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Page 14

by Girl, Breukelen

  “We’re not alone. Stay put and whatever you do, don’t run.” Hooper muttered in a low voice as pulled off his t-shirt and started stripping out of his shorts. Tatum watched him strip off and crouch down, readying himself for a shape shift. She’d never witnessed a shape shift before, never seen them happen. Didn’t have any idea of how to do it at will rather than have it overcome her on full moon night an well, any lunar night that it happened.

  Hooper’s shift was smooth, if she could call it that. His muscles flexed and moved and his body shaped itself accordingly and as it did that fur appeared and the next thing Tatum knew, it wasn’t Wiatt crouched beside her, it was a rather large looking grey wolf with beige colouring on his under side and paws. Hooper the wolf turned his head and snorted at her, as if reminding her yet again, to stay put where she was as he trotted off into the woods, leaving Tatum where she was, clinging to her bag and looking around at the darkness of the woods as dusk settled over them.


  By the time the D’arenberg brothers got to Van Corlandt Park, the sun had set and darkness of night was falling upon The Bronx. Paris looked up at the sky underneath the front windscreen of his Porsche. “We need to get this done, sooner rather than later.” He said as a dusty orange El Comino with black racing stripes on the hood, pulled up beside the Porsche and Booker Parish stepped out of the driver side.

  “I know.” Wiatt said opening the car door and stepping out of the car.

  “Boys.” Booker greeted them with throwing off his top. They nodded their heads back at Booker in silent greeting. “My brother phoned me when he got here, that was awhile ago. But I see his car is still here. Which means they’re still here, he’d have phoned me to tell me otherwise.”

  Wiatt grabbed his t-shrit and pulled the neck of it, up and over his head, throwing it back in the passenger seat. Paris did the same over at the driver side door. “If my car gets nicked, stripped for parts or torched from this hood, you are paying for its replacement. I will bill you.” He said undoing the belt on his pants as he undid his pants. Wiatt kicked off his shoes and undid he jeans.

  “She’s worth it.” Wiatt said closing the passenger door.

  Paris threw the rest of his clothes into the car and closing the car door and putting his car key under the front car tyre. Wiatt looked over at his brother. Paris nodded at him and they ran off naked, into the darkened woodlands of Van Cortlandt Park. Once they hit the woods, the three males shape shift to their werewolf self. Crouching in a protective circle with their backs to one another, they each took turns to shift to their werewolf self. Knowing shape shifting was the most vulnerable time a werewolf cold be attacked, the other two males, waited their turn. So that they were at the ready to battle any would be attackers should they approach during one of their shifts.

  Wiatt’s werewolf was large and like the male himself, streamlined, Paris’s werewolf was much like him himself, large and intimidating looking. Paris started sniffing the ground around them. Wiatt sniffed the air around them, trying to pick up a scent for them to follow. Booker Parish’s lycan was as big as Paris’s wolf and looked like he carried muscle upon muscle. Great for fighting, but not necessarily built for speed.

  It was Wiatt who picked up the lycan sent on the wind first and turned towards it, barking at Paris and Booker to follow him. They sprinted through the woods quickly noses to the ground as the scent got stronger. Wiatt was picking up at least five scents in the woods, and they were all lycan and none of them were Tatum’s he realised. Paris lifted his head and directed Booker to take the flank around to the right and started off to the left, lifting his head to indicate Wiatt should go down the middle of them.

  Trotting off, Wiatt did as directed and kept looking and sniffing the ground. The scents got stronger. He looked around him, trying to be alert. The lycans could be anywhere, especially if it was their regular lunar week hangout. That would make sense as to why they’re scent was all over the park. Being local would give them a huge advantage over Tatum and Hooper if Hooper was even with her. Wiatt hoped Hooper was with Tatum and that he could protect her.

  He hadn’t had enough time to get information out of Booker, options were limited and time was of the essence, so when he’d just agreed to Booker’s plan. Even though Booker’s brother was a lycan. He actually thought a werewolf would freak Tatum out less, but beggars didn’t’ get to be choosers when in a hard place. Now there was four of them on Tatum’s side and that evened up the odds somewhat so Wiatt didn’t mind. He was ready to fight. To fight for him and Tatum, after all the bullshit about their classing and pairing together, the end result was that Wiatt wanted Tatum and he was pretty damn sure, she wanted him right back.

  The wind blew through the woods and Wiatt lifted his nose, the thing with lycans was, from what he knew of them so far, that they tried to act more human in their thinking when in wolf form, than like they’re animal part. So they often failed to do simple things that would advantage them, like be down wind when being hunted. Sure enough, Wiatt got the direction the strongest lycan scent was coming from he let out a howl to alert Booker and Paris before following it.


  Tatum heard the wolf’s howl and looked around her sharply it sounded close and Hooper had left her there with instructions not to move. The night was getting darker and she was sitting with her back to a tree, freaking out over every little noise the forest around her made. And it made plenty and Tatum knew it wasn’t helping her to feel the push of wolf self throbbing under her skin. She was pretty sure soon she’d have to shift to her wolf self and that wouldn’t be good. Not only because she didn’t know how to control the shift, but because she didn’t think she’d be in any better a position as a wolf than she was as a single female, being hunted on a full moon night in a dark, unfamiliar park land.

  Bushes rustled around her and leaves scattered across the ground before her. She sniffed the air, trying to ready herself for whatever may come next. Dirt and fauna were the first things she smelt, then the scent of a wolf, that wasn’t Hooper. Tatum pulled her legs in and slowly backed herself up into a crouch. She wished she had something in her bag that she could use as a weapon, but she didn’t have anything but clothes and money.

  “I should’ve fought harder for us Wiatt.” She muttered to herself. “Should’ve stood up to your mom.” She said as her eyes adjusted to the dimming light around her and she looked from right to left frantically. “Should never have given in.” The bushes parted and a wolf jumped through them growling as it leaped at her. Tatum’s heart raced and she grabbed her bag throwing it in front of her at the snarling lycan. Just as a second lycan broke into the area and walked towards her. Tatum’s eyes widened, she figured she only had about one shot at hitting the wolf before she was a goner. The first lycan was already throwing her bag aside and creeping towards her too.

  A large growl erupted to the left of Tatum and from behind her and two more wolves joined the throw and she stood up, backing up against the tree. She no longer knew what to do; they essentially had her cut off her escape in a circle around her. But the wolf behind her and to the left of her, didn’t attack her, they stepped up and in front of her, growling at the lycans. Tatum felt relief flitter through her. The one of the left was particularly vicious snarling and growling and not backing down from advancing on the lycans who now, stood still.

  The two lycans snarled back but it wasn’t nearly as menacing as the two larger werewolves that kept advancing on them, driving them backwards towards the forest undergrowth. Another growl entered the fray and the lycans turned around to see two other wolves, nearly as big as the werewolves, closing in on them. Two of the wolf’s snouts was coated in blood and they sneered at the lycans showing his bloody fangs.

  Tatum had no way of knowing who was who. But she could tell the good wolves from the bad ones. She stayed where she was plastered with her back to the tree, watching as the lycans tried to figure their way out of their predicament. They were heavily outnumbered.<
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  All the wolves started growling at one another and Tatum held her breath, as the circle around the lycans got tighter on them. They would have to fight their way out. There was no other option. It happened fast. One lycan lunged at one of the circling wolves and that was all it took for an all in brawl of snapping teeth, growling and flesh tearing. Blood spurted out and Tatum looked away, she couldn’t watch, not being able to figure out which wolf was Wiatt in the bloody fight. The sounds of growling and wet flesh and whining haunted her as she kept her head turned away from the sight of the wolves blood bath just a few metres before her. Tears sprang to her eyes and she cried, sobbing into the tree, as the sounds around her got louder and more vicious.

  It only made it worse for her to stand there through it all when the smell of the blood, made her heart race and her libido fire up. Part of her knew it was inappropriate and wrong to be so damn turned on by what was happening before her, death and destruction by wolf. But the other part of her, the lycan part didn’t care about those kind of sensibilities at all and it wanted its fill. She turned her head back to the fight and saw the fur and blood in motion and she whined in desire watching as those that would hurt her, were torn down before her very wolf like eyes.


  It didn’t take long to kill the two lycans. After they were torn apart by Paris and Wiatt and Booker and Hooper. Each wolf grabbing a part of a lycan before them and simply sinking their fangs into the their prey and tearing at them from different angles.

  Wiatt turned his snout to the woman standing by the tree before him. He moved towards her slowly, as if not to frighten her. He stopped short of her, a metre away and lay down on his side. Shivering violently as he body shook into spasms, changing before Tatum’s eyes into a naked male laying on the ground.

  “Wiatt.” She whispered.

  Wiatt D’arenberg shook his to clear the fogginess of a fast shape shift and stood up, wobbling on his feet as he stepped towards her. “I got you.” Tatum said lunging forward to catch him and steady him on his feet. Wiatt looked up at her, brushed her hair out of her face and kissed her hard on the mouth, his tongue diving deep into her warmth. Tatum moaned through the kiss even as tears rolled down her eyes.

  Wiatt deepened the kiss and they both collapsed down to the ground on their knees holding one another. “Are you okay?” Wiatt asked breaking for air and resting his forehead against hers.

  “Yes, now that you’re here.” She replied with a smile back at him.

  “We don’t have much time.” Wiatt said pulling back and looking at her. “You’re going to need to shift, you’re eyes have already changed. And you’re skins sweating, like its readying for the shift.” He said looking her over. “Once you shift, you need to stick close to me. I’m not familiar with these woods and there are other lycans in it. They’re likely to think you’re an unmated female because you don’t have a male wolf’s scent all over you, and they’ll still come after you.”

  Tatum looked at him wide eyed. “Not if you mate with me.” She said looking at him. “Right?”

  “Tatum, you don’t know what you’re asking.” Wiatt replied gripping her arms. “You’re talking about me taking you in wolf form and mating with you and possibly impregnating you. Look all you have to do is shape shift and I’ll shift and we’ll guide you out of the park to the car. I’ll help you out of your shift and we’ll leave this place.”

  Tatum moved to straddle Wiatt’s lap. “Or you could just make love to me, right here, right now.” She said running her nose up along, under his throat and up his neck.

  “Tay,” He groaned. “I want to make love to you, I just didn’t picture this as our first time setting.” She nipped at his ear and Wiatt groaned happily again.

  “Pretty please, Wiatt.” She murmured into his ear.

  Wiatt’s grip on her forearms tightened and he growled hungrily, flipping her over onto her back, and pushing her skirt up even as she pulled her underwear down an off herself. Wiatt kissed her again as he positioned himself between her legs, raising her knees up. “Don’t say I never give you what you want.” He muttered thrusting into her sharply.

  Tatum raised her hips up and cried out as he started thrusting hard into her. “Damn it you were made for me.” He muttered he keeping pace and encouraging Tatum to wrap her legs around his waist as he slammed into her repeatedly fast.

  Paris snorted at Booker and Hooper and the three remaining wolves, slowly turned in a circle. So that they had their backs to the couple fucking away like their very lives depended on it, in the leaves of Van Corlandt Park. One of the wolves whined like he was jealous as Wiatt looked over at him and smiled before returning his gaze back to Tatum.

  Tatum couldn’t help but cry out with each thrust he made into her. It was like he knew just how to hit a home run, with her each time. Waves of pleasure built in her, each one faster than the last. Each one bigger than the next. She was going to drown in the pleasure her body was not capable of containing from having him inside her.

  “Tay, open your eyes, look at me.” Wiatt panted as he kept thrusting. Tatum looked up at Wiatt and panted loudly. “You’re going to want to shift right after this,” He said groaning out the last word. “It’s natural, don’t fight your orgasm. Go with it, let it take you so I can take you in wolf form again.” Wiatt panted doing his very best to control his own building orgasm. Tatum tried to nod her head that she understood him, but she couldn’t move, her body was getting ready to explode with pleasure. “Come on Tay, take me over the edge with you.” He muttered watching her get closer to her orgasm. “And we’ll shape shift together. Give it to me baby.” He muttered as her mouth dropped open and a howl erupted from Tatum’s mouth, a strangled cry between human and wolf as she came and came again.


  Waking up in an unfamiliar bed, in unfamiliar surroundings made Tatum sit up alert. Only to find a heavy arm draped across her. Turning she saw Wiatt snoozing beside her under the covers of the bed. “It’s okay,” he mumbled beside her. “I got you.” Tatum let out a breath and slid back down into the bed, turning to face her werewolf lover. Wiatt opened his eyes and smiled sleepily at her. “We’re at home, where you belong.” He reached forward and kissed the tip of her nose.

  “But how?”

  “I shifted early this morning back at the park, before you did, so I just got up and carried your wolf self back to the car with me. You seemed pretty tired from such a big night out.” Wiatt replied. “Drove us back to my place and put you in bed with me, so when you shifted back, you’d be comfortable.”

  “I don’t know how to thank you, all of you, I don’t even know who the others were, apart from Hooper. Who I maybe, insulted by the way. Lycan diplomacy is apparently not my thing.”

  Wiatt chuckled back at her. “Don’t worry about it.” He yawned tiredly. “We’re all rather used to it, well, except for Hooper I suppose. I should thank him, I’ve never met Booker’s brother before. I wasn’t aware he was a lycan as well. I’d rather have a werewolf have met you, but time was kind of limited and so were our options. Paris is rather used to having to do things last minute, comes with the job description of pack leader. He’ll be a bit shitty about not getting to be with his pack mate last night, but he’ll get over it. And Booker, well, maybe I should just send the Parish boys a fruit basket for lending their help.”

  Tatum snuggled in closer to him. “So are you telling me that I can expect that much danger and excitement each full moon night in New York?”

  “God I hope not. It’s tiring.” Wiatt smirked as his hand slid down her side and under the bed cover. “Especially the exciting bits.”

  “Which bits were they?”

  “The making love parts. Shall I remind you?” Wiatt said pressing his morning erection against her. Tatum’s hand dropped down to stroke it.

  “If you wouldn’t mind. Some parts of last night were just a blur to me.” She said back at him grinning.

  “Hmmm.” Wiatt rolled over and on top of
her again. Reaching across to his beside table he pulled out the top drawer and produced a condom. “Don’t think me bad, but I don’t want to be slow about this.” He said sitting up to open the packet and roll the condom down onto his hard cock. “I feel like this whole week has gone in slow monition and I’m getting rather impatient when it comes to taking you.”

  “So lucky that lunar week is over then, huh? And we can get a grip on our hormones again.” She said circling her hand around his cock and pulling it hard. Wiatt groaned in pleasure as he parted her legs.

  “That’s what you think.” He muttered pushing into her wetness. Contrary to his words, he moved slowly with her, finding their rhythm together.


  The D’arenberg family dinner and get together was a regular occurrence. Usually happening once every month. This month, it was just happened to fall on the first night at the end of lunar week. Paris D’arenberg was the first to arrive with his pack mate, Bg by his side. Marion D’arenberg opened the door to greet them.

  “Mom.” Paris said kissing both her cheeks and heading in as Bg greeted Marion next. But their hosts line of sight and attention was focussed on her next guest behind Bg Sommers. Wiatt in a suit greeted his mother, standing in front of him, was the lycan she’d encountered the day before. Her eyes went wide. She hadn’t expected her son to out rightly defy her to her face.

  The D’arenberg family dinners were merely for family. Guests were not invited. Unless they were pack mates of her sons. And whilst her oldest, Paris had paired off with Bg Sommers, a Breukelen werewolf, her youngest, Wiatt had shown no signs of giving up singledom. Which was fine with Marion, because neither of her sons, ever were so callous as to just bring any female date with them to the standing dinner invitation.


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