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Jagged Edge: Jason and Raine - M/M Gay romance

Page 1

by Jo Raven

  Table of Contents

  Part One

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Part Two

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Part Three

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  Jagged Edge

  Jason and Raine

  Jo Raven



  Part I

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Part II

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Part III

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38



  Character list


  Jo Says

  Author Bio

  Have you read the Inked Brotherhood series?


  I don’t want Jason Vega.

  Not at all. It’s the worst idea ever.

  Ah hell…

  Jason is handsome. Smart. Dangerous. Hot.

  He’s goddamn gorgeous—but he’s also sleeping on the street, hanging out with the local biker gang and selling his body for a living.

  Our lives, our paths couldn’t be further apart. I’m crawling toward the light, while he’s falling into the dark.

  But it doesn’t matter how different we are, or what logic dictates.

  I really shouldn’t want Jason Vega—but I just can’t stop.

  He’s under my skin, and sinking deeper…

  Jagged Edge

  Copyright © Jo Raven 2017

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, events, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  * * *

  Cover art: Clarissa Wild of BOOMING COVERS

  Photographer: Eric Battershell

  Models: Ryan VanDyke & Jason Dickinson

  Part One

  HUSH little baby, cozy and fair

  Daddy sits near, in his rocking chair

  the baby sleeps, and Daddy sings

  One time, two times, three times, four

  Five and then we go once more…

  Chapter One


  It’s not every day you celebrate your twenty-first birthday. Your first time getting wasted—like, legally and officially wasted, with your brother, and buddies, in your favorite joint in town. Boys’ night out.

  See, all the other times I got drunk don’t matter. Tonight, I’m seeing double with the blessings of the law.

  A law that hasn’t been on my side, ever—not when my parents didn’t give a damn, and when they vanished one day with my brother’s hard-earned savings never to be seen again. It almost broke Ocean.

  Doesn’t fucking matter. Life’s pretty good right now, this night, with a bottle of Jack on the table and the golden heat of it sliding down my throat, warming my chest.

  Everything’s glittery bright and awesome, even if a chick keeps trying to sit in my lap and won’t take a hint when I keep pushing her off.

  “Come on, Ryan,” she whines.

  “Raine,” I correct her yet again, and chuckle, because everything’s outrageously funny when you’re three sheets to the wind. “Get off me.”

  She pouts. “You’re cute. Take me home, Raine.”

  I roll my eyes, and the ceiling fractures into prismatic rainbows. I grin as the bar slowly spins. “Not today, sugar.”

  “Not ever. Right, junior?” Micah winks at me over the rim of his glass, blond hair cut so short it’s like gold dust on his head. Or, I am that drunk… “But wait. Maybe now you’re officially an adult, you’d like to give pussy a try, too?”

  “Nah.” I flip him off and push the girl more firmly off me. “Thanks anyway.”

  She shoots me a murderous look, then flounces off, a bit unsteadily, on her stilettos, looking for a new target.

  “You sure?”

  “Fuck you, Micah.”

  “Heh. Nah.” He grins drunkenly at me and leans over to pat my arm. Then he stage-whispers, “I don’t swing that way.”

  Yeah, yeah. I know. I’m the only one with zero interest in tits and pussies in this little group. The only one who likes dick. Also, being the youngest sucks. Getting called junior and kiddo gets old fast.

  But I can’t really complain. The Inked Brotherhood and the Damage Boyz, they’re a damn fine crew. Good people. A family. I can see why my brother likes it here in Madison, working at Damage Control.

  They’ve also sort of became my people over the three years I’ve spent here. I mean, sure, I don’t have the same connection to them as Ocean, but still. I’m always invited to all their get-togethers, and I seem to have suddenly found myself a bunch of older brothers.


  “Stop thinking so hard,” another voice says from my right, and I huff. “I can hear the booze sloshing between your ears.

  Said brother shoots me a sharp grin and takes the glass from my hand. Didn’t notice picking it up again.

  “S’up, Shun?” Shun as in Ocean, a nickname my brother only allows me to use.

  Ocean sighs. “You’re drunk off your ass.”

  “I thought it was called adulting. You guys do it all the fucking time.”

  “Very funny.”

  But it is, and I’ll never admit it, not even under threat of torture, but Ocean being protective and shit… I like it. Despite my bitching, I like him acting like the big brother that he is, my
big brother—because for a long time he didn’t. He just wasn’t there. He sent me away to an aunt who hated my guts, and I didn’t get to see him for fucking years.

  Which led to me missing him like hell, and simultaneously hating his guts for a long time.

  Of course, now I know why he had to do it, but it doesn’t stop me from relishing these moments when it’s like a throwback to the time we were kids at the trailer park, and he was my brother, and my parent, and my everything.

  “We should head home,” Ocean says.

  Although seriously, right now he’s being an ass, so I grab my goddamn glass back from him. “Chill, Shun. I’m not driving. And it’s still early.”

  “Early morning, you mean.”

  Christ, forget about liking this shit. Changed my mind. “You go, man. Go home to your girl and calm your tits. I’ll grab a cab.”

  “R. Come on. You work tomorrow.”

  “Or one of the guys will drive me.” I nod at Zane who’s returning from the bar, carrying two beers. “Zane’s cool. He’s already said he’d take me, since he doesn’t drink.”

  Ocean shakes his head, stares at something behind me, and sighs. “Why can’t you listen to me for once, kid?”

  What the hell, right? I glance around at the others. They look as confused by all this as I feel.

  “What the fuck, man?” Shane mutters, tucking long dark hair behind his ear where a silver dreamcatcher is dangling. “It’s our night out, and it’s his goddamn birthday. What just crawled up your ass and died?”

  There. Couldn’t have phrased it better.

  I lean back in my chair and level a glare at my brother. His blue hair is ruffled as if he’s been tugging on it. He’s been kinda stressed lately, with the wedding coming up and the new baby, but he’s happy. I know it. I see it on his face every single day.

  He’s amazed and thrilled and grateful for his girl and his baby and his friends, and maybe, I hope, even a tiny fucking bit for me—so why does he look like someone pissed in his drink?

  He sighs again, puts his glass down on the table and glances again behind me. Okay, what is back there that has him hooked like that?

  I turn to look over my shoulder, and I see him. Jason. The sight is a punch to my solar plexus, and I let out an involuntary gasp.

  Okay, it’s also not every day you see the man you can’t stop thinking about in front of you, the man you can’t stop dreaming about.

  With another man.

  That why my brother wanted me gone?

  “I won’t pick a fight with Jason,” I say quietly, “if that’s what’s worrying you.”

  “I’m not worried,” Ocean lies.

  At least, I think he does. There’s a faraway look in his eyes I don’t recognize.

  Jason Vega and me, we’ve crossed paths a few times. He’s friends with my brother and with Jesse Lee, one of the inkers of the shop where I work.

  But the last time I actually talked to Jason was years ago, three years in fact, and I insulted him. Pretty damn badly. I hadn’t realized at the time, but I was pissed at my brother, pissed at the world, and Jason had happened to be there. An easy target, someone I could shout at instead of my brother, my only real family.

  I’ve thought about this a lot since then. Why I called him out on being a hooker. Making it sound like he chose this life. Like he had a choice.

  As if I don’t know. I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth, and that’s the understatement of the year.

  I watch him now, deaf to the music and the voices of my friends, as he leads this unknown guy by the hand toward the back, weaving through the people standing by the bar.

  I’ve seen him on occasion on the street or in bars over the past three years. He hasn’t changed much since I first met him. My height, but slimmer. Wiry. Strong, with dark lines of ink winding down his forearms and snaking under his too short shirt.

  He’s let his bleached hair grow out, and it’s now as dark as mine, dark like his eyes, and the shadows crawling in their depths. In his revealing clothes and gayliner, his nails painted black to match his too-tight top and pants, a touch of silver around his neck, he looks… exotic. Striking.


  Ocean refills my glass and passes it to me without a word. I take it and sip, choking on the Jack.

  I can’t look away. Why the fuck can’t I look away from Jason leading this unremarkable stranger away? Toward the toilets, to suck him off, or to fuck, and the thought shouldn’t get me hard and riled up at the same time. Angry.

  Angry at Jason, who’s after all only doing his job.

  At myself, for giving a damn.

  “You were right,” I tell my brother, slamming the rest of my drink down and getting up from the uncomfortable chair. “It’s getting late. Time to go.”

  I toss and turn and can’t sleep all night. My dick’s been hard ever since I saw him at the bar, and my brain’s stuck on him.

  Like every night, I try my best to empty my mind, think of other things, the good things in my life—my job, my apartment, my brother, my independence.

  But my thoughts keep circling back to him.


  Not that it’s any surprise. This is a fucking constant these days.

  Can’t get him out of my mind. Can’t stop thinking of his eyes, his body, his mouth curling in a smirk. Can’t stop thinking about that mouth on my dick. How it would feel. Seeing him on his knees in front of me, pushing my fingers into his tangled hair. Seeing those dark eyes turned up, toward me.

  I roll on my back. The ceiling spins lazily as the alcohol works its slow way through my system.

  He seems so much older than me. Not in appearance, no. If anything, he looks younger than me, way too young to be doing what he’s doing for a living.

  Christ, as if there’s an age when it becomes okay to prostitute yourself…

  Anyway, that’s not what I meant. It’s his behavior, his toughness, that darkness in his gaze that speaks of experience. Knowledge.

  Shivering, I turn on my side and pull the covers up over my head. I just… I feel like a kid near him, like I know nothing, like… Like he can see right through me, and laugh. Laugh at my lack of experience, my naivety when it comes to sex and men.

  Goddammit, why can’t I get this out of my head?

  One night with Jason. One fucking night—or even just one evening, one hour… Jesus.

  Ever since I met him that fateful day I ran away from Aunt Martha, when I turned eighteen and found him talking with my brother, the thought has been lodged inside my brain like a splinter.

  Not that I’ve been celibate. I’m not a monk, I meet guys. I’ve been told that I’m not bad looking, and I keep in shape, training with my brother and his buddies. I’ve been with a couple of men over the years. Some even seemed interested in more than just sex.

  But I wasn’t.

  Why am I set on a hooker? A guy who fucks other guys for money? Except, he’s handsome, and sexy, and has the experience I lack, so maybe this shit’s normal.

  What would it hurt? a little voice whispers seductively in the back of my mind. How expensive could he be? I’ve got money now. I can afford him. I only have to go and ask him, no, tell him I want him to suck me off, or bend over for me.

  Other guys do it. All the fucking time.

  With Jason.

  Again, I’m both painfully hard at the image, and pissed as hell. How’s this possible? How’s this normal, huh?

  It can’t be. I have to let go of this obsession. Three years, man. That’s way too fucking long. Ocean thinks it’s what’s keeping me back from dating, and lately even from fucking.

  He’s got a point. He may be right, about all of it. He never said I should go pay Jason, though, for a night. And not only because he doesn’t think I need to pay someone to sleep with me, but also because he’s friends with Jason. He looks after him. He seems as protective of him as he is of me—and maybe this is what’s pissing me off.

  This is what pissed
me off three years ago, when I came back to town to beg my brother to take me in, ready to take off for good if he didn’t, only to find he’d taken Jason in instead. A substitute for me.

  Or so it felt then. I’d been bitter for so long, hurt that he’d passed me on like a broken toy, although he’d promised, dammit. He’d promised we’d stick together through it all.

  I remember seeing Jason for the first time. Bleached, white-blond hair, ripped jeans and a sparkly top that barely covered his chest. He was thinner than he is now, and his arms had been bare despite the cold, ropey muscle over strong bones, skin covered in dark ink.


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