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Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Cowboy Takes a Wife (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

Page 4

by Paige Cameron

  All her awareness was centered on the man holding her, his heated body, and the needy feeling growing inside her. His lips left her mouth and trailed across one cheek. He soon nibbled on her earlobe, and then kissed the skin between her neck and shoulder. His cock throbbed against her hip each time his lips pressed to her skin. Her pussy gushed with the need he aroused with only several well-placed kisses. She wanted him more and more. His fingers moved down to her lower lips and caressed her clit. She threw her head back and moaned. Hunger flashed through her.

  He reached to the side of the shower and opened a condom package. In her surprise, she’d never noticed him put it there. She watched while he quickly put it on, silently urging him to hurry.

  “Open your legs and put your arms around my neck,” he said. Then he picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist. Holding her with one arm, he moved his cock to the very wet slit of her pussy and started to enter.

  Samantha’s inner walls throbbed with desire. She moved to accommodate his large cock, and he pushed all the way inside her body. She tightened around him, enticing him to sink even deeper. Her mouth clamped on his. She sucked on his tongue while he pushed her to the tile wall and took her slow and easy, almost drawing all the way out before sinking his wide cock in deeper. Sensitive nerves she’d never known she had pulsed for more. His hand slipped between them as he found her clit, again. Each stroke across the sensitive nub, as he pushed his cock to the end of her pussy, was gloriously driving her pleasure higher and higher. His breath came in gasps against her throat, and each penetration of his cock sent tingles like lightning bolts through her body. She met his every thrust even as he moved faster and faster. Finally the ache exploded into unbelievable euphoria. Almost immediately, he pushed his cock hard and deep one last time. She heard him yell her name right before he stiffened and fell against her.

  Gasping for breath, she glanced around and saw their intertwined bodies reflected back to her from several directions. Jackson’s tan skin next to her slightly paler complexion, his golden-brown hair shining in the glow from the overhead light. Gradually, he let her legs slide to the shower floor. He bent his head.

  “Are you all right?”

  She laid her head against his chest where his heart still pounded. After taking several more deep breaths, she looked at him. “I think so.”

  He smiled. “Now you look much more like a happily engaged woman.”

  “Is that what this was about? Getting me ready to impress your friends with how crazy I am about you?” She glared at him.

  “What do you think?” He picked up the soap from the floor and began to wash his body. “I’ll finish quickly and let you have the room to yourself.” He turned to rinse and soon stepped out, drying and wrapping a towel around his middle. He walked to the door. “I’ll shave after you’ve gone to your room. By the way, there is a private bath connected to your bedroom, in case you didn’t notice. Don’t use mine again unless you want a repeat performance.”

  Samantha shivered even with the warm water flowing over her heated body. She wanted to cry but blinked the tears back. Totally confused by her body’s response and not wanting to admit she wanted more of him, she blanked the thoughts out of her mind and hurried to finish.

  * * * *

  Jackson pulled on his jeans and went into his study. He needed a good stiff drink. After pouring bourbon into his glass, he prowled around the room. He hadn’t meant to move so quickly. He’d been planning on giving her more time. Still, when he saw her in the shower, her body reflected on the various mirrors, his brains cells burned up and all attention went to his pulsing, hungry cock.

  He’d have stopped if she’d said no. She didn’t. Her soft curves molded to his body. Her mouth, sweet as candy kisses, increased his hunger tenfold. And when he slid into her hot, wet pussy and she clamped tighter around him, he thought he’d died or was going to the way his heart pounded.

  She wanted him. She just wasn’t ready to admit her feelings. She was his. He’d never let her out of her bargain. She might as well get used to it. He heard his bedroom door open and her door shut.

  His cock had hardened at the mere thought of her. He’d been waiting for her to leave his room. If he’d seen her naked again, even partially, he didn’t trust himself not to take her to bed and ravish that delectable body one more time. He’d better go dress for the dinner.

  Thirty minutes later, he knocked on her door.

  “I’ll be right out.”

  Samantha opened the door, and his breath caught somewhere between his chest and throat. She wore a bronze-colored cocktail dress that clung to every sweet curve and came close to matching her sherry-colored eyes. High-necked and long-sleeved, it hinted at what seductive pleasures lay underneath. The skirt flared just above her knees. Gold sandal heels completed the outfit. He raised his head to look at her shiny fall of golden hair that curled around her face and down over her shoulders.

  “I’m afraid all the wonderful makeup that the lady applied to make me look good came off in the shower.” She blushed and looked down.

  His finger tipped her face up. “You look beautiful with makeup or without.” His fingers ran through the silk strands of hair. “Let’s go over to your mirror. I have something to add to your outfit.” She hesitated before turning and walking briskly across the room to the dresser. He held in his gasp. Her dress was backless all the way to the slight curve above her sexy derriere. Hot desire kicked him in the stomach. He was almost afraid to touch her for fear he’d go right up in smoke.

  She glanced at him. “Do you like my dress?”

  “Too much. I’m afraid I’ll have to beat off the men when you walk into the private dining room downstairs.” He stepped behind her and brushed her hair aside to place a chain around her neck. He handed her a box with matching earrings.

  Her hand brushed across the cool, oval diamond where it lay just between her breasts. “I can’t accept such an expensive gift.”

  He kissed the side of her forehead. “Of course you can. People will expect to see such gifts to my fiancée from me. You do want this to appear to be a regular engagement, don’t you?”

  “Of course, but...”

  Placing his hands on her shoulders, he moved his body closer. “We will be married. You proposed, and I accepted. Your grandfather expects it. Will you disappoint him? Or me?”

  * * * *

  Samantha stood in the doorway of the large dining room. “Why did you say you’re giving this dinner?” she asked Jackson.

  “With all the excitement during my trip home, I’d forgotten about it. This is a thank you to business partners and an enticement to prospective clients. My staff will be working the room. Here comes another of my senior associates.” Jackson nodded his head toward a tall, statuesque redheaded woman, who made a beeline toward them.

  “Jackson, I’m glad to see you back from the wilds of the country.” She purred the words from between ruby red lips. Her skintight, sparkling blue gown showed every curve, clearly.

  “Lunette, I’d like you to meet my fiancée, Samantha Riley.”

  If Samantha hadn’t been watching closely, she’d have missed the blink and shocked look quickly covered with a smile. Lunette put out her hand to Samantha.

  “How nice to meet you, and aren’t you the lucky lady. I didn’t believe he’d”—she moved her head toward Jackson—“ever marry. How did you get the words marry me out of his mouth?”

  “I proposed to him.”

  This time the woman couldn’t hide her surprise. Jackson laughed. “She’s telling the truth. Of course since I’ve known her for years, and wanted all along to marry her, I accepted.”

  Samantha turned to him in shock. He bent his head to her and gave her a quick kiss.

  “I hate to break up this cozy moment, but the representative from Singapore needs to speak with you.” She took Jackson’s arm. “If you’ll excuse us,” she said as she pulled on Jackson’s arm.

  “Do you want to come with
us?” Jackson asked.

  “No. I’ll wander around the room. Go, do your business.” In truth, she was relieved to have some distance from him. Ever since the shower encounter and then the gift—her hand touched the necklace— she’d been feeling off kilter. Her body reacted to his slightest brush against her. Desire had shimmered through her when his fingers touched the nape of her neck when he fastened the chain.

  She began to slowly skirt the outside of the room. Couples stood in small groups talking, while waiters circulated around them to offer drinks and appetizers. Samantha wished she could transport herself back to her bedroom at the ranch and be standing at her window looking out at the stars. Here she felt uncomfortable and out of place.

  “What is the most beautiful woman in the room doing standing alone?” A tall man with blond hair and a dimpled smile greeted her carrying two wineglasses. He handed one to Samantha. “You look like you need a drink to get in the party mood.”

  “And you appointed yourself my rescuer?”

  “I did. I’m Scott Perkins.”

  “Do you work for Jackson?” she asked. She took a sip of the white wine and studied Scott’s face. He looked too soft, and his quick smile didn’t fool her. He wasn’t Jackson’s friend.

  “No. Jackson and I don’t work together or play well with each other.” Scott wrapped an arm around her shoulder and started to walk her toward the open sliding glass doors.

  Samantha stiffened. “Take your arm off of me,” she snapped.

  “Honey, I’m just trying to be friendly.”

  “Be friendly somewhere else, Perkins.” Jackson stepped between Scott and Samantha. “She’s my future wife. Touch her again, and I’ll flatten you.”

  Scott put up his hands in mock fear. “Whoa, a woman that has gotten under your skin.” He laughed. “I’ll wait. You get easily bored.”

  Jackson pulled back his arm, but Samantha grabbed it. “Don’t, this is silly. I can take care of myself. I’d managed all right before you arrived.” Jackson turned his head and frowned at her, but he stepped back.

  “See you later, honey.” Scott waved, a taunting grin on his face.

  “He doesn’t like you.”

  “No, he inherited his dad’s companies and has been a thorn in my side ever since.”

  “Why invite him to your dinner party?”

  “Because that saying about keeping your enemies close is true. It’s always best to keep an eye on characters like Scott. Come on, I’ll introduce you to some of the friendlier people in this gathering.”

  Samantha tried to remember names, but after the first few, they all ran together. She did notice all the younger women smiled and flirted with Jackson even after he told them about their engagement. Obviously, they didn’t believe it would last either. Neither did Samantha. This was so much Jackson’s world and not hers at all.

  She slipped away from Jackson’s side while he and several men discussed business. After asking for directions, she headed to the ladies’ room. As the rest of the building, it was large and ornate. She entered into a sitting room with chairs covered in flowered material and light blue walls. A tea and coffee pot sat on a round table to the right alongside a platter of chocolate chip cookies.

  The room invited her to sit and relax. She poured a cup of tea and put two chocolate chip cookies on a small plate then sat in one of the large, soft chairs. She’d just bitten into her cookie when the door opened.

  “I thought I might find you here.” Lunette sauntered into the room and clicked the lock behind her. She poured a cup of coffee and sat across from Samantha. “This gives us an opportunity to talk privately.”

  “Do we have something to discuss?”

  “Don’t act the innocent with me.” She ran her eyes over Samantha. “You may think he’ll marry you. He won’t. He doesn’t know it, but he’s mine. I haven’t worked the past three years to become invaluable to him to lose him to some baby doll blonde. You’re a dime a dozen, as the old saying goes.”

  “But I wear his ring.” Samantha flashed the stones under the bright lights. Anger and jealousy shone on Lunette’s face.

  “You’ll see. I travel with him. I’ve been waiting for the right time to seduce him. Seems I almost waited too long.” She stood and went to the door. “And I don’t plan to be fair about this, so don’t get too used to that ring.”

  Samantha listened to her high heels as they clicked across the floor when Lunette stalked away. The door shut with a quiet swish, shutting out the sound. Samantha shuddered. Lunette intended to make this a battle between them. She should be glad. If she and Jackson broke up because of another woman, Gramps would comfort her and surely take away his demands. Lunette might be the answer to her problem.

  She took a sip of her cold tea and put it down. The thought of Lunette with Jackson made her heart shudder just a bit. She needed to go home to regain her balance and think more clearly. Tomorrow she’d demand Jackson return her to the ranch, no excuses or other ideas for outings.

  After setting her cup aside and throwing away the remaining cookie, she stopped at the full-length mirror by the door and noticed her pale cheeks and troubled expression. She had only one more worry—she still had to get through tonight alone in the apartment with Jackson. She’d never had difficulty resisting a man’s advances. Not until now. She didn’t want to care about him. After her parents’ deaths, she’d never allowed anyone to become too close, except for her grandparents. And something told her letting Jackson get close was the most dangerous of all. She’d better rejoin the group. Somehow she’d manage to get through the night, and then demand to go home bright and early tomorrow.

  Chapter Five

  “I’m not sending you home alone. I’d planned on going with you and staying for several days. On Thursday I have to travel to Singapore and won’t be back for a week. The next few days will give us time to enjoy the outdoors and each other.”

  “Jackson, we need some time apart. This has all happened too fast. You saw what a failure I was at the dinner. I hate socializing, and I do it poorly,” Samantha said.

  “Nonsense. Everyone was charmed by you. Anyway, you aren’t going to change my mind. I’ve arranged for the helicopter to pick us up.”

  “I suppose you have a rooftop landing area here, too.”

  He cupped his hands around her face. “Yes, I do. Quit finding fault with my conveniences and enjoy them. Now, go get your bag and we’ll head to the roof.”

  Samantha did as he said and followed him up the steps to the rooftop. The flight home went smooth and seemed quicker than the ride to town. Jackson had brought along some paperwork, so there was little conversation. He glanced up once to check on her. Although butterflies bounced in her stomach, Samantha had refused to let her fear show.

  Just sitting close to him sent desire coursing along her veins. She had no intention of touching him. Thank goodness last night he’d excused himself shortly after they returned to his townhouse. He’d disappeared into his study.

  She’d lain awake for what seemed hours, listening for any sounds from across the hall. Finally, she heard him come out the door and close it. Her body tensed, wondering if he’d look in on her. She’d let her breath out in relief when nothing happened. She was ready to be at home where she’d be able to sort out all these new sensations happening in her body.

  “Are you going to get out?” Jackson stood outside the helicopter door with his hand out.

  “Oh, yes. Thank you.” She took his hand and sighed in relief when her feet touched the ground.

  “I’ll drive you to your grandfather’s,” Jackson said. “We’ll get together tonight at my place for dinner.”

  “I don’t know if Gramps will want to go out to dinner.”

  “I don’t want him to. This is you and me, no one else.”

  His deep tone brought her gaze to his. His hungry look shook her. She found herself staring at his mouth, wanting to lean against him and raise her lips to his.

  “Keep looking
at me like that and I’ll take you home with me right now.” His husky voice poured over her like smooth silk. Every nerve in her yelled yes!

  Samantha took two steps back. “Tonight’s not good. We need some alone time.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m suggesting.”

  “You know what I mean. We need time away from each other.”

  “I don’t agree, and your grandfather will be suspicious if we aren’t anxious to be together.”

  “So this is just to convince Gramps we’re serious?”

  “You wouldn’t want him to think you’d made all this up to trick him?”

  Samantha took a deep breath. “All right.”

  “I’ll pick you up at seven, and do try to look a little more pleased.”

  He helped her into his truck and drove straight to her ranch. “I won’t come in.” He opened the door for her. “See you at seven.” She picked up her bag, waved, and hurried inside.

  Shadows and cool air greeted her. The house was unusually quiet. “Maria,” Samantha called out. When she didn’t answer, Samantha wandered through the kitchen to the back screen door and spotted Maria gathering beans in a large bowl. She raised her head when Samantha came out the door.

  “You’re back.” A large smile covered her face. “Let me see that engagement ring. I can see the sparkles from here.” Maria headed toward her, and Samantha held out her hand.

  “My, my. It’s beautiful and impressive.” She looked at Samantha. “Do you like it?”

  Did she? Samantha studied her ring. Sunlight sent flashes of light glancing off the stones. “It is lovely,” she said in a low tone. “But, I’m glad to be back. The big city is not for me.”


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