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Solid Stone: Choices

Page 20

by E. G. Patrick

  The feelings he evokes in me are consistently, warm, deep, and eternal. He has my soul and I have his. I can feel it every time he touches me, or kisses me. He moves us to the bed, gently pushing me down.

  His lovely body rests perfectly over mine. The song “Criminal” plays in the background. Yes, it feels good to love him the way I love him, the words resonate with me.

  My heart soars and my passion flares when he enters me. His strong arms protect me while his cock pushes deep, stirring up all kinds of flames. They flicker higher, brighter, and hotter. “Adam, I’d be lost without you. I love how you make me feel.” His hips glide over mine with more deliberate deep thrusts.

  The intensity rises, my hips meet his. The fire is burning with blistering desire, ripping through my belly and back down again. “Adam, I’m going to…” and then my body trembles as I give into my desires and spiral into heated delight, reaching an orgasm so intense that my back arches and my center convulses and then I lie still.

  His cock throbs as his lips press against mine saying, “I love you.”


  At the bar with my co-workers, I’m feeling sentimental. Tomorrow is my last day at Laurier & Stone. Paul has cheered up a bit since we hired Brittany. She’s proving to be a very suitable replacement and I’m confident she’ll do well with Paul, and for Adam’s firm.

  “We’re going to miss you Violet,” Paul says. “You’ve been an intricate part of my team. You’ve proven yourself time and time again, impressing me each and every time. While I’m sad you’re leaving, I’m glad you’re starting a new job that will showcase your other talents. Thanks for your loyalty and great spirit, here’s a small gift from all of us.” He hands me a small box and hugs me.

  Adam catches my eye, he must’ve slipped in without me noticing. He winks at me and stays in the background. “Thank you, Paul. I promised myself not to cry, so here goes. Paul, you’ve been an amazing mentor, I’ve learned so much from you not just on a business level, but on a personal level too. Loyalty, trust, grace, and empathy, you’re all of those and more. Thank you, teammates I’ll miss you all, but remember I’m not that far and available for lunch. Come visit me at the museum and spend some of your money there too.”

  The crowd claps and their laughter helps me to contain my emotions. When I open the box there’s a beautiful Mont Blanc silver pen with my name engraved on it with the caption ‘You’re the best’, it’s beautiful. “Thanks Paul, I’ll read the card later so I don’t start crying.” He touches my arm as Adam appears behind me. I turn and look up at Adam as he puts his arm around me. For those who don’t know we’re a couple, they will now.

  Chapter 39


  After hanging up my coat I ease into the arm chair beside Adam. My first week at the museum is exhausting, as to be expected in a new job. Learning its layout, meeting the team, including my own team of four, and making plans for an upcoming exhibit—I expect to be very busy over the next several months.

  I ask, “Do you think Tanya would model at the museum fashion exhibit? Her name would draw a large crowd now that she’s a celebrity.”

  “I’ll ask her. How was your first week?”

  “Exhausting, how was your trip this week?”

  “Productive, but I’m glad to be home with you.” He kisses the back of my hand. “So tell me more about your week, how was Marjorie?”

  “Well, I have a team of four reporting to me, they all seem capable from my first observations, which is great. I told you about the fashion era exhibit so that’ll take up a lot of my time from now and until then. Marjorie seems to be letting me find my way which I like. Did you date her?”

  He laughs, “Why are you asking?”

  “She seems quite interested in you, and every now and then slips you into conversations. She keeps saying you owe her lunch, do you?”

  “Oh that.”

  “What’s that mean?”

  “A while back she did me a favor by getting an extra invitation, for a certain someone,” his eyes smile at me, “to an opening that was sold out. She had to pull strings.”

  “For me?”

  “Yes, you.”

  “You went to all that trouble?”

  “It was the only way I was sure I’d get a chance to see you again to ask you out. I didn’t know I’d run into you before that and have the chance.”

  I hug him, “Oh sweetheart, I’m flattered. What else haven’t you told me about us?”

  “Actually there is something else. Dr. Kramer suggested I share it with you.”

  “What, sweetheart, is everything okay?”

  He gets up and comes back with his laptop. I remember the last time he did that was to show me Tanya’s modeling contract. It was a much different time, a time I want to forget.

  “What I’m going to show you is an email I wrote after you sent me your email about leaving. I kept it as reminder of how I feel about you. I feel even stronger now if that’s even possible.” He turns the screen to me.

  From: Adam Stone

  To: Violet Cole

  Subject: I will love you forever Violet.

  Violet, sweetheart,

  I know you’re upset and need space to grow. I’ve reread your email

  three times and I get it now. I understand; I really do. Please read

  this email. I need you to know how much you mean to me.

  You are my angel. You changed my life from the minute you captured me in those revolving doors. I knew then you were special and I was so fortunate and thankful to see you again that day. Remember how fate kept bringing us together?

  Violet, I love you more than life itself. You saved me from an empty and lonely existence. Only someone like you could do that. You know how steadfast I was about being alone for the rest of my life. I may have been steel, but you were, and still are, my magnet. The fact I even shared that story with you says so much. I’ve kept it hidden for so long until you came. Like I said, you really changed my life. I want to marry you and have a family, if you want one. I won’t pressure you anymore. Take the Chicago job and we’ll make it work. I’m sorry I didn’t say that to you last night.

  Violet, you are the only woman I’ve ever woken up with in the morning. I love your smile, your face, and your smell. Honestly, the others I always sent home. One evening was never going to be enough of you for me. With you from the get go I wanted entire weekends together. Violet, I want, need, and love you so much!

  Please, babe, come home. We don’t have to talk about anything if you don’t want to, or we can talk about everything if you do. I promise not to argue or make you cry. I promise. Please come home or tell me where you are and I’ll come to you.

  Violet, you are my cure, the remedy of all remedies. You’ve healed me and saved me from becoming an empty shell of a man without love and trust. You offer me both of these and so much more.

  Sweetheart, I love and adore you. We belong together. Please come home.

  Yours forever,


  The tears stream down my face. “Oh Adam.” I wrap my arms around him, sobbing in his arms.

  “I’m sorry Violet, I should’ve sent it. It may have saved us earlier.”

  “No, it’s not your fault. Remember we promised each other, no more blaming or regrets. You wanted to marry me?”

  “Of course.”

  “I never knew. And children? I was afraid to ask you about them.”

  “With you, as many as you want.”

  My tears of joy continue rolling down my cheeks. I can’t believe how one email could unravel many of the mysteries of Adam Stone, and cure any of the uncertain feelings I had before. Just like that, I knew we were two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together for eternity.


  Adam proposed to me on bended knee under the stars at Casa Loma, a castle in Toront
o. He simply said, “I will love you forever, I will protect you always, and I promise to make you happy, every day for the rest of my life. Will you marry me Violet?”

  Of course I cried and then said yes. He slid a beautiful diamond ring on my finger that fit perfectly, just like us. Two puzzle pieces, perfectly connected together for eternity.


  From: Adam Stone

  To: Violet Stone

  Subject: CHOICES


  Here are three themes, choose the one you want and we’ll play it out to the fullest.

  1. Canvas

  2. Brushes

  3. Strokes

  Remember your purpose!



  “Close your eyes Mrs. Stone.” My eyes close as my husband’s lips trail kisses down my neck. His hand caresses my thigh, making my body tingle all over. He lifts my arms above my head, binding them with silk and pulling them up into a Y shape. I’m laid out on the table waiting, waiting with unrelenting desire and curiosity.

  “Oh, that’s cold.” My front is covered in what I realize is shaving cream, when I feel a razor gently gliding across it, removing any trace of hair. When he’s satisfied, he wipes off the shaving cream in two swift strokes with a soft damp cloth.

  “A perfect canvas,” he says looking down. He looks up, catching my eyes open. “All of the choices led to this.” He smiles and pulls out a palette of color and three paint brushes. I gasp, still in awe of how he comes up with these ideas.

  “You paint?”

  He grins, “Remember my mother is an artist; now be still sweetness. Breathe slowly.” He slides his finger in and when he wiggles it, my leg comes up. It feels so good. “Breathe,” his voice is firmer now. I put my legs back down and breathe as the blissful delights rise and churn within me. The swish of his paint brush is what I feel next over my clitoris. Each individual soft bristle strokes my clit, creating different colors of delight behind my now closed eyes. I moan loudly. The artist taps his brush on my belly, bringing my attention back to reality. He circles my navel and then dips the brush in paint. My body yearns for him and waits patiently for what is to come.

  The brush swirls, sometimes heavy and sometimes light. I feel my center come to life with more than heated sensations, but also with color, beautiful, artful color! I watch his careful hand paint his human canvas. It’s sensual and exhilarating. Turquoise blue, pink, white, and a little black, and then I see it, his creation coming to live.

  He croons, “Butterflies represent femininity, sensuality, and beauty. You are all of these and more.” I’ve never seen a more lifelike and beautiful butterfly than the one he’s given me. The colors are vivid and stunning. My breathing gets heavier as I watch him stand back admiring his work. “We have to let it dry, let’s see what I can do to keep you busy until then.”

  He kisses me, his tongue dancing with mine. His lips trail kisses down my neck and over my breasts. He sucks my nipple making my body soar. He moves to my other nipple, blowing and gently biting it, holding it between his teeth.

  “Ahhhh,” I cry out. He straddles me, his eyes tell me what he wants and I want it too. He slides his cock in my mouth. I circle around the tip running my tongue lengthwise. He moans; his eyes open and close. I suck gently and then harder allowing a little saliva to enhance his pleasure. His hips begin to move. My lips wrap securely around him as he fucks my mouth. I watch his muscular abs move back and forth, it’s a sight to envy and a taste to crave.

  My heart thumps in my chest while I suck his glorious cock. He moves faster, his head goes back, his eyes close tight and then my craving is satisfied as he fills my mouth, and I swallow every delicious drop. He smiles, pleased with me. Sliding down my body he kisses around my navel and trails lower. He kisses my butterfly and then his tongue, like silk, tantalizes my pussy with every lick. My body arches, he pulls me to his mouth and licks and sucks; darts and circles. My body writhes under his powerful head. I push my hips into his mouth. The swirls begin to circle around and around, and in that moment, just before I know I’m going to come, it escalates a billion times!

  I cry out as sparkles flare through my entire body, spiraling out of control. I let go, pressing myself against his mouth. It’s long and intense, and then I relax. His head comes up, his cheeks glisten. He looks hot as hell.

  Unbound, he carries me upstairs, wedding style. Laying me down on the bed, he kisses me lovingly as he slides himself in me. He whispers in my ear, “It’s time to get the butterfly to soar high, very high.”

  Feeling Adam this way is euphoric. I was made for him. Two perfect puzzle pieces tightly secured together. “I love you Violet,” he says as he makes love to me. Our bodies move in perfect unison offering each other pleasure and love, fulfilling our desires.

  My hand slides down to his bicep, which flexes when he lifts himself into a push-up position, increasing my pleasure. I cry out, he moves faster, his cock swells. The spiraling sensations start all over again. I rise, no, soar like a beautiful butterfly up in the sky. Together we climax and the bright colors return as I soar higher and higher.


  He made my favorite, chicken stir-fry with lots of mushrooms. We spend our weekends at the park house now and the work week at the loft. Some special Saturday’s are still at the loft—we call them play dates now. Adam’s firm is thriving and has grown again by double digits. The Chicago hotel is doing well and he and his partners are buying another hotel in Boston. The opening is planned for next year.

  My job at the museum couldn’t be better. Marjorie and I have become friends. She and her girlfriend Penny have come to dinner a few times now. The fashion era exhibit last year was a huge hit, it sold out the entire first two weeks, and Tanya made not just one, but three appearances.

  The last time I ran into Emelia at the grocery store I asked her to join me for a coffee. She confessed she still had feelings for Adam. I told her we were married and that she should move on. She agreed to get counseling and I agreed to meet her for coffee again.

  Ann and Ted got engaged last week. She was my maid of honor and I’ll be hers. I look at our wedding photo and remember how he made me feel, like his princess, and he was definitely my prince. My Gia fantasies are no longer. I’m lucky to have a willing partner who fulfills all of my desires, every single one of them!

  “Wine?” Adam asks.

  “No, I’ll have some Perrier.” I’m beaming.

  “Really? It’s the weekend, you can indulge you know,” he says laughing, while wrapping his arms around me.

  “We’ll have to put a fence around the pond and your wine supply will last a bit longer now.”

  “Wait, are you, are you…” he touches my belly.

  I nod my head, “Yes, I’m pregnant Adam. They think twins.”

  His eyes water, making mine water too. We’ve come so far from where we began. My body overflows with an unconditional love for my husband, and our children to come.

  “I will love you and them for eternity,” he says.

  “I know, I know Adam, for eternity.”


  Thank you so much for coming all the way with me, Adam, and Violet, and for reading the Solid Stone Series. For those of you in love, or falling in love, I wish you much happiness, special moments, and beautiful memories for a lifetime, for eternity!

  Much love,

  E.G. Patrick


  Find me on Social Media


  and Twitter: @EGPatrickAuthor

  About the Author

  E. G. Patrick loves travel, the outdoors and is ruled by her heart. She believes in true love and living life passionately. Her desire is to write books that will be entertaining, loved and remembered. A Happy
Ever After is sure to follow.


  Suite 300 - 990 Fort St

  Victoria, BC, Canada, V8V 3K2

  Copyright © 2017 by E.G. Patrick

  First Edition — 2017

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information browsing, storage, or retrieval system, without permission in writing from FriesenPress.


  978-1-5255-0921-6 (Paperback)

  978-1-5255-0922-3 (eBook)

  1. Fiction, Romance

  Distributed to the trade by The Ingram Book Company




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