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Paranormal Encounters

Page 35

by Carl East

  Soon, they all started to relax a little more as the drinks started to take effect, and for a while, they actually laughed about every day, boring things like the weather.

  Suddenly, the lights of the inn flickered and then went out, and a rising wind mysteriously forced open the doors and windows.

  "What's going on?" said Jenny, spooked by the sudden darkness.

  "I don't know. Just wait, the lights will come back on in a minute," replied Courtney.

  Courtney's eyes were adjusting to the dim light, and she noticed that the men who'd been standing at the bar were moving towards their table. When the lights came back on, the girls looked up in horror to see the men in the bar were staring at them with eyes that glowed with a red intensity.

  "Oh God, it's here and it’s got control of the men. You know what that means, Douglas. You’ve got to clear a path to the door so we can get out," said Courtney.

  Turning to Douglas, the same red eyes were staring back at her; it was then that she lost all hope. Both girls tried to move quickly, but found their way blocked on all sides. The men were now reaching for them and tearing at their clothes. One of the men cleared a couple of the tables with several sweeps of his hand and started to get undressed. The other Guys followed him, and soon the whole bar was filled with naked men.

  Hands were taking their clothes away as they ripped them from their bodies and picked up the girls, placing them on the tables. Suddenly, dicks of all sizes were coming at the girls from all sides, and they felt helpless to fight back. Courtney felt a cock enter her pussy roughly as one of the men held her legs up and apart, and then she felt several hard cocks pressing against her face. Jenny already was being forced to suck a small but thick cock as someone entered her pussy.

  Hands were all over their breasts, and the smell of sweat pervaded the scene as one by one, the possessed men started to masturbate over their naked bodies. Soon, the first fuck was over and was being replaced with another. Once again, both the girls had no control over what they were feeling, and soon, each new cock was as exciting as the one before it. Courtney looked up into the red eyes of one of her tormentors and realized it was Douglas. He forced his cock into her mouth and grunted as he slid it down her throat.

  Jenny then felt a hardened cock pushing against her anal passage and tried to relax as he entered her rectum. She screamed as he forced it all the way in with his first thrust, and she struggled to keep the cock in her mouth from being pulled out. Courtney was forced to lie face up on top of someone as his cock was guided into her ass, and then another cock was pressed against her pussy. With her mouth full and both holes being entered, she groaned aloud as they all thrust together.

  Douglas started to cum inside her mouth, and she successfully swallowed his entire load before feeling him being replaced with another. Courtney glanced over at Jenny and caught sight of three men ejaculating all over her breasts. The smell of semen was pronounced, and the sweat from everyone's body was adding to the intensity of the events unfolding in that bar. After the fifth cock had entered Courtney's extremely wet pussy, she was starting to lose count of how many times she'd climaxed. The semen running off her cheeks and down her thighs was enough to make her feel like the biggest slut on the planet, but she didn't care. With each new fuck, she became hungry for more, and at one stage took two cocks into her mouth.

  Jenny was now being treated in the same manner as Courtney. She could feel two huge cocks stretching her, like never before. Her orgasms were starting to come back-to-back. She was masturbating a cock in each hand, an obvious indication of how far she had fallen into depravity.

  Courtney moaned aloud as the Guy in her ass came inside her. He gushed into her without stopping. Her legs were sticky, and her bottom was so wet that she felt dizzy. At one point, Jenny actually passed out, but the fucking continued, with all her holes being used and abused. She was only out for a few seconds, but it felt like a lifetime as she moaned louder with each new thrust.

  Courtney then was taken unawares as three Guys came onto her face, and she felt it running through her hair and down the back of her neck. With each new cock coming into sight, her lips and throat seemed to be getting dryer, yet her lust was intensifying. Her body glistened with sticky semen, as did Jenny's, when suddenly the men all came to their senses. Unholy laughter filled the room and swept past the people and out of the doors.

  It was deadly silent after the sound stopped. The men, horrified at their actions, scrambled from the inn, too embarrassed to ask questions. They left shocked, trying to forget about what just had happened.

  "Oh God, Courtney, what have we done?" said Douglas, quickly getting his clothes back on.

  Courtney managed to get down from the table and wobbled a little before standing up straight.

  "It wasn't your fault, Doug, you had no control over those things any more than we did," she replied, handing some of Jenny's clothes to her as she also got off the table.

  Helping them out of the bar, Douglas opened the car doors and seated them safely before driving off towards Courtney's home. Once there, no one spoke. Silently, they prepared to take showers, and one by one, they broke down in tears of anger and frustration. Douglas beat his fists against the tile in rage, not knowing what else to do.

  The girls came from the bedroom, armed in clean clothes. The tears and crying had helped them release the tension of what had happened. They went into the empty sitting room and found a note from Douglas.

  "I can't allow this to go on, Courtney. I'm going to destroy the house and end this nightmare. I can never forgive myself for what happened tonight, and I pray that someday you can forgive me, Douglas.”

  "Jenny, get your coat, we've got to stop him," said Courtney, rushing to the door.

  Chapter 8

  Courtney stepped on the gas as she drove towards the mansion. She had to get there before Douglas did something irreversible. In the last few days, she and her friends had had to endure sexual torments from the very pits of Hell itself. Douglas himself had been party to one of these events, and felt remorse for allowing the servants of the devil to take over his body and use the girls in a manner he felt was appalling.

  He'd written the note telling them that he was going to destroy the property, and Courtney knew that it would be a disastrous mistake. Upon turning the last corner, Courtney could see Douglas entering the house with a large box under his arm. Screeching to a halt, Courtney shouted to Jenny to wait in the car, as it wasn’t safe for her to enter the house. For that matter, it wasn’t safe for Courtney either, but she hadn't made a contract with the devil in order to free someone, as Jenny had done a few days earlier.

  Running into the library, Courtney entered the secret room and followed the stairs down. Running through the main hall, she saw Douglas wrapping wire around the Hell's Gate.

  "Thank God! I caught you in time," she said, out of breath as she approached him.

  His arm straight out, as if to hold her off, he exclaimed, "You can't stop me, this has got to end!”

  Drawing closer and reaching for his hand, she said, "No, you don't understand Doug. If you destroy this building, you will allow Hell itself access to this world and everyone in it."

  "Oh no, I can't believe what I was about to do!" said Douglas, looking down in dismay at the wires winding around his feet.

  "Where were you going to detonate it from?" asked Courtney.

  "Upstairs in the hallway, I have the timer set for five minutes. I was just about to join the remaining wire and finish the job.”

  Courtney led him up the stairs and wondered why nothing had bothered them so far. Unbeknownst to both of them, the remaining wiring was moving, seemingly by itself, and connecting together. Courtney was convinced she'd stopped Douglas just in time, but when she reached the library, she found Jenny holding the detonator in her hands.

  "Jenny, you've got to get out of here," said Courtney, before she noticed the red glow in her eyes.

  "This will be a blast," said
Jenny, in the guttural voice that Courtney had come to dread.

  Flicking the switch to the on position, Jenny was released from the demon’s control. She looked around in wonder s she tried to figure out what she was doing in the house. Courtney could neither explain nor stop the inevitable in time, so she just shouted for them both to run. Following closely behind her, they all got into the car and drove down the long driveway. Suddenly, the night was lit up by a large explosion that shook the car. Bricks, concrete and wooden frames and shards of glass were strewn all over the area. Douglas sat with his head in his hands, knowing that he'd made such a stupid mistake and that the consequences were unthinkable.

  Not wishing to hang around anymore than was necessary; Courtney drove back to her home. Once indoors, Courtney gave Douglas a scowling look as if to say, “That was stupid.” After rushing about to get together some personal belongings, Courtney headed for the door once more, only to be blocked by Jenny.

  "You're not going anywhere, bitch," she said, grabbing Courtney's arm.

  Courtney spotted the look in Jenny's demonic red eyes and turned to see that Douglas had been possessed as well. Standing there, she could hear screams coming from outside, and turning her head to look out the window, she saw someone being raped in broad daylight. Courtney wanted to help, but she had her own problems. Her two friends were dragging her by her arms down the hall to the bedroom. She tried to use her feet to wedge herself into a doorframe, but she couldn’t match their strength.

  They threw Courtney onto the bed and she landed forcefully, striking the headboard. Her hand came up to touch her forehead, and it came away covered with blood. She was dazed with pain as she watched Jenny and Douglas undress. Tears began to slip from her eyes and she said, "Come on you two, fight it!” She was desperate to snap them out of it.

  "You're wasting your breath. We're free now that the pentagrams have been destroyed, and we will now rule this world. You're about to get a sample of how the days, weeks, and years will pass for you," replied Jenny's usurper. “It will seem like an eternity while you’re alive, but when you finally die, you’ll realize what time without end really means.”

  As before, Courtney's clothes were ripped off, and struggling was useless. She was forced to lie back and watched as both Jenny and Douglas climbed on the bed. Douglas pushed himself between Courtney's legs as Jenny sat astride her face. Courtney knew what was going to happen, and somehow that made it even worse. Knowing that she would once again start to feel the lust take hold of her body, she silently prayed for the strength to endure this living nightmare.

  Courtney moaned with pain and then growing excitement as Douglas penetrated her pussy. She didn't bother to try to avoid Jenny as she lowered her womanhood onto her face. The lust made her want to lick Jenny as vigorously as possible. Jenny was writhing back and forth, as Courtney's tongue lapped at her juices while Douglas was slamming his cock into Courtney. Her first orgasm soon approached and she could feel Jenny shaking, knowing that she was close, too.

  At that point, Jenny woke up with a start. Her heart was beating out of control, and she was gasping for breath, when she realized that it was all a dream. Courtney was awakened by the sounds Jenny was making, and she sat up in the bed, asking her if she was all right.

  "Douglas hasn't blown up the house, has he? And I never forced you to have sex with me?" said Jenny quickly.

  "No, the house is still intact, we stopped him in time and you never did anything to me," replied Courtney, realizing that Jenny must have had a nightmare.

  Jenny then hugged Courtney, as if to release the tension she felt, and Courtney held her tightly, telling her it was a nightmare and not to worry. Shortly after that, Jenny told Courtney all about the dream, and confessed that the part where she'd forced Courtney to lick her pussy was the most erotic she'd ever felt. It was this confession that led to what happened next.

  Courtney suddenly kissed Jenny full on the lips, and Jenny didn't draw back; in one moment of unbridled passion, both girls were enjoying a very passionate moment. When they broke off the kiss, nothing was said, because Courtney immediately ducked under the covers and positioned herself between Jenny's legs. Jenny already was wet from anticipation, and Courtney knew it as soon as she pulled off her friend’s panties.

  Her panties were already a little damp, and Courtney always had loved the smell of another woman. She'd always known that she had bisexual tendencies, but had never acted upon them until now. Feeling Jenny's juices running over her tongue was making her wet, so she placed a hand down her own panties and began to finger herself while still licking Jenny. Jenny noticed this and began to reposition herself so that they were in a sixty-nine position.

  Suddenly, both girls were moaning aloud as each of their tongues went to work. Courtney ran her hand up Jenny's backside, and upon feeling her anal passage she inserted a finger slowly. Jenny murmured with glee, as Courtney's tongue and finger were sending moments of sheer bliss to her brain. Jenny felt herself licking and sucking Courtney's pussy with more vigor, knowing that her first orgasm was approaching.

  At that moment, the door burst open and in ran Douglas. "Leave them alone, you vile creature!" he said, convinced that this was the devil's work once again.

  Both girls stopped and straightened themselves up and felt rather embarrassed.

  As Douglas looked more closely and slowly became aware of what was going on, he sat down heavily onto the end of the bed. "I seem to be making all kinds of mistakes lately, don't I?" he said, shaking his head.

  Both girls felt sorry for him, gave him a cuddle and told him it was all right. After the last few days, it was understandable that he should think such things, and they ended up thanking him for being so protective.

  Chapter 9

  "Douglas!" shouted Courtney. "Will you please stop saying you're sorry? We understand what happened and we both think it was wonderful of you to come to our rescue, even if it wasn't necessary," she added.

  Two days had passed since they’d seen any activity from the mansion, and they had spent that time searching through old books, hoping to find something useful. The trials that they had gone through had made the girls closer than ever, and Douglas had the best of intentions, but he worried too much about unimportant things.

  Courtney and Douglas were talking when they heard a door shutting. They wondered if someone had come into the house, and realized that Jenny was missing. Did she leave? Heading to the front door, Courtney spotted Jenny going down the steps. She ran after her and grabbed her arm, and as Jenny turned her head. Courtney was startled to see the red glow back in Jenny's eyes. She knew immediately that she wasn’t in control.

  Douglas came up behind them and witnessed the same thing that Courtney had. He approached the two of them slowly, knowing he would have to help.

  "He's trying to get her back, Doug, we've got to stop him!" shouted Courtney, struggling to hold onto her friend.

  Together, they managed to get Jenny back into the house, but not without suffering a few bruises along the way. She kicked and cursed as they tied her to the bed, and they both stepped back to watch over her to make sure she didn’t hurt herself against the bindings. The demon made Courtney an offer, "You've had this body once before, slut; you can take it again if you like. I won't stop you."

  "Get out of her, you piece of shit!" cried Courtney. Immediately, she could feel a force pulling her towards the bed, and she found it impossible to get free. Douglas was forced to watch as Courtney was made to get onto the bed next to Jenny. It felt as if his feet were set in stone when he tried to move forward to help them. Suddenly, Jenny's restraints snapped and freed her legs to be spread apart lewdly. Courtney feared she was going to be forced into a sexual act with Jenny, but then saw something start to bulge and move under the skin of Jenny's stomach.

  Courtney saw something that looked like tentacles erupting from Jenny's vagina. When it wiggled its way free, it was lumpy, shiny and pitch-black. It lay between her legs, motionless
, until Courtney dared to reach out and touch it. When her hand drew near, it began to move as if coming alive, and it started to grow visibly. Courtney’s first reaction was to back away from the bed, but when she tried, she found that she couldn't move.

  Jenny’s eyes blinked several times and she shook her head. Looking down the bed and around the room, she seemed to be herself again until she saw what was between her legs. "What in God's name is it?" screamed Jenny, moving desperately to get off the bed.

  They watched as it grew until it towered over them. It looked like a mass of body tissue, but in its growth, it began to take on a humanoid shape, except that it was developing four long tentacles in place of arms. There were stubby things at the end of its body that resembled legs, and its appearance repulsed everyone. They didn’t know what its intentions were until two tentacles suddenly sprang out and caught hold of the girls. Struggling was useless, for this thing positively surged with strength. It grabbed the girls around the waist and lifted them both off the bed, holding them aloft with ease. Its other tentacles then slowly slithered around their thighs, creeping ever closer to what it wanted.

  Douglas, an unwilling voyeur, tried to get to the bed, but found it useless. Only after he stopped struggling to move forward did he realize that he could move backwards. He thought of an idea that could help the girls, but he needed to get out of the room. Slowly, he began to back away, never taking his eyes from the events unfolding before him.

  The girls being restrained by the blob were beginning to feel the first wave of lust that normally accompanied these attacks. Courtney felt the tip of a slimy tentacle touching her pussy lips as it probed for the opening. Jenny, a captive of what she was seeing, was looking down and watching its every move. She was thankful that this thing didn't have teeth, or even a mouth, for that matter. When Jenny felt the tip of the tentacle entering her, she couldn't help but tense, and yet at the same time, she began to feel excitement.


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