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The Wells Brothers: Blue

Page 13

by Angela Verdenius

  Aaron had always made things better.

  Blue didn’t know the real reason Aaron just happened to be there, the only thing his brother revealing a brief “Work” when asked. That was enough for Blue, he knew Aaron’s company did more than simple security and bodyguard work, knew that they sometimes worked in grey areas, did retrieval work on kidnap victims and who knew what else, but he never asked more than Aaron was willing to reveal which was very little.

  Somehow that visit had strengthened Blue, made him stronger, made him realise that while his family loved him, Aaron really understood what he faced, and that gave him courage, put steel in his spine, and he’d never looked back.

  But good old Aaron was still here, right across the table checking up on him.

  “Thanks,” he said. “Thanks so much.”

  “Always,” Aaron replied simply.

  By silent mutual agreement the conversation turned to lighter things.

  By the time Aaron left, anyone would have thought the original reason for his visit had been forgotten. However, at the doorway, right before he walked out, he turned and gathered Blue into his arms, hugging him close.

  Blue hugged him back, squeezed him, remembering almost immediately other times he’d been hugged by Aaron - when he’d scraped his knee, when he’d gotten into a fight, when he’d gotten a shockingly low grade on his maths and had been ashamed to tell Dad. So many times his big brother had been there. Older than him by nine years, Aaron had been the one to be in charge of him and Luke when their father was working.

  Aaron had never stopped caring, never stopped being the big brother.

  Blue never stopped loving him for it.

  Aaron gave him a squeeze before stepping back, clapping his hand on Blue’s shoulder. “You and Charley need to come over for tea. Soon.”

  “We will.” Blue grinned. “She really needs to meet the family properly.”

  “Yes.” Aaron smiled slightly. “Yes, she does.”


  Sitting in the empty waiting room, Charley stared down at her shoes. She’d been looking forward to picking up Kitty and now finally here she was with Blue, waiting for the vet.

  Casting a sideways glance at the man sitting beside her, she couldn’t help but admire the way the muscles in his arms bulged as he leaned back comfortably in the chair with his arms folded across those impressive pecs, one ankle resting on the opposite knee. Old, scuffed sneakers shod his feet, the worn cargo shorts seeming to accentuate his hard thigh muscles.

  Hmmm. She glanced down at her plump thighs in the pedal pushers, contemplated the sandals on her feet, wriggled her toes. Even when she got up early to go to work, Blue was already out running somewhere or going to a gym to pump weights. He had a morning routine he worked before doing whatever he wanted for the rest of the day. She supposed soldiers had to keep fit, he certainly worked at it.

  Damn sure gave him a body that had women taking a second look. Combined with a handsome face and steady gaze, it was a winning combination. But what really drew her was his kind, caring nature. As soon as she’d found out that he’d been visiting Kitty every day, her heart had practically melted. He hadn’t told her, she’d only found out when she’d slipped in to visit Kitty after work and the receptionist had laughingly commented on the visits the patient was getting from both her and Blue. Add that to the things he’d bought for the cat - all in pink because she was a girl, which was so cute - and, well, that kind nature just made her feel all warm and fuzzy.

  “You’re quiet,” his deep voice interrupted her thoughts.

  Not wanting him to guess she’d been thinking warm and fuzzy about him, Charley replied, “Just thinking about you working out.”

  It was his turn to cast her a sideways glance.

  “Makes me think maybe I should work out.”


  Suddenly a little self-conscious, she cleared her throat.

  That had his head turning, those piercing blue eyes regarding her seriously.

  Running her palms along her thighs, she immediately wished she hadn’t when his attention shifted to her thighs. Cripes, her plump thighs.

  When his gaze slid up her body to lock onto her eyes, she gave a sheepish smile. “Not model material.” When his expression turned thoughtful, she blushed and looked away.

  Good grief, did he think she was fishing for compliments? How pathetic would that be? How-

  “Why would you want to look like a model?” Blue queried.

  “Um…I don’t really…” Trying to regain some composure, she scratched an elbow. “Not much. Well, no more than some girls, I guess.”

  “I think you look just fine.”

  Aw, there was that caring nature again. “You’re sweet.”

  “No. I’m honest.”

  “Honestly sweet.”

  “You’re perfect just the way you are, Charley. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

  “Even if I wear too much yellow?” she teased. “And fill your house with yellow things like yellow tea towels and sunflower clocks?”

  His big hand touched her smaller one, gave her fingers a gentle squeeze. “I’m finding myself starting to really like the colour yellow.”

  Amused, she turned to face him. “Then I reckon I could give Army fatigues a go.”

  One dark eyebrow arched. “Is that a promise?”

  “Sure. We could start with the shower door. I can replace the motif with something in fatigue colours.”

  “Hmmm.” He thought, shook his head. “Nope. I like the yellow sunflower motif on the screen.”

  “Give me a minute.” She mock frowned. “Let me think about it. I’m sure I can come up with something.”

  “No need,” he replied easily. “Everything in the house stays as is. I like the yellow touches.”

  “If you lived around it long enough, you might not. It’s probably just a novelty right now.”

  “Honey, I could never get sick of the yellow. It’s you all over.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Sunshine and happiness.” He tapped the tip of her nose. “Unmistakeable.”

  The man had a way of giving a compliment that instead of flustering her, made her laugh and feel good.

  His eyes were warm, smile slightly crooked.

  Smiling back up at him, she leaned in close and he obliged by leaning toward her so that their arms pressed together. Almost immediately she smelled his soap and deodorant, beneath it warm, clean male.

  Crooking her finger at him, she waited until he’d lowered his head before murmuring, “So you’ll use my yellow flowered glasses and yellow tea towels and flowered soap?”

  He didn’t hesitate. “Touch my manly soap on pain of retaliation.”

  “What about my flowered deodorant?”

  “Touch any of my manly stuff on pain of retaliation.”

  She pouted.

  “Cute. Still no.”

  Before she could tease him further, the vet called out, “Blue Wells.” They both looked up and the vet gestured to them. “Come in. Kitty is ready for you.”

  Picking up the carry basket by his foot, Blue followed Charley into the consult room.

  The thin tabby and white cat, now sporting the fancy pink collar and yellow name tag containing their mobile numbers and address that Blue had brought into the clinic the previous day, looked at them a little cautiously until he spoke to her and held out his hand, which she sniffed before bumping her head against his knuckles. He rewarded her by rubbing around her ears gently, which set her purring.

  “She’s so sweet.” Charley couldn’t resist carefully smoothing her hand down the furry back.

  “That she is,” the vet agreed. “Now, Kitty is doing well. She’s recovered nicely with no side effects, her lacerations are healing well, and she’s made no attempt to chew the stitches which, by the way, need to be removed next week. You can make an appointment at the reception for that.”

  Charley and Blue nodded while the vet nurse put K
itty into the cat carrier and closed the door securely.

  “If she does chew the stitches, then it’s the cone of shame.” The vet pointed up at the plastic Elizabethan-like collar hanging on the wall. “We did put it on her at first but she freaked out pretty badly, so we took it off and watched her. The whole time she’s been here she hasn’t touched the stitches, so I doubt it’ll be needed but you never know.”

  Blue and Charley nodded again.

  “Now, even though she’s recovered well, she’s still a little tender in places. Not enough to need pain killers but enough to warrant careful handling. No running around and playing rough, so be careful if you have kids.”

  “No kids.” Blue nodded. “That leaves out Luke, then.”

  Charley elbowed him while assuring the vet, “Luke is older than Blue. No kids.”

  Blue rubbed his rock-hard abdomen. “It’s only us in our house.”

  “Time for that later, hmm?” The vet nurse smiled.

  Realising what she meant, Charley said quickly, “Oh, we’re not having kids.”

  “Yet,” Blue added.

  Startled, she stared at him.

  He shrugged. “Never know what the future holds.”

  Dumbfounded, Charley didn’t quite know what to reply to that. True, the future held many options, but surely he could see that the vet nurse mistakenly thought they were a couple?

  Apparently not, because Blue calmly picked up the cat basket. “Anything else we need to know?”

  “The microchip has been transferred into your name, Blue,” the vet replied. “You’ll need to keep her inside for several weeks until she gets used to being in your home.”

  “No worries. We’ve got everything she needs in the line of food and litter, and she’ll have the run of the house.”

  Giving up worrying about what the vet nurse mistakenly thought, Charley added, “We’ll be careful coming in and out that she doesn’t slip past us.”

  “Well, then.” The vet smiled widely. “I guess you’re good to go.”

  “Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for her.”

  Blue held out his hand. “Thanks from me, too, mate.”

  “Anytime.” The vet shook his hand. “After all, you gave her the chance at life, too, so let’s just agree that it was a team effort.”

  Once in the ute, Charley carefully set the cat carrier in the middle.

  Kitty sniffed the air.

  Blue got into the driver’s seat and looked at Kitty. “Okay, we’re bona fide cat owners now.”

  “Bona fide?”

  “Blame Luke.”

  “You might have to explain that to me one day.”

  His eyes twinkled. “You’ve met my brother, what is there to explain?”

  Pretending to give it serious thought, she nodded solemnly. “When you put it like that…”

  Sticking one finger through the wire door of the carrier, he smiled as Kitty rubbed her face against it. “Let’s get her home and settled.”

  On the trip home, Charley cooed and talked to Kitty, who kept peeking up at her out of huge eyes before returning her attention to the windscreen. Granted, she couldn’t see above the dashboard, but there was no doubt she was nervous.

  Once back at the house, they settled her into the spare bedroom with the litter tray, basket, food and water, deciding that it would be better for her to get used to one room before letting her venture into the rest of the house.

  “Besides,” Blue said, “she can use this room as her safe house.”

  “Safe house?” Charley grinned. “How about safe room? Wait.” She held up a finger. “Our cat has her own panic room. How cute is that?”

  “I’ll give you cute,” he muttered, opening the cat carrier door.

  Grinning, Charley knelt down on the carpet and gently rubbed under Kitty’s chin, rewarded by her purring. When Blue eased his long frame down on the carpet on the other side of the carrier, she felt that familiar warmth go through her as he spoke to the cat, rubbing behind her ears before laying his hand palm up on the floor and wiggling his fingers enticingly. Obviously settling down to spend some time with her, he stretched out with his upper half propped up on one elbow, resting his head on his hand.

  Kitty took a few tentative steps out of the basket, looking around cautiously in-between sniffing his palm.

  In unspoken agreement, Charley and Blue remained sitting and talking softly about movies and books, letting their voices and presence comfort the cat and bolster her courage. She knew them from their visits so, as Blue suggested, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to stick around for a little while and let her get used to the room and them.

  They ended up staying in the room for half an hour, finding out that they both had similar tastes in books. However, they disagreed on other things - Blue loved motorcycle racing which prompted her to christen him a ‘Revhead Two-Wheeler’.

  “What the hell?” His expression was indignant. “That makes me sound like I ride a kiddie’s pushbike with training wheels.”

  “Oh sweetie, no.” She pulled a pitying face. “That’d make you a Revhead Four-Wheeler. You’re out of the training wheels.”

  “That doesn’t make it sound better.”

  She batted her eyelashes at him.

  His eyes narrowed. “Listen, Sunflower-”

  “Sunflower? Is that the best you can do?”

  “Maybe I’ll just ring your Mum and tell her you’re calling me names.”

  “Mum wouldn’t believe you. I’m her little round pumpkin.” When his eyes widened, she pointed at him. “Not one word out of you.”

  Ignoring that, he grinned. “She calls you her little round pumpkin?”

  “That came about when I was six years old and dressed in a pumpkin outfit for a school play.”

  “What the hell were you doing dressed as a pumpkin?”

  “We were soup ingredients.”

  “Holy crap. Was your teacher a cannibal or something?”


  “Dressing kids up as soup ingredients. That’s just sick.”

  “I played a very good pumpkin, I’ll have you know.”

  He eyed her. “You’re getting defensive there, Sunflower. Got something to confess?”

  “What, you think maybe I manhandled the zucchini?”

  He choked.

  “Yeah,” she added ruefully, “that didn’t come out right.”

  “You can say that again.” He snorted a laugh.

  “I did kick the carrot’s arse.”

  “Jesus, Charley.”

  “Hey, he kicked me first.” She pointed at her hip. “Put a dent in my pumpkin.”

  Blue’s eyes danced with enjoyment. “What did the cannibal teacher do then?”

  “The carrot and I got separated, he was put with the squash and I got the beetroot. I didn’t mind beetroot, she was my best friend.”

  “Is beetroot still your best friend?”

  “No. She moved away the next year and even though we swore friendship to our dying days, by the end of the month I think we’d pretty much forgotten each other.”

  “Sad.” Blue shook his head. “That’s the way of soup ingredients, though.”

  Kitty chose that moment to walk under Blue’s arm, her tail in the air as she sniffed at his chin. He stroked her back and she blinked at Charley, sniffed Blue again and wandered over to Charley for some loving before jumping up on the window sill and looking out into the garden.

  Seeing her interest, Charley and Blue decided it was okay to leave her for awhile.

  Making sandwiches for lunch, Charley cut extra to take to work for dinner, silently wishing she could stay home and spend time with Kitty, especially the first day. She had to admit to a bit of envy when she spotted Blue sprawled out on the sofa reading a motorcycle magazine, munching on the sandwiches she’d made for him and sipping from a tall glass of homemade iced coffee.

  Before she left, she peeked in at Kitty to find her curled up near the pillow on the bed. The ca
t raised her head and Charley blew her a kiss and shut the door again, not wanting to disturb her.

  “Don’t work too hard,” she said with trace of sarcasm as she passed the lounge room door on the way out.

  “Perish the thought.” He winked. “I’ll be thinking of you slaving away while I’m sitting here doing this…” He slurped a mouthful of cold drink and flapped the magazine at her.

  Curling her lip, she flipped him the bird and walked out, his laughter following her.

  The afternoon at work went fairly quiet, the routine undisturbed by anything out of the ordinary. There were several inquiries from family members, some care plans to update, and delivery of new Webster packs from several pharmacies. Though the shift went fairly quickly as it always did because staffing never seemed to quite match the workload, Charley had to admit she was looking forward to going home and seeing how Kitty was settling. She’d never thought much about getting a pet while renting, mostly because she’d never met her landlord and therefore hadn’t been able to ask him, but now she had both the landlord and a cat at home.

  She’d certainly never expected to like the landlord as much as she did, but Blue was a man easy to be around. She didn’t feel self-conscious around him, and in simply a week he’d become a friend, one she could joke and laugh with and engage in conversation without having to put effort into it. As for Kitty, well, she was half in love with her already.

  It was ten o’clock at night by the time she pulled into the garage. The lounge light was still on, the spare bedroom light glowing through the side window. Entering, she heard the TV playing in the lounge and glanced in, expecting to see Blue sitting on the sofa.

  The lounge room was empty.

  Putting her things away, she was puzzled at the seeming emptiness of the house. Quietly opening the spare bedroom door, she peeked in, took a second look and smiled.

  Blue was lying on the bed, motorcycle magazine partially on the bed, several pages hanging over the edge where it had slipped from his hand while he’d been reading. He was fast asleep, muscular chest beneath the t-shirt rising and falling with each even, deep breath.


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