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Page 15

by C. A. Harms

  I rolled to the side, taking her body with mine as I held her close. The room was silent, filled only with her breathing and mine.

  “I’m exhausted,” she mumbled as I smiled.

  “Sleep.” Ashlynn gripped my side, as if she was worried I was leaving her. “I’m not going anywhere, babe, I promise you.” And I meant it, there was nothing I wanted more than to hold her close.

  I remained next to her, long after she fell into a deep sleep, her body fully relaxed against mine as she lightly snored.

  Reaching out, I pressed my palm to her stomach and closed my eyes. It was unbelievable to me still that she held my child inside of her. I suddenly felt like the king of the world and the urge to pound on my chest hit me. I was responsible for a living human, one growing inside of this gorgeous woman. It all made me feel so fucking powerful.


  “Well, hello, handsome.” I turned around with coffee in hand to face Hayley, who stood just inside the front door. She had a smirk on her face as she scanned over me from head to toe. I stood near the counter, scrambled eggs in one pan and pancakes cooking in another.

  “Good morning,” I offered with a smirk as I turned back around to continue cooking, thinking suddenly that maybe I should have gotten dressed, but I guess it was too late for that. I was just thankful I’d pulled on my boxers at least before leaving the bedroom.

  “A man that can cook is so sexy.”

  “Oh yeah,” I said without turning around to face her. “Does Quinton cook?”

  “That man can make a mean bowl of cereal.”

  I laughed at her response.

  “So where is momma bear?” she asked, finally stepping up to my side.

  “She’s in bed,” I replied as I scooped up the pancake and moved it to the heated plate. “I thought I’d make her breakfast before I woke her up.”

  “Let’s just hope that she can hold this down.” It was my thought too, but I had to try. I’d noticed her weight loss. I may have only held her in my arms once prior to last night but I’d memorized the curves of her body over the last year and I knew the difference.

  “Has it gotten better?”

  “Yeah.” She gave me a nod. “Her doctor gave her medication for it but there are times it still hits her. It was so bad before, even popsicles made her sick.”

  I already knew that, but hearing it again only made me feel bad all over again for not being here with her.

  “So when do you head back to Italy?”

  “Tomorrow afternoon.” I felt my stomach tense almost instantly at the thought of leaving Ashlynn again. “We’re set to start shooting the commercial next month on the ninth.”

  “So will you be gone until then?”

  “I hope not.” The worst part was I still had no idea how much more I had to wrap up in Bologna. Honestly, I wasn’t even supposed to be gone now, but after practically begging for a small break, here I was. The not knowing what was or wasn’t going on with Ashlynn was getting too distracting. “What do you think are the chances of getting her to go back with me?” Hayley only arched her brow as she wrinkled the corner of her mouth upward. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.

  “Something smells so good in here.” I looked back over my shoulder to see Ashlynn enter the kitchen wearing a tank top, the same one I took off her last night, and a pair of boy shorts. She skidded to a stop when she found Hayley standing there and her eyes shifted toward me. I watched as she looked me over from head to toe and then crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Hey, in my defense, you are the one that gave her a key.” Hayley’s smile grew wider. “I’m innocent in this whole thing,” I assured her, doing my best to hide my smile. “I was just standing here cooking breakfast, and in she came, acting almost as if she lived here or something.” I shrugged, which in turn only caused Ashlynn to arch her brow.

  “Well, if I would’ve known that I’d be greeted like this I would have been here sooner.” Hayley added a little sigh as she scanned over my body. It was actually satisfying to see her get a rise out of Ashlynn.

  “Should I show up at your place or Quinton’s and have him cook me breakfast in his boxers?” Ashlynn taunted Hayley, and there I stood with a spatula in hand, watching the scene unfold.

  “Go ahead.” Hayley shrugged as if she didn’t care one bit.

  “I don’t think so,” I added my two cents, yet neither of them seemed to remember that I was even there.

  “Wait.” Hayley held up one hand while reaching into her back pocket with the other. She pulled her phone out and held it out before her. “I could call him now, we could have a pajama party.” She wiggled her hips from side to side, acting as if the idea excited her. “He has this red pair he wears that shows every little ripple and bulge—”

  “Hell no.” This time I spoke louder, gaining attention from both of them. “Hang up the phone, woman,” I said, pointing the spatula at Hayley. “Go ahead, do it.” I wiggled the utensils out before her and she slowly lowered her phone. “And you…” I moved my hand in the direction of Ashlynn and found her smiling innocently.


  “You know what?” If Hayley wasn’t standing a few feet away I’d have had her pressed up against the wall in seconds, erasing the last five minutes from her mind completely. “There will be no other man cooking you anything in his boxers but me.”

  We shared a silent stare down and I could see the smirk playing on her lips.

  “What about naked?” Hayley fake-whispered and Ashlynn’s smirk became a full-on smile. I opened my mouth to speak only to shut it quickly once more when the two of them broke out into a fit of laughter. I realized then that the two of them had fully flipped the switch and turned this all around on me.

  “Smartasses,” I mumbled, turning back to the stove and pouring more batter into the pan.

  “Add some chocolate chips to mine,” Hayley said but I remained where I was, not turning to face either of them. I didn’t want them to witness the smile on my lips. I had to play it cool.

  These two were trouble.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  “How are things going between you and Kyler?”

  I lowered my iced tea to the table that separated us and gave Hayley a little shrug. “They’re going.”

  In return she only offered me an annoyed look, arching her brow and waving her hand out before her, indicating she needed more info.

  “What, you asked how they were going?”

  “Yeah, I did.” She leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table top. “I expected much more than that weak ass explanation.”

  I smiled, remembering the things he’d said to me the morning I’d dropped him off at the airport. “He wants to start over, things got way off track, and I think things weren’t handled in the best form. But I feel good when I’m with him, Hayley, I always have. I think back now and remember all the times he was the guy who was there for me. Though then it was more of a shoulder to lean on, but still he was there.”

  “Team Kyler.” Smiling wide, Hayley mumbled the words but I heard them clearly.

  “I didn’t know there were teams.”

  “There most definitely were teams and Kyler has been in the lead the entire time as far as I’m concerned.” The way she stated this made me laugh. That lift of her brows as her eyes widened just a small amount, as if to say, how could you not know this?

  “Has anyone over told you that you are insane?” Ridiculous, overboard, and a few more other words came to mind also, but I stopped there.

  “Whatever.” She waved me off, leaning back in her chair once more and looking around the small cafe where we’d met for lunch, before turning her attention back to me. “I just know a good thing when I see it. You and Kyler are a good thing.”

  “And you know this how?”

  “Because that guy has watched you from afar for too long, and even then he handled you delicately. I’ve always been jealous of how careful he is with you, like
some protective knight guarding the girl from harm.” Was I the only person who never noticed he’d had a thing for me? “He’s a good guy, Ashlynn, and I think it’s time you have a good guy for a change.”

  He’s more than just a good guy.

  “I know too, that Kyler’s gonna make an amazing daddy.”

  I was just about to reply when I heard a familiar voice break through our conversation. “You’re pregnant?”

  Both Hayley and I turned to the side and came face to face with Beau. He stood with his father and another gentleman I’d never met. Kenneth wore a smug look on his face, his nose twisted up in disgust like I was a piece of trash.

  “Are you?” Beau asked again, reminding me of the question I had yet to answer.

  “Yes.” There was no reason for me to deny it, after all, he and I weren’t together. I immediately saw the sadness in his eyes and part of me felt his pain, even though he’d hurt me. I knew the good side of Beau and I never wanted to offer that hurt in return.

  “Kyler?” I only nodded and he instantly looked away from me.

  I was just about to say something when he turned on his heel and walked away, leaving me alone with his father and the man at his side. I looked up into the piercing eyes of Kenneth and watched as his gaze narrowed. “Confirmation that you are the whore I always thought you were.” I felt like he’d slapped me. “I’m just glad it’s Kyler that’s stuck with you for the rest of his life and not my son.”

  I heard a chair slide across the floor and Hayley stepped forward. “You dirty, no good bastard.” I hurried out of my chair and used my body to shield my fiery friend. The look on her face oozed with vengeance.

  “Isn’t that cute?” Kenneth laughed and the man next to him only smiled, as if the two of us were beneath them.

  “I don’t think Mrs. Lambert would think your actions with your secretary were too cute,” Hayley added, and I saw Kenneth’s resolve falter for only a second before he quickly recovered. “Or the nights you spend at the Hamilton Inn with your array of hookers. What’s your favorite’s name?” She paused, lifting her finger to her lips as if she was thinking it over. “Honey. Yeah, that’s it. It would be a shame if your wife found out what you’ve really been doing, or should I say who you’ve been doing? Doesn’t her daddy’s money pay for a lot of those fancy things you possess?”

  In that moment I felt awed by my best friend.

  “It would be such a shame if she left you and took everything, only leaving you with those smelly rats you fuck on the side.” She puckered out her lip and I couldn’t have stopped my smile if I’d tried.

  Just a little note, I didn’t try, not even a little. It was like fucking Christmas.

  Kenneth stormed off like a scorned child and I turned completely around to face Hayley. “I think I’m in love with you,” I said as I gripped both of her forearms, and what did she do? She flashed that knowing smile. “I know this, hun, I’m wonderful and addictive. But I’m so glad you’ve finally come to terms with it.” She actually patted my arm as if to say it’s all okay.

  Her confidence did absolutely nothing to trigger a reaction in me, because she rushed to my rescue and I adored her for it. She could gloat all she wanted.


  I was just stepping out of the shower when I heard my phone ringing in the next room. It was only a quarter after six in the morning and I already knew who it was even before I looked at the screen. I felt that rush of excitement race through me as I moved through the bathroom and into my room in search of my phone.

  “I used to hate mornings, but now I actually look forward to them.” It was true, because they were now graced with a call from a man that seemed to make everything so much better.

  “Morning, beautiful.” I closed my eyes and swore I could practically envision that sexy smile of his. “I hate to take the excitement out of this call, but do you wanna fill me in on the events that took place with Kenneth earlier?”

  My stomach felt as if it dropped. “It was nothing, really.” I attempted to fake confidence, but even I heard it falter within my voice.

  “That’s not what I heard.” The tension rose in my chest, making my throat feel dry. “So tell me what happened, and don’t leave anything out or try to sugarcoat it. I can assure you I already know the basics.”

  “How did you hear about it already anyway?”

  “I’ll give you three guesses,” he added, and I sensed the irritation now lacing his voice. “But my bet is you’ll only need one.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  “You calling to gloat?”

  I hung my head and cupped the back of my neck, trying to massage some of the tension within me since the moment I hung up the phone with Ashlynn. I had an uncontrollable urge to book the next fucking flight to California to be true to the promise I’d made a couple of months back—to throw Kenneth fucking Lambert out his office window.

  “Not only did you hook up with my girl while I was out of town, but you knocked her up too.”

  “She wasn’t your girl, Beau, we both know that,” I finally responded. “But if it makes you feel better, then fine, say whatever you fucking need to. But while you’re sitting back feeling sorry for yourself, you need to tell your father to back the fuck off.”

  “I think we both know that I can’t tell that man anything.” Beau had never had the balls to stand up to his father. He was all “yes sir,” and “when.”

  “Fine, then I’ll do it when I get back next week, but you better tell Daddy goodbye because I’m gonna rip his sorry ass head off his shoulders.” So much for easing the tension. “He’s messing with Ashlynn and my child. Man, that means he’s messing with me. If you don’t have the balls to tell that piece of shit to stay the hell away from her, then I’ll do it myself.”

  I ended the call and fought the urge to throw the phone against the wall. I don’t know what I expected to gain from making that call, but it only managed to set my anger into overdrive.

  “Aww, what happened, did makeup forget to pluck your eyebrows?”

  Normally Aurora could ease the stress of my day, but not this. Nothing could make this feel better. I was in Italy when I wanted to be back in Cali with Ash.

  “Not now.” My hands still shook as I gripped my phone tighter.

  “I think someone could use a drink,” she thrust her hand out in front of my face and wiggled her manicured pink nails, “and I think maybe you could use one too.”

  I looked up and arched my brow.

  “What?” she said with a shrug.

  “What, did your masseuse get a little too adventurous again?”

  “No.” She pulled her hand back and crossed her arms over her chest. “That’s why I’m cranky.” Aurora tilted her head and jutted out her chin as she pretended to pout.

  “Let’s go get you that drink.” I pushed up off the chair and wrapped my arm around her shoulders as I pulled her along at my side. She was right, I did need one, or maybe ten. I felt like I was gonna explode with irritation.

  Within an hour I was telling her all about the phone call I got from Quinton. He thought I should know that Kenneth went at Ashlynn and he was right, I did need to fucking know. The bastard wanted to mess with what was mine, then I’d mess with his life too.

  I may have hired a private investigator to follow Mr. Arrogant Prick around for a week and then anonymously sent the photos of him with his hookers to his wife. I’d have to buy Hayley something shiny to repay her for that bit of information. Her father being chief of police had its advantages; the man knew everyone in town.

  Aurora and I had shared more than four drinks each and were feeling pretty great when my phone rang. She reached out for it and when she looked at the screen she smiled. “You labeled her as Beautiful in your phone?”

  “Yeah.” I reached out to grab it from her.

  “That is so corny.”

  I leaned out further, lifting my ass off the seat, and pulled it from her hands as I starte
d tapping on the screen. “Hey babe,” I said as I held out the phone before me. Fucking loved this video chat screen.

  “Hi.” I looked at her gorgeous face and noticed she was looking down away from the screen. “Did I interrupt you?”

  “Hell no, I’m just having a drink.”

  She looked up once more and then looked away quickly. “Why won’t you look at me?”

  “Because I can’t see you.” Ashlynn shrugged her shoulders. “I can only see your date.”

  I squinted and looked up in the corner at the smaller screen, and though it was dark I was able to see Aurora there looking off toward something near the bar. I pushed the button to turn the camera around and then my own face came into view.

  “We were just having a drink.”

  “Why don’t you call me later?” She looked upset, and the idea that she’d thought this was more than two friends sitting in a bar together made my stomach ache.

  I stood up from my chair, and before I knew it I was moving from the bar toward the lobby of the hotel and I found a quiet place to talk. “There is nothing going on here but two friends having a drink.”

  I stared at the screen, feeling my heart race as I silently begged for her to look at me.

  “Do the two of you do that often?”

  I could have lied to her. I could have chosen to say all the things I knew would ease her mind but honestly, I had no desire to lie to her. I wanted her to understand the relationship between Aurora and me.

  “We do.” I saw it instantly. That slack look on her face as her lips turned down, forming a frown. Even then I found her so beautiful. “I’ve never really talked to you about Aurora, and I should have explained us better to you. Told you about our friendship.”

  “I don’t know if I want to know.”

  Ashlynn attempted to hide her reaction but I could see her lip trembling.


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