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Page 17

by C. A. Harms

  When Ashlynn turned back around and looked at me with the sweetest smile on her face that ache inside my chest returned. The same as it always had whenever she looked at me like I was her absolute most favorite person.

  “How did I get so lucky?” When she said that, I stood completely quiet, waiting for her to move across the room toward me.

  The tight t-shirt she wore really showed off her stomach and my hands itched to touch it. She was fucking gorgeous prior to carrying my child, but there was something different about seeing her now. It was like some type of crazy ownership, some possessive nature that grew within me each day.

  “You’re so good to me,” she whispered as she stepped up in front of me, placing her hands upon my chest. “And I know without a doubt you’re going to be so good to our baby.”

  I nodded, because hell yeah I was, the two of them were and always would be my world.

  “Thank you for being such an amazing guy.”

  When she began to stretch herself upward in search of my lips I met her halfway and accepted the kiss she offered. It was a kiss that I felt throughout every cell of my body. The way she held onto me, holding me close. That gentle way she moved her lips to mine just before softly grazing over my lower one with her tongue.

  Ashlynn was addictive, more so than any other thing I had ever felt and loved. She was better than the perfect bike, on the windiest road on the sunniest fucking day.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  “I can get Kyler to help carry things in,” I assured my mother, only she wasn’t having it. The tiny woman was determined to gather each item we’d bought on our mini shopping spree we’d just taken and carry each bag inside. Of course if I’d attempted to help she would shoo me away and tell me to go eat something.

  It made me laugh, considering we’d just had lunch.

  So instead I held the door open as she made one trip after another until everything was piled in the center of my foyer.

  “I think we bought too much,” I said as I observed the damage.

  “Nonsense.” She shrugged, stepping over the bags and moving to the opposite side and walking around. “There is no such thing as too much when it comes to my daughter and my grandchild.”

  I saw the way her eyes lit up when she said grandchild.

  “I can’t wait to shoot this little angel at all the right angles, with the perfect settings.”

  “So I’m no longer needed as your muse?”

  She smirked as it slowly morphed into a full-blown smile. “Oh yes you are, sweetheart, you and this sweet little baby. I’m so excited to have you both on camera in the most gorgeous mother-child shot.”

  She was like a kid on Christmas, all giddy and excited.

  I caught movement over my mother’s left shoulder and looked up to find my father coming out of the nursery with a perplexed look on his face. “I thought I heard the two of you.” He didn’t pause, only continued to move toward the refrigerator just before pulling it open and grabbing two waters.

  “Everything okay?” my mother asked with a curious look on her face. I’d since moved around the pile myself and joined her as we both stood side by side observing my father.

  “Oh yeah,” he waved his hand while giving a hesitant nod, “everything is great.”

  Again he moved down the hall toward the nursery, not giving us a second glance, which we both found puzzling. “Something isn’t right.” I found myself nodding in agreement with my mother because something was most definitely not right.

  We began to move in the direction my father had gone and just before reaching the door, we both paused quietly, listening to Kyle and my father.

  “It says that there were four of these,” Kyler sounded puzzled, “but I’ve searched this pile three times and there are most definitely not four.”

  “Do we need four?”

  “Yes, Bill.” I looked over to my mother at the exact time she looked over at me. “There are four corners so we need four legs.”

  I covered my mouth to hide my giggle and my mother’s chest bounced with her own laughter.

  “We can’t build a crib with only three legs,” Kyler had never sounded more lost before. His voice was low and I could almost imagine the defeated look on his face.

  I chose that time to step forward and into the opening of the bedroom door. There on the floor sat Kyler and my father, both looking around at the array of parts scattered on the floor between them.

  “Maybe we should have hired someone to put this together for us.”

  They both whipped around and gave me a look I could only describe as shock. “We would be fine if we had all the parts,” Kyler assured me as he squared his shoulders and sat taller. “I don’t care who you are, if you don’t have all the parts, you cannot put this together. So, hiring someone isn’t gonna change the fact that we can’t—”

  He paused when I bent over and lifted the mysteriously missing leg that they’d been in search of. It was hidden behind the box they’d tossed to the side. I held it out in front of me and tilted it from side to side. “You mean this part?”

  Both my father and Kyler just stared, shifting their gaze from me to the leg I held in both hands.

  “Like I said maybe we should have hired someone.” I shrugged, the men narrowed their eyes at me, and my mother broke out into a fit of laughter at my side. “I’m gonna go call Quinton.”

  “Ashlynn,” Kyler said in warning as I moved from the doorway toward the hall still carrying the wooden leg. “Why the hell would you call Quinton?” he asked as he followed behind, gaining on me quickly.

  “Because he bought two bookshelves and a desk for Hayley and put them all together by himself,” I stated as I reached the kitchen counter and begin sifting through my purse. “I’m pretty sure a crib and changing table would be a breeze for him.”

  “Drop the phone,” he said as I lifted it from my purse. “I mean it.”

  “Is that so?” He simply nodded his head. “And if I don’t?”

  “I’ll spank you later.” Kyler’s eyes narrowed as if daring me to challenge him.

  “What if I want you to spank me?”

  Before I had time to prepare he was around the counter and had my back pinned to the refrigerator. I still held the crib leg in one hand and my phone in the other.

  “I don’t need help building my child’s bed,” he said with his lips so close to mine I could feel his warm breath fan out over my face. “But baby, if you want me to spank you, all you have to do is ask.” It was then his lips covered my own and he kissed me to the point that I lost my train of thought. Just then the part and my phone were removed from my hands and he backed away.

  “Thanks, babe.” He offered a wink before turning around and moving back toward the room my parents were still waiting in.

  “Oh he’s good,” I whispered to myself as I let my body sag backward against the fridge and did my best to regain some control.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  “How are you feeling, Ashlynn?” my mother asked as she sat down at the table across from Ash. We were eating in the small dining area just off the kitchen since it was only the three of us, and this table seemed more intimate and allowed us to chat easier.

  I actually loved these times with my parents, watching them with Ashlynn, the way they smiled and laughed along with her, it was the best feeling.

  “I’ve felt good actually.” Ashlynn placed her glass onto the table top. “I’ve noticed my back is getting a little more sore by the end of the day. Plus my feet swell, which is a new thing.”

  “I remember when I was pregnant with Kyler my hands would swell and my fingers looked more like sausages.” Ashlynn laughed as my mother lifted her hand and wiggled her fingers.

  “But it’s all worth it,” she added as she looked over at me with a smile. “I go back and forth with what I hope the two of you have. One day I think it would be great to have a granddaughter, one to spoil with cute l
ittle dresses and hair bows. Then I imagine a little boy with Kyler’s eyes and your hair color and I think that too would be amazing.”

  “I think I want a boy,” Ashlynn said, surprising me. I guess I thought she’d want a daughter to do all the things my mother just mentioned.

  “Well, whatever this little miracle ends up being, there is always time for more babies.” I arched my brow at my mother and she just ignored my curious stare. “I imagine the two of you with a house full one day.”

  “One,” I said before looking toward Ashlynn to find she seemed slightly disappointed in my declaration. “What, you want more?”

  With a shrug, she focused on her plate instead of looking at me.

  “Ashlynn?” When she looked back at me I reached out and placed my hand over hers. “Do you want more kids?”

  “It’s not important right now.” She scanned over the area around us and I realized it might not be something she wanted to discuss with my parents near, but it was too late. My curiosity was piqued.

  “It’s important,” I assured her, regaining her full attention.

  “I guess I just hoped that I’d have at least two,” she said, almost too low to hear. “Growing up I used to wish for a brother or a sister.”

  For a moment we just continued to stare at one another before a slow smile spread out over my lips. “Well then, it looks like we’ll be going through this all over again when we give this little one a sibling.”

  I guess I just assumed because she’d had such a rough go in the beginning that she’d have no intention of ever repeating that. I guess I was wrong.

  The rest of the dinner was filled with laughs and there may have been a mention a time or two of marriage, but I didn’t bring any attention to it. My mother could be a little pushy, but I felt there was no rush for that now. Did I see myself in the future married to Ashlynn? Hell yes I did, but that time would come.


  I stepped into the shower behind her and reached up to replace her hands that massaged the soap into her hair with my own. She smiled as I suspected she already knew I’d joined her. So much for trying to be sly.

  “That feels so good,” she moaned and I felt my dick jump at the sound. The dude had a mind of his own when it came to this woman; he loved him some Ashlynn. It didn’t help when she made those little sexy moans, it was like fuel to a fire.

  “Tilt your head back,” I directed, and when she did, I continued to move my fingers through her hair as the soap ran down her body. I tried not to focus too much on the erotic feeling of the moment, but come on, I’m a guy. A guy who loved his girl and every single thing about her. Her tits covered in suds, her nipples hard and begging to be touched.

  No longer able to resist the temptation, I moved closer and felt the peaks push against my chest. She gasped and I knew it was because they were so sensitive. She was like one big ball of nerve endings, which made me think having her pregnant and needy was a good thing.

  “What time are the girls picking you up?” I shifted my body and smiled when her mouth gaped open as my chest rubbed against her nipples.

  “Eleven.” The word fell from her lips in a breathy whisper.

  She was going out to lunch with Hayley and a few other friends and then they were going to get pedicures after.

  “So we have about an hour before they show up.” I dipped down and kissed her lips before pulling back and making sure to rub my chest against hers on the way. At this point I was well aware that I wasn’t playing fair, and I didn’t feel even the slightest bit bad about it.

  When she nodded in response to my question, just before biting her lower lip, I knew I had her.

  “Turn around,” I whispered and her eyes finally opened as her gaze locked on mine. “Hold onto the handle and part your legs.”

  A knowing smile spread out over her lips as she slowly and carefully turned around as I directed. When she leaned forward, arching her ass up just perfectly for me to step in behind her, I think I fucking growled.

  “So sexy,” I said as I ran my hand over her ass and then around to her hip. “You seriously got a sweet ass, Ashlynn.” I was lost for a moment until her laughter pulled me back. “What, baby? You know what this right here does to me.”

  “Such an ass man,” she cooed and I moved in closer, pressing my now hard cock against her.

  “Only your ass, babe,” I assured her as I reached between us and positioned myself at her opening. As I pushed forward, slowly sliding inside her warmth, she moaned out and I leaned in closer. “Every single thing about you makes me weak, sweetheart. You’re it for me, Ashlynn, and you always will be.”

  The bathroom filled with the sounds of our bodies slapping together and the moans of our pleasure. That deep guttural growl that hit me each time I felt her tense around me, that moment when it became too much and I came so hard my toes curled. She did that to me, she made my head spin and my heart fucking thump so hard it was almost painful at times.

  When we were both sated and panting, I pulled her body back to mine as my chest pressed firmly to her back and just held her there. One arm was wrapped securely across her chest holding her safely, the other over her hip, my hand fanned out over her belly. I closed my eyes as the realization hit me that at that very second, I held my world in my hands.



  “Should I be concerned that you look a little pale?” I looked over at Kyler as he sat at the side of my hospital bed. “Because you look like you might puke, or pass out, maybe both.”

  “Should I be concerned that you are showing no signs of pain, even though that monitor over there keeps showing that things are happening that should, in fact, be causing you pain?”

  “It’s the drugs,” I said with a shrug. “They’re really, really good.”

  I heard the door creep open and Hayley poked her head inside, Quinton just behind her. “Damn, I thought we’d walk in on some action.”

  I gave him a confused stare before shifting my gaze to Kyler and then back to Quinton.

  “Come on, you know.” He widened his stance and crouched down like a football player which of course only further confused me. “Your legs up in the stirrups, your head all soaked from sweat as you push.”

  “Whenever her legs are in the stirrups, your ass will be nowhere near this room.” Kyler zoned in on Quinton with that test me, confident look he gets when he’s serious. His eyes narrowed, his lips pressed into a tight line.

  “It’s the miracle of life, Ky.”

  “It’s also my girl performing that miracle with a part of her body that is only meant for me to view, with the exception of her doctor.” I tried not to laugh as the two of them had a debate over my vagina. “So as I said, you won’t be viewing that miracle.”

  “You take all the fun out of everything.” Quinton actually looked like he was pouting, which did, in fact, make me laugh.

  Hayley moved forward and leaned over, offering me a hug. “How you feeling, momma?”

  “I’m good, nervous maybe.” She pulled back and offered me a reassuring smile. “Mostly excited though.”

  “I can’t wait to meet this kid.” She reached out and took my hand, offering it a squeeze. “Boy or girl, this little baby is gonna be so loved and so spoiled. The waiting room out there is so full of so many people that are anticipating the arrival of this little gem it’s almost like a little army.”

  “I just wanna be a good mom.” Suddenly I was feeling overly emotional and it was next to impossible to hold back the tears that began to fill my eyes. “In just a few short hours, everything changes. It’s no longer just about me and Kyler because we’ll be responsible for a sweet little baby who will rely on us for everything.” I took in a deep breath. “I’m so scared I’ll mess up.”

  “You won’t,” she assured me, only it did nothing to soothe that fear.

  “No, she won’t.” This time it was Kyler who said the words as he moved in closer to my bedside. “You wanna know why?” I
nodded. “Because we’ll do this together and we won’t let the other one fail.”

  And that’s when the tears fell, as he leaned in and pressed his lips to my forehead. “We got this baby,” he whispered, “just you and me.”



  I can only remember a few times in my life where I cried. Sure there were times when I felt that deep ache in my chest were I felt like my life was over. Those times when I couldn’t breathe, but none of those times compared to this.

  I would remember this moment every day that followed and remember this ache inside of me, because it was such a deep love, one that was crippling.

  I had a son. A six pound, nine ounce son, a beautiful boy who was the greatest gift I had ever been given. I knew right then that nothing would ever compare to what I felt seeing Ashlynn hold our son close to her chest while looking down into his curious eyes.

  “He’s so small,” Ashlynn said in a hoarse whisper. “I cannot believe he’s here and he’s ours.”

  She was in awe, much like myself. It was almost unbelievable that she and I created this perfect little person, one who could grow up to be anything he wanted.

  “He’s been here for almost five hours, babe, and we still haven’t given him a name.”

  “I want to name him Kyler.” Ashlynn looked up at me and suddenly I was speechless. “I want him to be just like his daddy, loving and compassionate.” Her lower lip trembled. “I can’t think of another name that suits him more than his daddy’s name.”

  I sat down on the edge the bed, placing my arm behind her neck and together we looked at her son. Or so she thought that was all I was watching but I watched them both. My entire world was in this one room. That realization was so overwhelming, I was elated. There was no way to describe the things I was feeling, no words, nothing.

  It was too big, too magical, too life changing.


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