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Kyler Page 14

by C. A. Harms

  “So it’s true?”

  “Which part?”

  I watched her as her lips tilted upward and she laughed. “That my son is going to be a father?”

  “Yeah,” I said, unable to keep myself from smiling too. I’d said it over and over in my head since the moment I found out. Yet I still couldn’t believe it. I was going to be someone’s dad.

  “Things are a little rocky between Ashlynn and I,” I confessed, and by the unsurprised look on her face it was confirmed she already knew this.

  “Which is why you came home to fix things.” It was more of a statement than a question.

  “I’m sure gonna try.”

  “I have this inkling that things are gonna work out just how you hope.”

  I didn’t push for answers because I wasn’t sure I wanted them. My mother could be pushy and a bit nosy at times. I had this bad feeling that she’d taken things upon herself to attempt to fix things for me while I was gone and that, well, it worried me.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I walked out of my father’s office and toward the smaller one at the end of the hall that I had been using as my own lately. It was the one closest to the bathroom, and with my unpredictable stomach, I really couldn’t chance being too far away.

  I was shuffling through the papers I wanted to finalize before our closing later tomorrow afternoon when I looked up and my step faltered. There leaning against the door frame of my office was Kyler, or so I thought it was. I’ll be honest for a second, I wondered if I was beginning to imagine things in my exhausted and malnourished state.

  Both of us remained frozen, me looking at him, him looking at me, yet neither of us spoke. I imagined the look on my face was much different from the knowing smirk on his, as I still couldn’t believe he was truly there.

  “Hi.” He pushed off the wall and took a step toward me. It was then my heart rate spiked and I continued to look up at him as he approached me. I gripped the papers in my hand just a little tighter when he paused in front of me. Those gorgeous eyes that I’d thought of often over the last few weeks stared back at me, so genuine and kind.

  He lifted a hand and the exact second his fingers grazed my jaw I felt my body lean toward his touch. My eyes fluttered shut and I took in a deep breath, doing my best to remain upright.

  “Hi,” I whispered, realizing then that I had not yet responded.

  He chuckled softly and my eyes met his once again.

  There he stood, before me, wearing a pair of jeans that fit him to perfection, hugging him in all the right places and hanging low on his hips. The shirt he wore was a shade of green that only seemed to give his eyes an aqua appearance.

  “I’m really hoping your silence isn’t because of disappointment.” I shook my head as I lifted my own hand and touched his that still softly touched my jaw. “I’ve missed you, Ashlynn, so much.”

  We’d only talked a few times over the last weeks but each time it was always the same. I’m not going anywhere and I’ll fight for this, fight for you. And there he was.

  “I messed up that first night I saw you.” He took another step toward me. “I should have said something, I should have stopped Beau from going after you. It should have been us.” He placed his hand on my hip and moved in closer to where our chests were now only a few inches apart. “I lost my chance then, but I can’t let that happen again, Ash. I love you.”

  I gasped, quickly closing my mouth to hide my reaction.

  “I’ve been in love with you, always that guy waiting on the sidelines to comfort you when he didn’t. Ready to protect you when he should have been the one to do so.” It was the truth, Kyler was always that guy, making things better even when they felt like they were falling apart. “I don’t want to miss out on my chance with you again. I wanna make you happy, Ashlynn, because I know I can.”

  I knew it too, but fear still lingered in my mind.

  “Do you know how hard it’s been sitting on the sidelines watching you with the wrong guy, and being forced to just accept it?”

  My heart hammered in my chest so rapidly I reached out to the wall at my side to hold myself upright and fought off the unsteady feeling it gave me.

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t be that guy anymore. I need you, Ash,” he confessed and I stared back at him, weighing out his commitment to what we could be. “I want you and I want this baby too.”

  He carefully slid the hand he had rested on my hip and placed it over the space that held our child and it was then my knees grew weak. Tears filled my eyes and I closed them tight, trying to fight them off.

  “I need you too.” The confession left my lips before I had a chance to stop it.

  Kyler leaned in and pressed his forehead to mine as we stood just like that, completely oblivious to the office shuffle around us. Honestly at that point I didn’t care who was watching; it was the first time in weeks I’d felt that calm.

  “I came back to make things right,” he added, and it was then I remembered his unfinished business in Italy. As if he could almost read my thoughts he slouched just enough to bring himself eye level with me. “I’d walk away from the Ducati deal in a heartbeat if I hadn’t already signed that contract. I’ve never been one for fame, Ashlynn, you know this. I just want you. But what I have to do in Italy is almost over. Then I’m back here to shoot the commercial.”


  He stood tall once more and my head tilted back to look up at him. A smile that made my heart flutter took over his lips as he reached out and took both of my hands into his. “Yes, here,” he replied. “It was always the intention to film the commercial here in Santa Barbara.”

  I realized that I knew very little about this deal he accepted.

  “I’ve been living in Italy fulfilling the other commitments,” he continued to explain, making my mind race. “Photo shoots, campaign preparations. But that’s almost done, then I’m back here for good.”

  “For good?” I was like a fucking parrot, repeating one to two-word phrases he used.

  He chuckled and I only felt even more foolish.

  “Besides the occasional appearance that I’ll have to attend that were lined out in the contract, I’ll be done.”

  “I guess I just thought that—”

  “I know what you thought,” he interrupted me again with that same knowing, arrogant smile I’d seen him share many times before. “But you were wrong.”

  I offered him a playful glare and he chuckled.

  “So what do you say we start over?”

  I gave him a confused look as I pulled one hand away from his hold and pointed toward my stomach. “I think it’s a little late for that.”

  My breath hitched when he placed his free hand over my stomach and rubbed lightly. A look of amazement was on his face when he stared at the very place his hand lay. “It’s never too late to begin again. I think we deserve a clean slate.”

  I was so amazed by the way he still concentrated on my stomach as if it held the key to everything. “I’ve never wanted anything more.” I’m not sure if that comment was meant for me to hear but I heard it clearly.

  “Me neither,” I confessed, then he looked back into my eyes and a silent acceptance passed between us.

  I wanted him by my side; I just needed to know he was doing it because he wanted to and not because he felt he had to.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  “Where did all this come from?” I asked as I took in all the baby items still in the packaging. A carseat, diapers and wipes, hell, there was even a crib box.

  “Your mother.” I looked back over my shoulder at her with an arched brow and a smile stretched out over her face.

  “My mother did all this?” She nodded and again I scanned over the items. “She said she knew but she never said anything about all this.”

  “It was delivered a few days ago after I ran into her while having lunch with Hayley at Franco’s.” Again something my mother never
once mentioned. “She walked right over, leaned in close, and offered a hug. But before she pulled away she assured me that her grandchild would be spoiled.”

  “Oh is that right?”

  “Yeah.” I loved seeing Ashlynn smile so brightly. “She also told me that she knew her son would be an amazing father.”

  There it was again, that deep ache in my chest when I thought of being a father. To hear that my mother said these things to Ash without even knowing the specifics of what had taken place between us only made the pride I felt even stronger. I had two of the most supportive, caring parents anyone could ask for. They were the reason I would be good at this; I owed them everything.

  “I think she was excited.”

  I chuckled, unable to hide the reaction. “I’d say you’re right.”

  “I know this is all a surprise,” Ashlynn added, and I turned completely around to face her. The way she nervously toyed with her hands, twisting them together over and over, was something I didn’t much care for. “A shock is more like it.”

  “I’d call it a gift.” She seemed a bit taken aback by my description. “I mean yeah, it was unplanned, but I wouldn’t for a second call our child a mistake. Whether it’s now or in five years, it’s here now and I couldn’t be happier. We aren’t kids, Ash, we’re adults, and like I said earlier, I love you.” The way her chest rose and fell in one deep breath told me that this still surprised her. “And I know I love this baby too, because it’s a part of us. A child created from a night I know I’ll never forget.”

  “Why are you so good to me?”

  What grated on my nerves is that she thought somehow me loving her was something she didn’t deserve. She had no idea just how amazing she was, she never had.

  All those times I watched her sit on the sidelines while Beau was the life of the party. She’d smiled when prompted or laughed when she felt it was the right time, but she never truly engaged. It was always about him and what he needed. That would never happen again, not as long as I could help it.

  “I’m good to you because you make it so easy.” I moved in, placing my hands on her hips, and pulled her in closer to me, her chest pressed firmly to my own. I looked into those gorgeous blue eyes of hers as she tilted her head and watched me. “This is me, loving you. There’s no hidden agenda, just the gift of you and our child is all I need in return.”

  She eclipsed her eyes and her lower lip trembled.

  “I wish it’d been you that I’d accepted that first date from all that time ago.” She didn’t open her eyes, just continued to speak. “I have a feeling had it been you, I would have fallen hard and fast.”

  “I did fall, Ash, maybe it’s wrong, but Beau moving in on you never stopped me from wanting you.”

  She leaned in and rested her head against my chest, taking in a deep breath. “I wish I could take back the last year.”

  “We have now,” I assured her. I didn’t want to keep living in the past, I was ready to move forward.

  “Yes we do,” Ashlynn added, lifting her head and looking up at me once more. “I’m ready to know what it feels like to be yours, Kyler.”

  Fuck, I had never heard anything sweeter. I cupped her jaw and moved in, pressing my lips to hers and she accepted without a pause. She’d never again be without me; I’d do whatever it took to hold onto her. Our life was just starting and I vowed to knock her on the ass with the love I had in store for her.

  “You better hold on tight, sweetheart,” I mumbled against her lips. “Because I’m about to take you for one hell of a ride.”


  “Okay, baby, I’ve got…” Kyler stepped into the bedroom wearing only a pair of shorts hanging low on his hips. Freshly showered, his hair was still wet and sticking up in every direction. He held a small container in each hand as he looked at the labels closely. “Rocky road and cookie dough.” He arched a brow. “What’s my girl in the mood for?”

  His girl. God I love hearing him say that.

  “Can’t we just have both?”

  For a moment he looked from one carton to the next before returning his gaze to me. “Hell yeah we can.” He smirked, moving further into the room and sat on the bed next to me. Kyler took each lid off and placed them on the nightstand next to us before grabbing the spoon and scooping up a little of each kind of ice cream. When he held it out before me I leaned in and slowly took the creamy yumminess into my mouth. At no point did I take my eyes off him.

  His focus was settled on my mouth and I tried not to smile when his nostrils flared as I licked the spoon clean, pulling my mouth back once more. “Mm,” I moaned, overexaggerating the goodness once again, loving the rise it was causing in him.


  “So good,” I assured him as I performed a little victory dance when I noticed the way he swallowed hard and shifted where he sat. “You want some?” It was a loaded question; I was fully aware of that.

  “I definitely want some.” I didn’t miss the twitch of his lips just as his eyes roamed over my face, along my neck, and paused on my chest. “Are you offering?”

  “I’m craving, actually.”

  His stare connected with me once more and communication passed between us that made heat rise in my neck and face. It suddenly felt a whole lot warmer.

  “It wouldn’t be right for me to deny my girl something she’s craving.”

  I found I loved this side of Kyler. The one that was confident and take charge. It turned me on more than I ever thought something like that would. I honestly think it was more related to the man than the actions themselves.

  My heart rate spiked when he twisted to the left to place both containers next to the lids on the nightstand before turning back to face me once more. I remained frozen, entranced by his movements. The way his muscles flexed when he pushed upward, supporting the weight of his body with his arms.

  He moved over me as I lay back against the pillows behind me, my gaze scanning over his chest and back upward. The aqua color of his eyes only seemed brighter in the lighting of the bedroom.

  When he cupped my jaw, I leaned into his touch, getting lost in the comfort it provided. “I feel safe with you.”

  “You are safe with me,” his lips skimmed over mine, “and I promise you always will be.” The way he said this with such conviction, there was no way I couldn’t believe he would do whatever it took to hold to that promise.

  “I love you, Kyler.” I felt his body relax over mine.

  “It’s about time you realized that.” He pressed his lips to mine once more and I felt his smile. I couldn’t help but find the humor in his cockiness. “Now kiss me.”

  I parted my legs, allowing him to fit securely between my hips as I wrapped my legs up and around his waist. My thin shorts did nothing to suppress the feel of his erection against me and I shifted my hips, dragging a moan out of him. It was as if that very movement a switch was flipped and his kisses grew hungry.

  “It’s so easy to get lost in you.” His heated whisper fanned out on my cheek as his hands roamed over my hips and slipped beneath the hem of my shirt. “Like I lose my mind with one simple touch.”

  “I know.” Oh my god did I know. I felt like every nerve ending in my body was alert and demanding more. Please just more.

  “It’s almost like I can’t control myself.” His voice was so husky and almost strained. “Like an addiction that I can’t soothe. I can’t stop it.”

  “Don’t.” I gripped his side and pulled his body closer to mine.

  “I need to be gentle with you, babe.”

  “I’m pregnant, Kyler, it doesn’t mean I’m made of glass.”

  He growled, gripping my hip harder as he buried his face into my neck. “I’ve never needed anything more than I need you.”

  “Then take me.”

  He thrust his hips forward and I moaned as I arched my back, moving my own hips to chase the pleasure. Suddenly my shirt was lifted over my head and my wrists held securely in one of Kyler’s hands. Then he
was on me, touching me, tasting me, his tongue flicking against my nipple just before he bit softly and tugged.

  “You like that.” It wasn’t a question; he knew I did. The way I was writhing beneath him, it was the only confirmation he needed.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I wanted to let go, lose myself in the moment, but I wanted to make it last too. I’d felt as if I’d waited a lifetime to feel Ashlynn again. I’d spent week after week remembering what it felt like to be inside of her. To feel her body take from my own what she needed.

  It was pure torture to have only that one taste and then to be denied afterward.

  There we were, together again and I remembered what it felt like to be so lost in pleasure that I almost forgot my own name. Fuck, she felt amazing.

  “Yes,” Ashlynn sighed as I pushed into her deeply. “God yes.”

  I’d never craved another’s pleasure so much. To know that it was me making her feel so good made me feel powerful.

  “Let go, Ash,” I whispered near her ear before pulling back so I could see the look on her face the moment she hit her peak. It was fucking addicting. The second her body tensed around me, squeezing the life out of my cock, she bit her lip and her grip on my back only tightened even more. “That’s it,” I encouraged her. “So good, baby, so damn good.”

  I held out as long as I could, but as her body began to relax against mine I let go, spilling inside of her, groaning her name. “Ashlynn.”

  One deep breath after another we shared as we stayed connected and holding each other. This moment between us I knew was one I would never forget. I had a feeling that everything I shared with Ashlynn, whether big or small, would forever be engraved in my memory.


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