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Paranormal Encounters

Page 32

by Carl East

  "I'm going to fuck you senseless," he said, reaching out and grabbing Courtney's arm.

  Fighting back just wasn't an option; Courtney could feel the strength this creature exuded when he ripped the clothes from her body. Spinning her toward the nearby desk, he quickly bent her over and rammed his hardened member into her already swollen vagina. Courtney screamed, trying desperately to break his grip, but to no avail.

  Douglas and the professor had given up on trying to break through the doors and had returned to the lounge to witness what was happening on the monitors. They were shocked to find that they could see the vile creature, but they were unable to think of a way to free Courtney from its grip.

  Courtney’s body began to tremble in fear as she felt herself getting wet with excitement. She knew that it had to be something to do with the beast's power, rather than any lust she might be feeling.

  "You've never been fucked like this before, have you, slut?" he said, continuing to slam his expanding manhood as deeply as her body allowed.

  "No, I'm usually enjoying it," she groaned mockingly.

  "Brave words, but you know I'm turning you on," he replied, as he came inside her for the first time.

  Courtney could feel his seed hitting the back of her vaginal wall, and with each new thrust, it began to seep down her thighs. He suddenly paused and withdrew himself from her, and she prayed that the torment was over, but he didn’t stop. He flipped her over, her back landing on the cold, hard desk, before spreading her legs wide. Positioning himself, he pushed past the swollen lips that hid her opening and thrust forcefully into her once more. She grimaced as his hard cock slid along the wet walls of her pussy. The tip of her tongue traced her lips, and she realized that her arousal was growing with each new thrust. Lust was invading her body, and she fought the urges until her overheated skin began to perspire. She felt dirty as she struggled against the impending orgasm, and she wondered if she’d survive the night. Her mind went blank, and she began to feel dizzy, when he suddenly pulled out and sprayed her stomach and face with his seed. A drop landed near her mouth and she found herself licking at it as she tried to reason away her excitement.

  The beast let out a yell of anguish and then suddenly disappeared. Dropping from the desk, she tried to stand, but she fell to the floor. She heard the muted sound of doors opening, and then she felt arms gently lifting her.

  "It's okay, Courtney, I've got you," said Douglas, as he led her out of the room.

  "What happened?"

  "The professor knew an ancient spell, and used it to summon the beast to the pentagram upstairs. He said that if it worked, it would trap him for a while, at least long enough for me to get you out of here.” They hastily left the building and regrouped in the college van and began to drive away.

  "That demon, or whatever it was, just crossed time and space," said the professor. "You’ve altered reality for the first time in recorded history, my dear," he added.

  Courtney and Jenny were resting their heads on the seat backs, when Courtney turned to face him. "What do you mean?"

  "You saved Jenny here from the death we all knew occurred, by interceding at the critical moment," said the professor.

  “How in God’s name did she do that?” asked Doug.

  “Well, I have a theory. Actually, it’s more like conjecture. I believe that demons, like angels, are eternal, and that time and space doesn’t mean the same thing for them as it does for us. I think the demon sensed your presence, Courtney, during his violation of Jenny,” replied Professor Colt.

  “That doesn’t explain why Jenny was brought through to our time,” said Doug.

  “There’s a strong possibility that when the demon decided to have fun with Courtney, he was still connected to Jenny in some way. Therefore, when he came through to this time, Jenny came with him. Of course, once Jenny was out of his range, after bolting for the door, she appeared as if by magic in front of you, Douglas.”

  Jenny held Courtney's hand and thanked her for coming to the rescue. “At first I was horrified that something like that could exist, but to my shame, the more he violated me, the more I enjoyed it,” said Jenny, hanging her head to stare down at her feet.

  “Don’t be ashamed, Jenny. I felt the same way. I too was overcome with a lust that I can’t explain, except to say that whatever was causing it emanated from the demon.”

  “I have my own little theory about that,” said Doug.

  “Oh, what would that be?” asked the professor.

  “What would happen if a demon was able to use a person’s sexuality against him or her? The victim could be coerced to do things that she would not do normally. It would be against her will, but she would be forced to enjoy it. The anguish and shame a moral person would feel would only enhance the demon’s satisfaction in corrupting an innocent.”

  The professor’s face wrinkled in concentration as he tried to weigh the pros and cons of Douglas’ supposition. He sighed in regret, acknowledging that Doug was probably on the right track. If the victim was unable to fight against the demon’s power, it was going to make the situation even more difficult.

  Nothing more was said after that. Everyone was caught up in his or her own thoughts, not the least of which was: Where in the hell did that thing come from? Courtney knew that they'd have to return, because something that dangerous couldn't be allowed to enter this world freely. She also knew that they'd need to find a way of holding it in check; otherwise, they would be in mortal danger.

  Chapter 2

  Courtney bolted upright in bed, shocked into awareness by the images her sleeping mind had conjured. " was just a nightmare," she said to herself before lying back down. Reaching out for the bedside lamp, she mumbled, “Who could sleep after a nightmare like that?” One eye was half-open as she stepped into her slippers and headed to her favorite place in the house, the computer room, and with a yawn, she pressed the magic button that brought the world to her door. Looking at the e-mails, she opened one from a colleague, who had sent her a bunch of old photographs.

  The pictures were of the mansion, and one in particular stood out from the rest. The photo was taken from the air and revealed the full size of the building. Courtney noticed right away that the house was almost circular in shape. Then, she spotted a very striking feature. Turning towards her printer, she flicked it on and printed off a copy. Using a ruler, she followed the tiles that seemed out of place, mainly because they were a different color from the rest. After drawing several lines across the paper, she started to see a pattern emerging, and she had one of those “eureka” moments.

  "The whole house is covered with a pentagram, which explains how the demon manages to appear at will. When they opened the portal and were later killed, no one was left to close it.” Nodding to herself she muttered, “The only way to return a demon, once summoned, is to find the original incantation and use it to prepare the counter-spell.” She reached for the phone.

  Douglas answered before the first ring ended and remained silent as she explained what she had discovered. “We’ll have to return to the house to look for the original incantation. It’s the only chance we have to prevent the demon from claiming more lives. I’m not prepared to live with that possibility.” He agreed, and as she was putting the phone down, she began to relive the encounter with the beast and realized she wasn't in any hurry to be reacquainted.

  The next day blossomed with sunshine as they climbed into the car and headed towards the mansion. They began to discuss what she had discovered the night before, and she pulled out the pictures to show him what she had found.

  "I think we should check out the library; it could hold the answers you're looking for," suggested Douglas.

  She agreed, but as they approached the mansion, second thoughts began popping up in her mind. As Douglas rounded the corner, her nerves were on edge. Parking the car, they saw several vans from the college being filled with equipment. Courtney searched for Professor Colt in the group of men entering a
nd exiting the mansion as if it was on fire. She found him directing the removal of equipment from the home. His eyes reflected his defeat at what he had hoped would be the crowning glory of his tenure.

  As she approached, he started trying to explain. “I’m sorry, Courtney. After seeing what was on the tapes, the college has made the decision to regroup and remove all apparatus and personnel from the study of this house. They want to continue their support of your work, but from a distance. The college cannot be connected to the distinctly spiritual aspect of this case because of the loss of government funding. This is, unfortunately, the classic example of the separation of church and state.”

  She was shocked by the college’s reaction, but Douglas knew they were simply covering their asses in the event that someone else was murdered on the site. After all, they already had lost one of the two-team members from the initial investigation. He was surprised that this hadn’t happened sooner. They stood in silence as the final person left the building, and when the vans left the grounds, they knew that they truly were on their own.

  Upon entering the house, they proceeded to the library.

  "What should we be looking for? Will it be in a book or on a scroll?" asked Douglas.

  "Look for anything that has to do with incantations and conjuring." Courtney kept alert for any signs that they were not alone.

  After a brief search, Douglas held a book aloft that was entitled, “Conjuring the Spirit.”

  “This one looks promising,” he said, handing it over to Courtney.

  Courtney ran through it until she came to a well-used page and recognized the entry as a long-dead language. She knew it originated in the Arabic countries, but she didn't know exactly from where. Able to read only a small part of the text, they decided to take it back to her home for further study. Just then, she sensed something stirring inside the library.

  “Quick Doug, it knows we're here,” she said running to the door, with Doug close behind her.

  "You don't have to tell me twice."

  As they reached the door, it opened, and in walked Jenny. "I thought I'd find you here," she said, smiling, just as the door was snatched from her hand and slammed violently.

  "Shit, it's coming through again!" said Courtney, placing her back against the door.

  Desperately, Doug looked around, "What should we do?"

  "There’s nothing we can do. Just stay together and wait for your chance," replied Courtney.

  Just then, something pinned her against the door, and she could be seen rising slightly off the ground. Jenny and Douglas ran to her aid, but they were frustrated to find their way blocked by an unseen force. Courtney felt hands holding her up, but she saw nothing when she looked down just in time to see her skirt as it ripped and tore away. Rough fingers began stroking the lush hair around her womanhood concealed by her panties, until they were ripped off as well.

  Douglas desperately tried to push his way through the barrier, but it was impenetrable. A tongue began to lick Courtney’s inner thigh, and she let out a murmur as the tip brushed her clitoris. It circled around and then penetrated the outer folds of soft skin before heading to probe her insides. The tongue was skillful as its tip entered her channel and began to lick the walls. Again, she had no control over the rising sexual feelings, and arousal began to overwhelm her.

  Jenny was bouncing off the barrier, trying to get through, when suddenly it gave way and she felt herself rushing forward. Greedy hands surrounded her body, and picking her up, she was pinned next to Courtney.

  The sight and sound of both his friends being violated pissed off Douglas; he felt so helpless. The girls were now several feet off the ground and being worked on by beings they couldn’t see. Jenny felt a long finger being forced between her legs, and lips began sucking on her sensitive nipples. Doug watched the naked skin of their bodies being depressed and moved around by something unseen. He was horrified and ashamed of himself as he realized that he was getting an erection. He could see Jenny’s vaginal opening being stretched wide, and the sides were moving as if something was being inserted repeatedly. As he watched, the lust that rose in him was strong and battered against his will.

  Courtney was now in the throes of a climax, and she held her eyes tightly closed as the juices flowed down her legs. The marauding tongue kept lapping at her moistness, and with each stroke, the surge of lust became unbearable. Finally, panting and heaving, she came long and hard, and her legs grasped at the head giving her such pleasure. Moaning, she turned her head and saw her friend. Jenny’s breasts were being manipulated, and her reddened nipples were being pulled back and forth roughly.

  Courtney was pulled away from the door and lowered to the carpet. Standing, she was turned around and bent over, and she was struck with shame; she wanted to feel it inside her again. She knew it was the power of the beast trying to control her emotions, but even so, she felt dirty and desperately tried to fight back. Jenny was placed on her back with her legs wide open, directly on top of Courtney. Douglas was pulled to his knees, and he could see both their pussies directly in front of him. He could see their lower lips being probed and moved around, and he couldn't help but feel aroused. Courtney felt a thick cock thrusting in and out of her body, and she heard Jenny cry out with lust as an invisible mouth sucked her clitoris.

  Occasionally, Courtney could feel the same tongue brushing by her as it worked on Jenny, and she knew that she was about to cum again. She couldn't believe how much she enjoyed being stretched, and each time the cock penetrated her body, she was pushed forward by the thrust and gasped aloud. Jenny long since had stopped struggling and succumbed to desire. When she came, Douglas saw a stream of juices surging out of her opening, and he felt hands moving him closer.

  His cock was starting to hurt, as his erection became a solid pillar inside his pants. He wasn't sure whether it was the girls turning him on or the creature's power, but he just had to release his cock from the confines of his briefs. As he touched himself, he heard Courtney wailing in ecstasy and looked up. He stroked his cock to the sight of a creamy substance oozing from her swollen lips. His face was so close to her body that he could feel the heat emanating from her pussy. In that instant, Douglas came in his hand, and he kept stroking until his knees buckled in pleasure and his seed stopped exploding from the tip of his manhood. Suddenly, the attack ended.

  Jenny realized that she was lying on top of someone, and Courtney awoke to find her legs trembling before they both fell to the floor. It took a moment before they understood what had happened, and Douglas was embarrassed when they spotted him clutching his still-hard cock. Quickly, he pulled his pants back up. "Let's get out of here before it decides to come back," he said urgently.

  Demonic laughter began to fill the room, and it seemed to be coming from all directions. Courtney picked up the book and the rags that were once her clothes and opened the door. Leaving the house, they climbed into the car. They were silent until Courtney said, "Let's study this book and return that creature to the hell it came from."

  They nodded and started to discuss the events until they arrived at Courtney’s house. When the car finally pulled into her driveway, Courtney realized how blessed she was to have such a safe haven. They climbed out of the car and entered the cozy home, all intent on cleansing themselves of the attack. Feeling refreshed and wearing comfortable clothing, the girls met in the kitchen where Douglas had hot coffee and sandwiches waiting.

  They sat around the kitchen table and enjoyed the light meal he had prepared. Then, pushing the empty dishes aside, they began pulling tablets and pens forward in order to study the book. Translating the text within was laborious and time consuming. Rotating in shifts, they each took turns. The first person translated aloud while the second wrote down the text. This allowed the last person to review and clarify any points needing further research.

  Chapter 3

  Reading through the completed translation, Courtney discovered several spells that might do the trick. Each was su
pposed to dispel a previous incantation. However, the hope was to pick the correct spell for the job. There were no guarantees that if she used one of the selections that it would work. If she used the wrong one, she might not get another chance. Until now, the demon only had toyed with them. No attempt was made to end their lives; he enjoyed their humiliation and used his power in an attempt to corrupt their souls.

  At any rate, now she was armed with three spells, any one of which could be the correct one. They discussed the pros and cons before Courtney decided to go with the longest one of the three. She chose the longest mainly because this particular individual seemed to think he was the master. If indeed he was a powerful demon, the more elaborate spell could be the one to get rid of him; at least, that was the consensus. She sat there, memorizing the spell, while Jenny tidied the kitchen and Douglas began preparing for their next attempt.

  "How are we going to do this? I mean, do we wait until he appears, and then you put the whammy on him, or what?" said Douglas.

  "The whammy…Is that some technical term you picked up somewhere?" laughed Jenny.

  Courtney smiled, but she had too much on her mind to feel like laughing. She'd been disappointed by her past conduct and couldn't shake the guilt she felt for enjoying the assault she'd endured.

  The next day, as they pulled up to the house, she gathered herself and ushered the other two with her into the mansion. Closing the door behind her, Courtney turned to face the inside of this godforsaken place once more. Talking to herself, she mumbled, "Right, you bastard, let's try that again." As they walked further into the house, Courtney reminded them. "Remember, you two, we need it to manifest itself before we can dispel it."

  "How are we supposed to do that? The last time it got you, it never showed itself," said Douglas.


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