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Bound for Glory

Page 3

by Sean O'Kane

  Anna recognised him as he advanced out of the shadows. “Hi, Greg,” she said. “I’ve just got to go and see the caterers.”

  “Fine. How about I wait for you in my room? We could do some fun stuff before we eat.” He put his head slightly on one side and Anna felt, as she always did with him that there was something predatory about Greg. The other girls felt it too and Alice said he was heavily into BDSM, but she wouldn’t say how she knew.

  Anna looked around, it was mid-day, there were crowds of people around and why had she invited him if not to fuck him at least once? At least she assumed she had invited him, it got hard to keep track at times.

  “Yeah. Cool!” she said and returned his grin, then turned and walked inside, making sure he got a full blast of her bottom with its best catwalk sway.

  In the cool dusk of the lounge stood Mr. Cutts, the boss of the local catering firm who did very nicely out of the rich second and third home owners who came to chill out on the island. In the kitchen his staff were clattering around as they laid out fresh crockery and dishes for Anna’s and her guests’ lunch. The maids would be carefully knocking on bedroom doors, trying to change linen, but frequently being refused entry.

  “Ah, Miss Price,” he greeted her, his teeth white against his dark skin as he smiled. “All is satisfactory?”

  “Absolutely, Mr Cutts. Thank you.”

  He handed her a sheaf of invoices which she took a cursory glance at before scanning the total at the bottom of the final one. It had a lot of noughts at the end, but was nothing out of the ordinary. She took her mobile phone out and tapped out her password and PIN for her virtual card, keyed in the amount owed and handed it to Mr Cutts who swiped it across his terminal, waited for a moment, nodded and handed it back to her.

  “How long will you be staying, Miss Price?” he asked, unable to keep a hint of avarice out of his voice.

  Now it came to it, she found that she could tolerate the idea of another week away. “A week maybe. Not much longer though.”

  “We’ll miss you when you go!” Mr Cutts said and Anna smiled as she put her phone away. Not her, but her money.

  Greg was lying on his back on the bed when she entered the room. He was naked and his excitement of earlier had waned somewhat, his thick cock lolling on one muscular thigh. He propped himself up on his elbows as she entered and the two locked stares. There was no ambiguity about the situation. They were there for one purpose only. She tossed her long, hair over one shoulder and reached behind her to untie her bikini top, letting her breasts swing freely on her chest as she bent forwards to step out of her briefs. Then she went towards the bed and reached down to hold the invitingly thick cock shaft that was visibly pulsing back towards full erection. She closed her hand around it and revelled in the familiar feel of silk on steel. The soft skin sliding over the ribbed hardness underneath. She loved the feel of a man’s cock. Always had done, ever since she had first felt one out the back of a school disco. But now of course she loved the way they felt inside her. She wasn’t desperately keen on the taste of the stuff they spurted but could cope with it if it came in the middle of a good session when she had come a few times herself.

  And for Anna, that was what it all came down to. Her orgasms. She might love cocks and even sometimes like the men they came attached to – but she adored her orgasms. She could hardly go for more than a day at a time without coming at least once. She had no compunction about using her fingers in her toilet at work. Occasionally she would even cancel all calls, push her chair back from her desk, spread her legs, put her feet on the desk and lie back in her chair. Then she would take a dildo out of the locked drawer in the desk and pleasure herself. She needed pleasure. Men were there to give it to her, it was as simple as that. She did what she had to in order to keep them pleasured enough to want to pleasure her some more. But that was it. Sex was strictly on her terms, and with her looks she could afford to call the tune, there were plenty who wanted to play along.

  That didn’t mean she always had to be on top – the spanking the other night had been great fun and it was far from being her first. She loved being put over a strong male knee, loved struggling against him and yet still getting the hot, sharp thrills from the blows landing. She enjoyed the struggle, it lit her fires and ensured a good fuck afterwards. She was an intensely physical girl, she kept herself fit and enjoyed using her body in all possible ways, and struggling against a man who was intent on giving her the pleasure she craved in any case was just another path to enjoyment.

  Greg sighed in delight as her delicate hand gripped him and began to wank him gently. Without loosening her grip, Anna sank onto the bed beside him, he turned onto his side to face her and she drank in the scent of his freshly showered maleness and the feel of the hard muscles against her softer curves, her nipples sending charges of excitement spearing through her as they brushed his chest.

  He grinned at her and firmly moved her hand off his cock.

  “Don’t be in such a hurry!” he said, rolling on top of her. In one smooth and powerful movement he swept her arms up above her head and held them there. She tried to flex her wrists and free them but he tightened his grip and bent his head to suckle at one defencelessly proffered nipple. Anna struggled harder as a shard of pleasure lanced through her. Greg raised his head and smiled at her as she writhed under him.

  “I’m going to tie you up to fuck you.”

  Anna glared up at him. She had seen plenty of girls in bondage of course, in the arenas and their associated playrooms and dungeons. She was appreciative of how good they looked restrained, tied, helpless, suspended, but she had never considered it as something that might be applied to her. And no one had ever had the nerve to suggest it.

  Greg must have made preparations while he was waiting for her because she felt one of his hands grab what felt like a leather strap and wind it around her wrist before she could react but when she felt it tighten and restrain her hand, something snapped inside her. She had never been denied her freedom. She had never been unable to do as she pleased and go where she pleased. The one hint of freedom denied sent her into a panic. She arched her back and bent one leg back to get it under her and then twisted her body. She was gratified to see the surprise on Greg’s face as her strength took him aback.

  She managed to lift him up and twist so that she was lying alongside him, face to face. He responded instantly and pushed back, ramming her onto her back again. She made a kind of wrestler’s bridge and wrenched her free hand out of his.

  The noise of the slap shocked them both. She hadn’t thought about it, but as her hand came free she just continued its trajectory until it hit Greg’s cheek. He looked down at her in disbelief and then snarled in rage, grabbing her hand and forcing it back to the head of the bed.

  “You need subduing you bitch!” he shouted and for the first time Anna realised that he had merely been playing before. Now he used his full strength and his grip felt like her wrist was in a steel trap. She panicked again and realised that she hadn’t been using her full strength either. She gave a roar of exertion and succeeded in throwing him clear off her. She kicked out at him as he struggled up to a kneeling position and she desperately freed her tied hand. Once that was free, her mind cleared and she rolled off the bed, then turned to face him.

  “If I do, it’ll take more of a man than you to do it!” she panted.

  Suddenly he grinned and relaxed again. “Okay! Good fight! But you got no idea how hard you’ll come when you’re tied. Believe me, I can sense it in women. And you need it!”

  Anna’s pounding heart began to calm and she pushed her hair back out of her eyes and looked at him again. He was kneeling with his thighs apart and from his groin his towering erection was pointing skywards. Anna felt her blood begin to heat all over again, he was male and strong, maybe he could bend her to his will after all. She climbed back on to the bed and knelt right in front of him, ran her hands up and across his pectorals, then slid her hands over his shoulders
and kissed him. She felt his arms go around her and pull her to him, then felt his hands gently clasp her buttocks as his mouth opened and his tongue pushed into hers. He clasped his hands into her buttocks and she moaned in pleasure, then he lifted one away and smacked her, the sharp shock of pain seemed to earth itself right at her belly. He did it again with his other hand and then broke the kiss. This time when he looked at her, he wasn’t smiling, his look was one of serious passion. He wanted her and she could feel the hardness of his desire pressing against her naked skin, he pushed her back down onto the bed and laid his weight on her as she parted her thighs for him. His thick fingers expertly found her entrance and pushed in roughly. She groaned in pleasure as she felt them spear up into her and begin to twist and thrust. She widened the spread of her thighs, abandoning herself to the familiar rise of delight inside her. Greg kept up his fingering for several more minutes, until she was moaning loudly and feeling the first onrush of climax. Only then did he take his fingers out and replace them swiftly and smoothly with the hard shaft of his cock. Anna cried out as she felt it impale her, widening her still further, filling her and thrusting her towards her favourite place in the world. She bucked her hips up furiously in answer to his thrusts and their pelvises smacked together. She wrapped her legs around him and clung tightly to him as she climbed the last few inches towards her peak and then reached it, shattering and sobbing as she came. But Greg had yet to come and as she descended from the heights, she realised that he was still grimly fucking her, absorbed in seeking his own pleasure. Anna hoped he wouldn’t find it too soon, she could feel his remorseless pounding was beginning to re-awaken the tides of orgasm.

  “C’mon, you bastard! Fuck me harder!” she whispered in his ear, holding him tight to her and bucking back at him ever-harder.

  “Bitch!” he growled and slammed into her even harder.

  “Yes! Fuck this bitch! Fuck her! Ooooh!”

  Greg suddenly reached behind him and grabbed her left leg, dragging it up to lie it against his shoulder. Anna cried out as his penetration of her increased instantly. He did the same with her right leg and she felt him butt up against her cervix as he sheathed his cock to its fullest length. It was almost painful but it was so good too!

  She almost screamed as he lifted himself slightly and then rammed down into her again and again.

  “Yes!” she cried triumphantly just before overload robbed her of speech entirely.

  Greg roared in answer and froze at the point of his release just as Anna’s mind splintered for a second.

  And then both of them were panting and gasping in the aftermath, limbs entangled and chests heaving. Slowly Greg pushed himself up and rolled off her.

  “Shoulda let me tie you. You’d’ve howled like a banshee!”

  “No.” It was all Anna could say, she was still recovering from the climax.

  Greg was a good fuck and she didn’t trust herself to say anymore, she swallowed and cleared her throat, then levered herself up onto the side of the bed. She felt it was best to escape while she could. She was beginning to think that he might be right. If he could fuck her to the stars twice that quickly, what would it be like if she were helpless to stop him ravishing her at his will. Her treacherous mind’s eye played out a scene with her arms held above her head, her legs splayed lewdly wide and Greg, naked and muscular, thrusting into her again and again...and again. She would be helpless to stop him, helpless to prevent herself orgasming time after time.

  With almost indecent haste she tottered to her feet and found her bikini. Ignoring the wetness seeping from her cunt, she put it on and let herself out, saying nothing to Greg. But as she closed the door behind her she could envisage his cool, mocking grin.

  Back in her own room she washed and changed, then went to lunch. She had a couple more glasses of wine than usual and then went to watch some pony racing from the games being held in Africa. The screens in the viewing room projected full size, holographic images at one end of the room and she and her guests let the heat of the day outside pass as they made bets and cheered on their fancies among the harnessed and sweating slaves as they raced under their drivers’ lashes.

  Anna found herself sitting beside Alice – as nearly naked as she herself was, clad only in a three-triangle bikini.

  “How did it go with Greg?” Alice asked in an interval between races. In front of them they could see a driver bending down to unbuckle the crupper from a pony and ease the plugs from her body, prior to coating the butt plug with his stable’s preferred mixture for tormenting the pony’s rectum and making sure she made for the finish with all speed. The men in the room cheered as the slave squealed around her bit as the plug was twisted and pushed back up into her. Anna smiled a little too, she liked the sound of a slave squealing.

  “He’s pretty good!” she told her friend.

  Alice grinned widely back. “He’s amazing! Did you let him tie you up?”

  Anna shook her head.

  “Big mistake! It gets him turned on and it gets you turned on and Kerblam! he’s fucked you into outer space before you know it!”

  Anna wasn’t quite sure how to reply but was saved in any event by the pony race starting. The whips sighed and snapped across the slaves’ backs as the rigs surged away from the line. Naked thighs pumped and flesh gleamed with oil and sweat as the cameras tracked the action and the life-sized images raced across the room, seeming to disappear into the walls.

  Later on Greg put on an exhibition by the pool. He bound Alice up, winding rope around her upper body, pushing her barely concealed breasts through a gap between loops, taking a line between her legs and joining it to more loops taken around her buttocks. Eventually she was hauled up, her wrists tied to her ankles behind her, by passing the rope over the branch and her whole body hung about four feet in the air. To Anna’s surprise, Alice seemed quite happy and even allowed him to put a hood over her head. Then he spun her around on the end of the rope and cut her bikini off her with a large knife when she stopped spinning. There were cheers and whistles as Alice’s blonde pubes appeared once her panties had been ripped out from under the rope. When her breasts appeared they were tight and already a little darker than the rest of her skin but there was no sound of protest from under the hood.

  Moving quickly and with complete assurance, Greg placed a clothes peg on each nipple and then managed to squeeze some onto her labia where they split around the rope and still Alice didn’t make a sound. Anna had seen plenty of far worse treatment dished out to slaves and seen them orgasm at times. But those were just slaves. Prisoners. Not real people – like Alice. Anna was amazed.

  Fully pegged, Alice in her aerial hog tie was pulled further up so that she hung well above the crowd and Greg took a bow.

  “She’s ok up there for an hour or two,” he said. “Unless any of you gentlemen would like to see how turned on she is.”

  “I can see from here!” someone cried out and there was much laughter as everyone saw the dark patch on the rope that ran between her legs.

  “She’ll be a class fuck when she comes down!” someone else chimed in and in the end a list of names was drawn up so that Alice’s night was fully booked.

  Anna was disturbed at the sight of such helplessness on the part of a free woman, it made her uneasy just seeing such loss of freedom.

  In the end she slept with three different men as they waited their turn with Alice and woke to a sunny morning, refreshed, tousled, relaxed - and ready for another week’s partying.

  Chapter Three

  The pharmaceutical company’s offices were in a large, modern building set at the end of a cul de sac in a fairly recent industrial estate outside one of London’s satellite towns. The limo dropped Clive at the front steps and he was greeted by Doctor Styles, who was a small man with thinning fair hair and a worried smile, who bobbed and almost bowed as he shook hands with Clive.

  “So pleased to see you, Home Secretary!” he enthused. “It’ll be an honour to show you what we�
�ve accomplished with your grant!”

  Ah! So it was one of those, Clive thought. We’ve been subsidising them for years and now they think it’s time they showed us something or we’ll cut them off in the next round of treasury bargaining.

  “Always a pleasure to see how well the tax payers’ money’s being spent!” Clive replied genially, and was surprised at the doctor’s response.

  “Then I venture to hope, Sir, that you will find today a very special pleasure indeed!” he said and rather than being put on his guard as Clive had intended, he seemed to relax and become more confident. Clive was intrigued.

  The man became so self confident that he actually led Clive by the arm up the stairs and into the main building, almost rushing him past reception and then hurrying him along clean, well-lit corridors before ushering him into a large, bare room where several men in white lab coats waited. There was one plain metal table and one simple folding chair. Beside it stood a stainless steel trolley with various dishes and implements covered by white cloths on its top. Bizarrely, its lower shelf contained chains, cuffs and a flogger.

  Along one wall hung many backlit images of the human brain seen from above, Clive recognised them as being scan images. The doctor moved to them quickly and took up a pointer before turning to Clive, clearing his throat and addressing him in his best lecture theatre manner.

  “As you’ll be aware, Sir, the slave prisoner project has been dogged by one major problem; namely the rump of otherwise suitable subjects who refuse to buckle under to arena training or even more worryingly to domestic discipline. This second one is the more worrying as it represents the loss of a longer lasting tax revenue opportunity for the government. Quite apart from the expense of keeping them in corrective custody.”


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