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The Wells Brothers: Blue

Page 29

by Angela Verdenius

  “Yeah, but what is this? Is this Special Ops shit or something? Because as I keep trying to tell Sarge, I am not Special Ops.”

  “You, a Special Ops?” Jonesy gave a hoot of laughter. “I think Sarge is well aware that you’re a regular Digger. You’re our Arse-End Arnold half the time.”

  “Up yours, Jonesy. Someone has to keep your arse safe for your girl in Whicha.”

  “And I’m seeing Marcia in four more days.” Jonesy sighed longingly.

  “Not if we don’t get this flamin’ thing done.” Blue rested his elbow on the window frame. “You sure Sarge didn’t say anything about it to you?”

  “I’m to drive you there, that’s all I know.”

  “And back.”

  “Goes without saying. What is up your arse tonight?”

  “This. It’s not normal.”

  “Life of a soldier, Bluey-boy. Do as we’re told. Now just sit back, enjoy the ride, and you’ll find what you find when we get there. Then you do what you have to and we get back to base, you catch your flight in the morning and by tomorrow night you’ll be with your girl, and in a week’s time you’ll have the ball and chain on your ankle. Right?”

  “Right.” He stared out at the darkness. “I hope.”

  Jonesy drove, whistling tunelessly.

  They reached the outskirts of the city but rather than enter, they skimmed along the edges before turning into a quiet street. Jonesy pulled up in front of a small house set back on a plain block of lawn.

  “This it?” Blue studied the house.

  Jonesy squinted. “That’s the address.”

  “I don’t like this.”

  “Look, I’ll be waiting right here.” Jonesy sighed. “You want me to come in and hold your hand?”

  “No.” He looked around. “There doesn’t seem to be anyone here.”

  “Look, this is a top secret mission you’re on. Are you going to do this or go back to camp and get arrested for not doing your job? This could be a matter of life or death, and here you are farting around and-”

  “Okay, okay.” Blue got out. “You got a gun?”

  “Do I look like I have a gun?” Jonesy fished in his top pocket and brought out a small rectangle object. “Got a stick of Juicy Fruit. Will that help?”

  “You’re an idiot.”

  Jonesy just grinned.

  “Wait for me.”

  Jonesy saluted and settled back, turning off the engine.

  Well, his mate wasn’t worried, so maybe he was privy to more information than Blue. Then again he was the driver, not facing whoever was inside that small house.

  A sudden thought occurred to him. Maybe Aaron was in there. Maybe Aaron had something to tell the military but due to some kind of weird-arsed secret mission he was on, he had to use a third party. But it was pretty stupid to use Blue who was closely linked to him.

  Shaking his head, Blue did a slow circle of the house perimeter. Regardless of orders, he was playing safe. This was not an ordinary mission.

  The curtains were closed, nothing stirred inside or outside even though he waited several minutes in the dark. Finally he went up to the front door and knocked. The door swung open as soon as his knuckles hit it.

  This could not be good.

  “Hello?” Stepping inside, his gaze swept the floor for any sign of a booby-trap.

  Suddenly, music sounded softly. He froze as the familiar words came to him. Jesus. Surely not. It wasn’t possible…was it?

  His heart picked up pace. “Charley?”

  The sound of someone moving in what looked to be a lounge room from the glimpse he could just catch around a wall. And that smell, was it - pizza?

  Oh, he just had to be dreaming. This could not be happening. This-

  A hoot from outside had him swinging around to see Jonesy giving him a happy wave before driving off into the night.

  Slowly turning around, he wondered if he was going a little mad. A secret meeting, pizza, their song… He stilled as his gaze caught on the woman now waiting silently at the other end of the hallway.

  It couldn’t be…

  She walked towards him, yellow skirt swirling around her legs, honey-blonde hair up in a ponytail. The little locket he’d given her was nestled just below the hollow of her throat, the engagement ring he’d placed on her finger when last home on leave catching the light.

  “Sunflower?” he whispered disbelievingly.

  “Hi, Blue.” Smile so huge, plump lips curved into such a delighted smile, she walked right into his arms, winding her arms around his neck. “Kiss me, soldier. I’ve missed you.”

  He was still staring at her when she pulled his head down and placed her lips against his.

  Immediately heat flared, seared through him as her fragrance invaded his senses, and he was kissing her back. Hard. Urgently. He didn’t know how, didn’t know why, didn’t care, just the fact that she was here in his arms was all that mattered.

  Her tongue licked along his lips and he opened for her, but no sooner did her taste fill him than he took control, kissing her, meshing their mouths so close while hugging her to him.

  The only reason he stopped was because he had to breath.

  Had to look at her.

  Had to reassure himself this wasn’t some cruel dream and he’d wake up in his bed at base - or worse, his bunk in Iraqi. If he did the latter he knew for sure he’d cry. And swear. At the same time.

  But no, when he looked down at her, hands cradling those sweet apple cheeks, she was still there, still smiling, her eyes shining with happiness.

  “Surprise,” she whispered.

  “Oh my God,” was all he could say.

  She laughed.

  “Are you real?” He slid one hand through her hair, fingers combing through her ponytail. “Are you really here?”

  “Yep.” Leaning against him, she explained, “I couldn’t wait for tomorrow night, so I decided to come here and meet you instead. I thought we could spend tonight together, you know, just the two of us, then we could fly back home in the morning.” She bit her lip. “Is that all right?”

  “All right?” Relief that this wasn’t a dream and the joy of finally having her back in his arms made him almost giddy. He laughed, long and low, hugged her, scattered kisses across her face. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you.”

  She laughed back, returned some of the kisses before taking his hand and pulling him through into a small lounge room. “Now, let’s start this again.” She reached for the CD player sitting on a small book shelf.


  She paused.

  Blue looked around. “What is this place?”

  “I’m not sure, but Aaron organised for me to stay here. One of his security guards met me at the airport and drove me here.”

  “So Aaron’s here?”


  “No one else is here but us?”

  “That’s right.”

  “Bloody Sarge and Jonesy.” Blue grinned. “This was a set-up.”

  “You’re only just now figuring that out?” Charley sighed. “Luke will be so embarrassed.” At Blue’s glance, she added brightly, “Also, Kitty will be disappointed.”

  “You aren’t saying anything to them. That’s an order.”

  She feigned a shiver. “Oohh, you’re turning me on.”

  “I’m supposed to be intimidating you.”

  “It’s not working.” Laughing, she kissed him.

  Amusement faded as they looked at each other.

  She was here, he thought, drinking her in, and that was all that mattered. Blue backed up, keeping her close to him by simply leaving his arm around her waist. He backed up to the CD player, and still keeping their gazes locked, he reached out and pressed the play button.

  Several seconds passed and then the music started.

  Their song.

  Taking her hand, he placed his other in the small of her back, drew her close against him, and started swaying gently.

a sigh of pleasure she leaned into him, letting him guide her, swaying in perfect unison, all those soft curves nestled against him.

  Placing his lips to her ear, he whispered, “I love you, Sunflower.”

  “I love you, Blue.”

  “Tomorrow we go home.”


  “To family and friends.”

  “They’re waiting for you.”

  “Tonight.” He nuzzled her ear, placed a soft kiss on the silky skin beneath. “Tonight, we’re together. Just the two of us.”

  “Just the two of us.” Lifting her head, she gazed up into his eyes.

  And they continued to sway to the music.



  For those who might roll their eyes at the whole idea of ghosts, no worries. I personally had the bell incident happen to me several times while working in a nursing home. The fan going on was told to me by a relative who experienced it personally while working in small rural hospital. You don’t have to believe, it’s all good ;-)

  Many people think it’s not possible to fall in love so quickly, to know in such a short time that they’ve met ‘the one’. I sat at the bedside of an elderly man who told me he’d married his wife within two weeks of meeting her, they were together for about fifty years before she died, and she was the love of his life. I’ve heard it from several people over the years of nursing, and each time it reminds me that falling in love isn’t by the book, some people just know almost straight away when they meet ‘the one’, their soul-mate, the man or woman who walks beside them for the rest of their lives.

  For those who may never meet their soul-mate in this life, don’t despair. Enjoy this life, enjoy the privilege of seeing the beauty around you, of having friends, family, pets, being alive. Wherever you go you’ll leave footprints in someone’s life - your smile, your ‘hello’, doing something kind, it can all mean so much to another lonely soul. But most of all, love yourself. It’s not the end of the world to be single. You have a life, take it in both hands and go with it, whether it’s through small achievements or huge ones. Do what brings you pleasure, be it simple or complex, and enjoy the time you have on this earth. It’s your life. Live it. You deserve it.

  And to those who have family and friends away in the military, know that you are in their hearts as they are in yours. You’ll be together again, just not yet…but you will be. Keep those home fires burning.




  Angela Verdenius lives in Australia where she is ruled by her cats, adores reading, and thinks a perfect day is writing and drinking Diet Coke, followed by reading or a good horror movie. She has a weakness for potato chips, Pavlova & rainy days.

  To date, she has written numerous novels in both sci-fi and contemporary romances, 2 novellas, and several short stories, one of which is a zombie story she had great fun writing. Her books have won many reviewers’ awards, as well as having been on the Fictionwise best-seller list and winning the Golden Rose Award.

  Connect with Angela:

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  Keep reading for a list of all available books in both ebook and print.

  Other Books by this Author

  Contemporary Romances

  Big Girls Lovin’ trilogy

  Doctor’s Delight

  Cop’s Passion

  Vet’s Desire

  The Lawson Boys duet

  The Lawson Boys: Alex

  The Lawson Boys: Marty

  The Virgin Sex Queen

  The Mackay Sisters duet

  Call on Me

  Lean on Me

  Seducing Sam

  Adam’s Thorn

  The Goodbye Girl

  The Gully’s Fall series

  Burn for You

  Fall for You

  Lie to Me

  Fly with Me

  You’re the One

  Second Chance


  The Wells Brothers trilogy

  The Wells Brothers: Luke

  The Wells Brothers: Aaron

  The Wells Brothers: Blue


  Heart & Soul sci-fi romance series

  Heart of an Outlaw

  Soul of a Mercenary

  Heart of the Betrayed

  Love’s Sweet Assassin

  Soul of a Hunter

  Love’s Bewitching Thief

  Heart of the Forsaken

  Soul of a Witch

  Heart of a Traitor

  Soul of the Forgotten

  Love’s Beguiling Healer

  Heart of a Peacekeeper

  Soul of a Predator

  Love’s Winsome Warrior

  Heart of a Smuggler

  Soul of a Guardian

  Love, Heart & Soul Moments

  Shattered Soul

  Box Set

  Heart & Soul bks 1 - 4

  Heart & Soul bks 5 - 8

  Novellas sci-fi

  Operation Seduction (BBW)

  Blast from the Past

  Free Short Stories

  Zombie Hospital


  Novellas Written under the pen name Ang Kemp

  Devil in the Kitchen




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