.”

  I hate the idea of putting Van’s life in this woman’s hands. Even though I have argued with Isolde, we both know what my decision will be. I wouldn’t have come here in the first place if I wasn’t willing to make the sacrifice she demands. There is precious little I would not give up to save my sister’s life, and Isolde knows it.

  Isolde folds her hands in front of her body. “I trust you are all in agreement?”

  “Well,” Oscar says drily, “I’m on a day trip from the mental institution, and I have no contact with David, or any other Godlings for that matter, but sure, we’re all in. I just wouldn’t count on me being much help.”

  “I’m sure you’ll do your best,” Isolde says as she pats Oscar’s cheek.

  In a flash, Oscar snatches her hand away from his face and holds it between them. His twisted grin makes her visibly flinch. “Ever seen those signs about not feeding the bears?” he asks, still smiling his disturbing smile. “Replace feed with touch and we’ll get along much better.” He flicks her hand away from him. “I’m the bear, just in case you didn’t catch that.”

  “Yes,” Isolde says stiffly. “I caught that.”

  Oscar winks. “Good.”

  Stepping away from Oscar, she turns back to face the rest of us. She takes the phone containing the pictures and newspaper articles about David and Chris from her pocket. Immediately on edge, my fingers twitch. Van doesn’t need to know everything on that phone just yet. I don’t relish the idea of keeping something from my sister, but I know playing double agent is going to be difficult enough for her as it is. If she finds out Chris, the man who has spent day and night helping her control her new hunger, who helped her dress and undress at the hospital, is a cold-blooded killer, she’ll never be able to face him without revealing herself.

  Isolde is too sly not to catch my reaction. Her eyes narrow at my response, but she wisely chooses not to comment. Instead, she holds the phone out to me. “I will personally manage this arrangement. This phone is a direct line to me.” Her eyes dart over to Van before settling back on me. “Use it however you feel it will best benefit our deal.”

  Van’s face scrunches a bit at that last comment, but I understand her clearly. Taking the phone, I slip it into the pocket of my jacket. I am about to ask if we can get the hell out of here now, when Van starts shaking uncontrollably.

  “Van, what’s going on?” Ketchup demands.

  Van raises her head high enough to glare at the opposite side of the room. Her eyes are literally glowing with unrestrained hunger. “What is she doing here?” Van growls.

  A frenzied burst of strength pulls her right out of Ketchup’s grip. Oscar and I both launch ourselves after her. Isolde’s guards charge forward as well, but Oscar reaches her first and wraps her up in a massive bear hug. Screaming and kicking, Van struggles to get out of his grip and tear Ivy apart. Knowing Oscar will be able to keep control of her, my eyes dart over to Ivy, who is standing in the corner of the room with wide eyes.

  She was tucked away so still and quiet, clear across the room, I forgot she was even there. I stare at her now, fighting my own hunger. The feel of someone’s hand sliding into mine makes me jump and tears my ey
es away from Ivy. Annabelle looks up at me with fearful eyes. I want to reassure her but, slowly, my gaze slides back to Ivy. I am not prepared for the brokenhearted expression plastered across her face.

  Suddenly, a million questions are racing through my mind, but before I can voice even a single one, Isolde’s guards crash past me and drag Ivy out of the room. I spin around and take a step toward her. Annabelle’s grip crushes my hand, holding me back as she pleads, “Zander, no.”

  I rip my hand out of hers and take a step forward. Isolde blocks my path with a cold expression that leaves no room for bargaining. “Our deal is made. You and your siblings are excused.” She steps back, opening the way to the door. “I will be in touch very soon, and I expect you to have something useful for me.”

  Isolde’s eyes pass over everyone, stopping on Oscar’s only briefly before darting away. She looks back at me and says, “I hope I don’t have to remind you that backing out of this deal is not an option. We know everything about you. Running won’t get you far at all.”

  With that, she stalks out of the room, her guards staying behind to act as our escort. None of us are interested in staying a moment longer than necessary. Oscar easily sweeps Van into his arms and, together, we walk out of the compound feeling heavy, but harboring a sliver of hope. It is a strange thing to be turned loose by the Eroi. Everyone is silent, burdened by their own thoughts, as we make the trip home.

  I roll to a stop behind Peak View Hospital, bracing myself for the fight I know is coming. The click of the rear door closing snaps my attention behind me. For a brief moment, I hope it is just Oscar making things easy, but I feel my heart stop as I see his sleeping form and realize Annabelle is gone.

  Chapter One: A Dead Redhead


  The terror of being captured by the Eroi will be nothing compared to the horror of David’s wrath. Making a deal with the proverbial devil pales in comparison to what David will make us do as penance for betraying him. Our deaths won’t be the cost of our choices. Slavery will be.

  All because of one girl.

  Zander’s panicked words ring in my ears as I take them in. Gone? How can she be gone? Movement from Ketchup in the backseat makes me flinch. Oscar stretches next to him, his eyes rolling open slowly, as if Zander’s shouting was beneath him.

  “Did Little Orphan Annie run away when you weren’t looking?” Oscar asks lazily.

  Zander immediately bristles at the nickname, but Ketchup just blinks in confusion. He looks from Oscar to Zander. “What happened to Annabelle?”

  “She’s gone,” Zander snaps.

  Ketchup’s eyes dart to the space next to Oscar where she was sitting before we all fell asleep. “What do you mean—gone?”

  “I mean she took off!” Zander’s fingers strangle the steering wheel, making it groan under the pressure. “I was about to wake up Oscar and send him back into the hospital when I heard the door close. I thought it was Oscar, at first, but when I looked back there, Annabelle was gone.”

  “I’m not going back to the hospital,” Oscar interjects. His bored expression is strangely convincing, yet the steel underlying the casual tone makes it obvious we’re in for a fight.

  “We’ll discuss that later,” I say before a fight can erupt. Gently, I push myself up to face the others more squarely. Pain ripples through my worn-out body and, for the millionth time since my stupid hunger decided to show up full force, I curse being a Godling. Biting back the pain and fear alike, I look at Zander. My voice is trembling by the time I finally find the strength to speak. “Why would she run away? I thought she was all in on this plan.”

  “She was!” He shakes his head.

  The confusion and doubt are clearly eating him up. Ketchup and I share a look. We’re right there with Zander on the confusion, but outweighing it is straight-up fear. Everything we just went through will be for nothing if Annabelle double-crosses us. My hands start shaking. She knows everything—about the deal we made with the Eroi to spy on the Godlings in exchange for my safety and where the Eroi compound is… where Ivy is.

  I try to understand, but I can’t. “How could she do this to us?” I demand, my voice suddenly gaining strength.

  “We don’t know if she’s done anything,” Zander says. His body language says something entirely different. Uncertainty is crushing him.

  “Why else would she run if not to tell David everything that just happened?” Ketchup snaps. “Wake up, Zander! Your girlfriend just betrayed us to the Godlings! This feels a little too familiar, doesn’t it?”

  Zander’s head starts shaking back and forth. “No. No, she wouldn’t. She doesn’t trust David any more than we do. She wants to get away from him, too.”

  “Is that what she told you?” Ketchup demands.

  The anger coming off him in waves stirs my hunger, begging it to lap up his fear and act. Focusing becomes difficult. Somewhere in the distance, I can hear Zander and Ketchup arguing about Annabelle, but the words don’t penetrate my rising hunger. My fingers dig into the seat cushion as I try to restrain myself. The full-body ache that has plagued me for weeks intensifies, tempting me to gather in my hunger and make Annabelle pay for running.

  Suddenly, Oscar’s hand clamps down on my shoulder. His harsh grip is enough to momentarily grab my attention, but he isn’t looking at me. Instead, he is focused on Zander and Ketchup. “If you two want to keep arguing, by all means, go ahead. Just don’t blame me when Van turns your girl-squabble into a bloodbath.”

  They both blink, and then turn to look at me. I don’t know what I look like, barely holding onto rational thought as I fight against my hunger, but they both freeze. Their anger drops away in an instant. I gasp, as if I have just come up from drowning, and fall back against my seat.

  “Now,” Oscar says, his eerie calm making everyone shiver, “I suggest we discuss this situation rationally, or I will simply let Van loose on Annabelle and see what shakes out.”

  “She’s not going to betray us,” Zander says though clenched teeth.

  “Then why would she run?” Ketchup demands.

  The tension between them renews, the fear and anger from a moment ago rising quickly. I fight to keep control. Breathing like Chris taught me, I listen with only half my attention.

  “Annabelle would never do that to me,” Zander defends. “She promised she was with us, no matter what.”

  “She’s also a Godling.” Ketchup folds his arms across his chest. “None of them can be trusted.”

  Zander’s shoulders pull together tightly. “She’s different.”

  “That’s what she wants you to believe, and we all know how good a judge of character you are,” Ketchup snaps. “She’s probably been playing you this whole time! Why would she come here, if not on David’s orders?”

  The pain pulsing out of Zander right now stabs into me. My breath catches, and I double over. I want to comfort Zander, but only to get rid of the pain. I fear Ketchup is right, and Zander has made a horrible mistake in trusting Annabelle. My hands fumble for the door, and I nearly fall out of the truck.

  Doors pop open around me as Zander and Ketchup scramble out of the truck, but I stumble away from them. “Stop,” I bark sharply. “Get away from me!”

  They both slow, not seeming to know what to do. Both of them want to help, but neither can calm themselves enough to get near me without stirring my hunger. I lean against a nearby dumpster and take a deep breath. Instantly, I regret that move. Foul odors seep into my lungs, and I break into a fit of coughing. A moment later, I nearly jump out of my skin when a hand touches my shoulder.

  “Relax,” Oscar says. “I sent them back to the truck.” His casual tone matches his slack posture. I shake my head, unable to understand how he can stay so calm about this.

  “Oscar, we have to do something.” I push away from the dumpster slowly. “We can’t let Annabelle tell David anything.”

  Nodding slowly, Oscar stares at nothing.

  His silence only irritates me, and
the weight of his hand on my shoulder is killing me. Shoving his arm away, I look up at him in exasperation. “What are we going to do?”

  “What isn’t the question.”

  I groan in frustration. We do not have time for riddles! “Then what is the question?” I demand.

  “Who should do it,” he says.

  I stare up at him, wanting to shake my head. “Do what?”

  “Kill Annabelle.”

  “What?” I shriek.

  Oscar looks over at me, his face wrinkled in a perplexed expression. “It’s the only way to ensure her silence. Protecting you is more important than anything else, Nessie Girl.”

  “Worth killing?”

  “Of course,” Oscar says. He stares at me like I am being intentionally thick. I shrink back as I get the impression that this is not the first time he’s come to this conclusion. Thoughts of my parents, of their bodies lying in their caskets, fill my mind for just a moment before I firmly shove the memories and the tears away.

  “Oscar,” I say slowly, “let’s not jump to murder right away. How about we focus on finding her, first?”

  He shrugs, like it doesn’t really matter. Maybe he doesn’t think debating about it does matter, because it will end the same, either way. I sigh, knowing this could go bad very quickly. The last thing we need are the cops showing up to find Oscar not in the hospital and the rest of us standing around a dead redhead.

  “We need to go to her apartment,” Oscar says, startling me.

  “You really think she’d go there?” I ask. “It’s the first place we’d look.”

  Oscar turns to look at me slowly. “If she’s innocent, that’s exactly where she’ll run.” He turns away and stares back out at the parking lot. “If she’s the liar I suspect she is, she’s already on her way to David.”


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