In The Spotlight: A Rockstar Romance

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In The Spotlight: A Rockstar Romance Page 14

by J. L. Ostle

  “Will you sleep next to me. Like we use to?” Her deep blue eyes look into mine, pleading with me.

  How can I say no to her? I nod my head and close the door, taking off my shoes and shirt. I lay down next to her but she asks me to get under the covers. I do and she moves herself so her ass is curved into me. I try so hard to keep my dick at bay. She grabs my arm and wraps it around her waist, entwining her fingers with mine.

  “I missed this,” she says so softly, I hardly hear her.

  “Me too.” I lay my head down, listening to her breathing.

  “Friends forever right? Forever and ever?”

  “Always.” I kiss her neck.

  “Even if I was taken away?” she mumbles. I lean up looking at her but her eyes are closed.

  “What do you mean, taken away?” I ask her softly. No one will ever take her away. “Sky?” I hear her breathing evening out. She fell asleep. What did she mean, taken away? Who would take her away? Does she mean if she ends up with Jensen? I want her to be happy; I did promise I would be her friend.

  I wake up the next morning with the worst headache ever. I sit up and notice I’m in only my underwear and when I look next to me, Dominic is fast asleep, mostly clothed. Last night’s events come rushing in like a flood. Oh God. I rest my feet on the floor and see painkillers and water on my nightstand. Dominic must have put them there. I take the tablets and down the water, feeling a little better.

  I look back over at Dominic and he looks so peaceful. Some of his hair has fallen into his eyes so I sweep it away and stroke his cheek with the back of my hand, causing him to smile in his sleep. God he’s so cute when he’s sleeping. I walk on shaky legs to the bathroom to relieve myself and brush my teeth since it feels like a skunk died in my mouth.

  I head back to bed and lay on my side and instantly Dominic moves himself so he’s cuddling me again. He’s still sleeping, his breathing nice and slow, so I close my eyes and let sleep take over once more. I don’t know if it’s a dream or not but I’m sure I hear Dominic say to never leave him as I drift off.

  When I wake again, Dominic is sitting up, coffee in hand, wearing a cute smile that shows off his dimples. I sit up and the sheet falls down before I realize that I’m still in my underwear. Dominic’s eyes dilate and I quickly cover myself while he does his best to look anywhere but at me.

  “I thought you’d like some coffee to feel more human,” he chuckles at me. I take the cup and the first sip is heaven.

  “Thank you.” I take another sip.

  “Anytime. We’re leaving for the tour bus in forty minutes so you better get moving. I look at him and see his hair is wet so he must have already had a shower. I can smell alcohol and cigarettes all over me so I’m in desperate need to wash all of last night’s events off me.

  “What time is it?” I yawn and stretch out my arms, making sure I don’t spill my hot beverage.

  “Just before six.” I groan. I knew it was way too early. “I'll leave you to it.” I lie back on my bed and place my drink off to the side. I throw a pillow over my head and groan into it. Why did I drink so much? Oh yeah, because I’m an idiot. I decide to have my first drink, well bender really, the night before I start travelling all over the state.

  I walk to my shower and make sure the water is scalding hot before jumping in. I groan again when I remember kissing Kym and then almost letting Jensen feel me up in front of a club full of people. How am I going to face them again? Hopefully they feel just as embarrassed as I do and forget that it ever happened. Then a flash comes back.


  I remember when I caught him getting a blowjob, he never mentioned it again. He never even acted like he saw me there watching them. I wonder why, even now, he has never brought it up. Maybe he’s just a gentleman and knows that I would die of pure mortification if he said anything.

  I dress in a white and black summer dress with a short black cardigan and leave my hair up in a high ponytail. I don’t bother wearing any makeup besides some lip-gloss. My lips are so dry; I need to make sure I keep myself hydrated today.

  A car pulls up right on the dot and takes us to three huge buses. One has Absolute Addiction on it, that bus is bigger than the other two. I see crew people, or are they called roadies? I need to ask about that. They are putting instruments and equipment on one bus so I guess the other is where we will be staying throughout the tour.

  We climb out and I see Lake pressing her back against the car, wearing sunglasses; at least I’m not the only one who’s feeling rough. I see AA come out of their bus and whistle at us and I know they aren’t going to let us forget anything about last night.

  “Sky, never knew you had it in you girl,” Lloyd laughs at me. I look at the ground but feel an arm go over my shoulders and look to see Dominic pressing me into his side.

  “Come on, back off, she isn’t like you. She doesn’t drink alcohol like it’s water,” Dominic retorts back.

  “I have to admit, that girl can kiss. It’s like her lips gave me this electric current through my system. I swear, if that was a drug, I would take it every day,” Kym says, looking at me like she wants to kiss me again. I feel Dominic tense beside me. Yup, this is so embarrassing. “Who was your first kiss?” she asks, and I don’t mean to but, I look up at Dominic through my lashes and he’s looking back down at me. I think he knows; the way his eyes widen; I know he knows. Yes, you were my first.

  “Some guy.” I shrug and she nods.

  “Well, must be some guy, I’m surprised he let you go.” I watch Kym get back on her bus and the guys start talking to a few roadies.

  “Was I your first kiss?” Dominic asks me. I take a step back so I can see him.

  “Yeah, you were,” I say softly. He shakes his head at me.

  “But... I know you’re a virgin but come on, you’re beautiful; you’re smart, funny, sweet. How can it be that no guy has ever kissed you?” I know he’s shocked but I can’t help but giggle when he says all those nice things to me.

  “You think I’m beautiful?” I smile at him. He looks at me and chuckles, shaking his head.

  “You know you are.” I don’t.

  “Thank you,” I whisper as he steps towards me and I wrap my arms around him. With him holding me, right now there is no other place I would rather be.

  “Ready to see our new home?” He puts his arm around my waist and we walk towards the bus we will be sleeping in.

  I hear my name being called and see Jensen looking at me. I feel my face start to burn up. I can’t be around him right now. He is looking back and forth between me and Dominic. This may be childish but I turn around and walk inside the bus, ignoring him. I’ll talk to him when I’m ready, if I ever am.

  The inside of the bus is huge. There is a massive TV on one wall with a black leather couch in front of it; the opposite side has two booths. Further down has a small kitchen area and down towards the far end is what looks like bunks and two doors. I walk down and peek inside the doors and one is a room with a double bed and the other is a bathroom with a shower. Wow, they’ve thought of everything. I walk to the bunks and wonder where I’ll sleep and who will get to have the room.

  “Fuck, this bus is awesome!” I hear Chris shout as he gets on the bus.

  “Wow, can’t believe we’ll be staying on this thing.” Lake looks around. “God, you’re all going to get on my nerves by the time this tour is over.” She sits in a booth and Leon sits next to her, pulling her towards him so her head is resting on his chest.

  “Umm, there’s a room with a big bed down there.” I walk towards them and sit opposite to Lake and Leon, pointing down the bus.

  “Think we should flip for it?” Chris asks as he sits next to me.

  “Hell no.” Lake glares at him. “I don’t trust you and your coins. I think it should be me and Sky who sleeps in there since we’re girls. We need our beauty sleep away from you pigs. No offense baby.” Lake kisses Leon on the cheek.

  “Thanks.” Leon chuckles at her.<
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  “Why should you get the bed just because you’re girls?” Chris crosses his arms pouting like a child.

  “Exactly. We’re girls. Plus, Sky is the lead singer so she needs rest and to be away from you guys who will probably be fucking your groupie whores in the bunks and like hell I want to hear any of that.”

  “What, you think we want to hear his ass banging a chick?” Leon shivers and I bet he’s imaging Chris doing exactly that.

  “Sorry baby, but we need the bed. If we go to any hotels, I’ll make it up to you.” She licks his lips and smiles at him. I have to look away so I don’t have to watch them sucking face.


  I’m sitting in the booth, looking out the window as I watch the scenery fly by. I’ve never really travelled and I’m finding that life can be really beautiful and breath taking. I’m lost in my own world when I feel someone sit next to me and look over to see Dominic smiling at me. I smile back at him.

  “You enjoying yourself?” he asks me.

  “Yeah, a little bored though. I can’t believe we’re actually going on tour. I’ve read about this stuff in books but can’t believe we’re actually doing it. It’s crazy. I can’t wait to see more of America though.”

  “Yeah, I keep thinking that I’m dreaming all of this and at any second I am going to wake up and find out it isn’t real. That I’ll wake up and Sherry will still be the lead singer, bossing us around.” He chuckles.

  “Yeah, I wake up at times thinking I’m back home and you have no idea how relieved I am that I’m not there.” I shake my head and look back out the window.

  “Well, since we’re going to be on the road constantly, I was thinking about me teaching you guitar again; you know, to help time fly and all that.” I turn around and laugh.

  “You do remember last time you tried to teach me? I sucked. I sucked really bad. Are you willing to go there again?” I raise my eyebrow, and he laughs. I mean a huge, belly, full laugh. I try and not think about after he tried to teach me, how close him and I were to kissing again.

  “Yes, and I’ll take my chances. You never know, you may get better and be half decent by the time this tour is over.” I think about it and decide, why not? It may be fun.

  “Okay, let’s do this. At least it will help with the time.” I stand up and Dominic goes to get his guitar. We sit on the couch so we have more space.

  “That’s the spirit.” He shakes his head and starts tuning his guitar.

  I look around the bus and see Chris sitting up front listening to his iPod. Leon and Lake are in the back sleeping. At least they better be sleeping. There is no way I’m sleeping on a bed that they just made love in. I watch him play with some of the strings and then pass it to me when he’s happy with it. I put the strap around my neck and place the guitar on my knee, making myself more comfortable with it.

  “Let’s start from the very beginning. We won’t move on to the next step until you are happy with it. Deal?”

  “Deal.” I shake his hand and quickly pull it away so I don’t feel that electric pull I always feel when his skin touches mine.

  Hours fly by and I’m finally to the point that, when my fingers sweep over the strings, it doesn’t sound that bad. I listen to everything Dominic says. Seeing him talk about it, going over every detail, you can see the love he has for it. He talks so passionately and he never once gets frustrated with me. I take my time digesting all the information and think maybe when this tour is over, I will have improved immensely.

  We finally stop the lesson when the driver tells us that we’ll be in Seattle in just under an hour. I lean back on the couch and rest my head on Dominic’s shoulder, now feeling exhausted. My mind was so distracted learning to play that I never realized how tired I actually was. Dominic wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me in closer. Before I know it, I’ve fallen asleep.

  After what feels like ten minutes, I’m woken up by Dominic telling me that we’ve arrived. I look out the window to see the other buses pulling up and check out the place we will be playing next. It looks so much bigger than the place we played last night. It’s just after twelve in the morning, and I wouldn’t mind getting some more sleep, but everyone wants to go to a club and have a few to say we drank in Seattle. Right after we play, we have to move on to the next place, so once AA is off the stage and have completed their meet and greets, we are on the bus going to our next stop.

  I use the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair so I look a little less like a zombie. The guys are waiting outside so I join them and walk straight to Dominic who naturally puts his arm over my shoulder and hugs me into him as he talks to Lloyd. I place my hand on his chest and listen to them. I never realized how relaxing Dominic’s voice is. It’s so soothing. Maybe it’s because I’m sleepy.

  I’m listening to them go on about their first experience playing something in front of anyone when I look up to see Jensen leaning against his bus drilling holes into me. Kym and Travis are talking to him but he, once again, isn’t listening. I’m surprised his friends don’t think he’s rude since he never pays them any attention.

  “You ready?” Dominic asks me and I look away from Jensen and back to Dominic who is smiling at me. He’s always smiling at me. Even though Dominic and Jensen are both very attractive in their own ways, I realized that Dominic is lively and full of light, whereas Jensen is a moodier type who likes to hide in the darkness, the shadows.

  “Yup, but I’m not drinking. I think I had enough last night to last me a life time.” I cringe just thinking about taking a sip of anything alcoholic.

  “That’s fine. You’re a bit of lightweight. Think next time you should know your limit,” he teases me and I smack him on the chest. We all walk to a club that isn’t far away. I notice that we have a few huge men walking with us. “Who are they?”

  “They’re our body guards, well AA’s body guards, since fans go mega crazy,” Dominic answers my question.

  “Wow, they must be really famous to need body guards. Do you think we are ever going to need them?” It’s insane thinking that people need protection, but I’ve never seen anyone go crazy, so who am I to judge?

  “Probably. We’re still new but if our album does well on the charts, our lives may get even crazier. We could have crazy fans, groupies sneaking on the bus, sneaking into hotel rooms. Hey, some may even think they love you so much they want to get a lock of your hair to make a voodoo doll.” Dominic chuckles at me. This time I elbow him in the chest and he bends over a little, touching the spot I hit him.

  “Serves you right.” I laugh at him and walk on.

  “You’ll pay for that.” I hear him behind me so I turn around and see him start to run towards me so I scream and run off, passing Lake and Leon who are laughing at our display. “Stop now or it’ll get worse.” Dominic smirks at me.

  “Not a chance.” I stick my tongue out at him. He squeezes through people to try and grab me but I dodge him and I’m now in front of Jensen who looks angry. I don’t have time to think twice about it as Dominic nears me again so I shriek and run off but then I feel arms around my waist, lifting me off the ground.

  “You should have listened,” he says before he starts tickling me and I’m screaming and laughing. I’m sure if anyone nearby is asleep, I probably have woken them up by how loud I’m being.

  “Stop, please! I’ll pee myself!” I’m still screaming and his fingers tickle all over my sides. I am almost bending down on my knees but he follows me down, not stopping.

  “Say ‘Dominic, you are the mighty king of rock and you play like a God’.” I snort at him and he tickles me harder until I scream out the line he wants me to say. He eventually stops and my body feels like I just worked out. “See, it wasn’t that hard.” He pulls me in close to him. I almost elbow him again but stop since I definitely don’t want to be tickled again.

  “You are such a meanie.”

  “A meanie? Is that even a word?” He snickers at me.

  “Yes it is. It�
��s in the Sky knows it all vocabulary, look it up.” I stick my tongue out at him and in a flash his fingers grab my tongue.

  “Be careful where you stick out your tongue.” He lets go and I feel the fun mood slip away. It’s gone back to serious. We walk the rest of the way in silence, me still tucked under his arm.

  We’ve been here for an hour and I’m ready for my bed, well Lakes’ and my bed. It’s been a long day and my body needs to rest, especially knowing I’ll be playing in front of a brand new crowd soon. Jensen looks at me now and then but hasn’t said a single word to me. Maybe he’s still pissed off that I ignored him this morning.

  I go to the bar to order myself another coke when a guy wearing an expensive looking suit walks up to me. He’s cute, probably in his thirties. He’s smiling at me so I return it before looking back to the bartender, hoping I can get his attention.

  “I’m sorry, but may I ask if you’re the girl from that new band? Risen Knights?” I look at him, shocked that he recognizes me.

  “Yeah I am. I’m Sky.” He shakes my hand.

  “I saw your music video and I have to tell you, wow. I didn’t recognize you at first, but when I saw your eyes, I knew it had to be you. You definitely don’t look like the girl on the screen.” I bet I don’t.

  “It’s acting, isn’t it? I’m not that girl you see. You know how it is. You have to give what the people want.” As soon as those words leave my mouth, I regret it. That sounded so bad but, with the guy still smiling warmly at me, I don’t think he noticed.

  “True. I have to say, your voice is amazing. Heard you’re playing here tomorrow night.” Well more like in fifteen hours.


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