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Turn Towards the Sun Book Two: After the Rain

Page 20

by Jennifer Domenico

  “No, Enzo, I’m not comfortable with that. There’s so much…” I stop, not wanting to say the word out loud again and unable to believe that my husband is attracted to me right now, after finding me covered in blood.

  He nuzzles my neck. “Shhh, amore, let me make love to you.”

  Ah shit, that feels good. “Baby, I can pleasure you another way,” I try.

  He shakes his head. “I want to be inside you. Please, bella.”

  I lean back against his chest while he runs one hand up my throat; the other one kneads my breast, which is swollen with hormones and arousal. I can’t resist him, even now.

  Enzo pushes me forward slightly and I brace myself against the shower wall with outstretched arms. He moves the shower head so that the water sprays right over us. The pulsating water mirrors my own aroused body. I want him too.

  “Say it, Ava. Tell me I can have you.”

  Like I can say no. “You can have me,” I reply.

  Using his knees to spread my legs open, Enzo pushes into me. Sliding in easily, he presses his body against me, pushing deeper still. I cannot speak or cry out as the feeling is so intense. I’m filled with him, his body and his love. He grinds slowly against me, my hair twisted around his forearm. I keep my eyes closed, soaking in the incredible sensation.

  “Ava, bella, la bellissima, I love you. You’re everything to me. Tell me how much you love me, Ava,” he whispers with husky breath in my ear as he continues to pump slowly into me.

  “You know I love you with every ounce of my soul,” I sigh.

  Enzo groans and begins to pound into me, hard and fast. He turns me around and I grab the edge of the bench. Holding my hips, he continues his passionate assault on my body, and I can barely catch my breath. It feels so good that I can think of nothing else except how amazing my body feels.

  “I’m going to come for you, amore. You make me crazy,” he says.

  Feeling Enzo’s body tense behind me, I grind my ass against him and reach down to rub my clit. “Not yet, baby. Wait for me,” I tell him.

  He wraps one arm around my waist and between my legs his other hand meets mine, pushing it away. “Mine,” he says as he gently bites my neck, causing me to groan. “Your orgasms are mine. Does it feel good, amore? Do I make you feel good?”

  “Perfect,” I gasp. “I feel perfect.”

  Enzo rubs my clit in circular motions until I begin to feel that sharp build-up of pressure deep in my belly.

  “Mmm, you’re tightening around me, baby. Give it to me, Ava. I want all of you.”

  “Yes, all of me.” The words escape my mouth as he pounds into my depths. My legs start to quiver and I know what is coming. Oh yeah. “Oh, oh, Enzo,” I gasp. “Please! Oh, oh, yes!”

  My body is awash with pleasure as every nerve seems to scream out in joy. My previously whiny uterus has decided to shut the hell up. Enzo cries out and holds me tight as he releases into me, pumping slower and slower until he is finally spent. He lets go of my hips and turns me around, wrapping his arms around me and smothering my face in kisses. “Bella,” he sighs.

  I sit down on the bench while Enzo takes the shower head and runs the warm water over my body, stopping between my legs for several minutes. Then he shuts the water off and helps me out of the shower. Wrapping me in a towel, he kisses my neck where he bit me earlier.

  “I don’t know what got into me. I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asks.

  I laugh softly. “Not at all. I loved it. You were amazing.”

  He grins. “Thank you for letting me make love to you.”

  “You don’t need to thank me.”

  “I know you were unsure, so I’m thanking you. I don’t take your love or body for granted.”

  Grinning, I kiss his cheek. “Now go,” I order him. “I need to be alone to deal with this most unexpected visitor.”

  “Of course,” he says, walking out and into the bedroom, shutting the bathroom door behind him.

  I find some tampons, clean myself up and put on some panties. My boobs look huge – swollen from the hormones, I guess. After brushing my hair and dabbing on some eye cream, I open the bathroom door. Surprisingly, Enzo is still sitting at the desk, not yet dressed for the day.

  “Are you okay?” I ask him.

  He turns and smiles. “Perfect. Just wanted to make sure you were okay in there.”

  “Yes, I’m much better.”

  Walking to the dresser, I pick out a bra, a shirt, and my yoga pants. I’m surprised to see that the bedding has already been stripped down. “Thanks for taking care of the bed.”

  “Of course,” he replies, calmly. “We’re a team.”

  “I’m impressed with your lack of squeamishness around girly issues.” I grin, while I slip on my bra.

  “It doesn’t bother me. It’s natural, no?”

  “It obviously did not hinder your performance.” I wink and step into my pants.

  “Should you work out now in your condition?” he asks, looking concerned.

  Ha! My condition? That’s funny. But, actually, I realize he’s right. It isn’t a good day to be pounding the treadmill. “I’ll skip the workout today,” I agree.

  Enzo walks over to me and runs his hands over the curve of my breasts. “I wish you didn’t have to cover those up. So beautiful.”

  His words cause little ripples of pleasure in my tummy.

  “They look so delicious,” he adds.

  I hoist them up playfully. “I bet this is what they’ll look like all the time when I’m pregnant.”

  Enzo wraps his arms around me. “I can’t wait to see.”

  We stare into each other’s eyes for a moment. Christmas is eight days away, and I can’t wait to tell him my surprise.

  He breaks the silence. “I better get dressed.”

  “I’ll get the coffee.”

  I head out into the living room to find Chris and Cassie cuddled up on the couch. The fireplace is lit and they are watching a movie. I’m glad they want to spend time in the common area and are not holed up in their suite. Their presence brings the life and activity to the house that I need. Sprawled out in front of the fire is Maximus; all eighty pounds of him.

  “Good morning,” I greet them.

  “Hey Ava, you slept in?” Cassie asks.

  “I’ve been awake for a while,” I reply, “hanging out with my man. What are you guys watching?”

  “Iron Man. I love this movie,” Chris says and then grins like a child.

  “It’s a good one.” I smile and head into the kitchen to get coffee.

  Cassie follows me. “So,” she says, looking around before continuing. “Did you figure out how you’re going to tell Enzo about your Christmas present for him?”

  “Yes, but I’m not telling you.”

  She pouts. “Why not?”

  “Because you’ll tell Chris, and you’re very bad at acting like you don’t know something juicy. It’s enough that you know the idea. You’ll find out on Christmas morning.”

  “So rude. Accurate, but rude,” Cassie says, poking her tongue out at me.

  I laugh and sip my coffee. My cramps have calmed considerably. Maybe sex is the way.

  “What do you want to do today?” I ask her.

  She shrugs. “I don’t know. Shop?”

  “Nah, my period started and my boobs are all swollen. I don’t want to try on clothes.”

  “I thought you were looking a little Pamela Anderson-ish this morning,” she jokes, cackling.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’ll remember this lack of empathy when it’s your turn.”

  Cassie frowns. “Ooh, you got me. I have an idea of how we can spend the day.”

  “What’s that?”

  “How about we do – wait for it – nothing?” she suggests. “We can laze around, and eat chocolate and salty things all day.”

  “That’s a fantastic plan.”

  “What’s Gabs doing today?” Cassie asks. “We could invite her over.”

  “Oh, she and
Calvin went on a weekend trip up to Sedona. I hear it is super romantic up there. But cold, like legit cold.”

  Cassie cringes. “Well, I’m not interested in that place then.”

  I nod. “We can go in the summer.”

  I pour myself another cup of coffee and Cassie goes back to watch the rest of the movie with Chris. At that moment Enzo walks in, dressed in jeans and a sweater. I blink my eyes several times to make sure I’m not imagining it. Where’s the suit?

  Kissing the top of my head, he asks me, “How are you feeling?”

  “Good. Why are you dressed like that?”

  “Like what?”

  He honestly looks like he doesn’t know what I’m talking about.

  “Enzo, you’re wearing jeans. You rarely wear jeans.”

  “Oh, this?” he asks. “Well, I thought it would look odd wearing a suit to the movies with my wife.” He grins as he sips his espresso.

  “You’re hanging out with me today?”

  “It’s Saturday and I should relax more. A very wise, beautiful young woman told me that.”

  I jump into his arms. He laughs and carefully avoids spilling his coffee. “It makes you happy, I see.”

  “Very,” I reply with a big smile.

  “You said you wanted to see a movie, so I thought why not today?”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Do you want to see if Chris and Cassandra want to come too?” he asks.

  “No, I just want to be with you alone, doing regular things.”

  “Yes, this is very regular,” he says, laughing.

  “You didn’t rent out the theater or anything, right?” I tease.

  He chuckles. “Nope, we’ll have to stand in line and sit with everyone else.”

  “I’ll go put some jeans on and then we can go.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  Heading back into the bedroom, I pull on a pair of jeans, brush my hair again and put on some earrings. I also grab my new favorite pair of boots and slide them on, feeling so excited to be spending the day with Enzo, doing nothing in particular. So many times when we go out it is to a special event, and I always have to get dressed up. While that’s fun, it is also nice to just do nothing.

  “So, you’re slumming with the commoners today, your highness?” Cassie teases me when I return and slip into my jacket.

  “Whatever, Cass,” I reply. “You don’t mind that I’m going out, do you?”

  “Not at all. Chris has some work to do, so I’m just gonna read a book and chillax.”

  “Chillax? What the heck does that mean?” I ask her, stumped.

  “Chill and relax – chillax,” she explains, grinning.

  “Okay, goofy girl, you chillax and I’ll see you in a few hours,” I reply, adding, “Bye, Chris.”

  He waves, still involved in the end of the movie. I head into the foyer where Enzo is waiting. As I approach, his phone rings.

  Hmm, he might not want to work today, but that doesn’t mean he won’t have to.

  Enzo answers the phone, nods his head and paces the foyer. “When will that be?” he asks. “Perfect. We’ll be there Monday morning. Okay, ciao.”

  “Who was that?” I ask, curious.

  “That,” he grins as he opens the car door for me, “was Dax. Three supply shipments we’ve been waiting on cleared customs and will be delivered on Monday. It’s very good news.”

  “Which shipments?”

  “The chandeliers for the lobby, which you and Checca need, plus some rugs and art,” he explains. “They are very expensive shipments and were held up by paperwork. Dax made a few calls and everything is now on track. That’s why I keep the guy around. He moves mountains.”

  “I’m glad he’s worth something. I still think he’s a creep.”

  Enzo nods. “He is a creep, that much is true, but he seems to be minding what few manners he has around you a little more, no?”

  “A little, I guess.”

  “It doesn’t surprise me. You’re a truly breathtaking woman.”

  “Married to a truly breathtaking man,” I add.

  My husband lifts my hand to his mouth and kisses my palm.


  “Did you like the movie?” Enzo asks me.

  “I thought it was okay. I love the company though,” I reply, sliding my arm through his.

  “What do you want to do now, amore?”

  “I want to take a nap. I’m exhausted.”

  He nods. “I’ll take you home then.”

  Enzo takes his cell phone out of his pocket and turns it on. He missed eight calls while he was watching the movie.

  “Go ahead and call them back. I don’t mind,” I say, squeezing his hand.

  “It can wait until we get home,” he answers, opening the passenger door for me.

  I kiss the tip of his nose. “Maybe it’s important.”

  “Nothing is more important than the time I spend with you.”

  “I’ll be here when you’re done. Besides, the work isn’t going to do itself,” I tease him, laughing.

  “Alright, get in.” Closing my door, Enzo slides into his side of the car, and starts to return the calls on speaker phone.

  “Dax, it’s Enzo. What’s up?”

  The man explains in his creepy Texan drawl that he can’t get enough of the pool tiles they picked out, but that he has found another one almost exactly the same, which they can order.

  “Send me an email. What else? Did you get the kitchen supplies in yet?”

  “Yep, I just got here about an hour ago. Oh, and you don’t have to call back the paint company. They got a hold of me and everything is on track.”

  “Good. I’ll see you on Monday,” Enzo says.

  “Yep, see ya then.”

  We pull into our garage and Enzo starts to get out of the car, but I grab his hand and hold it to my heart. “Enzo, thank you for today,” I tell him. “I love spending time with you.”

  “I’m happy I could do it. I promise we’ll get more time together when some of these projects settle down.”

  I nod my head. “I know.”

  When we enter the living room, Chris is working at the coffee table on his laptop. Cassie is sound asleep next to him on the couch and Maximus is wrapped around her. I’m surprised she can breathe.

  Looking up, Chris says, “Oh, hey guys. I don’t know if the dog is supposed to be up here, but I couldn’t get him down. He really seems attached to Cass. He follows her everywhere.”

  “That’s so adorable,” I reply.

  Enzo nods. “It’s no problem.”

  “I’m gonna follow Cassie’s lead and go take a nap,” I say.

  “Okay, amore. Do you want some tea?” Enzo asks, smacking my butt as I head to the bedroom.

  “No. I’m good.”

  Once in the bedroom, I close the door and open the master closet quickly. I have been hiding my gift for Enzo for over a week, and now seems a good time to wrap it up. Pulling the package out of its hiding place, I look over my shoulder one more time to check the door. Opening it, I pull out two tiny outfits; one blue and one pink. I hope he gets the message. Then I wonder how I can do this so that he doesn’t think I’m already pregnant? Well, that should be obvious after this morning’s event.

  I shake my head. Hmm, let’s see. I place both outfits into a gift box and place several sheets of tissue paper over them. Running to my nightstand, I grab a new pack of birth-control pills. Then, taking a pen off the dresser, I draw a big ‘X’ on the outside and place the pack on top of the tissue.

  I giggle, imagining Enzo’s face as he opens a box containing birth-control pills. But I know he is smart enough to catch on. Finally, I write inside the card I bought for him, which has a picture of a newborn baby’s feet on the front. I put, ‘I’m ready,’ and place the card under the pills. Perfect.

  Closing the gift box, I finish wrapping it up. I’m brimming with excitement and can hardly wait to tell him. After setting the box on a shelf, I clim
b into bed to take my much needed nap. Hormones are a bitch.


  “Good morning, Chris. Where’s Cass?” I ask. “We’re supposed to leave in a few minutes.”

  He looks up from his work and smiles. “Morning. Cass told me to tell you to hold your horses. She’ll be out in five minutes. Her words, not mine.”

  Laughing, I put on my coat and wait patiently. It’s unseasonably cold outside for Phoenix, which has put Cassie in a foul mood. Somewhere along the way, she thinks I lied to her about the weather here. She soon appears, wearing a green turtleneck sweater, jeans, and boots. Her gorgeous curls fall all around her face and down her back.

  “Ha! Four minutes,” she says. “I’m early.”

  I look at my watch. “Okay, I’ll give you that. Can we go now?”

  “Yep!” She kisses Chris and pats Maximus on the head. “It’s freaking cold out,” she complains. “You said it never got cold.”

  “There you go again. I said it rarely gets cold. I’ll remind you that this is my first winter here. Enzo said it’s very unusual for it to be so cold. It’s snowing everywhere else.”

  Cassie pulls on her coat. “Okay, at least it’s not snowing. Where’s Prince Charming?”

  “He left thirty minutes ago, to go approve some work at Little Vegas.”

  We climb into the Fiat and head to Gabby’s place to pick her up. Then we plan to get breakfast.

  “Actually, I like the weather much better right now than the summer heat,” Cassie remarks. “When we went to the pool, I felt like the witch from The Wizard of Oz. I’m melting! I’m melting!” She cackles loudly.

  “I love your laugh, you know that?”

  “I love you,” she says, leaning over to give me a sisterly kiss on the cheek. “Seriously, I love it here so far, and I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you.”

  I grin at her. “I’m glad you came. Once I get my parents out here, it will really feel like home.”

  “Oh yeah, what’s going on with that?”

  “Their place should be done next month,” I explain. “Dad has two more years before he wants to retire, so I’m hoping after that I can get them to come out permanently.”

  “Once they have grandkids, I’m sure they’ll come. By the way, I know something you don’t know.” Her eyes twinkle.


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