Book Read Free


Page 1

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  Table of Contents

























  Title Page



  Chapter One - Cecelia

  Chapter Two - Logan

  Chapter Three - Cecelia

  Chapter Four - Logan

  Chapter Five - Cecelia

  Chapter Six - Logan

  Chapter Seven - Cecelia

  Chapter Eight - Logan

  Chapter Nine - Cecelia

  Chapter Ten - Logan and Cecelia

  Chapter Eleven - Cecelia

  Chapter Twelve - Logan

  Chapter Thirteen - Cecelia

  Chapter Fourteen - Logan

  Chapter Fifteen - Cecelia

  Chapter Sixteen - Logan

  Chapter Seventeen - Cecelia

  Chapter Eighteen - Logan

  Chapter Nineteen - Cecelia and Logan

  Chapter Twenty - Cecelia

  Chapter Twenty-One - Logan

  Chapter Twenty-Two - Cecelia

  Chapter Twenty-Three - Epilogue



  Giulia Lagomarsino

  To my sister, who edits my books with humor that leaves me laughing months later.


  For The Love Of A Good Woman

  Copyright © 2017 Giulia Lagomarsino

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing, 2017


  Self published through Kindle Direct Publishing



  “That’s the last of it,” I said as I hauled the last box up to my new apartment. I was moving in with Vira, my best friend who I had met at a summer job during college. Vira was a few years older than me and a confirmed man-eater. She had a steady boyfriend, but she insisted on an open relationship. She vowed to never be tied down to one man. I didn’t share her way of thinking, but Vira was wild and crazy and full of terribly-delicious ideas.

  “Is that all?” Vira asked sarcastically. “You only brought enough to fill both our bedrooms. Since when do you have more shoes than me, Cece?”

  “Since you turned me into a shoe fanatic. You know, I used to only wear comfortable shoes. I was an outdoor girl that wore flip flops all summer long and wouldn’t be caught dead in a pair of high heels. Now, heels are part of my everyday attire and I hardly ever wear flip flops.”

  We were both sweating profusely and went into the kitchen for some water. There was a time when I would have chosen pop over water. Sugar had always been my best friend, but then I was always on the less toned side of skinny. I had never paid attention to my body before. I had always been active, so I enjoyed all the sugar and fast food I wanted. I didn’t care about a slight pudge or whether or not my legs were toned. Then I went out with a guy for several months and I fell madly in love with him. When he broke up with me, he told me I reminded him too much of a little girl. He said that if I acted like a woman, dressed like a woman, and took care of myself like a woman, I would have been more attractive. It broke my heart and I was absolutely devastated. I met Vira soon after and never looked back. Vira taught me how to enjoy life and experience all that I could.

  “Oh my, God. I don’t think I can move anymore. My muscles are so sore. I need a massage. What do you think? Movies and wine tonight?” I started to rub my calf muscles that got quite the workout from hauling boxes up the stairs.

  “That’s no way to celebrate you moving back here. We need to go party. Let’s go to the disco club and you can shake your groove thang. We can get all dressed up and drive the guys wild.”

  Vira walked over to me and started dancing and shaking her hips against me. She was so bouncy, it was irritating. I didn’t have that energy, but Vira never backed down from a night of fun. I had learned a long time ago to go with the flow when it came to Vira because I usually had a great time when we went out.

  “I don’t have anything unpacked yet. All my stuff is in boxes.”

  “I gotcha covered. I have the perfect outfit for you to wear. I’ll even do your hair for you. It’ll be pretty.” Vira fluffed my hair. “You’re prettier your own way.” I started laughing at the Dirty Dancing reference. It was one of our favorite movies to watch and that was a line we repeated multiple times a week.

  “Go get showered and I’ll get out some clothes for you.”

  “And shoes! I need a sexy pair of shoes to wear,” I shouted on my way back to my new bedroom. I grabbed my shower stuff out of the box labeled “bathroom” and grabbed a towel and washcloth out of the linen closet. I showered, washed the grime of the day off my face, and then slathered body lotion all over. In my younger days, I never bothered much with body lotion. I put it on when my skin felt really dry, but other than that, I didn’t care. Vira saw that one day and taught me all about the benefits of having silky, smooth legs and what they could do for me when seducing men. See? She always had the best insights into the male mind.

  I walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and headed to Vira’s room.

  “Hey, I laid an outfit out on my bed for you. I’m gonna jump in the shower really quick. You remembered to shave, right?”

  “Yes, Mom.”

  I rolled my eyes, but really, this woman had done a lot to change my way of thinking. Always be prepared. You may not get laid, but you might end up in an accident. Either way, you want to be prepared for someone seeing your coochie. I picked up the outfit, or lack there of, and smiled. This was definitely going to be a fun night. I went back to my room and grabbed a thong. That was really all I could use anyway. Vira had picked out a pair of skintight, black short shorts. They were just long enough to cover my ass and a shimmery, silver halter top with an open back. There would be no wearing a bra tonight. Looked like the girls were going to be shining bright tonight. I was curious to see what had been picked out in the way of shoes. I made my way back to Vira’s room as I brushed out my hair.

  “Hey, chica! What’d ya pick out for shoes,” I shouted to Vira in the shower.

  “They’re next to the bed.”

  I walked back into the bedroom and there next to the bed were a pair of black suede, thigh high hooker boots. I squealed in delight and sat down on the bed to put them on. The stilettos were at least three inches high, and as I zipped them up, I felt very naughty. I was gonna get lucky tonight and these boots would be my golden ticket. I stood and went over to check myself out in Vira’s floor length mirror. Damn. I looked good. I wasn’t being conceited. Vira just taught me to appreciate my own body.

  “Damn. I did good on that outfit. You look sexy, bitch!”

  “Thank you. How am I gonna do my hair?”

  “I think you need to leave it down in waves. That way you can lift it off your neck while you’re dancing. Men want to see your neck, ya know something for them to nibble at. That’s the way you dr
aw them in while you’re dancing. Let me get dressed and we’ll do our hair and makeup. Go throw some mousse in your hair and let it air dry.”

  We finished getting ready and looked in the mirror one more time. “Damn, we look sexy.” Vira was dressed in a black, halter jumpsuit with wide legs and a vertical cutout between her cleavage. She paired it with four inch open toe stilettos. Vira always said that it was best to be covered and leave something to the imagination. I felt like we were out of an Austin Powers movie, but I had to admit that the look was just what I needed for tonight.

  I had only been back to this town for short visits and now I wanted to let loose and shake the past off my shoulders. Ever since I returned, thoughts of Logan swirled in my mind. I wondered if I would run into him and what he would say about my new appearance. I was nothing like the girl I used to be. I was fit and looked hot now, whereas before I couldn’t care less. I always dressed to impress now and it wasn’t just for work. When men saw me, they would see an attractive woman that oozed confidence. I would never be mistaken for a naive little girl again.

  We left around nine and got to the club a little later. There was a line to get in, but when the bouncer saw us get out of the cab, he waved us over. It helped that Vira was a regular and anytime I had come to visit, we had come here. It was a great place to blow off steam and the men were hot. It was where you came to dance if you weren’t into all the crap they played on the radio nowadays.

  We entered the night club and it was exactly how it sounded. Disco balls hung over the dance floor and people were shakin’ it to Car Wash. We danced our way over to the bar and ordered drinks. After the first round was finished, we hit the dance floor. Turn the Beat Around came on and we started dancing and singing. We spent a good hour on the dance floor before we went back for more drinks. The thing was, it was fun to drink while we were out at the club, but we had so much fun dancing, we really didn’t think about alcohol all that much.

  We were at the bar ordering another round of drinks when I stopped right in the middle of a story and my mouth dropped open. Standing ten feet away was the man I had been madly in love with that broke my heart. Broke isn’t the right word. He had crushed it. He had been my first and I gave myself over to him, trusting him to take care of my heart. He had promised that he would always take care of me, but after a few months, he dropped me like a hot potato. My heart beat accelerated and I felt like I needed to leave. If he saw me and came over to talk, I would break down in tears and I had worked too hard to fall back into the girl that he knew. Vira noticed my sudden change in mood and looked behind her.

  “What is it?”

  “It’s him.”

  “Who? You mean…the asshole. Where?”

  I cleared my throat and finally pulled my gaze from him. “Behind you about ten feet. White t-shirt. Short blonde hair. Totally ripped.”

  Vira looked over at him and let her eyes peruse his body. I could see the appreciation on her face, but it didn’t bother me. Vira checked out every guy. It was a natural reaction for her.

  “Did he look like that when you were seeing him?”

  “No, but he was just as good looking, just not quite as large. His muscles are huge now. I think I just got a lady boner.”

  “So, how do you want to approach this?”

  “Well, I definitely don’t want to see him, but I don’t want to leave just yet either. Oh, shit. He’s walking this way.” I reached over to the bar and grabbed my drink, downing it in one swallow. He walked up to me with his signature sexy grin.

  “Damn, sweetheart. Are you trying to give every guy in here a heart attack?”

  The nickname stung. He used it on me all the time while we were together. The fact that he used it so casually now really infuriated me. I had given him everything and he casually strolled up to me like he could just pick up where we left off? I was pissed and I was about to let him know when he totally shocked me.

  “What’s your name, sweetheart?”

  I stood there stunned for a minute. He didn’t know who I was. He had meant everything to me ten years ago and I was apparently forgettable. That was a blow to my ego, but I straightened my shoulders and vowed to not let him see me falter. I plastered on a fake smile and pushed my chest out a little.

  “You can call me Sugar.” I shook his hand and ran my tongue around my upper lip, then bit my lower lip.

  “What’s your name, handsome?” I tilted my head to the side playfully and ran my eyes down the length of his body. I made sure to linger over his package.

  “Logan, but I’ll answer to handsome also.” I smirked at him. He was even more cocky than I remembered.

  “Well, Logan, do you come here to dance or just pick up ladies?”

  “I can dance if that’s what you’re asking.” I curled my fingers in his front pocket and pulled him closer.

  “Good. Let’s see your dance moves,” I whispered seductively. I took his hand and pulled him out to the dance floor. Hot Stuff started playing and I wrapped my arms around his neck as I shimmied against him. My hips started gyrating against him as the tempo pulsed. I took one hand and ran a finger down his chest to the waist of his pants. I stared into his eyes as I slowly licked my lips and ran my hand back up his chest. I turned around in his arms and bent at the waist so that my ass rubbed against his cock. Slowly, I ran my hands up my boots and then up my center until my hands brushed my breasts. I lifted my hair off my neck, leaving it exposed for his mouth. I wasn’t disappointed when a second later, I felt his hot, wet tongue run from my neck to my shoulder.

  I started rocking my body against him, shaking my hips and wrapping my arms around his neck. Small breaths huffed out across my neck and my pussy moistened in response. I was trying to turn him on, show him what he had been missing, but my body was responding to his and I felt my desire build inside. I turned to face him again and he wrapped his arm around my waist, grabbing my ass and pulling me closer. I could feel his hardness pressing against me and it spurred me to rock against him. He had always been aggressive, but this Logan was hot and knew what he was doing. The song came to a close and I heard Bad Girls come over the speakers.

  I felt two hands wrap around me from behind and a sexy grin crossed my lips. I knew exactly what was happening. Vira had come to put on a show with me. I was pulled back against Vira’s body and I closed my eyes as if in ecstasy. Vira wrapped one arm around my chest and the other lay across my belly. I was spun around to face Vira and we danced together with less than an inch between us. We stared at each other as we ran our hands over each other’s bodies. Vira grabbed my ass, pulling me flush against her body. She was really laying it on thick for Logan and I gladly played along.

  Our bodies gyrated together in a tantric rhythm. Vira turned in my arms and bent down running her hands up her legs until her ass was in the air, then I slapped her on the ass and ran my hand up her back, gripping her hair and yanking her back against my body. Vira opened her mouth as her head was pulled back and turned to face me. We shook our hips and continued our exploration of each other’s bodies. I ran my hands over Vira’s breasts, groping them roughly. We continued until the very end when Vira wrapped her arm around my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. Our tongues tangled for a minute as the song died down.

  When the song ended and we broke apart, there was quite a crowd gaping at our lewd act. We didn’t care. We weren’t gay, we just liked to have fun. Logan was staring at me with lust in his eyes. He stalked over to me like a panther and grabbed my arm, pulling me across the dance floor to a dark corner of the club. He threw me up against the wall and grabbed my ass, kissing me with a passion I’d never felt before. His hands were all over me and my eyes closed as his mouth sucked at my neck. He pulled my leg up and I obligingly wrapped it around him. His hand grazed my thigh as it worked its way down to my ass. His hand slipped beneath my shorts and I heard him groan when he realized that I was wearing a thong. His lips blazed a trail down my neck, over my top, to my breasts. My nipples were st
raining against the material and his teeth bit at the taut peaks.

  I gasped as his hand came around to the front of my shorts and unzipped them. In the next instant, his hands were inside my panties, rubbing at my slick pussy. My hips started moving against his hand, begging for the orgasm I could feel building inside. His mouth moved up to meet mine as I gasped in pleasure when his fingers entered me. I could feel him fucking me with his finger, pushing deeper and deeper with each stroke. My leg tightened around his waist as I felt myself tipping over the edge. I opened my mouth to scream, but his mouth covered mine, swallowing the sound. I rode the waves of my orgasm with his fingers buried inside me. I had never felt more alive than I did in that moment.

  When the sounds of the club finally came back to me, I realized no one really noticed anything. He had shoved me up against the wall and made me come harder than I ever had and no one had stopped to watch. I realized at that moment how grateful I was for that. I had let loose a lot since I met Vira, but sex in public was something I hadn’t yet encountered. I was still flying high on alcohol and lust. I could feel him pressing his erection against me and my pussy clenched with desire. He started to stroke me again with his fingers and I reached down to grip him through his pants.

  He ripped himself away from me and dragged me down a dark hall. He pushed me up against the wall and pulled my shorts down. My pussy needed him, clenching every time I thought of him entering me. At this moment, I didn’t care if people saw. I just needed him now. I heard his zipper being pulled down and a few moment later my thong was ripped from my body. I lifted my leg from one side of the shorts and let them fall to the ground. He grabbed my ass and pulled me up around his waist. He was kissing my neck down to my breasts and I felt his hand move back down between us. His hard cock pressed against me and then in one swift move, he was inside me, thrusting hard and telling me how much he wanted to fuck me.


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