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The Wells Brothers: Blue

Page 24

by Angela Verdenius

Knowing full-well by this time that Shea wasn’t a psychic but instead a woman who could read people’s expressions and body language like a book, Charley asked dryly, “Written in the stars?”

  “Hey,” Shea replied, “I’m not telling the story.”

  “There isn’t a story to tell.”

  “Nonsense,” Elspeth said briskly. “There’s a wonderful story. My only concern, dear, is when Blue goes away.”

  “There’s nothing to worry about,” Charley replied a little coolly. “I will wait for him.”

  “Oh fie, don’t go all off in a fluff.”

  Oh fie? In a fluff? The woman had the weirdest sayings.

  “I’m simply saying that Blue has had girlfriends dump him because of his job and lifestyle. I don’t want to see him hurt, or you.”

  “We’ve already had this discussion,” Charley said. “Between him and I.”

  “Excellent.” Elspeth either didn’t get the hint or chose to totally disregard it. “As long as you know we’re all here for you. It’s hard for a woman when her man goes away for long periods of time. Isn’t it, Shea?”

  “Oh look,” Shea said. “My turn.”

  Aunt Lora pinched the bridge of her nose. “You really need a gag sometimes, Elspeth.”

  “It’s just the truth. Sometimes Aaron has to go away for several weeks at a time, so Shea knows what it’s like. But Blue will be going for months at a time. I just want Charley to know that while he’s away we’re here for her.” Elspeth gave a sniff. “Goodness, I’m just extending the hand of sisterhood and friendship.”

  Okay, so she wasn’t going to be grilled about the fast tracking of her relationship with Blue, and Elspeth was genuinely trying to be nice, so Charley responded in kind. “Thank you, it’s really nice to know. I appreciate your support.” She glanced around. “Everyone’s support.”

  Shea smiled. “Welcome to the family, though you’ve been welcome a long time. It’s just since you two started dating we get to see more of you.”

  “I’m a bit of a hermit.”

  “I know. Nothing wrong with that, either.”

  From the time Charley had spent with the woman since dating Blue, which really had meant getting to know his family more as he was so family-orientated, she wasn’t surprised that Shea did know. The woman was a perfect match for Aaron, who seemed to eerily know things before anyone else did.

  Maybe she was a little psychic after all.

  As if Shea knew exactly what she was thinking, she winked.


  “Now that that’s out of the way,” Aunt Lora said with relief, “I bet Blue hasn’t shown you his Army photos of him in uniform.”

  “Actually, no.” Charley shook her head. “He hasn’t.”

  “That’s because the boy doesn’t like to think he’s boasting.” Getting up, Aunt Lora went to the big bookcase and took down an album, coming back to sit between Charley and Shea, flipping open the cover. “Here’s a little trip down memory lane.”

  Coming over to lean on the back of the sofa, Elspeth watched with equal interest.

  It was an entertaining time, Aunt Lora starting out with the various photos taken of Blue when he’d first entered the Army, the proud Dad with his son, Blue with his bags, then the few photos of Blue with his Army mates, pictures of him standing besides tanks, with his military weapon resting on one shoulder, with goggles and a scarf over his mouth and nose in what looked to be a sand storm.

  In fact, unless it was an up-close and personal photo, it was hard to distinguish the uniformed men and women from a distance or when they faced away. But Aunt Lora was able to point out Blue in every one.

  In a way it was sobering. Yes, he was handsome in his uniform, yes, he looked tough and capable, yes, he looked a total roguish bad boy in one cheeky photo of him winking and grinning, but it was also a reminder of the dangers he faced daily. Even more sobering, she knew that some of the men he was photographed with could very possibly be the mates who had died.

  Men and women, she thought, needed to know their husbands, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, family and friends waited for them at home, anchored them in the storm, were a constant in their lives. The love and support they needed so much. It might be hard to fully understand, she’d probably only know part of what he did and felt and went through, but she sure as hell was going to be there for him when he got back, when he needed to talk, even if he needed to cry. Whatever Blue needed, she’d be there for him.

  Later, when the afternoon sun was going into evening and she was standing by the motorcycle, she looked seriously at Blue as he fastened the helmet chin strap for her.

  “All right?” he queried.

  “Just want you to know if you ever want to talk, I’m here.”

  That surprised him. He paused before slowly resuming fastening the strap. “What’s this about?”

  “I just want you to know.”


  “I’m here for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I’ll do almost anything for you.”

  His eyes gleamed. “Almost?”

  “This bloody motorcycle isn’t one of them.”

  He laughed.

  Okay, she had to admit it was a bit exhilarating zipping along the road with nothing between the air and herself but her clothes and the helmet, but her legs were still a bit wobbly by the time she got off it back at the house.

  Leaving Blue to put the motorcycle away in the garage, Charley went inside, fed Kitty and strode through to the bathroom, looking forward to a shower which she normally had as soon as she got home from work.

  By the time she came out of the shower dressed in a summer nightie and dressing gown, Blue was flopped in an armchair with a remote control in his hand, contentedly flipping through the channels.

  Dropping face first onto the sofa, she moaned. “Oh geez, I could stay like this forever.”

  Blue observed the way she sprawled with one leg hanging over the edge of the sofa. “Did we wear you out?”

  “Not really. I think the motorbike ride scared me so much I’m wrung out.”

  “Poor baby,” he said sympathetically, tossing the remote onto the coffee table. “If you really hate it that much, I won’t make you ride it again.”



  “Are you serious?”

  “Absolutely. I won’t push you into doing things you don’t like. I just hadn’t realised how much you hated the bike.”

  Blowing out a breath, she came up onto her elbows. “I don’t hate it that much.”

  “But you do hate it.”

  “Hate is such a strong word.”

  Blue crossed to the sofa to sit by her hip. Resting a hand on the small of her back, he gave her a gentle rub. “It was mean of me to pick you up on the bike, I’m sorry.”

  “Nah, it’s all good.” She looked at him over her shoulder. “I don’t mind it that much that I won’t ever go on it again with you.”

  “Charley, you don’t have to do it to please me.”

  “I’m not. Well, I do, but I don’t hate it. I just…” She searched for the right words. “I don’t like it, but I’ll be okay to go on it with you now and again.”

  “Doesn’t seem fair.”

  “Just give me some warning first. Wait!” She frowned. “No, no warning. Otherwise I won’t do it.”

  Blue rolled his eyes. “Because that makes me feel so much better.”

  “Listen, Blue, I want to do things with you. I know that monstrosity of a machine is your pride and joy. I get that. So I’m okay to go on the odd - very odd - ride with you.”

  “Really? You mean that?” He was pleased. “Because I love having you with me on the bike.”

  “In return, you watch horror movies with me.”

  “Ugh.” His upper lip curled.

  “Fair’s fair. I like horror movies, you like me on your bike. For every ride I do with you, you have to watch a horror movie with me. Deal?” She awk
wardly held out a hand.

  “Deal.” He sighed, shook her hand. “You drive a hard bargain, Sunflower.”

  “Not everything comes easy.”

  He smiled at her.

  She smiled back.

  Then his smile slowly turned wicked, his hand shifting on her back, fingers spreading out as he drew his hand down her bottom to rest right over the cleft. “Wearing panties?”

  Her mouth fell open. “What?”

  “Never mind. I owe you, remember? And I always pay my debts.”

  “Oh boy.” Her heart picked up pace, a hot flush tingling through her at just the anticipation.

  He patted her bum. “Wait here.”

  Nonplussed, she watched him walk away. Wondering just what he was doing, she folded her hands atop each other under her chin and tried to relax.

  Kind of hard to do when he obviously had nefarious thoughts.

  When he returned, he sat down beside her hips again.

  “You’re dressed.” She couldn’t hide the disappointment.

  “Patience, Sunflower.” Placing his hands on her shoulders, he started massaging.

  Almost immediately, she groaned blissfully. “Massage!”

  “Prefer this to sex?”

  “Just do me, please.”

  “Oh baby. That has so many possibilities.”

  “I mean massage me. Get those fingers in.” She almost melted into the cushions as he worked his fingertips into her muscles.


  “Get your mind out of the gutter and keep rubbing.”

  “Against the table leg like a dog?”

  “I can’t talk.” Ignoring his chuckle, she closed her eyes.

  Little moans escaped her as he firmly worked the muscles in her shoulders, strong fingers kneading down each side of her spine without causing pain but definitely working on little knots of tension she hadn’t been aware of, big hands sliding down to press and rub the base of her spine and lower.

  She was floating on a sea of pleasure when she felt him stand. Too relaxed to even protest, she was almost ready to simply go to sleep.

  Until she felt his hands slide under her nightie, strong fingers hooking into the waistband of her panties to draw them down her legs.

  “Hey!” Instantly alert, she came up onto her elbows, swivelling slightly to look back at him as the panties dropped to the floor.

  Her heart did another jump, every bit of lethargy disappearing at the wicked look in his eyes.

  The heaviness, the promise, the pure seduction...the heat.

  “Just settle down right there, Sunflower.” His eyes glittered. “Let me do the work.”

  Oh boy. She blinked. “Umm…”

  “Look ahead, babe.”

  What could she do but obey? Swallowing, she turned and stared at the arm rest, every nerve tingling, waiting for his next move.

  The silence stretched until she was actually starting to curl her fingers into the cushion, biting her lip, wondering if he was just looking at her.

  The suddenness of calloused fingertips sliding up the backs of her thighs had her jumping.

  Blue said nothing, just continued trailing his fingertips up her thighs, higher to the curve of her buttocks, over the curves to spread his fingers out, thumbs meeting above the cleft to drag down gently, parting the globes the very slightest with the edges of his thumbs.

  Her heart jack-hammered at just the sensation.

  The silence.

  The anticipation.

  Hard palms smoothed down to rest at the base of her buttocks, thumbs working downwards between her thighs.

  Automatically she parted her thighs a little, giving him room, unsure how much to part.

  A sudden unwelcome thought hit her - he could see her dimpled flesh. She hadn’t felt self-conscious the whole time they’d been together since that first night in his bed, but now, with the silence, her position-

  Her breath caught, her head jerking upward as those invading thumbs angled to probe the tender flesh between her thighs, finding her perineum to press and release, press and release.

  Heaviness flooded her loins, a stirring in her secrets, a lazy swirl of heat spiralling low in her belly.

  Her fingers clutched the cushion.

  His thumbs disappeared, leaving her feeling strangely bereft, her grip slowly unclenching though the heat didn’t dissipate.

  The sofa dipped as he moved, then his arm went under her hips to lift her with astonishing ease as he slipped a cushion beneath her hips, her eyes widening when another joined it to effectively angle her bottom higher than her head.

  “Oh, Blue, I’m not sure-” she began, only to be stopped by a big hand coming over her mouth to smother her protest.

  It was the weirdest feeling, the sensation of him fully clothed leaning partially over her, her raised hips making her feel so exposed regardless that she was still wearing her nightie and she could feel the hem of it below where her thighs met her buttocks. The silence was freaking…scary. Titillating.

  With just his hand in a gentle cup over her mouth, he demanded silence.

  When she didn’t protest or struggle, he removed his hand.

  Charley’s breathing was definitely coming faster as she strained to hear what he was doing, what he planned.

  The unknown was certainly a scary turn-on.

  Big palms landed on the backs of her thighs again, slid up, this time taking the nightie and light dressing gown with the movement, pushing them relentlessly up and over her bottom until the light material pooled around her waist.

  Gulping, she gripped the cushion beneath her, trying to centre herself through tangible stability.

  Big palms cupped her buttocks, gently eased them apart slightly, enough to make her stomach lurch before disappearing once more.

  It was killing her. “Blue-”

  He moved fast. Somehow, he moved fast enough that his finger was across her lips before she had even finished getting his name out. But his finger was just as firm as his hand had been, the expectation of obedience in the gesture.

  She nodded, swallowing her nerves.

  For several seconds he leaned slightly down onto her back, letting her feel his strength, his warmth, a reassuring acknowledgement of her nerves.

  Then he was gone again.

  Oh God, she wasn’t going to survive this. No way could she-

  She stiffened with a jerk, eyes widening when his hand slid between her thighs to lay flat against her secrets, cupping her womanhood in his palm, holding her. Just holding her.

  Then he started undulating his palm, a ripple of movement that pressed erotically against her secrets, making her so aware of her defencelessness, the fact that he literally held her in the palm of his hand.

  The action fired up the heat simmering inside her, made her hips shift in a vain attempt to ease the delicious torture of the constant kneading, but his other hand clamped on her hip in a silent order to stay.

  Blue was in charge, and Charley knew it. He was leading this foray into her body, this experience, this exploration, and all she could do was let him.

  Let him because she wanted this, wanted him, trusted him. Needed him.

  And because even though her nerves were jitter-bugging, it was combined with growing heat, the mixture proving an intoxicating mix.

  His middle finger slid down to rest against the seam of her body, the firmness massaging the sensitive area, brushing over the entrance to her body that was starting to weep with desire.

  Her heart pounded, her blood moving with slow heat, tension coiling low in her belly to sprinkle outwards in a thousand licking tongues of desire.

  The tip of his finger entered her, rimmed the delicate opening, the sensation sending a spark of sheer passion scouring through her, making her arch her hips, press into his hand, wanting it - him - release, anything, just wanting.

  His hand on her hip slid over to the small of her back, holding her firmly in place, an unspoken leash to her movements.

p; Charley actually whimpered, squeezing her eyes shut and biting her lip when that long finger slid into her, turned - and then she bucked beneath him with a low keen as he rubbed right over the magical spot inside her, finding it unerringly and pressing, nudging, rubbing, throwing her into a writhing body of heat and desire, waves of ardour just tipping the hot fiery embers of concupiscence.

  Before she could start to race up the beckoning slope of so much more hedonistic sensation, Blue’s finger withdrew.

  “Nooo…” She whispered it on a low moan of disappointment, only to jolt again, arch, part her thighs more as he played the tiny nub sheltering between the slick protection of her labia. “Oh God…Blue…”

  Aching pleasure that quickly swelled to sharp stabs of fiery need under his expert touch, that shafted through her with carnal prurience, sizzling through her blood, knotting her nerves to screaming point, pushing her up the heaving slope only to withdraw once more, leaving her gritting her teeth, whimpering as she came up onto her elbows, trying to find release from the decadent torture that was searing through her.

  She wasn’t even aware of movement behind her, heard nothing as she battled the hot, so very hot desire claiming her yet hovering out of reach, leaving her trembling on a pinnacle of unfulfilled need.

  Suddenly he was over her, strong arms coming each side of her, big hands landing on the cushion beside her shoulders. Rough material abraded her thighs, a hot, blunt head nudging her opening, muscled abdomen pressing against her back.

  And then he was inside her, one hard thrust, a taking of her body, an invasion of her weeping secrets, his shaft so thick and long shoving through her spasming sheath to lodge deep inside her.

  She cried out, head throwing back at the erotic sensation of being so full.

  So close.

  So very close.

  Almost there.

  Held back by the stillness of the man pinning her to the sofa, the man who had mounted her and now had his mouth against her cheek, breath hot, the lips tracing down her throat hot, that silken, firm heat brushing her ear as she whimpered.

  Pleaded. Begged.

  He breathed, just breathed, a little ragged but steady nevertheless.

  A tiny nudge of his body that had her nerves splintering.

  A tiny rock that shuddered through her like a volcano getting ready to explode.


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