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Page 11

by Girl, Breukelen

  She watched his head dip as he sought out the taste he’d been craving all week. Causing Tatum to cry out in pleasure as his tongue began its sensual awakening of her. Her juices dripping down his chin as he tasted and relished in her passion and scent. Tatum wriggled against him, trying to cope with the build-up of pleasure she was experiencing.

  Wiatt brought it out in her easily and all Tatum could do was go with it, try and ride the crescendo to its peak as he tasted her and took her to new heights of pleasure. It was like a craving finally being filled, after so long and it was too much for her to take, as her hips raised up and Wiatt pushed them down, keeping his mouth on her sensitive lips. Teasing her pleasure out of her.

  “Yes, yes.” Tatum panted as she tried to keep her hips down as Wiatt’s hands pushed them down while her hands raked through his hair. “Yes, Wiatt, yes.” Tatum panted feeling the rapid rise of her orgasm surface. She cried out loudly as she came in his mouth and Wiatt drank her down fast and greedily, wanting every bit of her.

  After Wiatt was sure Tatum had come a he pushed up and moved himself further up her body. “I need to come too. It’s driving my body insane, not having you.” Tatum watched as he freed his cock from his jeans and started jerking off over her. Tatum’s eyes went wide as she watched him and felt herself getting turned on again by his action. He got six strokes in before his hips jerked forward and he spurted his seed out onto her abdomen and breasts and they both watched as it coated her.

  “You smell good.” She husked looking down at his seed coating her body. “Really good.”

  “It’s the blood, the meat and sex. A triple treat for lunar week.” Wiatt said panting between breathes. He moved her leg and rolled over onto his back, panting loudly beside her. “God damn.”

  “Amen to that.” Tatum commented as they lay side by side on the kitchen floor.

  “What happened here, tonight Tay?” Wiatt asked through the foggy sex addled-ness of his brain.

  “I thought, I don’t know. That you were going to come over and have dinner and…” she gulped down a breath. “I couldn’t hold out, I tried to and it just…didn’t work. And then I felt the shift coming on …I don’t know.”

  After some time they got up off the floor and moved to the bathroom. Where Tatum cleaned up, as there wasn’t enough room for them both in there at the same time. Still, Wiatt stood in the doorway watching Tatum clean herself. Running his hands over himself as she did, washing his seed off her.

  Tatum stepped out of the shower dripping water everywhere and Wiatt bent down to suck the water from her naked skin. Tatum moaned. “You keep making me horny.” She said as he tongued her nipple. Wiatt straightened up and smiled back at her. “Well we can’t have that.” He reached for her hand and led her to the bedroom. “I think the best way to keep you’re wolf under control Miss Lee is provide it with plenty of orgasms.” Wiatt said laying down beside her, his jeans still undone, displaying a neat nest of hair to his hidden cock.

  “Really Mr D’arenberg, what kind of girl do you take me for?” Tatum said in mock indignity as she nipped at Wiatt’s lip.

  Wiatt groaned. “I’ll take you anyway I can damn well have you.” He replied thrusting two fingers into her. Tatum gasped out loud and opened her legs up further to him. She wanted him to take her, anyway he was willing to take her. Wiatt thrust his fingers back and forth inside of her fast as his mouth consumed hers in a kiss designed to lose her sense outside of anything but his touch.


  In the morning of the fourth day of lunar week, Tatum awoke with Wiatt D’arenberg in her bed, he lay on his stomach on the bed, still in his jeans, his bare feet hanging over the end of the bed, with an arm thrown out over her body. Tatum smiled to herself, sliding out from under Wiatt’s unconscious possession of her. She left him in her bed, slipped on her mini silk robe and headed off to make them breakfast. Walking into the kitchen, had never made her so happy as she looked down at the floor, and the dried blood splatter n it and memories of the night before rushed her. Tatum walked over to her fridge and rummaged around for the packet of bacon she knew as in there. Wiatt’ walked out into the main room, all magnificently sleepy and dishevelled, Tatum thought watching him stretch out his arms and shoulders.

  “Good morning,” Tatum muttered as Wiatt glanced over his shoulder at her.

  “Morning.” He replied and rotated his neck. He walked over to the kitchen bench and picked up her cell phone sitting on top of it. He pressed a few buttons on screen and then put the phone back down again. “My phone number, so anytime you feel like you did last night, you call me first.”

  Tatum left the bacon and eggs on the counter and walked over to Wiatt who was facing the windows that overlooked the streetscape outside and below. He reached for her as she walked over and pulled her into him sharply. Kissing her mouth quickly. They parted for air and Wiatt said “Now that’s a good start to this morning.”

  Tatum smirked at him before looking him over. His morning erection was once again, obviously outlined in his jeans. “I could make it a really good morning.” She stated sliding her hand into his still undone jeans and cupping his balls. Wiatt watched her closely.

  “Really good, huh?”

  “Really, really, really good.” Tatum replied fondling his balls and causing Wiatt to sigh with appreciation. Tatum slid down Wiatt’s front her face coming level with the undone fly on his jeans. Something caught Wiatt's peripheral vision from outside as Tatum slide down his front and he halted her his hands under her shoulders as he looked out at the rooftop opposite her apartment. It was then that he remembered he hadn't called Zane and Ash off the job.

  "Ugh, you know I've got to get going." Wiatt said pulling Tatum back up to her feet before him.

  She was frowning at him, looking hurt and confused again. Wiatt hated himself for making her feel that. But he had to get to Ash and Zane. If the two werewolves had been doing their job, which Wiatt knew they would have been doing, then he could only imagine what they'd witnessed and concluded about his behaviour with Tatum. no not Tatum, to them she was just a lycan, but nit to him. he turned abruptly to search for his shoes and jacket. He had to call them off.

  Tatum stood in the living room, watching him dash all around the room. He was running out on her. Again. He didn't even say goodbye as he slipped on his shoes and reached the front door, before going. Tatum walked over to her couch as the front door opened again and Wiatt rushed over to her and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her into him and kissing Tatum hard.

  "Hold that thought." He muttered placing another peck on her lips before running out the door again.

  Tatum flopped down on the couch as he left her alone. Again. Not sure what to make of his behaviour.

  "Like Lunar weeks not hard enough to get through, I have to figure out Wiatt D'arenbeg." Tatum muttered to herself. She stayed there in stunned silence for a while trying to understand what had just happened and why. What had she done wrong? Tatum got up and started cooking herself the bacon and eggs she'd meant to cook for both her and Wiatt.


  A knock at her door caught her attention and she switched off the stove. Padding over to the door she said "Lucky, I was just about to eat your breakfast." as she opened it.

  "I hope not since my breakfast is in my stomach." A tall woman said back at her. She had fine grey streaks in her hair that added to her richness. Tatum’s smile dropped off her face instantly. The woman was beautiful in a cool, ice queen kind of way and she looked perfectly polished, not a hair out of place in her chignon hairstyle. "Careful what you say dear, it could be mistaken as an act of aggression to the wrong person."

  "You mean werewolf." Tatum replied automatically trying to figure out why the woman looked familiar to her. She looked elegant and expensive and like an utter snob. The perfect Manhattan socialite. Especially with the bitch vibes coming off her.

  "Yes." Her guest announced. Nobody but Wiatt and the owners of the building knew she lived there. Tha
t and probably the werewolf she’d run into yesterday, when he said he’d been following her under Wiatt’s instructions. Which was something she had to talk to him about. Then it hit her, where she knew the woman from.

  "Your Wiatt's mother." Tatum said softly with realisation of where she recognised the older wolf from. She'd seen her the day before, when the other werewolf had confronted her about Wiatt.

  "Yes, I'm Marion D'arenberg, and I hear you’re the lacy he's been sleeping with. Can I come I'm?" She asked starting to walk in past Tatum.

  Tatum watched her walk in and closed the door behind her. Marion looked around the bare room and looked over at Tatum. "Do you want a drink?" Tatum asked thrown by Marion's appearance in her living room.

  "No dear, what I want is for you to leave my son alone."

  Tatum crossed her arms over her silk robe. "We'll that's not really up to you know is it?" Tatum responded defensively.

  "No it's not. It would be for his pack leader to decide. Because that's how life works in a werewolf pack. And if you think I'm going to play his brother, the pack leader off against him, then you are very foolishly, mistaken. I will hurt you before you hurt either of my sons or them each other."

  "So you thought you'd just ask me nicely to stay away from Wiatt." Tatum said with sarcasm.

  Marion laughed at her. "Don't be ridiculous; wolf females are anything but nice. We are called bitches for a reason. I'm quite prepared to pay you to leave him."

  Tatum stared hard at the older female. Was she really doing this? Did people really do this when they felt threatened by someone? Someone like her, a lycan, a lone wolf without a damn pack. How big a damn threat could she be if she was so damn inferior to all of them? She felt her anger rise. What was wrong with these werewolves? They sure seemed to have a superiority complex and now what, an inferiority one? “How much?”

  Marion D’areberg pulled out her white Chanel clutch purse and pulled some notes out of it. “Five hundred.”

  “Is that all your son is worth to you?” Tatum replied.

  Marion reached into her purse again. “I’ll give you three thousand dollars, but you have to go today. Now. You have to leave Manhattan all together.” She replied holding up a fan of notes for Tatum to see. Tatum opened her mouth and Marion shook the fan of money at her. “I won’t be had. We can do this the easy way, which believe me this is. Or we can do this the hard way, which means I place a call to some werewolves at my disposal in this pack, and they come here and grab you. Whether they then follow through with the rest of my instructions, well, who can say. Everyone gets a little twitchy during lunar week. Now, what’s it to be?”


  “You smell, different.” Paris D’arenberg greeted his brother with as he sat down with him, wrinkling up his nose. “Look different too.”

  Wiatt scratched his head, he hadn’t bother to go home and shower and was under no false illusions about what he smelt like, probably sex, blood and wolf. A combination that he rather liked himself, but in lunar week, might be a bit strong to the average werewolf nose. Wiatt had stopped at a saviour shop in Chinatown to purchase a white I heart NY t-shirt for his otherwise bare chest. He’d then called Paris and said he needed to talk to him. They’d met at a café. Wiatt looked over at his brother. “I’m in trouble here.”

  Paris’s body language shifted immediately to a tensed and alert mode. “I find that hard to believe Wiatt. You’re the good child, remember? I’m the one who gets into trouble. What kind of trouble are we talking about?”

  “I’m fallen for someone I’m not meant to fall for.” Wiatt rushed out stirring his coffee repeatedly.

  “I did wonder when you were going to tell me about that.” Paris said back at him, relaxing again as they sat watching the street outside them. Wiatt looked at his brother surprised by what he was hearing. Paris didn’t look happy, relaxed but not happy.

  “You knew?”

  Paris nodded his head simply whilst picking up his coffee and sipping from it.

  “But how?” Wiatt asked still stirring his coffee, he’d felt so discreet going to Tatum in Chinatown and only spending time at night with her. He thought he’d been limiting his activity with her, when really, he wanted to do a great deal more. He wanted to see her far more than he had, he wanted to touch her, taste her. Wiatt shook his head, it was far too easy to get side-tracked when he started thinking about Tatum.

  “Gabby Colton, come on Wiatt.” Paris said putting his coffee back down.

  “What? No, not Gabby. That’s over, well and truly over. That’s never going to happen again, ever.” Wiatt declared as his stomach rumbled. “I need breakfast.” He watched Paris signal a waitress to them with nothing more than a smile and a look in her direction. Wiatt ordered food and marvelled at his brother’s lady killer abilities silently.

  “So it’s true then, you were sleeping with Gabby.” Paris said looking at his brother.

  Wiatt frowned back at him. “Huh? Wait, you really didn’t know about Gabby? So you just bluffed me?”

  “I suspected as much. After the other night at Midnight Blue when you spoke to her, and then left, if she hadn’t left I wouldn’t have been any wiser about it. But her leaving made me think something was up.”

  “She left that place like an hour after me, how could you possibly get that from that?” Wiatt asked surprised by his brother’s savy-ness, again.

  “She’s my pack mates enemy. I pack extra attention to those that would come after her.” Paris replied grimly serious. “And I watch Gabby, because I’m not allowed to kill her.”

  Wiatt wiped his hand over his open mouth. He knew all that information. He’d seen Bg after the attack. He’d known how evil it was what Gabby had done and yet, after a few months had passed, he’d ended up thinking with his cock, when she’d come onto him. This was as close to a warning of disapproval as he’d ever gotten off his older brother. His aggression level had just retched up several notches all because of the topic of conversation.

  “We’ll we’re cool, cause I’m not seeing Gabby anymore.”

  “How long were you two sleeping together?” Paris asked him. Wiatt moved to make way for the waitress as she placed his food order down in front of him. Wiatt’s mouth watered at the sight of pancakes.

  “Awhile.” Wiatt admitted. “A year, but it was nothing serious. But that’s not who I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “I’ll bet.” Paris looked away from his brother. He couldn’t say he was happy for Wiatt even if it was Gabby he wanted to be with, because he wasn’t. Gabby wasn’t someone Paris could like anymore, not after she’d come after his pack mate and tried to kill her. And that his own brother would then choose to associate with her, behind his back knowing how much Paris disapproved of Gabby or wanted her anywhere near their pack hierarchy, was just poor judgement on Wiatt’s behalf. It wasn’t like the younger werewolf didn’t have bed buddy options.

  Wiatt cut into his pancakes and shoved them onto his fork. “Her name’s Tatum Lee, and she’s a lycan.”

  Paris’s eyebrows shot up. “You’re going from Gabby Colton an alpha werewolf sociopath to a lycan?”

  “Yep.” Wiatt stated. He watched his brother try and make the connection and connect the dots to figure out how he worked. He laughed lightly. “She came onto my radar before lunar week and I was going to teach her how to control her wolf abilities. She’s new to the whole lycan thing and I was going to figure out how to send her on her way, then lunar week happened and I find myself dragging my feet and hovering around her rather constantly.”

  Paris let out a heavy breath. “Are you sure this isn’t just lunar week fling?”

  “Yep.” Wiatt replied shovelling pancake into his mouth. Wiatt looked at his brother as he chewed his food. “I’ve never had a female cause my brain to short circuit before.” Paris looked at him like he was crazy. “I mean, you know me, mister in control. I know my job, I know what needs doing and I get it done.”

  “Right.” Paris replie
d picking up his coffee again. “Golden child.”

  “She made me forget.” Wiatt replied putting his cutlery down.

  “Forget what?”

  “Everything, but her.” Wiatt said picking up his coffee. “I mean, how the hell does she do it when I’m not there?” Paris smirked back at him and sipped his coffee silently. “What? You know something I don’t know? Share, all knowing alpha.”

  “You’re gone.” He chuckled finishing before finishing off his coffee. “That’s the least of her tricks.”

  “So Bg is like that, to you yeah?”

  “More than that. She’s like my moon, my night and the new day all rolled into one. It’s crazy cause I wasn’t expecting it, wasn’t looking for her to be. I thought I was just you know, getting a bit of cute tail.”

  “So what happened?” Wiatt asked intrigued by his discussion with his brother. They rarely talked about Bg like this. All Wiatt knew about Paris and his pack mate’s get together was he’d met her out of town and then they’d started dating back in New York.

  “I have no way of explaining it rationally. Something just draws you into her and then you just don’t want to let go of her, again. If you’re wolf is fixated on her, you can’t do anything but go with it. Go to her.” Paris said looking back at Wiatt.

  “So I’m screwed.” Wiatt muttered with a mouthful of food at his smiling brother.

  “Sounds like you’ve probably been screwing all week.”

  “I wish.” Wiatt muttered softly.

  “Really? Oh damn man. If it doesn’t hit you like this out of lunar week, then you’re free to go on with life as you know it, so no problem right?”

  Wiatt looked down at his food and cut into it again in silence. When he thought of Tatum Lee the lycan, it didn’t feel temporary, it didn’t feel fleeting or like a fling. He felt it all over, in the fibre of his muscles. He’d never felt like this before. Never. “But she’s a lycan and don’t we, the pack have a no lycans policy?”


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