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Solid Stone: Choices

Page 2

by E. G. Patrick

  Paul’s thoughtful. I eventually told him that Adam and I had parted ways. He was gracious enough not to probe me with questions and was concerned about my wellbeing at first. I proved through my work he had nothing to worry about. I reply again.

  From: Violet Cole

  To: Paul Anders

  Subject: Re: Last minute meeting

  Don’t worry. I’ll see you when you get here.


  When I take off my coat I realize I’m wearing the blouse, the only piece of clothing that Adam bought, that I took when I left. At least I’d left him a check to cover the cost.

  I run my hands through my wind-blown hair, smoothing it down before walking back to reception. He’s taken off his coat.

  Of course, he’s impeccably dressed just as I remember. He looks very fit and handsome in a navy designer suit and white shirt with no tie. I manage a smile. “Mr. Stone, do you want to come with me?”

  “Yes, I do,” he says confidently with a grin.

  “This way please.” He waves for me to walk in front of him. When we reach Paul’s office I stand aside offering him a seat at a small meeting table. Paul’s office seems cramped compared to Adam’s large corner office. “Can I offer you something to drink?”

  “Yes, please, black coffee to take away some of the chill.”

  “I’ll be back in a minute.” I return with his coffee, and just as I hand it to him Paul comes walking in. He looks at me with his back to Adam and mouths, ‘I’m sorry,’ and then closes the door behind me as I leave.

  Sitting at my desk, my head whirls at the shock of seeing Adam. My heart hasn’t beaten this fast since I left. Okay Violet, calm down, the worst is over. In the restroom, my bitchy inner voice won’t rest. You want to make sure you look good. You really want him to notice you. Remember Violet, you left him, and for good reason. I shut her up and leave the restroom in a hurry. At least the blouse makes my breasts look awesome!

  In just over an hour, Paul’s office door opens. Adam looks back and waves to me, he doesn’t actually stop to say goodbye. My eyes follow him until he turns the corner.

  I’m mad at myself for feeling disappointed he didn’t stop to say goodbye properly. As hard as I try to get back to work, my mind keeps wandering back to him. Fuck Violet! I keep saying to myself, realizing that’s what he used to say when I made him come too quickly. Thinking about sex with Adam doesn’t help either. I recall him saying, ‘Once you start, you won’t want to stop. At least with me anyway’. It was like it was yesterday and he was right. Ahhhh! I yell in my head.

  Paul comes back looking worried. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine. Honestly, I really am.” I lie. “What was your meeting about anyway?”

  “Oh, a possible business opportunity and he’s left me with a lot to consider.” I know Adam would be really good at that.

  “Oh, okay.” As I’m about to ask more, Paul smiles and goes back into his office, closing the door for a three-thirty conference call.

  I get through the next forty minutes without thinking about Adam. The contract’s complete and ready for Paul’s signature. As I reach for another folder, Paul’s second line rings. He’s still on his conference call so I answer it. “Paul Anders’ office.”

  There’s a pause, and then I hear his voice—that same voice that made me do things that were unimaginable and only in my dreams. “Hi Violet, is Paul available?”

  I’m all business, “I’m sorry Mr. Stone, he’s on a conference call should I interrupt him?”

  He sighs, “No, that’s fine. Please ask him to call me back on my cell. Do you need the number?”

  I pretend I do, but I know his number by heart. “Yes, please.” He recites his cell number. I’m still formal, “Thank you Mr. Stone. Is there anything else?”

  There’s a short pause, “Do you want to meet for a drink before I fly back? My plane leaves at eight, and stop calling me Mr. Stone.”

  I’m flabbergasted. My lips part in slow motion until I suddenly blurt out, “I don’t think that’s a good idea, do you?”

  “What, calling me Adam?” he chuckles and then says, “I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t.” There’s the familiar Adam—witty, determined, and confident, the same things that attracted me in the first place.

  It’s my turn to sigh. “Okay Adam, what time and where?”

  “At my hotel, it’s walking distance from your office. I’m at The Suites.” That’s impressive. The Suites is a brand new five star hotel and said to be very expensive. I sense he’s smiling.

  “At your hotel, why can’t we meet somewhere else?” Crap that must’ve sounded conceited.

  He replies having clearly understood my meaning. “I’ve checked out of my room. Can you meet me in the lobby at five?”

  Thankfully he can’t see me blush. “Okay, I’ll see you then.”

  “Bye, see you soon.” As the line goes dead, my stomach churns with nerves and excitement. At four-thirty I pack up my laptop, grab my purse and coat, and say good night to Paul on my way out.


  After being greeted by a door man, I walk through one of the revolving doors into the hotel lobby. Adam’s standing straight ahead of me, and even if he wasn’t, my eyes would’ve found him. He just stands out in a crowd. He looks up from his Blackberry and smiles. It’s captivating and makes me freeze in my steps. Why do I feel nervous?

  He says, “Hello, I’m glad you made it.” Stepping aside, he waves me ahead of him into the hotel lounge. We take a table by the window. He helps me off with my coat and pulls out my chair. Seated, he seems to be taking a better look at me. I can’t help but do the same and stare back. His eyes are stunning; how could I forget?

  “It’s been a while. How have you been Violet?” It’s painful to hear him say my name, and his presence makes me uneasy. I wasn’t expecting to see him again; I guess our past still tugs at my heart.

  “I’m okay? When I first got here it was really busy. I had to find a place to live and finish the office setup, amongst other things.”

  The waitress gives Adam a big smile. Looking at me, Adam asks, “Is wine okay or do you want something else?”

  “Wine’s fine.” He quickly scans the list and orders a bottle of red, dismissing the waitress.

  “Now that’s taken care of, where were we? Oh yes, you were very busy at first. Have things settled down at work now?”

  “It’s not as crazy as it was, and setting up an office was a lot more involved than I realized.”

  I manage a chuckle, which helps me relax a bit as I say, “Anyway, are you trying to find out about the competition? Remember I signed an NDA.”

  His perfect mouth smiles back at me. “Yes, the NDA, I remember that all too well.” He seems to be thinking and then says, “I won’t ask about work if it bothers you. I just wanted to know how things were, and it’s because of work you’re here in the first place, right?”

  The past flashes through my mind, seeing him and Tanya. I’d promised myself I wouldn’t go there. “Yes, that’s right; Paul and the firm needed me here.” I look down feeling a little guilty. I know I shouldn’t, but I do. When I look back up, his eyes lock on mine, I say, “And it’s going to look good on my resume, not to mention a good dose of life experience, a new city, all of that.”

  “I’m glad for you. You know how I feel about moving ahead in life.” The waitress returns with the wine and fills both our glasses. As she’s about to leave he says, “Wait.” He looks over at me. “Are you hungry? Do you want to share an appetizer? The sliders here are very good.”

  “Yes, okay.”

  He says to the waitress, “We’ll share an order of the Kobe beef sliders.” He returns his attention to me. I remember how good he was at making me feel like it was just the two of us in a room full of people. He’s doing that now. As I’m about to drink from my glass he raises his an
d clinks it against mine. “To happier times.” I nod. The wine’s delicious, and not surprisingly one of the best I’ve tasted since living here. He always chose great wine.

  “The wine’s delicious.” I answer his earlier question, “If I’m honest, we’re not as busy as I’d expected, I hope that changes. And yes, life goes on…” My voice trails off as I begin to think about my old life with him. Stop it! I yell in my head.

  He runs his hand through his hair, stopping to grip the back of his head. “I’m sure it’ll all work out the way it’s supposed to.” He pauses, staring past me. “Are you moving back or staying here to play it out?”

  “I’m still planning to move back. The agreement was for six months, and as far as I know that hasn’t changed.”

  He appears to have something more on his mind, but then gives me that winning smile. “Are you looking forward to moving back home then?”

  “I am. I miss my dad and Ann, and the familiar things of home.”

  “It must be lonely here, unless you have a boyfriend now?”

  “Um, no, I don’t have a boyfriend. I’ve managed to make a friend or two. One’s an accountant at my office.” His body tenses. “Jane, she has two kids and has invited me to some of her family dinners. She really helped me to settle in here.”

  He leans back in his chair more relaxed again. “I’m glad to hear that.”

  I blurt out, “Glad I don’t have a boyfriend or that I have friends?” Why did I say that!

  “You and wine Violet.” He laughs, making it easier for me, so I laugh too. “I’m glad you’ve settled in here. You made a difficult choice and now I can admire you for it. Time…” He stops.

  He’s making me feel things—glad he’s here, happy to see him, and a bit regretful. Those feelings change quickly when I ask, “How’s Tanya?”

  “She landed a big contract with a high-end makeup line.” He isn’t even denying it.

  “Oh, that’s good for her.” I almost grumble.

  “Yes, it is, actually. She’s making millions from it.”

  “Like I said, that’s great. It must be exciting times for both of you.” The thought of him with her makes me cringe. I smile even though I regret asking the question.

  He seems confused by what I just said and thankfully changes the subject. “I’ve been traveling quite a bit, even a lot of weekends.” I’m glad, thinking Tanya must spend a lot of time alone. My smile widens.

  “You were always busy. I guess business is booming for you then? You must be really happy.”

  “We’ve grown again this past year.” He’s being modest. I’d read about his firm recently in one of Paul’s business magazines. It’s grown again by double digits and continues to make a name for itself as a ‘power house,’ quoted in the article I read.

  “All your hard work seems to be paying off.” I hope he knows I really mean that.

  “We’re headed in the right direction. We did have a scare though.” He pauses taking a sip of wine. “The day you left for Chicago there was leak on that merger I’m working on. It delayed things a bit, but we managed to contain it before it got out of control.”

  “Do you know what happened?” I remembered when the papers went missing from Alice’s desk a while back.

  “Not really, I’m just thankful my files are code named, so it would’ve been hard to decipher.”

  “You’re a smart guy, I’m not surprised. You handled it like a pro, no doubt.”

  “You always made me feel good Violet. How’s your dad doing?”

  I take a big mouthful of wine and he quickly refills my glass. “Dad’s great. We chat on the phone almost every day and Skype when we can. He hasn’t made it out here yet.”

  “Why not?” He sounds surprised.

  “The airfare’s too high and he’s serious about his girlfriend now. It’s okay, I’ve gone home twice already.”

  “Oh, you should’ve called me. We could’ve had dinner together, and if I’d known I could’ve brought your dad down with me. I came down on the jet, it’d cost nothing to have him on board.” Is he really that forgiving, or just so in control of his emotions? He’s a much bigger man than I thought. Was he even hurt when I left?

  “Thanks for offering, but I’ll be home soon anyway.” I look straight into those magical eyes. “To be honest, I didn’t think you’d want to see me. I’m actually surprised to be sitting here with you now.” I stare back at him blankly, wishing I hadn’t said that.

  I can tell that neither one of us wants this to be awkward. He changes the subject and I’m relieved. “How are Ann and Ted doing?” Before I can reply, the waitress comes over with two side plates, napkins, and cutlery. Adam doesn’t hide his disapproval at the interruption.

  After she leaves I question his behavior. “She’s only doing her job.”

  “I know, sorry. It’s been so long since we’ve seen each other, I’d just wish she’d wait for a pause in our conversation that’s all.”

  “I’d forgotten about your demanding ways.” I smirk and catch him scanning my face.

  “And I remember your smart mouth. I suppose I deserved that.” We both laugh. The waitress returns with our sliders. He says very pleasantly, “Thank you.” I think that’s made her day. Adam puts one slider on my plate and then one on his. It’s delicious and goes very well with the wine. He’s checking his watch.

  “Oh, if you have to go, let’s get the bill now.”

  “Yeah, I should get going, the time’s just flown by.” He waves to the waitress, “The check please.” I reach for my purse. “Please, I asked you here so I’m paying.” I lean back in my chair letting him pay. He helps me with my coat and before I can, he picks up my laptop bag.

  “Where’s your coat?” I ask.

  “It’s in the car with the driver. Let me drive you home, it’s dark now.”

  “It’s okay. I’m only five minutes from here so I can walk.”

  He raises an eyebrow. “Please let me at least get you home safe.” I know he’s thinking about the mugging.

  Remembering how he felt, I agree. “Okay.” We go through the revolving door together—another reminder of us. The closeness of his body feels good; I try denying it, but I’m only fooling myself. As we step onto the street, a man opens a black sedan door. I slide in the car and Adam slides in beside me.

  “Where to?” I look at the driver giving him my address, feeling a sense of déjà vu.

  I ask, “How are your parents? Is your sister still trying to figure out her career?”

  “They’re in Barbados for a few weeks. Liv interned over Christmas, she’ll figure it out soon enough.” I remember our trip to Barbados.

  In less than five minutes the car pulls up outside my apartment. I wish I lived farther away now. He gets out of the car ahead of me so he can open my door. He takes my key and opens the apartment’s security door. “It was really nice seeing you. I hope everything goes well here, and when you get back home.” He hugs me tight enough that I can feel his heart beat through his suit jacket.

  Stepping back, I suppress a rush of emotions trying to break free. “Goodbye Adam.” He gets it, and takes a step back too. In seconds, I stand behind the security door watching the man, who still makes my heart pound like a drum, drive away.

  Chapter 3


  Inside my apartment, I drop my coat on top of my laptop bag and slump to the floor. Why did I agree to meet him? What were his intentions? And more importantly, what were mine? We’ll probably never see each other again. He’s with Tanya now. A tear rolls down my cheek as I hunch forward. Seeing him again has brought back so many uneasy feelings.

  In the kitchen, my eyes rest on an open bottle of wine from the weekend. Reaching for a tall glass, it’s filled in no time. The wine’s not nearly as good as earlier, but it’s better than nothing. It’s not the taste I crave
, it’s the numbing effect. My mind won’t rest, so I turn on the TV and flip to a comedy show; it’s not working either.

  Digging out my phone from my purse, I dial Adam’s cell phone. He should be on the plane now, so I should only get his voicemail. I just want to hear his voice. It rings, and shit, he answers it. “Hi Violet, I’m just about to board, can I call you when I land?” I sob into the phone and quickly hang up, feeling like a royal idiot. Can this Monday get any worse? I drink more wine, and when the glass is half empty, I fill it up again.

  A full glass, that’s better. I bring it up to my lips walking back into the living room. My phone rings. It’s probably him so I don’t answer it. He’ll be in the air soon taking him far, far away from me. I’ll send him an email apologizing for a misdial or something.

  As I begin to finally relax, my apartment buzzer goes. Looking at the clock it’s after eight already. Who’s buzzing me now? I press the answer button and do my best to sound normal when I say, “Hello.”

  “It’s me, let me in.” It’s Adam. My emotions are in overdrive and my stomach flip flops with embarrassment.

  “No, please go.” The buzzer starts again. I answer, “Go home.”

  He’s very firm when he says, “If you don’t let me in, I’ll buzz each apartment until someone does, and I’ll tell them it’s you I’m looking for. Now please let me in.”

  I know he’ll do it. I reluctantly press open and hear him quickly grab the door as it clicks. It doesn’t take long for his knock. I open the door and walk away from it. He closes it softly behind him. I’m on the sofa now.

  His deep voice says gently, “What’s wrong. Why did you call me and hang up?” I place my head in my hands and start to cry. I can feel his weight on the seat beside me. I don’t even look up. “Violet, please, why are you crying?”

  “Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be on your way home to Tanya?”

  “You sounded upset and I don’t like it when you cry, you know that. What’s wrong and why do you keep asking about Tanya? She’s in London now shooting commercials for her makeup line. I haven’t seen her in months.”


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