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Better to Eat You

Page 26

by Savannah Skye

  A mob family.

  My appetite ebbed and I pushed my plate away. This was all pretty to look at. A pipe dream from afar, but facts were, every person in this room was a criminal.

  Including Axe.

  The food that had tasted so good on my tongue felt like lead in my belly.

  A few moments later, the waiters came around and cleared the table, then took orders for dessert and coffee. I shook my head – where did these guys put it?

  Salvatore stretched, rubbing the back of his neck, and I smiled. It reminded me of Axe. “Eh. Pretty good meal. Worth the trip, Joey?”

  Joe just grunted.

  The waiters reappeared with plates of fluffy white cakes, cannoli, and pots of coffee. Joe hacked off a piece of the cake and dug in. “I judge a place by the tiramisu, you know that.”

  As I poured a cup of coffee, I noticed Salvatore was contemplating me. “We gotta talk business. Now Brenna,” he paused. “Colt tells me you were ready to dive for a man’s pistol before Axe’s bid… Volkov’s, I’m now assuming. That true?”

  In my mind’s eye, I saw the bright lights flash off the pistol’s metal, Volkov’s open stance, the dark, teeming crowd, and then a strong, sure voice drawing both our gazes.

  “Yes,” I replied flatly. “I’d have rather died than let a man like Volkov own me.” My mouth twisted at the thought. “The Ruffinos made it pretty clear what would happen if I acted up. So I figured one way or the other, I’d end the auction with a bang.”

  A nervous kind of laugh ran around the table, but Axe and Salvatore were still. Axe’s father reached out and poured a cup of coffee, silent for a moment, then looked back up at me.

  “That took moxy, kid.” His voice sounded admiring and I smiled a little. “Do y’know how long Ruffino’s been doing it? Auctioning girls?”

  I spread my hands. “Honestly, I’m not sure. Maybe a few years? He had me for just a year, but there were other girls—” I broke off as the men made sounds of disbelief around the room.

  “Just a year?” Dante asked, appalled. “But what about your family, your friends?”

  I looked over and my heart squeezed at the troubled look in Dante’s eyes. “I don’t have one. And I didn’t have friends who would notice…” I trailed off.

  “Bet Ruffino found that convenient.” Joe had stopped eating his cake and was holding the fork in one hand like he wanted to snap it. “Is that why they picked you? Because they thought no one would care?”

  “Wait, wait.” Lou held up his hands. “We gotta start at the beginning. Brenna, cara, please, if you don’t mind, tell us everything. That way we ask the right questions, huh?”

  I looked over at Axe who grimaced as he said, “If you can’t Brenna, I’ll try.”

  “No. You’ve done more than enough.” I took a deep breath and plunged in. I gave them a brief summary of my childhood, the foster system, then working for Emilio, the kidnapping, and what pieces of the subsequent year I could dredge up without feeling like I was going to faint.

  In some way, I was relieved I’d gone through the nitty-gritty with Axe earlier today – it was much easier to get through now.

  I muscled through it, peeking around the room as I spoke to see their reactions. Would they think I was weak? Had asked for it? But their faces all reflected nothing but sympathy, shock, and anger – each emotion deepening as I continued on. There was no judgment there, and I didn’t know how much that would mean to me until it happened.

  Unlike Axe, who had been silent as he took it all in, these Capestranas showered me with questions.

  But none of them were eating by the end, they were just staring at me, or exchanging glances with one another. Joe’s face was twisting in anger, Lou looked disgusted, Dante was pale, Colt was grim, Axe had his head down, fists clenched, and Salvatore was expressionless, but there was a flicker of rage in his eyes.

  I was surprised at the silence. “No more questions?” I tried to joke, but truth was, I felt wrung out. Emotionally drained and suddenly exhausted.

  “Aw, Brenna.” Dante leaned across Colt and squeezed my hand. “You really do got moxy.”

  Colt glared down at Dante’s head. “Dante, once again, get the hell offa me.” Dante let go and leaned back, but his gaze was all sympathy, and even Colt shot me a sad little smile, the trademark, playboy grin nowhere to be found.

  No one else seemed inclined to speak. As I knotted my hands together, uncomfortable and edgy, it dawned on me.

  Just as I had grilled Axe, his family had grilled me. All of this was an interview of sorts. To see if Axe did the right thing.

  To see how much trouble this girl was worth…

  Axe shifted in his seat and I turned to him. He raised his head, avoiding my eyes, and stared around the room. Sitting up straight, he pulled his shoulders back and spoke, his voice low and intense.

  “I want to punish Ruffino for what he’s done. I want to tear him apart, and make sure his name is dirt. I want to take what matters most to him and grind it to dust.” He paused, his gaze blazing pure fire. “Will you help me?”

  I held my breath, waiting for the answer, my life hanging in the balance.

  Chapter Twelve


  I knew what Pop would say – I could see it in the tension of his shoulders and the grim acceptance on his face. Still, when he spoke, the relief that rushed through me shook me to my core.

  “You’re my son and I love you. You care about this girl. Of course the family will help you. But I don’t have to tell you, it’s not gonna be pretty. You have to know that going in. It’s not about the money anymore. If I thought it would buy Brenna’s safety, I’d pay it. It won’t. Emilio feels slighted.” His face twisted in contempt. “He’ll accept nothing less than the girl back… still a virgin.” Pop paused, looking at me steadily. “Refusal means war.”

  He didn’t have to tell me that. I knew it was a huge ask – all of it. But the fact that my uncles, cousin, and brother were nodding in agreement – that my family was going to stand with me?

  Made me feel stronger than ever. Colt had known seeing me face to face would be the thing that would make Pop see how strongly I felt about this. I made a mental note to thank him later. This could’ve all turned out way differently. We were looking at best-case scenario. A risky, potentially bloody scenario, but best-case nonetheless.

  Nodding, I gazed around at them. “I want that whole fucking operation dismantled. There are other girls, and there will keep being other girls unless we put them out of business,” I said, knowing full well I was pushing it.

  We were the mob for God’s sake, not the fucking Red Cross.

  But I was in now, one hundred percent, and I knew I’d never get another good night’s sleep if there were more girls out there like Brenna.

  Girls that I actually had the power to help if we did this right.

  “Same,” Uncle Joe unexpectedly grunted out. I stared at him and his lip curled. “What? I hate that rat bastard Ruffino. And that’s some fucked up shit he’s pulling.”

  “And if the Russian mob is involved the 802 protocol is shot. He can’t go to another family askin’ for help – there’d be blood in the water if that got out,” Uncle Lou said.

  “Yeah, only thing is – other bosses were there that night and they saw Volkov. And I’m sure it wasn’t his first time there, either,” Pop said, his voice heavy with irony. “So there’s a good chance we’re just the last to find out the trinacria deal is no longer being honored.”

  “No, I think this is all Emilio – pushing his luck at playing God,” Colt said, with a slight sneer. “That’s what he likes to do. He’s gotta be lying to cover his ass with the Russians. I think we gotta feel out the other families – see what they think.”

  “That could tip our hand,” Joe argued. “Nah, for Brenna’s sake, we keep this to Capestranas.”

  “Wow, Unc, thanks for that tip,” Colt retorted. “Obviously I would be fucking discreet.”

  Joe snorted.
“You’re welcome, bambino.”

  “Basta,” Pop interrupted. “We’ll talk about all that later. Like Axe said, the whole operation has to be put on ice. So first of all, we get our D.C. contact to the table as soon as possible, let him know about the sex trafficking across state lines, and go from there.”

  Brenna spoke up quietly. “I can give you everything you’ll need – addresses, names…”

  “Thank you,” Pop said. “Lou, consigliere, I know that face. What’s in your head?”

  “Isn’t it too early to call in the suit?” Lou asked, a deep frown creasing his face.

  “Hit ‘em hard and fast, don’t even let ‘em know what’s coming,” Joe said, polishing off another piece of cake. “That’s what I say. Also, this tiramisu is not half bad.”

  “They’re gonna know it was Brenna,” Colt said abruptly. “What? Unless there’s some rat working on this with the Feds, which I highly doubt, the Ruffinos will know.”

  I folded my arms and glared at my brother as annoyance surged through me. It was bad enough he’d been teasing Brenna all night – more to get on my nerves than anything – and now what, he wanted to bail?

  “Well, what do you suggest then, Colt?” I asked harshly.

  “Calm yourself, Axe. I am not saying we call it off. If anything, I’m suggesting the opposite. Time isn’t on our side, but who gives a shit? I’m with Joe.” Fire curled under Colt’s words, sparking heat in my own blood. “Never did meet a Ruffino I liked – can’t say I’d miss any of ‘em.”

  Dante nodded and chuckled. “Yeah, they really are a buncha dicks, huh?”

  Looking around the table, I saw that unmistakable cold and cocky light flash into every Capestrana eye. I grinned as energy exploded in the pit of my stomach, and I sat up straighter, my fists clenched. Just imagining the look on Emilio’s face when he saw what we had in store…

  Damn, I could’ve gotten up from the table at that very moment and gone to take that bastard down.

  But then Brenna heaved a sigh and snapped me back to reality. She shifted in her seat and half-glanced at me, then put a hand to her cheek. “Thank you.” Her voice cracked. “I don’t know how I can ask you to do this…”

  “Well, you didn’t,” Dante said in a thoughtful tone. “Axe did.”

  “Oh, knock it off, kid,” Joe said gruffly. “If it makes you feel better, it’s not just about you.”

  Lou nodded. “This kinda business is bad for the health of our species in general. Helping you helps us.”

  A weak laugh escaped her. “O-okay. If you say so.”

  “Give us what you gave to those lousy cops – only know that this time, your information is gonna be put to good use. We got you, Brenna,” I told her.

  My father handed her a pen and a napkin. “Names on the front, any addresses you might remember on the back. Especially where you think they might be holding more girls.”

  As Brenna began to scribble away, I could tell Pop was starting to get restless. He was settling the check and consulting with Lou about flying back to Ehlrich. They were using a small, private airfield to ensure no Ruffinos got wind of the trip, and they had to get back there within the hour.

  Me, on the other hand, I just wanted to keep on planning and drawing on the strength of my family for a while longer. It had been a rough couple days and having their support went a long way toward making me feel better about being able to protect Brenna.

  Part of me wished they could stay, but a bigger part of me wanted to go back with them. Take care of this the old fashioned way. Find Ruffino, and pulverize him with my bare fists. But Brenna couldn’t go back. Not yet.

  Maybe not ever.

  I set my jaw. It didn’t matter. My place was with her and that’s where I would stay – no matter where it took me.

  Even if my blood screamed to dole out Capestrana justice on the Ruffinos now.

  Pop caught my eye and he gestured with his head. I stood and moved to crouch by his chair.

  “Yeah, Pop?” I asked in an undertone.

  “They’re looking for you already. You know that, right, caro? Emilio is smart. He could smell something fishy and had his boys looking for you from the start.” He was gazing at me solemnly and I nodded. “As far as we know – they don’t got a clue where you are, but as of tomorrow, they’re gonna seriously start fanning out. And we gotta work out some kinks before any kind of sting can go down. Which means you might be lying low for a while. You okay with that?”

  “Of course,” I said. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “You’ve only been on the run for a few days. The adrenaline hasn’t worn off yet. You’re a man who needs action, Axe – you got that Capestrana hunger in you, and it’s twice as strong in you as any of us. I can see the anger brewing even now, ready to blow. You haven’t forgotten how you got your nickname, right?”

  I was getting uncomfortable from crouching and glanced over at Brenna. She was watching me across the table and I felt a lurch in my stomach meeting those beautiful blue-green eyes.

  “What are you trying to say, Pop?”

  “I’m saying – don’t go looking for trouble – it’s already looking for you.” Pop patted my cheek twice, then gestured at me to stand. As I stood, he did as well, and embraced me tightly. I had a flashback to leaving for the auction and my father hugging me just like this. “Keep your nose clean and your head down, Axe. Watch your girl, and your back,” he whispered.

  Then he let me go and I muttered, “Thanks, Pop.”

  He smiled at me, then at Brenna. Speaking louder, he said, “Listen, we got you two a suite nearby – just across the border in Vermont. It’s like what, twenty miles from here, Lou?”

  “Yeah, it’s very nice, very low-profile – tiny little town in the Green Mountains.”

  “Alright, let’s go,” Pop ordered and everyone stood up.

  The next ten minutes were a blur of hugs and handshakes, Dante nearly breaking my back in one of his bone-crushing embraces, Colt winking at me and giving me shit about lightning, Joe growling about his car, Lou telling me he’d be in touch soon, and Pop urging us to get a good night’s rest and giving me another tight hug.

  To my surprise, my whole family also hugged Brenna. I knew Dante would – he picked her up off the ground as he hugged her, making her squeal, but then Colt ruffled her hair like he did with our sisters and told her to keep an eye on me, Joe gave her a quick one arm squeeze, Lou pecked her on both cheeks, and Pop gave her a quick hug, then another kiss on the hand.

  Then, just like that, they were gone.

  It was just me and Brenna, back in the van driving down empty roads, with the endless, bright, and star-studded sky of deep country overhead.

  Neither of us spoke for a long time.

  That silence between us was unnerving. Somehow, the close quarters of the car had become more intimate after all that time with my family, and reduced dinner to the feel of a fever dream.

  “That wasn’t what I was expecting,” Brenna finally ventured.

  I almost laughed. “I figured. Although… me neither, if that means anything. I didn’t think they’d turn you back over or anything but I wasn’t sure exactly what we’d be walking into back there.”

  “You guys really love each other,” Brenna said with a wistful note in her voice and a sharp ache went through my chest. “It was so nice. They were nice.”

  “Nah, I think you mean loud, obnoxious, and loud.” The attempt at keeping things light fell flat. My heart just wasn’t in it. I was too keyed up from dinner, my mind racing faster and faster, still wrapping my head around my family standing with me while fighting the urge to exact punishment on Emilio Ruffino.

  “No… Family means everything to them, to you. I just can’t believe…” Brenna trailed off.

  I almost pressed her to finish, but then I bit my tongue. For some reason, my hesitation solidified my resolve to back off, and we fell silent again.

  Heady, blazing energy, which had started with my Pop’s resp
onse and the nods around the table, was firing up to a fever pitch.

  My fingers itched for a gun. Or for a jaw to crack a punch on.

  This was the heat of war roaring through me and I couldn’t help but shoot an uneasy glance over at Brenna. So far, out of respect for her and the situation, I’d been pretty cool and deferential.

  Well, at least for me.

  But now, I was getting too pumped. We were taking down those scumbags, getting vengeance for Brenna, and freeing those girls. With my emotions running this high and wild right now, I knew I had to be extra-cautious tonight. Silently, I thanked Uncle Lou for booking a two-bedroom suite – I’d quietly checked with him while Dante was swinging Brenna around.

  Something had subtly shifted in that dark car ride and Brenna was chipping at my resolve. Every time our eyes had met in the glow from the dash, something had pulled tighter and tighter between us. I had to force myself to stop looking at her.

  We both just needed a good night’s sleep. That was all. Or what I kept telling myself.

  Check-in was a breeze. The hotel staff was efficient, prompt, and discreet. Lou had outdone himself. Our suite, tucked away on the top floor, was spacious and gorgeous. All dark green and gold décor, with wood accents – it was both cozy and elegant.

  “Thank you, Uncle Lou,” I muttered, closing the blinds, and then checking the doors were locked again. I was about to head into my room, when Brenna appeared in the doorway of her own, already changed into pajamas.

  “Hey, good timing – everything all set in there?” I asked. “Got everything you need?”

  “Yes. It’s perfect.” Her voice was kinda husky and she was looking at me in a way that forced me to stare at the wall above her head. With my Capestrana blood running this hot – too hot – I knew I couldn’t trust myself to be around her for much longer tonight.

  I was about to reach boiling point with everything that had happened. I had to get to bed – I needed to have two closed doors and a room between us.

  But then she was walking towards me. “I just…”


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