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Better to Eat You

Page 44

by Savannah Skye

  Lisa’s mouth was slightly open now, face dumfounded. Blinking and shaking her head, she sat back, and then let out a chuckle.

  “Wow, Bella. Back barely a month and you’re cuttin’ quite a path through that town.” She smirked a little. “I know the Capestranas are our sworn enemies, Trinacrina agreement be damned.” Lisa twirled a hand up to the ceiling and pretended to spit on the ground. “But honey, I don’t blame you at all for what happened between you and Colt. And neither should you!”

  “You don’t?” I asked, feeling a rush of heady relief. “Really?”

  “Lord above, no. Hell no! Good job tappin’ that, cuz. Colt Capestrana is every kind of gorgeous. Man could be in the movies. Or pornos.” She pursed her lips. “But he’s not all looks, that one. You need to be careful, Bella. I can’t believe Rudy and Nevio put you up to this. I’m gonna kill those two.”

  “They didn’t,” I replied. “This was my idea. They were against this. I had to talk them into it. And Grandpa doesn’t know, so don’t tell him. Not that he’d remember.”

  “Uh-huh.” Lisa rolled her eyes. “Bella, you don’t think you might be in a little over your head with this? Your mama never wanted this to be your world, that’s why your daddy sent you to Staten Island, then France. You’re a ballerina, Bebe, not a gangster. Girl, you could be on Broadway. Instead you’re wiggling around a pole? And for what? Vengeance like in some kung fu movie?”

  “I have to do this,” I muttered, feeling childish all of a sudden. “For my dad, and for my brother.”

  Lisa bent her head, looking worn and kind of sad.

  “The Capestranas are no joke. Especially Colt. He’s educated, hon. Streets, sheets, and university. Sure, he’s gorgeous and smooth as the day is long, but that just distracts you from how brilliant and lethal he is. You’re playing a dangerous game that I don’t know if you can win. And not because you’re not just as intelligent as he is, but because this isn’t your world.”

  I set my jaw and shook my head.

  “That doesn’t matter. I’m going to break him the way he broke our family, Lisa, no matter what it takes.”

  Lisa shrugged out of her jacket with a frown like the fur was itching her.

  “This isn’t your fight, even if your name is Ruffino. Notice you’re the only one going after the Capestranas? Let sleeping wolves lie, Bella. Seriously, let it go. Head back to Paris.”

  “Hell, no,” I burst out. “I can’t believe this, Lisa, you used to work for my father. He paid your way through college.”

  A small, bitter laugh escaped my cousin’s mouth. “Yeah, Emilio was always generous like that. A real King Midas with his hush money. Just be glad he didn’t turn you into gold, huh, princess?”

  Something in Lisa’s laugh and tone made me shudder. Icy tendrils wrapped around my heart.

  “Hush money? What’s that supposed to mean?” Watching my cousin’s face, I thought I saw something flash into her eyes, and horror started to churn in my stomach. “Lisa? What is it? Tell me.”

  My cousin hesitated, then waved a hand and laughed. “Don’t listen to me. I’m just a bitter bitch, is all. It’s a bunch of old crap between our fathers that has nothing to do with you and me, and I won’t let it poison our relationship. And anyway, like you said, family is family,” Lisa rambled, her cheeks pink. “So, hey, if you’re so hell-bent on staying, why not come into the city, and live with me, huh? Two Ruffino girls, taking on New York? It’d be fun…”

  Part of me wanted to press Lisa for more details, but I decided to let it go. It was no secret that our fathers had an uneasy relationship, so maybe that’s what it came down to. Besides, I had plenty to worry about without adding more to my plate.

  “Once all this is over with, I think I’d like that,” I said with a nod.

  “Sounds like a plan. And hey, just be careful with this whole Colt Capestrana thing, okay? I couldn’t bear it if something happened to you, Bebe.”

  “Pinky swear. I’ll be super careful.” I was pretty sure that didn’t involve nearly banging his brains out in an elevator so I was going to have to step up my careful game some, but being with Lisa made me feel sort of invincible so I had faith I could right this ship after all.

  I must’ve been pretty convincing because she smiled and then, instead of harping on the negative, we chatted about other things. Once we finished our snack, we decided to go get our nails done. Walking through a city, enjoying the crowds, gabbing, and making sly comments, this was the Lisa and Bella I knew.

  It was the most normal I’d felt in weeks.

  But then, as we walked along, I saw a man in a Mets cap who looked a little like Justin when he was a kid, and it threw me way off.

  Sighing, I said, “Hey, Lisa, if you’re free later this week, I’m going to see my brother. Would you wanna come? I’d love the company.”

  “Oh, honey, would that I could.” Lisa’s pace picked up a little and I hurried along with her. “But now that I’m back, I gotta get job-hunting ASAP. You know me, always bouncing around. Can’t keep my digs if I’m not solvent and soon.”

  “Maybe another time.” I smiled, trying to hide my disappointment.

  Finding a tiny salon, we ducked in out of the cold, and were set up in stations right next to each other. Lisa made the nail artists laugh loudly with her stories about Australian men, although a few other patrons shot her annoyed looks. That was Lisa, you either loved her, or hated her. Girl had no in-between. In that alone, she was like her father.

  Yet even as I listened to my chatterbox cousin tell her stories, I couldn’t help but notice her eyes seemed troubled. More than once she shot me an affectionate, worried look, and seemed to want to say something but didn’t.

  Let sleeping wolves lie.

  Her warning rang through my head again. As much as I wished it was that easy, I was a Ruffino, and not just that, but Emilio’s daughter and Justin’s big sister.

  If I did let this slide, how could I face myself?

  When the ladies finished our nails and moved us to the pedicure tubs, I pulled out my phone carefully, trying not to smudge the just-dried polish. It was a lot later than I’d realized, and I wanted to check the train schedule.

  And, okay, maybe see if I had any missed calls or messages.

  But my screen was blank of notifications.

  As hooked on me as Colt had been the day before, he hadn’t called me. Not even a text message.

  Slumping into the pedicure chair, taking a deep breath, I couldn’t help but stare at my phone, and wonder why.

  Let sleeping dogs lie.

  Well, shit. I might not have a choice….

  Chapter Eight


  Three days.

  It had been three days since that night in the elevator, and I still couldn’t sleep a fucking wink.

  I stepped into the club, trying to get into the mood I knew I needed to be in to be effective. My usual ass-kicking, charming self. Never had it been such a goddamn monumental task.

  But then, I’d never been consumed by a woman like this. She haunted me like no one else, and nothing seemed to make her go away. It was driving me half-berserk. Even Dante, the dumbass, noticed, though he just thought I was fighting off the flu or something.


  I’d been running around so much trying to keep my brain busy the last three days, I’d barely even made it into the club, but Jules and Dante assured me everything was more than ready for tonight. In just an hour we were doing a meet and greet with potential patrons. It was more or less a dry-run for all the dancers, bartenders, and wait staff. They’d be walking around, chatting up the clientele, and offering them a tasty morsel of what was to come.

  If some of those fat cats liked what they saw, too, they might also kick a little extra investment cash our way. Everything had to go smoothly. I had to be on my game, 100%.

  But as I was about to walk into the main room, I paused, filled with an overwhelming sense of foreboding. What the fuck? I wasn’t
expecting any trouble. I’d greased the palms of every cop within a ten-mile radius. Maybe it was just because I was finally going to see Bella for the first time since she’d come for me.

  Adjusting my fedora, then my suspenders, I waltzed in, and offered a grin to the bartender.

  “Save that shit for the ladies who aren’t related to you, cuz,” Lainey called out, laughing.

  “Aw, I can’t be happy to see Little Lainey with her liquor serving license finally? How’re things going?”

  “See for yourself, boss. It’s all good.” She paused and grimaced at me as I came over. “Damn, want a Red Bull and vodka, kid? You look like hammered shit.”

  A real laugh escaped me and I nodded. “I ever tell you how much I appreciate your honesty, Lainey?”

  “That’s why you pay me the big bucks.” She ran a hand through her pixie cut, smirking as she pulled down the Grey Goose. “It’s gonna be awesome, Colt. No worries.” Handing me my glass, she winked. “Besides, Mama Ange already blessed the joint. What could go wrong?”

  “Christ, don’t ask that,” I groaned, shaking my head, and crossing myself.

  Glancing around the room, I downed my drink in one. Everything had really come together in the last few days. The furniture was finally all in place, every lightbulb screwed in, and everything shone so brightly you’d never know it was half-done three days ago. Fresh flowers and candles adorned every table. Shimmery red, gold, and black tablecloths filled the room. The staff was currently dressed in 1920’s outfits, while the dancers were in an array of stunning costumes.

  A trumpet blew and I looked up at the stage. The band was tuning their instruments, and the leader, Saxy Sam, waved at me and then pointed at his fedora with a wink. I’d bought it for him, and by the looks of his gap-toothed grin, he loved it. He blew a few notes of an old-school song and turned back to the band.

  We done good. Just looking around, it was like we’d stepped back in time.

  I enjoyed the feeling for about three seconds and then a waitress nervously plucked my elbow, telling me a shipment got screwed up, and I was off and running for the next hour.

  During one trip backstage, I was hurrying down a corridor and then stopped dead in my tracks. Behind a half-opened door, I could see Bella putting lipstick on in front of a mirror. Her gaze was serious and jaw determined. Red hair spilled over her shoulder, her eyes were even more-cat like with dark, smoky makeup, and her flowing black dress flaunted every last curve.

  Something tightened in my gut as I watched her and then twisted in agony when I wrenched myself away. All I wanted to do was crash into that dressing room and pull her into my arms. But that was what had gotten me all fucked in the head in the first place. Tonight was about business. My family’s business. They were all counting on me to make this club a success and I wasn’t about to blow it over a woman.

  By the time the clients got there, though, I was in a foul mood, feeling out of sorts and wishing I could figure out what to say to Bella. I shoved that all down though, and, smiling, did my damnedest to make these people feel more than welcome. Compliments were thrown around, jokes made, drinks bought, and toasts toasted. Jazz music flowed just as much as the wine and liquor. Within an hour, I already had fifty new members with the promise of fat annual dues and fees coming in the mail soon, and I knew my staff was racking up respectable numbers, too.

  However, between the mind-numbing questions and my determination not to have another drink, I couldn’t wait for this night to be over.

  And of course, there was Bella, wearing that black dress, her hair pinned up, always appearing in my line of vision. Every time, too, she seemed to be laughing from the center of a hungry group of men. They circled her, giving her appreciative glances, and more than once she tossed her hair back, grinning like the Cheshire cat at them.

  It made doing business almost impossible. Turning my back on her, I walked across the room, only to turn around when someone tapped me on the shoulder. After answering the woman’s question, I looked up, and saw Bella tugging on the lapels of some guy’s jacket.

  Clenching my jaw, I squeezed the glass in my hand until it cracked.

  “Shit,” I muttered. I carried it over to Lainey behind the bar and she made a face and took it. Then, handing me another water, she leaned over the bar, eyebrows raised. “Hey, boss. You almost look like you’re not having fun or something.”

  “For real?” I asked, genuinely taken aback. I was charming the pants off these people, wasn’t I? Since when was I an open book?

  “Calm down, only a Capestrana would see it. You okay, though? Someone causing problems? Big Ton says it’s been all quiet outside. Nothing to worry about.”

  “It’s nothing, hon, thanks for asking.” I rubbed my jaw and grabbed the water. “I’m a little tired. Been a long week. But thanks, and keep up the good work, kiddo.”

  Christ, now I got my little cousin worrying about me?

  I was supposed to be the one taking care of people, not the other way around.

  So get your mind off the girl, stunod.

  But as determined as I was to avoid Bella, my eyes were drawn back to her every other moment as the night went on. She shone brighter and brighter as the hours passed. The three days away from her seemed like it only magnified my need and the spell she had over me.

  More and more guys flocked to her, not even bothering to hide their interest. She played the part like a pro, teasing one of them, making them smile, doing exactly what I’d wanted the girls to do.

  Jealousy tore through me and it was all I could do not to start bashing skulls.

  Being jealous was a new one for me. But Bella did something to me I couldn’t quite comprehend. Halfway across the room, and I swear I could smell her damn perfume.

  I tore my gaze away and lounged against the bar, taking a break from schmoozing and trying my level best not to stare at Bella.

  Dante had finally shown up. Him and Lainey were laughing it up behind the bar. I usually would’ve joined in, but instead I found myself searching through the room, hunting for a specific shade of red. She was like a drug and I couldn’t get by without a fix.

  I spotted her standing at the edge of the dance floor, gazing at the band, tapping her foot. Out of nowhere, a tall blonde guy appeared at her elbow and his teeth flashed in a wide smile. Leaning down, he said something to her, and she shook her head.

  I saw him casually brush her hair off her shoulders and my fists clenched while my lungs stopped working for a second.

  Rage pulsed through me.

  And, because God fucking hated me, at that very moment, the music changed from an upbeat classic song, to a slow, romantic one. A second later, Bella was taking that prick’s hand and letting him lead her out onto the dance floor.

  “Colt, what’s wrong? You look like you’re gonna kill someone.” Lainey’s anxious voice was in my ear, and I shook my head, pushing myself off the bar. “Need me to get a bat?”

  “It’s fine, kiddo. Just worried about one of the dancers,” I growled, as I patted her shoulder, trying to seem reassuring but a hundred percent sure I had steam coming out of my ears.

  “Yeah, ooookay, act like you’re not being hella weird right now,” she retorted, before rolling her eyes and flouncing away.

  “Dante, who the fuck is that dancing with Bella?” I snarled, grabbing his shoulder, and pointing toward the dance floor.

  Giving me a funny look, Dante then obligingly peered across the room. “Uh, I believe that is Marcus Schyfe. Big trader in Manhattan. Yep, that’s him. Probably one of the richest guys here, that why you’re asking?” He gazed at me and concern passed over his pudgy face. “Yo, Colt. You okay, man? Sure you’re not sick?”

  “Fine,” I bit out, not giving a shit about Schyfe, or his billions.

  He had his hands on my girl.

  Watching them, I saw his hands move lower, and my temper exploded. I hadn’t been this angry since the night Emilio Ruffino met his timely end. Maybe not even then.r />
  Moving through the crowd, deaf to whatever Dante was calling after me, I was on the dance floor in another second.

  I clapped a hand onto the motherfucker’s shoulder and leaned in.

  “Sorry, Mr. Schyfe, but there’s something I need to take care of here,” I said in a cold voice that brooked no opposition. Fury was pounding through my veins, and from the heat coming off my skin, I knew my hard-won smile must have looked like a wolf baring its teeth.

  For a second the guy stared at me in blank amazement, and I wondered if he was going to argue. The tension passed as he caught sight of another one of the dancers a few feet away and shrugged. “Not a problem. Thank you for that dance, Ms. Lesaude, you’re very talented.”

  He sauntered away, on the prowl again.

  Smart man.

  Letting go of Bella, I yanked off my jacket, and hurled it onto a table near the floor. “Sammy!” I barked out. “Cue up the Argentine tango, per piacere.”

  “Si, Signore Capestrana. My pleasure,” he called back, and the music changed.

  I turned to Bella to find her staring at me, eyes wide with shock and something like fear.

  “C’mere,” I muttered in a low, tight voice, holding out my hand. Curious people were circling the dance floor, and she bit her lip, hesitating.

  “What’s a matter, Rabbit? Don’t know this dance?” I challenged.

  God, how well I knew her already? She’d never back down now that the gauntlet had been thrown. The fear faded from her eyes, replaced by determination, and her lips thinned.

  She was pissed.

  Good. This dance was all about passion anyway.

  As the sultry music started, I pulled her close, and then dipped her right out of the gate, because I could. Her throat visibly worked as I pressed my hips against hers. I kept her dipped for a half a second longer than I should’ve, and then pulled her close again. Slowly I moved my hands up from her waist, down her arms, and took her hands.


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