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The Wells Brothers: Blue

Page 6

by Angela Verdenius

  Charley found herself looking at a face that somehow seemed to be etched in shadows even though the sensor lights should have picked out every angle. There was no missing the darkly brooding air of the man, the subtle hint of danger that seemed to shift around him. The way he looked at her so blankly, the hint of cruelty that seemed settled on his lips, had her swallowing a little nervously.

  “I’m Ryan,” he stated quietly.

  “Charley,” she replied.

  He came stealthily up the step onto the veranda.

  “I - uh - I guess someone saw my predicament, huh?” She flapped a hand towards the camera.

  “You’re locked out.”

  “I left my clutch with my keys in my date’s car.”

  “I’ll let you in.” Taking a small ring from his pocket, he started choosing a key.

  “Wow.” Charley eyed the ring. “You have keys to all the houses you monitor?”

  Ryan slid her a sideways glance as he unlocked the door.

  “Sorry. I guess that’s confidential, huh?”

  Rather than answer that, he pushed the door open and reached in to turn on the inside light before stepping back.

  “Thank you.” Politely, she waited for him to leave.

  Instead, Ryan just stood there holding the door open, his unwavering gaze locked onto her.

  Crap on a stick, she felt like he was looking into her very soul. Probably found her lacking right now, seeing as how he’d had to come and unlock the door.

  It dawned on her that he wasn’t going to leave until she was inside. Feeling stupid for not realising that he was going to see her safely inside as part of his job - though her actual safety wasn’t his job, was it? - Charley quickly slid inside past him.

  Turning to thank him, she found him holding out two keys. Obediently, she put out her hand. As he placed them into her palm, he said, “Drop the keys off at the office as soon as you get your keys back.”

  “Absolutely.” She nodded. “Thank you again.”

  He shut the security screen. “Lock the doors.”

  She obeyed, the security screen lock snicking reassuringly.

  Ryan looked pointedly from the wooden door to her.

  The tall, silent, dangerous guard might make her nerves jitter uneasily, but she was still grateful for his help. Placing her hand on the door handle, she smiled. “Thank you for coming to my rescue. I appreciate it.”

  He inclined his head slightly, just the barest movement, but his gaze remained on her and she took the hint, closing the wooden door and flipping the lock.

  Had to admit, she could breathe a little easier when that hard, fathomless gaze was cut off from sight.

  Blowing out a sigh, she went straight to the bedroom to undress, donning a nightie and, after a second thought, a dressing gown. Alone here, she rarely wore anything over her nightie, but with Blue now in residence she decided she better cover up.

  Morosely, she folded the white lace shawl and placed it in the top dresser drawer. The white pumps went into a shoe box in the bottom of the wardrobe while the jewellery went into the little wooden box on top of the dressing table. In the bathroom she removed the small amount of make-up. Bracing her hands on the vanity either side of the basin, she studied her reflection with a sigh.

  Talk about a total balls-up of a date. Gary was pissed at her, she was pissed at him. It made her wonder if they could find a level playing ground and come to an agreement, but somehow…

  Hanging her head, she studied the basin. Could she really have read him so wrong? He’d always been so nice, courteous, career-driven, but tonight she’d seen another side to him. It wasn’t a side she liked. But was it a side that would rule him? Would he think about what she said and realise what he was doing?

  Straightening her arms, she stretched back to ease the kinks of tension in her shoulders. Would he ring her? Should she ring him? Should she wait a few days to give him time to cool off? Give her time to cool off?

  One thing she did know was that tonight she wasn’t going to ring him, that’d only end disastrously. He’d either expect her to cave in and agree with him, apologise, she’d end up saying something further to anger him and they wouldn’t have a chance to mend this rift. If she even wanted it mended.

  “Argh.” Shoving upright, she spun around and headed for the kitchen. “I need a hot Milo and some down time.”

  It was almost midnight before she put down the book she was reading, drained the last of the Milo from the mug and turned off the light.


  The road flashed beneath Blue’s sneakered feet as he jogged steadily along the early morning streets. Dawn had barely broken, the birds still stirring when he’d come down the steps of his Dad’s house. Everyone was still asleep, the neighbourhood quiet, only a few lights on in the houses he passed.

  Enjoying the cool quiet of the early morning before the sun came up and started heating the air, he settled into a steady pace, his mind wandering pleasantly as he retraced the streets he knew so well.

  The evening before had been fun, the gathering of family one he treasured. The laughing, the joking, the pleasant passing of hours with good food and better company. He fell back into the pattern of family life easily, but sometimes he had to admit that it felt a little surreal, those first few days at home after coming from the tension filled areas of the eastern countries. Being home, free, not watching his back, it took a little getting used to.

  But he was home now and he’d relax, hang out with his family, hang out with his girlfriend, enjoy his home, see his brother married and off on honeymoon, help out his Dad and cousin Jason a bit, live a normal life for six weeks before he had to go back. He sure as hell meant to enjoy every bit of it.

  Sweat making his t-shirt cling to his chest and back, he pounded the pavement, time passing as he did a full circuit of the streets, the sun already up by the time he slowed down to a walk and turned back into the pathway to the house.

  As he did so, a big work ute pulled into the driveway.

  “Well, look at this.” Luke stuck his head out the window to survey Blue. “Soldier-boy is trying to impress the sheilas with a titty-revealing t-shirt and ball-hugging shorts.”

  Blue arched an eyebrow at him.

  “Did you ever see such a sight, Jason?” Luke got out of the ute, Dog jumping out behind him.

  Dog ran up to Blue in greeting, tongue lolling out as Blue scratched him behind the ears and ruffled his neck before taking off to investigate the bushes.

  Jason got out of the other side and leaned on the tray to study Blue, their cousin’s usually serious face relaxed in a grin of amusement. “I can see his nipples from here.”

  “Hey.” Blue placed a fingertip over each nipple. “I’m feeling a little self-conscious right now.”

  “So let’s take the subject to the ball-huggers,” Luke suggested.

  “Those shorts are tight.” Jason nodded. “I can almost see that you’ve slung the nut sac to the right.”

  “And stuck a sock in there,” Luke tacked on. “Pathetic.”

  Fingertips still on his nipples, Blue looked down at his crotch. “My nut sac is on the left, if you need to know, and that’s not a sock. It’s all me.” Grinning widely, he bobbed his eyebrows at Luke. “All me.”

  Luke snorted. “As if.”

  Jason grinned. “Aw, big brother is jealous.”

  “Shut your gob,” Luke replied. “I have no reason to be jealous. I’m hung like a horse.”

  “And still you eye my package,” Blue said. “Which makes you perverted. Even more so because you’re my brother. My brother admiring my package, that’s disgusting.”

  “Jesus,” Luke said. “I’m not interested in your donger. I’m just saying your shorts are ball-hugging, I can’t help but see them. They’re sticking out like, well, dog’s balls. Where’s your pride?”

  “The shorts aren’t that bad.”

  “And for crying out loud, leave your man-titties alone. What’ll Aunt Lora say if sh
e sees you groping yourself? Or Dad? He’d be appalled.”

  “Not to mention standing out here in the open pawing yourself for the neighbours to see,” Jason agreed.

  Blue looked at his cousin. “You’ve been around this moron for too long.”

  “Don’t call him that,” Luke said.

  “Not Jason, dipshit, you.”

  “That’s not nice.”

  “The truth can hurt.”

  “The truth is you’re wearing a shirt that is too small for you.”

  Blue rolled his eyes. “I woke up, wanted to go for a run, and as all my clothes are at my house and I slept here, all I had were the clothes left behind in my old room so I put them on.” He rolled one arm experimentally. “It is a little snug.”

  “Oh my!” Luke sagged at the knees, the back of one hand to his forehead. “Oh Jason. I can’t take the manly swell of muscle! All that power! All that strength! Help me, I’m swooning!”

  Jason grabbed the back of his shirt and jerked him upright.

  “What the hell, man?” Luke coughed. “You nearly choked me!”

  “I saved you from falling onto the pavement. Where’s your gratitude?”

  “Drongo.” Luke started for the steps. “I’m sure Aunt Lora will be sympathetic.”

  “Not if she knows you’ve been ogling my balls, donger and nipples.” Blue elbowed him out of the way.

  “Here!” Luke shoved him back.

  Bracing himself, Blue easily knocked Luke off the step as they battled for lead position. In fact, he did it so well that Luke ended arse-up in the daisy bed.

  “Shit!” Luke rolled into a sitting position to survey the crushed bushes in dismay. “The daisies!”

  “Mum will kill you,” Jason observed cheerfully as he passed Blue to disappear into the house.

  “Bloody big bully.” Luke held out a hand. “Here.”

  Blue’s eyebrows rose. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Help me up.”

  “Not in this lifetime.”

  “You pushed me in here!”

  “Oh diddums. Are you going to go squalling and bawling in to Aunt Lora for her to kiss your boo-boos better?” Flipping his brother the bird, Blue laughed as he entered the house, leaving Luke swearing behind him.

  Aunt Lora popped her head out from the kitchen. “I’ve got toast on, how many slices, dear?”

  “Four would be great.” Blue gave her a peck on the cheek as he passed. “I’m just going to have a quick shower and I’ll be back.”

  “No worries.” Her gaze went past him. “Luke, honey, what’s the matter?”

  “That overgrown moron knocked me into your daisies!”

  She frowned, tsked. “Did you damage them too much?”

  “They’ll be fine.” Luke sighed. “I need a bit of TLC. I’ve been traumatised.”

  “Poor baby.” She brushed a stray leaf off his back, patted his cheek. “Have you had breakfast?”

  “Mikki loaded me up with toast, but I could always go another cuppa.” He gave her a pathetic expression. “And some understanding.”

  “Mum won’t understand you perving on your own brother!” Jason called out from the depths of the kitchen.

  “Perving?” Aunt Lora echoed.

  “Never mind.” Luke took her shoulders and gently but firmly steered her into the kitchen.

  Blue retreated to the bathroom to shower and change into the clothes he’d worn the night before, dropping the sweaty jogging outfit into the wash basket.

  Now that it had been pointed out to him, maybe he should get rid of those old clothes in the bedroom, but somehow…well, having his things in his old room still felt like he had a foot in his old home which was, he knew, ridiculous, because even though Jason, Aaron and Luke had moved out, their bedrooms had been kept the same minus their clothes. It would be the same for him, he’d always be welcome home anytime.

  Entering the kitchen, he found his dad sitting at the head of the table in his usual spot, sipping from a steaming mug of hot tea and eating a slice of toast thickly buttered and spread with Vegemite. At the corner of the table sat the thumping big Bible that had resided there ever since Blue could remember. Happily chewing a slice of toast, Dog lay under Mr Wells’s chair.

  Jason and Luke were sitting at the table cradling mugs of hot tea. Blue started to pour hot tea into a mug only to be shooed over to the table by Aunt Lora.

  “Sit down, dear.” She dropped a kiss on top of his head, ruffled Jason’s hair as she passed and winked at Luke who was sitting opposite. “Just relax and I’ll get you some breaky.”

  Mr Wells smiled at him. “’Morning, son.”

  “Hey, Dad.” Blue settled back with a sigh of contentment.

  “You were up early.”

  “Went out for a jog.”

  “Don’t know why you don’t sleep-in.” Luke took a sip of tea. “You’re on holiday.”

  “Too nice a morning to sleep in,” Blue replied.

  “Any morning is a good morning to stay in bed.”

  “Says the man who is up before the arse-” Catching his Dad’s eyes, he amended quickly, “- before the sun rises to ensure he has his precious plants watered and fertilized.”

  “Plants are a whole other ball game,” Luke replied defensively. “But I stay in when I can.”

  “Winter,” Jason confided. “Mikki has to drag him out by the ear kicking and screaming. It’s sad.”

  “He always was a little whiner.” Blue nodded.

  “I’d flip you the bird but I’m not allowed to at the table,” Luke said. “But imagine it. Both hands.”

  Silently, Mr Wells’s gaze slid to his middle son.

  Luke grinned sheepishly. “Sorry.”

  Mr Wells nodded calmly and resumed eating.

  Blue laughed silently, but felt not a shred of sympathy for his brother. Mr Wells had only a few simple rules, but they were etched in concrete from the day the boys were born, and he expected them to follow those rules from the moment they understood them until the day they died - no swearing at the dinner table, respect each other, do your chores, and don’t take the Lord’s name in vain. Dirty jokes, squabbles and fighting were all done away from the kitchen table which was meant for family to sit around and share their day and worries as they ate. It was neutral territory and a safe zone.

  Aunt Lora placed a mug of steaming tea in front of Blue along with a plate piled with buttered toast.

  “Thanks, Aunty.” He scraped Vegemite on the first slice and started eating.

  “So what are your plans for the day, Blue?” Sitting down at the opposite end of the table to Mr Wells, she picked up a spoon and started eating porridge.

  “Hmmm. I guess I should get some food shopping done, unpack my stuff, settle in a bit more.”

  “Maybe buy your young lady some flowers for tonight’s date?”

  “Good plan.”

  “Where are you taking her?” Luke queried.

  “Out to dinner someplace nice.”

  “You don’t know where?”

  Blue raised his eyebrows at Jason.

  “The Blue Room.” Jason lounged easily back in the chair. “Seven o’clock tonight.”

  “Thanks, mate.”

  “You got him to make the reservation?” Luke snorted. “What would he know about fine dining?”

  “Izzy,” Jason said lazily before Blue could reply.

  “Ah.” Luke nodded.

  “She recommended The Blue Room.”

  “But you haven’t taken her there yourself?” Luke shook his head and tut-tutted. “Not very gentlemanly of you, Jason old son.”

  “Who says I haven’t?”

  “If you had, Iz would have told Mikki, who’d have told me.”

  “You really think Mikki tells you everything?”

  “Of course. We’re engaged. Red would hide nothing from me.”

  Jason grinned.

  “We’re getting married in two and a half weeks.”

  “Two,” Aunt L
ora corrected.


  “Two weeks. No half.”

  “To the ball and chain,” Blue added helpfully.

  “I’m not going to be on a ball and chain.” Luke sniffed. “I’m the man. I’m boss.”

  “That’s what I meant. Two weeks until Mikki has on the ball and chain.”

  “That’s more like it. I’m the - wait.” Luke scowled. “I’m not a ball and chain!”

  Mr Wells calmly took a mouthful of tea.

  “You keep telling yourself that.”

  “Huh.” Luke grinned suddenly, spreading his legs under the table. “Maybe a ball and chain will feature on the hon-” He caught his words as he realised where he was sitting and just who was listening, coughed and quickly added, “honeymoon at the castle we’re visiting.”

  “You’re not visiting a castle,” Jason pointed out unhelpfully.

  “We’re going to Tasmania, to Port Arthur.”

  “You do know that has no castle, right?”

  “Of course I know! I meant it’s the penal colony, it’ll have balls and chains and things. Mikki and I will see them on the honeymoon.”

  “Nice save,” Blue said, equally as unhelpful.

  “Pfft.” Luke flapped his hand around, caught sight of his watch and sprang to his feet. “Cripes! I better get going if I’m going to get that garden finished today.” Downing the last of the tea, he rinsed it out in the sink and placed it upside down on the draining board. “Catch you all later. Dog!”

  Dog’s head peeked out from under Mr Wells’s chair.

  “Come on.”

  Dog’s tail thudded happily.

  “Don’t embarrass me, man.”

  “Too late for that,” Blue observed.

  Luke raised his eyebrows at Dog. “I’ll tell Duchess.”

  At that, Dog scurried out and rushed over to him, all wagging tail.

  “That dog will do anything for that cat,” Mr Wells stated with amusement.

  “Isn’t that embarrassing enough?” Luke shook his head. “Never did I think I’d have to use the cat as a tool to make Dog behave.”

  “It’s cute,” Aunt Lora said.

  “That’s what Mikki thinks, too.” Luke sighed. “She doesn’t understand the whole man thing.”


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