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Road to Harmony

Page 20

by Sherry Kyle

  He tossed his hat on the table, wrapped his arms around his mama’s waist, and lifted her off the floor.

  “Jonas, put me down.” Ma laughed.

  Jonas set her on her feet. “I’ve missed you.”

  “Me, or my cooking?” She shot him a look, then ambled over to the counter and grabbed the rolling pin.

  “Both.” The corner of his mouth twisted into a grin.

  Lines etched her forehead. “How are things on the farm?”

  “Fine. The cows are producing well. Took my first shipment to the cheese factory the other day. Mr. Salmina was impressed with our milk.”

  “Your father picked quality dairy cows.” His mother dabbed at the corner of her eyes with her apron.

  Did his mother know about the illegal shipment? The one that cost Adrian his life?

  “How’s Yvette faring in Harmony?” She stamped the dough.

  “As well as one could expect.” Jonas crossed the room and sat on a chair near the wood-burning stove. He attempted to keep his voice even. “Is Nicolas or Captain Zubriggen staying here?”

  “I haven’t seen Nicolas. Isn’t he working the farm with you?” His mother put the tray of biscuits in the oven.

  “Not as of today. Thought it was time he moved on.” He kept Nicolas’s departure to himself. No need to worry her. Jonas wiped his forehead with his sleeve. “And the captain?”

  “Yes, Captain Zubriggen’s in town. Came in a few hours ago, but he stepped out right before I mixed this dough.”

  “Do you know which direction he went?” Jonas snatched his hat and placed it on his head.

  “Said he needed supplies.” She faced him, eyes dark with questions. “Jonas, what’s going on? Why all the questions?”

  “You’ll know soon enough. For now, keep Yvette’s whereabouts to yourself. And if you see Nicolas, let me know.” Jonas went to the back door and grabbed the handle.

  “Will you be staying the night?” His mother removed her apron. “I can make up a bed for you.”

  Jonas declined. “Tell Gabi and Sabrina I love them.”

  She drew in a sharp breath, and he had a hard time looking her straight in the eye. “Jonas, you’re acting strange. What can I do to help?”

  “Pray. Because it’s going to take a miracle for everything to turn out right.”

  Jonas opened the door, went into the night air, and mounted his horse. The captain needed supplies today? Cayucos General Store was closed every Sunday. What association did the shopkeeper have, if any, with the captain?

  There was one way to find out.

  Hidden in the alleyway between Cayucos General Store and the Infirmary, Jonas ducked down under the store’s side window. A small light glowed, illuminating two figures inside. Could the storekeeper be involved in the captain’s charades? Elena’s sweet and innocent image came to mind. She deserved an honest man. Jonas swallowed hard. Best to give Lars the benefit of the doubt.

  He rose from his haunches to get a better look. The men shook hands before the taller one disappeared through the back door. Why would they meet secretly in the dark of night? Standing as quiet and still as possible, Jonas observed the captain walk down the alleyway.

  The captain.

  Anger seared through Jonas’s belly and heat radiated up his neck to his ears. He must find out how Lars was connected to the man, for Elena’s sake. Moving as silently as possible, he stalked to the corner of the building. No sign of Captain Zubriggen. That left only one of the night’s conspirators to question. Jonas slipped into the building through the back door.

  “Did you forget something, Captain?” Lars turned, and then his brow creased. “Jonas? What are you doing here?”

  Was that fear in Lars’s voice?

  “It’s late. Shouldn’t you be in Harmony?” Lars pushed himself away from his desk and stood.

  “Give it to me straight.” Jonas stepped closer. “Tell me why you’re meeting the captain or I’ll find out myself.”

  Lars clutched his hands in front of him, his fingers trembling. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I saw you shake the man’s hand moments ago. He left through the back door. I want to know why you’re involved with him.”

  Lars twisted the corner of his mustache. “It has nothing to do with you, Jonas. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay out of it.”

  “I plan to marry Yvette. I’m already involved.”

  Lars rubbed the back of his neck. “Before you do something that will get you on the wrong side of the law, I suggest you go back to Harmony where you belong.” He motioned toward the door with a flick of his hand.

  Jonas strode forward and slammed his fist onto the man’s desk. “I know the captain killed Yvette’s husband. If you know anything about that, it’s time to come clean.”

  Lars ran a hand through his hair, muttering unintelligible words under his breath.

  How could he clear his pa’s name and protect Yvette if Lars didn’t open up to him? There had to be a way.

  “Please Lars, I want to help you.” Jonas grabbed Lars’s arm. “Trust me.”

  The shopkeeper pulled away from Jonas’s grip and distanced himself.

  Clearly, trust was not forthcoming. Jonas exhaled a frustrated breath. “Do you have a better plan? Because if you do, I’d be glad to hear it.”

  After a few agonizing moments, the shopkeeper turned on his heel and blurted, “No, I don’t have a better plan. I don’t have a plan at all.” Lars rubbed his temples. “And I’m tired of this ... ”

  “Of what? Lars, trust me.”

  Lars hesitated, and then his shoulders sagged. “Captain Zubriggen has been blackmailing me.”

  “Blackmailing?” Jonas leaned in. “How so?”

  Lars rested both hands on his desk before grabbing a thick book. His voice lowered. “He’s had me reconfigure his ship’s ledgers in exchange for shipments for the store.” Lars hung his head.

  Jonas narrowed his eyes.

  Lars continued. “He ships me stolen goods to sell. We share the profit and I only keep record of the authorized deliveries.”

  “That’s illegal.” Jonas words shot out like bullets.

  Lars slammed the book on the table. “Don’t you think I know that? But if I don’t do as he says, my livelihood will be ruined. Everything I’ve worked for will disappear.” He swiped his brow with the back of his hand. “He’s threatened my life.”

  Jonas picked up the book. “Have you told anyone? What have you done to protect yourself?”

  Lars didn’t make a move. Instead, he eyed Jonas suspiciously.

  Jonas set the book back down on the desk. “Think about Elena ... and Samuel.”

  Lars’s jaw clenched. “I’m in over my head. I need help.” Beads of sweat dotted his forehead. “If I tell you everything, do you swear you’ll help me?”

  “I promise.” For Pa, Yvette, and mostly for Elena.

  Lars glanced around nervously. He strode to the back door and locked it, then pulled out a wooden chair. “Sit down and I’ll show you.”

  On the way home, Jonas’s mind spun with everything he’d learned. It took a hefty amount of humility for Lars to admit his troubles—especially to a dairy farmer. Jonas flicked the reins as he sat high atop Shadow on his way back to Harmony Valley. For a smart businessman, Lars had gotten himself into a heap of trouble. Part of Jonas wanted to let the man pay for his lack of judgment. On the other hand, Elena’s reputation was also at stake. He would do anything to keep her name in good stead with the community and help clear Lars of any wrongdoing. With all the proof he’d seen, it was obvious the man had been blackmailed.

  As he rounded the hill, he came to a fork in the road. He could go on home to an empty house or head over to the Seifert’s place to see Yvette. Truth was, every fiber in his body drew him Elena’s direction. Guilt filled his gut at wanting to spend more time with the feisty blonde than the dark-haired beauty. He dug his heels into the horse’s flanks and turned th
e animal toward Tobias’s farm.

  His heart raced. Before he’d hit his pillow for the night, he’d see Elena. A longing that he’d suppressed for years had begun to work its way up to the surface, and he was having a hard time ignoring it. What would she do if he stole a kiss or two?

  Better not let his mind go there, otherwise he’d have to march right into the Seifert home and tell Yvette their engagement was off. His shoulders sagged. That was what he wanted to do, but he couldn’t. He’d promised his pa. And he still needed to prove Captain Zubriggen was not only guilty of murdering Adrian, but also blackmailing the shopkeeper.

  Jonas brought Shadow to a stop. It wasn’t too late to head home.

  Guide me, Lord.

  Chapter Thirty

  “Nicolas, I still don’t understand why Jonas let you go.”

  Elena squirmed in her seat. How many times had Jonas caught Nicolas sneaking around like he had in their barn? Jonas must not trust him. Whatever his reasoning, Jonas made the right decision. She felt the rightness in her gut.

  Nicolas cleaned his dessert plate with his fork, and then swigged the last of his coffee. “I’m considering working for the captain. He told me today there’s money to be had on the steamer. Says he’s made more in the last six months than he has the previous two years. The timing couldn’t be better.”

  “You know how I feel about that man,” said Yvette. “I’d rather you stay as far away from him as possible.”

  Elena stood, gathered Nicolas’s dirty dishes, and carried them into the kitchen. Her parents had gone to bed when she promised she’d clean up and show their guest to the door after Nicolas and Yvette had a chance to talk things through. Without her in the room, Nicolas might confess his indiscretion at sifting through his sister’s things.

  Elena plunged her hands into the soapy water and washed the plate, cup and silverware. She also cleaned the dishes her mother used to serve Nicolas his supper. After wiping down the counter and putting away the last remaining piece of cranberry cobbler, Elena laid out the wet towel to dry. Had she given them enough time alone? There was nothing left to do so she returned to her company.

  To her surprise, Jonas stood inside the door, his hat in his hand. His amber-colored eyes penetrated her own. He tipped his head in a greeting. His sandy-colored hair grazed his collar and the top was matted from his hat. How she loved his rugged looks.

  She pushed the thought from her mind.

  “Jonas, what brings you by?” Elena sat in her mother’s place at the table.

  “I needed to talk with Yvette. Didn’t expect Nicolas to be here.”

  Elena’s heart sank. He hadn’t come to see her, of course.

  Nicolas jumped up from the table. “Jonas, now that I know your pa embezzled dairy cows. I could never work for a man like you. And you ...” Nicolas pointed to Yvette. “How can you consider marrying him? Adrian hasn’t been gone a year. The man died needlessly, and you act like it doesn’t matter.”

  Elena’s head swam at the accusation. Was Nicolas telling the truth? Had Jonas’s pa embezzled livestock?

  “Nicolas, that’s enough.” Yvette slammed her hand on the table. “There’s much you don’t know about the captain.”

  Jonas laid his hand on top of Yvette’s. Did her heart stir at Jonas’s touch, as Elena’s did?

  Elena clutched her own in her lap.

  “Maybe now is the time to show Nicolas Adrian’s journal. He’ll not believe you otherwise.” Jonas’s eyes pleaded.

  A journal.

  That must be what Nicolas was after in the barn. Elena bit her lower lip.

  “It’s time we settle this.” Jonas walked to the door. “I can’t have my pa’s memory tarnished. Nicolas needs to know the type of man Captain Zubriggen is.” He lifted his hat off the peg and placed it on his head.

  “You’re leaving now?” Yvette stood and placed both hands on her hips.

  “This is between you and your brother.” Jonas lowered his voice.

  “But you promised to protect me. You promised your father.” Yvette folded her arms tight across her chest.

  What? Could it be? Was it possible that Jonas didn’t love Yvette? That he agreed to marry her because of a promise?

  A weight settled on Elena’s heart, heavy as a bale of hay.

  “I don’t think your brother means you any harm.” Jonas turned the doorknob and slipped out.

  “Nicolas, I’ll get the journal. Wait right there.” Yvette left the room.

  Nicolas turned toward Elena and motioned to the door with a nod. “Now’s your chance to bid Jonas farewell.”

  Nicolas had made it clear to her that he didn’t want Yvette to marry Jonas. If Elena ran outside, Nicolas would know her true desire. So many secrets ... her own included.

  “Quick. Before he gets away,” Nicolas said.

  Did Nicolas still want her help? Is that why he was prodding her on?

  Elena didn’t understand his motives, but she did understand one thing—Jonas was leaving. She pushed herself from the table, grabbed her shawl from the peg, and raced out the door.

  Jonas stood not ten feet in front of her. He wore a silly grin on his face. “Come to see me off?”

  “Actually, I’m headed to the barn. Wanted to check on Samuel.” Elena slowed her pace and pivoted toward the barn. It was the partial truth. She planned on looking in on her brother after Jonas left.

  “Mind if I come along?” Jonas walked beside her.

  “Sure.” She forced the word out.

  Even without holding onto Jonas’s arm, his nearness did more to stir her soul than Lars’s kiss. Every aspect of Jonas’s physical appearance, from his square jaw and rough hands, to his broad chest and muscular legs, caused her insides to quake. Besides the physical attraction, his kind heart and compassion for others drew her to him.

  This was the man she was in love with. Always had been. Always would be.

  “Elena, wait.” Jonas grasped her arm as he whispered her name.

  She looked up at him.

  Pain etched his face. “If I could change things, I would.” He brushed the wispy strands of hair away from her face, and the touch of his fingers sent shivers down her body. “I made a promise to my pa.” Sadness laced his tone.

  Elena couldn’t move. This might be their last moment together before they each married someone else. Her breath caught in her throat. How she wished she could feel the softness of his lips against her own.

  “You’re a wonderful woman,” Jonas said. “And Lars is a lucky man.”

  Tears pooled in her eyes. The Jonas who left for San Francisco didn’t know what it meant to keep a promise. She had let go of him and allowed the shopkeeper to court her. The man who returned to Harmony Valley, however, was the Jonas she grew up with—sweet, caring, and adventurous. And the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

  Elena blinked back the moisture in her eyes and straightened her back. She wouldn’t let him see how much he affected her. Jonas had made his choice. She stepped away from his grasp. “I wish you well, Jonas.”

  As she walked to the barn, she felt his gaze on her back. Everything inside her wanted to turn around, run to him, and wrap her arms around his neck. But that would be wrong and wouldn’t help her let him go. Instead, she quickened her pace.

  A gunshot rang out from the barn.



  Elena would never forgive herself if anything happened to Samuel. She should’ve stayed with him in the barn instead of dreaming about Jonas. Heat flooded her face. Realization dawned once again. She’d give her life, her happiness, to see that Samuel was taken care of.

  Jonas ran past her as they raced to the barn. “Elena, get your pa,” he called over his shoulder.

  “Not until I know Samuel’s all right.” Elena clutched handfuls of her shift and hiked it up past her knees to keep up with Jonas.

  “If there’s gunfire, I don’t want you near it.” Jonas drew his gun.

a’s heart rate increased. “I want to see Samuel.”

  “Stubborn woman.” Jonas slowed down and grabbed her wrist. “Then stay close behind.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of doing anything else.” Elena grasped the back of Jonas’s coat.

  With slow steps, Elena followed Jonas into the barn. He held his gun before him. The kerosene lamp had been snuffed out, and darkness saturated the interior. A lump lodged in her throat. Samuel was afraid of the dark. Elena grabbed Jonas’s arm, and whispered in his ear, “I’m scared.”

  A moan filled the air. Samuel’s voice.

  Elena wanted to run to her brother, but the perpetrator might still be in the barn. She must be patient and allow Jonas to take charge.

  “He’s gone,” Samuel said, his voice shaky.

  Jonas lit the kerosene lamp.

  Elena ran to her brother’s side. Samuel’s face had turned ashen and blood stained his pants on his right thigh. Her stomach clenched.

  Footsteps behind here alerted her to her father’s approach.

  “What happened?” She turned to see Papa, his suspenders drawn up over his bare chest and shoulders. “We heard gunfire.”

  “Samuel!” Mama pushed her way through to Samuel’s side, her housecoat cinched tight around her waist.

  “He’s been shot.” Elena made a hole in the hem of her skirt with the tip of the pitchfork, then ripped the edge and wrapped the strip of fabric above the wound tightly around Samuel’s leg.

  “Sorry, Mama.” Samuel’s bottom lip quivered.

  “No need to be sorry, son.” Papa checked Samuel’s pulse.

  Tears ran down Samuel’s cheeks. “He took Buttercup.”

  “Shh.” Mama stroked Samuel’s head. “We’ll get her back. Right now we’re concerned about you.”

  “Let’s get Samuel to the house,” Papa said. “Quickly.”

  Jonas hoisted Samuel up and over his shoulder as if he weighed no more than a sack of flour.

  Elena tore out of the barn with Jonas not far behind. She burst through the back door of the house. “Yvette, Nicolas. Samuel’s hurt.”

  Yvette and Nicolas jumped from their seats.


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