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Turn Towards the Sun Book Two: After the Rain

Page 22

by Jennifer Domenico

  “When it’s important, she came through.” He kisses my cheek.

  “Yes, she did. I’m so excited that Chris is finally going to ask. They’ve been together, geez, like six or seven years now, I think.”

  “Well not everyone is on the four-month plan, like us.” Enzo laughs.

  I love that sound. “No, in fact most aren’t, but most people don’t have what we have.”

  “Which is what, Mrs. Milano?” He stands close to me and holds my chin in his hand, rubbing it with his thumb.

  “The most intense, undeniable, unbreakable, heart-stopping, world-spinning, deep love.” I enthuse, trying to think of as many descriptions as possible.

  “Those are very accurate words, but we need new ones,” Enzo replies. “I’m not sure there is a word that truly describes how I feel about you.”

  “We don’t even need words, Enzo. You show me how you feel and that’s more important than anything else. Every day I wake up with you is a perfect day, regardless of what happens.”

  He lowers his eyes. “Yes, there have been dark days, but you stayed.”

  “I’m always going to stay. That’s the kind of love we have. I don’t think either one of us could function anymore if we weren’t together.”

  “Don’t even say that. I can’t imagine it. My life is so complete with you. We are one, remember? I would be nothing if you were gone.”

  “Good news then – you’re stuck with me,” I tell him, giggling.

  Enzo rolls his eyes. “What a burden.” Laughing again, he pulls me to him, kissing and nibbling my neck before finally releasing me and handing me a cup of coffee.

  “So, what do we need to do to prepare for a baby?” he asks. “Do you need to see a doctor first? Do I? Or do we just go at it until it happens?”

  “I’m not sure. I’ll call Dr. Warner after the holidays and see what we need to do. But I hope I’m not pregnant yet. I want to have fun in Vegas next week. I’ve never been there for New Year’s Eve. Where are we staying?”

  He leans against the island. “I booked us into the penthouse suite at the Arabesque. It opened last year. We have the fiftieth floor all to ourselves – five bedrooms for five couples.”

  “I’m so excited,” I say, wide-eyed. “Do we have any specific plans?”

  “We have a very exclusive party to attend. The rest of the time is ours to decide. I have a few ideas of some things I’d like to do, just you and me.” He winks at me over his espresso.

  “Like what?”

  “Just a few things I’ve always wanted to do with someone, but didn’t have someone to do them with. Now I have you. Dreams come true, amore, even the dreams you didn’t know you had.”

  There he goes, Mr. Romantic.

  “Okay, babe, I’ll just wait. I know you’re not going to tell me.”

  “No, I’m not,” he agrees with a grin. “Let’s go start a fire, let Maximus out, and wait for Cassandra to wake up.”

  I nod. We walk out and I open the back door for the dog and laugh as he pushes past me outside. He’s so cute. Every time Maximus sees the yard, he acts as if it’s completely new to him. I watch him roll in the grass and run circles around the palm trees as usual.

  I feel Enzo standing behind me, watching our dog play. He kisses the top of my head and nuzzles his face in my hair. “You smell divine.”

  Turning around, I loop my arms around his neck. “Thank you for everything today. I feel so special and cherished.”

  “Well then, I have done my job. What song will you play for me on the piano?” he asks, winking.

  I stop and think for a minute. It has been so long since I’ve played, but it’s a no-brainer really – I have to play my favorite song of all time.

  “Moonlight Sonata,” I reply.

  “Lovely. I can’t wait.”

  “I hope I can still play it. It’s been so long.”

  “You’ll do well. I’m sure of it.” He kisses my nose. “I have a sudden desire to take you back to bed, Mrs. Milano.”

  “I’m not sure I have the strength for you again, just yet.” Laughing, I take a seat on the couch.

  He sits alongside. “You need to eat. I’ll whip up a nice breakfast for all of us. Pancakes?”

  “Yes, and some eggs and juice,” I decide. “Do we have any bacon?”

  He laughs. “You’re sure you aren’t pregnant already? That’s quite an appetite you’ve got there.”

  “I’ll remind you that I’ve always had an impressive appetite – for all things that please me.”

  “Ah yes, I do remember well. I noticed on that first night at Milano. I was such a pompous ass that evening. It’s amazing you let me hang around.” He shakes his head.

  I laugh. “You were, but it was very hot. I just wanted to be around you.”

  “You did?” he asks, giving me that gorgeous, yummy smile I love so much.

  “Yep, I knew even then that you had me.”

  “I knew it too,” Enzo admits. “Halfway through dinner, it dawned on me that I wanted to know you. I actually had an interest in the things you were saying, and the way you spoke to me, challenging me. You were, and still are, so secure in yourself. It was a turn on, and I knew right away you were different and would have an impact on me. I could not have imagined in my wildest dreams that it would lead to all of this though.”

  Ha! Secure in myself? Back then I was a mess.

  “What are you thinking, amore?” he asks. “You have the most charming smirk on your face.”

  “I’m glad I came across that way to you, and that you pursued me… or I pursued you. I’m not really sure how that worked. But, I’m happy it did.”

  “Oh, my dear, Mrs. Milano, I most certainly was the pursuer in that equation. You merely allowed me to catch you. For a while I wasn’t sure you would.”

  “Did you doubt my feelings for you?” I ask him.

  “No. I doubted whether I was good enough for you, and if you would be willing to put up with the shit that goes along with my lifestyle. That’s a lot for most women to take.”

  “Back then my resistance was about taking your money and becoming some kind of trophy, who just stood by you looking pretty, with no goals or direction of my own. I still worried about that until recently.”

  “What changed?”

  I guess I hadn’t really thought about that. Until now, I didn’t even realize it had changed.

  “Mostly working with Checca,” I reply, “and realizing that I have a passion and interest in design. Also, just being around you more, and knowing that you hear me, listen to my feelings and value me as your equal. That is very important to me.”

  Enzo leans over and plants a series of sweet kisses on my neck. “Meeting you and falling in love saved my life in so many ways. You are much more to me than you know. You are my anchor that keeps me grounded. What you think of me and how happy you are – those things guide me through my day,” he says. “You are much more than equal to me. You are the center of my world.”

  “The Christmas spirit must be affecting you… you are mighty romantic this morning,” I reply, smiling. “More than usual even.”

  “Could it be the effect of my beautiful wife unveiling a most precious gift this morning?” Enzo asks me.

  “I’m glad I could give you this.”

  “You’re the only one who can.”

  We stare at each other for a moment. I want to throw Enzo down on this couch and kiss every inch of his body. My love causes a physical yearning deep inside me and my heart swells with joy. I want to devour him.

  “Breakfast, amore?” he asks, as though reading my mind.

  “Yes, please.”

  I watch my husband move gracefully to the kitchen and then I let Maximus back inside. Sitting down at the piano, I touch the shiny wood. It is really the most stunning instrument I’ve ever seen. Slowly, I run my fingers over a few keys, softly, so as not to wake our friends. I close my eyes for a moment and cherish the feeling of those ivories beneath my finge

  “Well, are you gonna play or just sit there?”

  Turning around, I see a dressed Cassie walking towards me.

  I grin at her. “I was thinking about it.”

  “Don’t think, play. When was the last time?” she asks.

  “I don’t even know, Cass. I think I was still a teenager.”

  “Wow, really?”

  “Yes, really. I was just sitting here, wondering if I still remember how to play my favorite song.”

  “I hope so,” she says, “because I can’t wait to hear you play.”

  At that moment Chris appears and sits down on the couch. “Are you gonna play?” he asks.


  Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes and start. It’s a little bumpy at first, but soon the notes come back to me and I play. I’m playing my piano. I cannot wait to tell my parents. Enzo comes out of the kitchen and leans against a column. He watches me intently with a huge grin on his face. When I finish, everyone claps for me.

  Enzo calls out, “Brava, Ava. Bellissima.”

  “That was great. Can you play any Christmas carols?” Cassie asks.

  “Um, like what?”

  “O Holy Night is my favorite.”

  “Bring me the iPad,” I tell her. “I bet I can find the sheet music online.”

  Cassie grabs it from the coffee table. A quick search brings it up right away and I begin to play. We sing the words together. Cassie has always had a terrific voice and hits the highest notes beautifully.

  Chris’ eyes open wide and his face splits into a grin. “Cassandra Lynn Cunningham,” he says, astonished. “I had no idea you could sing like that. Have you been holding out on me all these years?”

  Cassie actually blushes crimson. “I guess I just never had a reason to sing.”

  “You don’t sing in front of him?” I ask her. “That’s a shame. Your voice is beautiful.” She shrugs. “Thank you.”

  Chris wraps his arms around Cassie and kisses her. “I love your voice. I’d like to hear it more. I hope you’ll sing for me again,” he says.

  “I will, baby.”

  I love moments like this when Cassie puts her guard down and lets her sweetness shine through. I love her craziness too, but it’s so nice to see her being emotional.

  “The food is ready,” Enzo announces.

  We all head into the kitchen nook to eat breakfast. I gaze out the window into our backyard and watch the waterfall splashing into the pool. It is a gorgeous day out there today, expected to be around seventy. I love the containers of sunflowers that we’ve planted around the yard, and how they can grow and thrive in the middle of winter here. Just looking at them reminds me of happy times and the sun. I feel like I live in its warm glow.

  The perfection of my life right now is startling. It’s been only six months since Enzo blew into my world and what an amazing trip it has been since. I glance around the room, watching Cassie pile up her plate while Chris sips his coffee and stares at her. Enzo tries in vain to get Maximus to settle down to eat his breakfast.

  I rub my belly. In the very near future, I’m going to have my husband’s baby. I could not have imagined this life for myself. If anyone had asked me in June what I would be doing for Christmas, I would have said visiting my parents and hanging out in freezing cold Denver, dateless and bitter. That was pretty much how the future looked before Enzo swept me up. Amazing.

  “What are you thinking, amore?” Enzo asks.

  “Nothing,” I reply, smiling. “I’m just enjoying my surroundings right now. I should call my parents soon. This is the first Christmas we haven’t been together, so I hope they’re taking it well.”

  “You can call after breakfast. We’ll clean up and then I’ll start getting ready to prepare dinner.” Enzo kisses my cheek.

  “Who’s coming over?” Cassie asks in between bites of egg.

  “Everyone,” Enzo replies. “Paolo and I will be cooking, and all my Arizona family will be here.”

  “Is Grayson coming?” I ask.

  “No, he has a flight later today, to go spend a few days back home.”

  “Oh, that’ll be nice for him,” I comment. “It’s nice to be with family.”

  “It is, amore, don’t be sad.”

  “I’m not. You’re my family now.”

  A soothing smile is his response. We finish breakfast and then I help Enzo to clean up the kitchen.

  “Bella, why don’t you go sit on the couch and relax,” he suggests after a while. “I’ll just get a few things started in here and then I’ll join you.”

  Cassie stands and puts her hands on her hips. “Enzo, you have like a hundred nicknames for Ava. I’ve heard bella, bellissima, amore, baby, principessa…” She uses her fingers to keep track. “Why can’t you just pick one?”

  “I use whatever inspires me at the time. There are not enough accurate words to describe her.” Enzo grins.

  Cassie rolls her eyes. “Wow, you guys are mushy all the time.”

  “And it suits us just fine.”

  “I think it’s cute,” Chris chimes in. “I’d love to talk to you that way.” He strokes Cassie’s hand and smiles at her.

  She looks surprised for a moment, but then a full smile graces her face. “We can discuss.”

  I can see that Chris is getting bold with Cassie and it is unnerving her. I love it, especially knowing that he’s going to propose soon.

  We head out into the living room to let Enzo start preparing things for the day just as the doorbell rings. Maximus barrels down the hallway to the front door. I see Grayson through the glass. Why is he here?

  I open the door. “Hi, Grayson,” I greet him. “Merry Christmas to you.”

  “Merry Christmas,” he replies. “I have a delivery.” Smiling, he walks in and puts down some luggage in the foyer.

  “Whose is that?” I ask him.


  My parents step out in front of the door and for a moment I can’t even comprehend what is happening. My brain desperately tries to process the presence of my family standing on my front porch. My parents are in Arizona!

  “Ava, are you okay?” my dad asks, grinning from ear to ear. “I think she’s in shock, Evelyn.”

  My mom throws her arms around my neck and pulls me close. “Merry Christmas, Ava.”

  Finally, my brain snaps back into the present and I return my mom’s hug, holding her as tightly as possible.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw! Oh my gosh,” Cassie shouts from the foyer. She hurries towards us and throws her arms around my dad.

  “Hi Cassie, how are you? Is Chris here?” my dad asks.

  “Yeah, he’s here. Chris,” she calls out.

  Chris and Enzo come out to greet everyone. I release my mom and launch into Enzo’s arms.

  “You are so unbelievable,” I tell him. “I can’t get over it. Thank you so much.”

  He kisses my cheek. “I knew it was important for you to be with your parents. Originally, I was going to fly us out there, but they’ve had such bad weather in Denver lately that I thought it would be better if they came here.”

  “We are so happy to be here,” my mom comments. “Denver is expecting another bad snow storm in a few days.”

  “Well, it’s nice and balmy here for you.” Enzo smiles and wraps his arm around my waist. “Shall we go inside?”

  We all enter the house and Grayson carries my parents’ luggage to a guest room, before saying his goodbyes.

  My mom runs over to the piano. “Oh my goodness, this is so beautiful,” she says.

  “That’s one of my Christmas presents from Enzo.” I’m sure I’m beaming right now.

  She runs her hands along the keys. “You’ve always wanted one.”

  “Yes, I have.”

  “Place looks great, you two,” my dad says, looking around the living room.

  “Your daughter is responsible for this,” Enzo replies, his voice full of pride.

  “You decorated?” my d
ad asks me.

  I nod. “I did. It’s my first solo project. I like how it turned out.”

  Cassie laughs. “Yeah, like a magazine layout – pretty good for a first timer. I remember when your apartment was decorated with Marilyn Monroe posters and rickety bookshelves that you found at garage sales. Hey, do you remember that weird, blue-and-white striped futon thingy you had? It was atrocious.”

  My dad laughs. “I remember it. I wasn’t even sure you should sit on it. I was grateful the day we lugged it out to the trash.”

  Enzo smiles. “I would love to hear more stories about Ava.”

  Cassie nudges me in the arm. “Can I go first?” Her eyes twinkle with mischief.

  “No, you may not. I’m pretty sure he’s looking for cute, endearing stories, not the single years.” I roll my eyes.

  “I’d like to hear all of them, actually.”

  “Last time I checked, this was not an episode of This is your life, Ava, so I’ll decline storytelling hour, thanks,” I reply, playfully shoving Enzo in the direction of the kitchen. “Shouldn’t you be cooking anyway?”

  “No, I have plenty of time before Paolo gets here.” He plops himself down in a lounge chair. “Please, everyone, sit down.”

  “Do you guys need to freshen up or rest?” I ask my parents.

  “We’re fine. We’d like to hang out with you all for a while,” my dad says.

  I exhale loudly. Clearly, I’m not going to avoid this, so I sit down on the couch in a huff and get ready for the embarrassing stories to begin.

  “Your dog is adorable. What’s his name?” my mom asks.

  “Wait.” Cassie raises her hands. “Guess, Mrs. Bradshaw. Think of one of her favorite movies.”

  “Scarlett, wait no, it’s a boy. Um, Don Vito? Corleone?” my mom guesses.

  Cassie giggles. “You’re getting closer.”

  “Oh, I know. Gladiator, right?” she guesses again.

  “Yes! You got it.”

  I narrow my eyes at them both. “I’m glad you two find this so amusing. His name is Maximus Decimus Meridius. We call him Maximus,” I add.

  “You do indulge this girl, Enzo. I guess better to give the dog that name than your son,” my dad says, chuckling.


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