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Turn Towards the Sun Book Two: After the Rain

Page 18

by Jennifer Domenico

“There is something a little sexy about the word, used in the right context,” I say.

  He cocks his head to one side. “You think so?”

  “I do.”

  “We’ll discuss this later. I’d love to kiss you right now, but I can’t risk messing up your gorgeous face with shaving cream.”

  “I’ll leave you alone then.”

  Enzo’s eyes flash with sadness for a moment. “Don’t ever leave me alone, amore.”

  “Just for now, my prince. I’m just going to finish getting dressed.” I kiss his shoulder and walk off.

  Man, word choice.

  As I put on a pair of earrings, I notice my necklace in its box on the dresser. Enzo remembered to bring it back. Clasping it around my neck, I turn to look at my reflection in the mirror. I can’t believe how different I look. I’m finally starting to feel comfortable in my own skin and in my relationship. So much has happened, but not once did I think of leaving him. He’s the one for me and I know it.

  We get in the car and, once again, Enzo pulls out of the garage slowly, in case of paparazzi. He breathes a sigh of relief when there are none. “I forgot – Grayson and the others cleared the grounds this morning. We’re alone here.”

  “Good to know,” I say. “I don’t like the idea of strangers hovering outside my home, waiting to catch me unawares.”

  “I don’t like it either. This type of scrutiny is new for me, too. Have you looked me up on the internet lately?”

  I glance at him. “No. Should I?”

  “It isn’t necessary,” Enzo says. “Since this whole book deal, the local news has been reporting my every move, from the airport incident to visiting Emma. It’s absolutely ridiculous. I just hope it’s almost over and we can go back to our fairly anonymous lives.”

  “Me, too,” I agree, nodding. “I was wondering, how come you haven’t had any events to attend lately? We went to so many before.”

  “I’ve declined all public appearances since this thing happened with Emma. It just seemed the right thing to do. I don’t need the extra media, and I definitely wasn’t going to put you in that position again.” He squeezes my hand.

  “Thank you.”

  We drive a few miles to a private garage and park. I look around, unsure of where we are.

  “Grayson and Alex are meeting us here. They’ll take us to the conference.”

  Curious, I ask, “Why?”

  “It’s better if someone else is driving. We should have done it this way the first time. Lesson learned. I want my full attention on protecting my wife.”

  A black SUV pulls into the spot alongside us, and Grayson steps out. He opens my door first, saying, “Good morning, Mrs. Milano.”

  “Unless you want me to start calling you Eric, I think you better start using my name again,” I tell him, smiling.

  His face turns bright red and Enzo lets out a hearty laugh.

  “Of course, Ava,” replies Grayson. He smiles in return before opening the back door of the SUV for me. Enzo helps me get in.

  Alex turns around from the front seat. “Morning, Enzo, Ava. The conference starts in twenty minutes.”

  “Good,” Enzo replies, leaning back into his leather seat, looking completely relaxed.

  “We’ll go in the back way, sir,” Grayson informs us as he turns down a street. We drive into a garage with a sign saying ‘Truck deliveries only’ and pull up to a door.

  Through the kitchen again, I assume.

  Enzo and Alex get out quickly, and Grayson opens my door for me. Enzo wraps his hand in mine and squeezes. “You’re okay, right?” he asks.

  “Yes, I’m fine.” I do feel very calm. Strangely, I feel like I know how to handle myself in a press conference now.

  We enter the building through the kitchen and walk into a back room, which leads into the conference room where the press is waiting. I prefer this entrance to the one where we had to walk through a mass of flashing cameras.

  Alex looks at his watch. “Ready, Enzo?”

  My husband nods. “Ready.”

  Alex opens the door and we walk into the waiting room of parasites. Yes, that describes how I feel about them – making their money by leaching off the lives of others. Now I know why Enzo reacted so harshly to my magazine on the plane all those months ago.

  We take our seats behind the table that has been set up for us. Alex sits on one side of me and Enzo on the other. I feel ensconced in security; a very good sensation indeed. Alex opens things up once more, and gestures towards a reporter when he stands and raises his hand.

  “Mr. Milano, is it true that you visited Miss Carlyle hours before her death?” he asks.

  “Yes it is.”

  “What did you talk about?”

  “That’s obvious, isn’t it?”

  Mr. Stoic is in full force and I love it.

  The reporter continues, undaunted. “Well yes, but specifically?”

  “That’s between me and Emma, rest her soul. We had a nice talk and cleared the air between us. I will keep the specifics of the conversation to myself.” Enzo’s eyes are cold and neutral.

  “What made you decide to talk to her? Was it because she was sick?” another reporter asks.

  “That was a contributing factor in my decision. Additionally, my loving and compassionate wife encouraged me. We didn’t know that we had so little time, of course, so the timing was good.”

  “Is there anything else we should know, Mr. Milano?”

  “I don’t believe you should know any of this,” Enzo responds in a clipped tone. “I agreed to this conference so that you can all move on to the next big scandal, and leave me and my bride in peace. In fact, I expect it.” He uses the tone that scares the hell out of me, and a silence falls over the room of usually talkative reporters.

  Enzo adds, “That said, I’d like to express my sincere condolences to Emma’s family and loved ones. I hope they can find it in their hearts to forgive me for my past transgressions, as Emma did.”

  Alex stands and concludes the conference before any further questions can be asked. We exit the room quickly and head into a waiting room while Alex and Grayson attempt to clear the hotel of media.


  “That was pure class, you know that?” I ask, rising on tiptoes to kiss Enzo’s cheek.

  “Class?” he wonders. “If you say so, but I just said what I thought needed to be said. I want Emma’s memory to be respected.”

  “You did well.”

  “So did you.”

  “I didn’t do anything but sit next to you.”

  “You supported, encouraged, and loved me through this ordeal,” he tells me.

  “All very easy things to do. You know,” I add, stroking the lapel of his jacket, “it’s kind of hot when you get all cold and professional on people – so long as it isn’t me.” I wrap my arms around his waist.

  “Are you flirting with me again?”

  “I most certainly am.”

  “You can be very distracting, signora.”

  Laughing, I tell him, “That’s my job.”

  Lowering his lips to mine, he absorbs me in a kiss… just as Alex enters the room. “Excuse me,” he blurts out, shifting his eyes away.

  Enzo laughs. “It’s okay. You can come in. Are we ready to go?”

  “Yes, the area has been cleared. We’ll take you back to your car. By the way, I gave a preemptive warning that any further reports or intrusion into your personal life would be met with much resistance.”

  Code word for lawsuit, I imagine.

  “Excellent. Thank you, Alex. Good work, as always,” my husband replies.

  We head back to the SUV, and Grayson drives us back to our car. Once there, Enzo gets out, opens my door and lifts me out. He twirls me around briefly before setting me down.

  Grayson smiles and Alex looks downright shocked. I’m assuming he hasn’t been around ‘happy Enzo’ very much.

  “Thanks, you two,” Enzo says to the men before we leave.

  My husband and I get into our car, and drive towards Girasole. Enzo’s mood seems especially light.

  “So,” he says, glancing at his watch, “it’s still breakfast time. Do you want to eat before going to Girasole?”

  “I’m not hungry anymore. We can go straight to the hotel and get started.”

  We pull into the valet parking area at Girasole, and I wait for Enzo to open my door. Even the attendants know not to open my door now. Then the two of us walk down the sidewalk and enter Enzo’s office building. Once inside, I look around, taking in the beauty of the room.

  Running my hand over the large work table, I exhale, grounding myself.

  Enzo walks up behind me and kisses my neck. “Are you okay, amore?”

  “I’ve never been better, actually.”


  I nod my head. “Kiss me.”

  Enzo smiles and pulls me closer. He flicks his tongue across my lips before closing his mouth over mine. Our tongues touch in a romantic dance and I melt into his arms. I wish he would bend me over this table right now, because I want nothing more than for him to be inside me again and rock my world once more. We both stop at a small knock on the door.

  “Posso?” Francesca’s sweet voice fills the room.

  Enzo runs his hands through his hair. “Certo,” he says, turning to smile at his sister.

  Francesca smiles back and crosses her arms over her chest. “Yes, this is much better than last time, no?”

  I giggle. “I feel much better.”

  “Brava. You are ready to work then? I need your help.”

  “Yes, I’m more than ready,” I reply, enthusiastically.

  Enzo claps his hands together. “Va bene, you stay here and work with Checca. I’m going to run downtown to meet with Dax. Then I’ll be back here to pick you up. I should only be a few hours, I hope,” he adds, kissing my forehead.

  “Okay. I’ll be here.” Enzo kisses his sister on the cheek with the words, “Ciao, Checca.”

  She waves him away. “Ciao.”

  Once the two of us girls are alone, the questions start, just as I suspected.

  “Ava, everything is good with you and Enzo, no?” Francesca tries to sound nonchalant, but I already know she can barely contain her curiosity.

  “Yes, much better. It has been a tough couple of weeks, but we made it through. Our bond is stronger than ever.”

  “Good news. I worried. It’s so much to take for a new relationship. I was afraid you might leave him,” she says, shaking her head.

  “I was never going to leave him. It was challenging, yes, but not once did I question my commitment to him.”

  She smiles. “That makes me happy. The two of you are so good together. It’s the way it should be, no?”

  “Yes.” I smile at her. I couldn’t agree more.


  “Is Gabby coming over?” Cassie asks as she brushes out her unruly curls.

  “She is,” I answer. “I called her a few minutes ago. She and Calvin are on their way.”

  “Then what..?”

  “Then the three of us are going out for the day to do shopping, lunch… whatever.”

  “Okay, I’m down with shopping and eating.”

  Gabby enters the room. “Hey, ladies,” she cries out. “Enzo let us in.”

  “Hey, girl,” Cassie calls from the couch.

  “Hi Gabby, where’s Calvin?” I ask, hugging her.

  “He went to the office with the boys. Food is part of our day, right, because I’m starving?” Gabby asks.

  “A girl after my own heart,” Cassie remarks, rubbing her belly. “I’m starting to get a little soft though.”

  I nod. “So am I. Next week Enzo is having a gym installed in the back room.”

  “As much as I don’t like exercise, I probably need it,” Cassie replies. “Hey, Gabs, why are you all bundled up?”

  “It’s so cold today,” Gabby says, shivering.

  “It’s like sixty-five degrees. That’s not cold,” Cassie insists.

  “Just wait, missy,” I tell her. “The day will come when your blood thins just like the rest of us, and you’ll have a coat on when it’s sixty degrees out.” I wrap a pink cashmere scarf around my neck, over my black sweater.

  I’m thankful for the cool down. I get to dress in my favorite winter clothes, but I don’t have to wrap myself in a parka. The weather is just pleasantly chilly.

  “Those boots are bad ass, Ava,” Gabby remarks.

  I look down at my knee-high, black leather boots. They have a three-inch wedge heel and three buckles down the side. I love them and they were my first truly extravagant purchase that I didn’t feel guilty about. A fabulous shoe is everything.

  “Thanks. I love them.”

  “Do we have a fancy driver today?” Cassie asks, slipping on a light jacket.

  “I didn’t ask for Grayson…” I turn and look at my two friends who are wearing exaggerated pouts.

  “Come on, Ava, you’re used to this life, but I’m not. Can we have a driver, pretty please?” Cassie pleads.

  “It isn’t my decision,” I reply. “I’ll have to see if he’s available. I don’t really like asking him just because we want to be treated like rich girls.” I cross my arms, annoyed. Just once, I’d like to go out on my own.

  “But you are a rich girl. We just want to come along for the ride,” Cassie presses.

  “I am not rich. Enzo is.”

  Oh, that’s such a dumb thing to say. Of course I’m rich.

  Cassie guffaws and Gabby rolls her eyes.

  I acquiesce. “Alright, I’ll ask Enzo.” I shuffle off down the hall to his office and knock softly on the door.

  “You can come in, amore,” my husband replies.

  I walk in to find him showing Chris and Calvin the sketches that Francesca and I did for Little Vegas.

  “These look really great,” Calvin remarks.

  “Ava did the bathrooms. They look good, no?” Enzo asks.

  “Yes, really good,” Chris confirms.

  “Babe,” I say to Enzo, “the girls want to see if Grayson can drive us today. They think it’s cool.” I add an apologetic tone to my voice.

  “Of course, bella,” he replies. “That’s never a problem. Let me call him.”


  “What’s wrong?” Enzo asks.

  I lower my voice. “I just don’t think we need him. I don’t like flaunting your wealth around. It’s feels uncomfortable, and honestly, I never get to drive my car.”

  “Our wealth,” he points out, “and I understand how you feel. I remember how I felt when things started happening for me. But look at it as a fun thing to do for your friends. Besides, I would prefer it if Grayson drove you everywhere you went.” He kisses my cheek. “You will get plenty of time to drive your car.” He grins.

  I smile. “Okay, tesoro. Thank you.”

  “Prego.” Picking up his phone, Enzo makes a quick call to Grayson and then tells me, “He’ll be here in fifteen minutes.”

  I lean against his desk while Chris and Calvin start talking about yesterday’s football game. “You know, I’ve always wondered, where does Grayson live, Enzo?”

  “At Girasole,” he replies. “You didn’t know that?”

  “No. But that explains why he’s always so readily available. Does he like living at the hotel?”

  Enzo nods. “He says he does. It works well for his bachelor lifestyle – restaurants close by, clothing stores, and a cleaning service.”

  “Yes, that makes sense. He’s a nice guy. Does he ever date?” I ask.

  Enzo shrugs. “You think I’m a private man? Well, Grayson is even more so. I have no idea what he does in his free time.”

  “Why don’t you ask him?”

  My husband’s eyes twinkle. “Because I’m not a girl and it’s none of my business.”

  “Fair enough.”

  Enzo stands and wraps his arms around my waist. “If he does meet someone, I hope
he is as happy as I am with you.” He kisses my neck and I feel my cheeks blush since the guys are still in the room.

  Enzo leans in close and whispers in my ear, “I can’t wait to ravish you tonight. You look delicious right now.”

  Now it’s not just my cheeks that are heating up.

  “Now, go and have a good day,” he tells me, smiling. “We’re going to finish up here, and then we’re going downtown to see what’s going on with the hotel.”

  “When is it going to get a name?” I ask.

  He strokes his chin. “I don’t know yet. I still can’t settle on a good one.”

  Calvin overhears us. “You’re still stuck on a name?”

  Enzo nods. “It will come to me.”

  “Alright boys, we’ll see you later,” I say, kissing Enzo’s cheek lightly, but he responds by pulling me into the most sensuous kiss, leaving me breathless.

  “Geez, get a room,” Calvin says, chuckling.

  Enzo kisses me once more before releasing me, undeterred by his friend’s teasing. I wave and leave the room, my cheeks bright red.

  Cassie notices my demeanor right away. “Dang girl, what happened to you in there?”

  “Nothing,” I say, grinning. “Just got a kiss from Enzo and a lot of teasing from Calvin.”

  “Yeah, he’s a teaser, in more ways than one,” Gabby chimes in before laughing loudly.

  “Nothing wrong with that,” Cassie adds.

  We hear the front door open. “Hello?” Grayson calls out.

  “We’re in here,” I yell back.

  Grayson enters the room and I’m immediately taken aback by his casual appearance, dressed as he is in jeans, a gray sweater and Converse sneakers. He has also let his hair grow out a bit, so it’s not quite as spiky. He looks relaxed, casual, and surprisingly approachable. What happened to the suit and stoic demeanor?

  “Grayson, you look great. I’ve never known you to wear jeans,” I tease him as I grab my handbag and sunglasses.

  His face turns crimson. “Just trying something different, ma’am, er, Ava.”

  “Different is good,” I reply with a wink.

  “I have the car ready, ladies,” Grayson announces, changing the subject and reverting back to work mode.

  We leave the house and settle into the back of the car. “Where should we go? Fashion Square or Girasole?” I ask the girls.


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