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Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Cowboy Takes a Wife (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

Page 10

by Paige Cameron

  Shocked, the guests stared from Lunette to Samantha. Several of the men muttered and glanced at each other. Jackson stepped in front of Samantha.

  “Put the gun down, Lunette. You’ll have to shoot me first to get to Samantha. Let’s talk. I understand—”

  “You don’t understand anything. I’ve loved you for three years. I worked hard to get your attention. While you dated stupid society women, I helped build your business. Move! Or I’ll shoot you both.”

  Sunshine chose that moment to jump from the guest holding her and run, barking, at Lunette.

  In the confusion, Drake had time to step close behind Lunette. He put his gun against her back. “Drop your gun, now.” Drake’s calm, cool voice warned Lunette.

  She stepped forward. “I’ll shoot them before you can shoot me,” Lunette said. Her finger moved against the trigger. Jackson grabbed Samantha and pushed her down, rolling so she landed on him and not the hard ground. A gunshot and then another rang out in the stunned silence.

  “Are you two all right?” Samantha heard Drake call out.

  Jackson sat up with Samantha in his arms. He looked at her face. “Are you?”

  She nodded, unable to speak.

  “Is she dead?” Jackson asked.

  “No. You know I’m a better shot than that. She’ll live to go to trial.”

  Samantha saw Drake help Lunette sit up. Blood ran down her shoulder, and her face was pale. Drake punched in numbers on his phone, probably calling the police. The guests had stood, all talking at once. Sunshine ran in circles, barking. Samantha felt both sorrow for Lunette and anger.

  Jackson took charge. “The police will be here shortly. Afterwards, we’ll finish our ceremony because I definitely am going to be married before we leave here.” The guests gave a nervous laugh. “And after the ceremony, we’ll have Maria’s wonderful breakfast,” he added, after the guests had settled back into their chairs.

  Janice helped straighten Samantha’s gown and whispered in her ear. “How do you think Drake just happened to have a gun tucked into his waistband? The man’s resourceful and dangerous, like I thought from the first.”

  Jackson had walked to where Drake had moved Lunette. Samantha saw them step briefly to the side and talk. Then Jackson shook Drake’s hand. When Jackson returned to the front, his father spoke up.

  “Did he suspect trouble, or does he always carry that gun?”

  “I just asked him. He said he had a bad feeling about her. Something she said to him at the barbecue, and he was there when I told her about my choice for CEO. Drake apparently decided to be on the safe side and come armed. He knew if he said anything to me, I’d have told him not to worry, that Lunette would never harm us.” Jackson’s face paled. “And I’d have been very wrong.” He stared into Samantha’s eyes. “Believe me, I’ll never take a chance again with your life. The least suspicion, and I’ll be prepared.”

  The sheriff and his deputy arrived surprisingly fast. He quickly took charge. An ambulance had followed him out. The deputy went with Lunette to the hospital. After talking with Jackson and Drake, the sheriff left with the understanding that Drake would stop by for more questioning and to sign the typed report of what he said happened today. As soon as the sheriff left, the minister took up the service from where they left off.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife,” the minister said. He added, “You may kiss the bride.”

  Jackson pulled Samantha close against him and, leaning down, kissed her. “I’ll do a better job of this later,” he whispered in her ear. They turned as their guests clapped their hands.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, we’ll meet back at the Riley ranch for that wonderful breakfast I promised,” Jackson said. They stood together receiving congratulations as the people began to disperse. Some went to their trucks. Others had ridden their horses.

  Samantha and Janice headed back to the tent where Samantha changed into a flowered sundress and sandals. She added a large sun hat decorated with a pink ribbon. When she came out, Jackson and Drake stood nearby.

  “You two go on ahead,” Drake said. “I’ll wait for Janice and bring her with me.”

  “Thanks,” Jackson said. He wrapped his arm around Samantha’s waist. “I’d like a few minutes alone with my girl.” Jackson led her to his black truck.

  “I don’t think Janice will be happy. She doesn’t like Drake, or at least she says she doesn’t.”

  “That’s too bad. Drake wants her, and he usually gets what he wants.”

  “He might be surprised. Janice isn’t your usual woman. She’s not going to make it easy for him.”

  “I think that is part of her attraction. Now forget them.” Jackson swung her around against the truck door and then leaned lightly against her. “I can’t wait to have you alone tonight. We’ll leave here right after breakfast in Drake’s jet and will be all alone for one week.” He took a nip at her earlobe.

  “Still not going to tell me where we’re going?”

  “Nope. You’ll see soon enough.” He helped her get into the truck. “Let’s go get this over with so we can leave.”

  The guests were drinking mimosas and talking amongst themselves when Samantha and Jackson arrived. Maria and her helpers soon had them all sitting at a long table set up on the porch. The roof shaded them, and a soft breeze cooled the air. Conversation flowed easily. Samantha glanced around at Gramps, Jackson’s parents, and their closest friends. Except for Lunette’s interruption, this had been exactly the wedding she’d wanted.

  “Happy?” Jackson asked. He reached for her hand and squeezed it.

  “Very. And if I drink one more of these, I’ll be looped and even happier.” She giggled.

  “Enjoy. You can sleep on the plane. You won’t get much tonight,” he said and wiggled his eyebrows.

  This was a beautiful moment in her life where all the pieces came together. She wished there was some way to freeze time. Samantha shivered. The thought brought back the memory of her last day with her parents. They’d gone to the beach and had cooked hot dogs over the fire as the sun went down. She remembered wishing everyday could be like that. Her father had taught her to ride the waves that day. After stuffing herself full, she’d lain back in her mother’s lap, and Mama had gently caressed her forehead and hair.

  Remembering her parents made her think about how horrible today could have been if Lunette hadn’t been stopped. Her old fear of loss started to crowd out her happier feelings. She blinked her eyes.

  “Samantha, are you all right?”

  “What?” Samantha jerked herself back to the present.

  “Your grandfather asked you a question, but you kept staring out in space,” Jackson said. He had a worried look on his face.

  “Sorry. You caught me daydreaming.” She looked down the table at Gramps and saw in his face that he suspected who she’d been thinking about.

  Gramps smiled. “It wasn’t important. Isn’t it about time for you two to leave? You have a long way to go.”

  “That it is, Sir.” Jackson took Samantha’s hand and led her around the table to tell each person good-bye. His parents kissed and hugged her.

  “We’re so pleased. Have a wonderful time. We’ll see you when you get back,” his mother said.

  Last was Gramps. “I miss you already,” Samantha said, low enough so only he heard.

  “I’m sure Jackson will keep you busy. But, I’ll be looking for you both in a week.”

  As they headed out, Janice ran up and gave her another hug. “Be happy.”

  “I will. I’ll call when we get back from wherever. Jackson won’t tell me our destination.”

  Jackson swept her into his arms and put her in his comfortable car. “We’re off.” He waved to the crowd, who threw birdseed at them as they drove away.

  The jet had been rolled out and the engines warmed up. The pilots and one stewardess greeted them. In minutes they were in the air. When the “fasten your seat belt” light went off, Jackson took her hand. “Come. I’ll
show you the back of the plane.”

  They passed an office on the right side of the hallway, a small bath, and then Jackson opened the door at the end.


  Samantha’s feet sank into thick, dark green carpet. A large dark wood bed, with a comforter that matched the carpet and drapes, sat to the right of the door. Across from the foot of the bed was another door.

  “Want to see the bathroom?” Jackson led her into a large bath of white marble. All the fixtures gleamed.

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. A wicked gleam shone in his eyes. “We have a long flight ahead. Want to join the mile-high club?”

  * * * *

  Jackson woke Samantha just in time for her to dress and join him up front in a seat. They fastened their seat belts as the jet began its descent. Samantha leaned across Jackson to look out the window.

  The beautiful sunset sent streaks of pink, purple, and gold shining over a small island. “Is that where we’re headed?” She pulled back and stared at Jackson.

  “Yes. Our own private getaway for the week. Actually, it’s Drake’s. This is his wedding present to us.”

  “It looks awfully small.”

  “It’s actually a fairly large island. Wait and see, you’ll like it.”

  The plane banked, and she got a glimpse of the runway. Samantha squeezed Jackson’s hand as they landed.

  When the stewardess opened the door, the scent of flowers and the sea brushed across Samantha’s face. When the steps were set, Jackson stepped in front of her.

  “I’ll go first in case you slip. I’ll be here to catch you.” His smile teased. When she got to the second step from the bottom, he put his hands around her waist and swung her to the ground.

  Two men walked toward them and smiled. “We are Keoni and Manu. We will drive you to the house.” One of them pointed up a nearby hill.

  Samantha saw a large villa built on a high level to the right of them. She followed Jackson and the men to the car. Soon they were riding along the narrow, winding road rising steadily. She glanced back just in time to see the jet take off.

  “They’re leaving?” Fear gripped her throat.

  “They’re going to another much larger island not far from here. If we need them, they can return quickly. And Keoni and Manu will be going by boat to the sister island to this one about five miles away.”

  He leaned closer. “Remember what I said. I’ll have you all to myself.”

  To be honest, Samantha wasn’t sure whether she was more thrilled or anxious. A whole week on a deserted island. It should be a dream come true, but she’d never been alone that long with anyone. Since she’d just recently admitted to herself that she loved Jackson, she felt more vulnerable.

  “Don’t look so scared, darling. I promise you’ll love it.”

  She looked away from him, and around the curve, the house came into view. The sunset reflected in all the windows. In fact, it was almost all windows with very few walls. The car stopped at the front door, and the men took their luggage inside.

  “Just leave it in the foyer,” Jackson said. “We’ll see you in a week. Thanks.” He tipped them. They smiled and left.

  Samantha heard the engine start, and the sound disappeared as they drove farther away. She turned to look at Drake’s unusual home.

  “Come.” Jackson took her hand and led her into a room facing the west. She gasped.

  The sea spread in front of them for miles. A myriad of colors cascaded across the water as the sun was setting. Up close, the land around the house gradually dropped into lower and lower terraces. Some were covered with flowering plants, and the closest held a swimming pool. Level with the house, a wide veranda invited you to step out and sit in one of the plush lawn chairs and enjoy the view.

  “It’s the most amazing, beautiful place I’ve ever seen,” Samantha said, leaning back into Jackson’s arms.

  He nuzzled her neck. “I knew you’d love it. A great place to love and learn.”

  She glanced over her shoulder at him. “Love and learn?”

  “Hmmm,” he breathed in, his mouth against her ear. “You smell good enough to eat. But yes, learn. Even though we’ve known each other for years, there still must be something new to learn about each other.” He stepped back. “Let’s explore the house, or I could take you to bed right now?”

  Samantha put her arm through his. “Let’s get settled first.”

  Jackson smiled. “My fault. I knew better than to give you a choice.”

  All the rooms, except the bedrooms, opened off a large living room and all had large glass doors leading outside. The kitchen faced east. In the freezer they found frozen dinners cooked ahead for their enjoyment. In the refrigerator side, cooked shrimp, a salad, and a chilled bottle of white wine waited for them.

  “Let’s go for a swim, then eat,” Jackson suggested.

  “All right. Where is our room?”

  Jackson showed her down a short hallway. There was a bedroom on each side and a door at the end of the hall. “That”—Jackson nodded to the end room—“is Drake’s private retreat. We can have either of these other bedrooms. Do you want to face the sunset or sunrise?”

  They walked into the room facing the sunset. The walls were a soft peach color, and the drapes and carpet were done in a deeper shade. A pretty bath adjoined, done in a light green.

  “This room looks delectable. Let’s stay here,” she said.

  I’ll get the luggage.” Jackson strode out and was back in a few short minutes. “Thank goodness you took me at my word and didn’t pack tons of suitcases.” He set the bags down and started to undress. She started to open her luggage. “Don’t bother. We’ll go skinny-dipping.”

  She stared at him. “Someone might see us. The pool is out in the open.”

  “Honey.” Jackson stepped closer. “No one is on the island but us. We can run naked all week.”

  Samantha felt the heat rise to her face. “I don’t think so.”

  “My prudish little darling. Well, I won’t push you, but hopefully you’ll see how relaxing it is to go without your clothes, at least some of the time. I was teasing about being naked all week.” He flashed a grin. “Although it is a tantalizing thought.”

  She watched as he fully undressed and wrapped a towel around his middle. “I’m heading to the pool.” He gave her a quick kiss and went out the door, shutting it gently behind him.

  Part of her was tempted. As he said, there wasn’t anyone around, and this might be the only chance she had to really loosen up. She’d try it. She took off her clothes and wrapped herself in a large beach towel she’d found in the cupboard in the bathroom. Pleasant shivers rippled down her spine as she walked toward the pool area.

  * * * *

  The sun had set, and Jackson put on the lights in the pool. Overhead the sky was brilliant with stars. He’d left one light on in the room beyond the veranda.

  He saw her shadow first. She took his breath away as she stepped outside. The moon shone on her hair, casting a silver glow around her and the white towel she wore. She didn’t say anything, but stepped close to the edge of the pool. Breathing deeply, he caught her own, personal scent.

  Her hands touched in the front where the towel had been tucked in. When she opened her arms, she let the towel drop. All his blood went straight downwards. His heart pounded like a drum. The shadows cast around her hinted of lush curves. She dove into the water and came up laughing. He swam toward her. She darted in the other direction. He let her think she could get away, for a few minutes, before he sprang forward and grabbed her around the middle.

  “I won.” He lifted her into his arms and carried her out of the pool and across to two chairs. She slid down along his wet body as he partially released her. Grabbing the long cushions off the two chairs, he threw them onto the concrete then lowered her body to lie on them. Standing above her, he took in her beauty. “You’re the best prize a man could ever receive.”

  Kneeling at her fe
et, Jackson kissed the arch of her foot and then behind her knee. Her concentrated study of his body heated his blood and urged him on. He straddled her and leaned close. “What are you thinking?”

  “About how gorgeous you are naked.” Her cool smile alluded to wickedness.

  She touched his face. Her fingertips ran lightly over the contours of his cheeks and jaw, and along the outline of his ears. They trailed down his neck leaving a sizzling path of heat and desire.

  When her hands ran through the hair of his chest and rubbed across his nipples, she stopped his breath momentarily. He didn’t move. He felt too good letting her be the one in control.

  Her warm hands caressed his flat abdomen, and one finger seductively circled his belly button. A shiver went up his spine as he looked into her dark, whiskey-colored eyes.

  His cock had hardened and pulsed with his desire to take her, right now. When her hand circled him, he groaned.

  “Like that?” Her warm-as-honey tone had him tightening his muscles to keep from burying himself in her and taking her fast and furious. He took a deep breath to control the need, the want.

  She chuckled. “I like having you under my control.”

  “Don’t be too sure of yourself,” he warned.

  Her hand moved up and down the length of him. She ran the fingers of her other hand gently over his sac then cupped him.

  Jackson hardened even more, her touch so delicate and warm it sent a painful pleasure soaring through him. When her lips closed around him, he was certain his heart was going to leap out of his chest. She moved her mouth up and down his warm, wide cock. “You’re killing me,” he said with a rasp. “Enough.” He startled her with his words and sudden movement. He caught the surprise in her eyes.

  “You don’t like this?” she asked.

  “I love it. However, it’s my turn.” Before she said anything, he moved her onto her stomach and pulled her sweet ass up against him. “Let’s try something new.”


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