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Paranormal Encounters

Page 41

by Carl East

  As they turned the corner, they watched as the old mansion came into sight. A deep sense of dread and foreboding came over Courtney. She began to take in deep breaths as her gift automatically alerted her to the presence of overwhelming evil. She knew without even going inside that this place was even worse than the first location of the Hell’s Gate. There was no question that this second Hell’s Gate was unleashing a deadly power if it could be felt from this distance. Courtney was immediately on guard and turned to Sarah, grabbing her arm. “Stay with me at all times; this place exudes a malice that I’ve never experienced before.”

  Walking up to the old oak door, Courtney tentatively turned the doorknob and pushed the door with her shoulder. At first, it refused to budge, but then it gave way to the pressure being exerted upon it and creaked open. Cobwebs and dust met them as they entered, and because the windows had been boarded up, the light was dim. Courtney crossed over to the biggest window she could find with the purpose of trying to rip a couple of boards off, but she found them rotting and easy to remove.

  The light bathed the hallway, revealing a quite splendid looking and very wide staircase. To the right of the staircase was a dining area, which was given away by the fact that a large table was clearly visible, surrounded by chairs and covered in dust.

  “Spooky looking place isn’t it?” said Sarah, as she entered the dining room.

  Courtney hushed her to silence as she began to prepare herself for what she needed to do. Her eyes closed and her face filled with concentration, she opened her senses completely to the surroundings and what they contained. Courtney began to walk forward, and Sarah followed her lead.

  Courtney was watching maids and a butler going about their duties in what was once a truly beautiful house. She followed a maid up the ornate staircase and was led into what looked like the master bedroom. The walls of the room were covered in crisp white silk and the bedding and chairs were spun with gold threads on a velvet blue background. The crystal lights reflected the molded woodwork and carved ceilings, and the room spoke of wealth and privilege. The setting was elegance itself, and the floors were covered with plush oriental rugs. Looking around, she watched as the maid feathered invisible dust aside, but Courtney could find nothing suspicious or evil in the room.

  Footsteps from the doorway announced the butler striding past, and she went out to see where he was headed. His path took him down into the cold cellar to retrieve a bottle of sparkling wine, so that became a dead end as well. Following him back upstairs, she left him to his business, as she heard voices coming from the front of the house. Heading in that new direction, she witnessed the doorman bowing as the owner of the house entered the grand hallway. Following closely behind him were his friends, who praised him on the comforts of his splendid home. The group headed to the study, and Courtney heard him order the staff that they were not to be disturbed. As she listened to the dialogue taking place, she knew she’d hit the jackpot.

  “Tonight, as you all know, is Halloween, and the master wishes for everyone here to be present, as he has something to bestow upon you all. Before you ask, I don’t know what that something is; all I do know is that it’s a reward for your continued subservience and dedication to he who should be obeyed.”

  After hearing that statement, Courtney (who had the ability to tune in on past events) decided to skip the waiting, and she went forward in time to look into the events later that night. Sure enough, at midnight, the servants all had been dismissed, and the head of the household and his friends gathered around a small, round coffee table situated in the corner of the library. The coffee table in question looked like a well-placed piece of ornamental furniture, but it was so much more. After pushing something on one of the legs, (Courtney assumed a hidden button) the table began to sink into the floor, revealing a spiral staircase.

  Courtney came out of her self-induced trance at that point and immediately crossed over to the coffee table. She noticed that it was the only furniture left in the room; even the bookcases had been removed. After feeling around for any obvious buttons, she found a piece of metal that turned clockwise. Once she turned it, the table began to move down, and both Courtney and Sarah stood back.

  “Stay close behind me, Sarah, and don’t make a sound,” whispered Courtney, as they both began to descend the dusty spiral staircase.

  The light was dim, and as they descended the winding steps, they were forced to brush dust and cobwebs from their faces. The flashlight lit their way to the bottom, and Courtney put a match to the few torches that were scattered around the big hall in which they found themselves. There, at the far end, stood another Hell’s Gate. They’d found it, and now the question remained, was it being used? Suddenly, Courtney could feel that oh-so-familiar presence, and she instructed Sarah to back out the way they had come as quickly as possible.

  Sarah could see the seriousness in Courtney’s eyes and she didn’t question her; instead, she turned and headed back to the staircase at a brisk pace.

  “Going so soon?” said a deep voice from seemingly everywhere.

  “Run, Sarah!” shouted Courtney.

  Just as Sarah reached the first step, a figure appeared before her. It was dark and unformed, until slowly it coalesced into a naked human man. Sarah couldn’t help but notice his flaccid cock swinging as he stepped forward to grab her. When he did, he let go straight away. “You’re Hell spawn!”

  “I may be tainted, but I’m not a spawn of your ilk,” replied an indignant Sarah.

  The demon laughed, and then he caught sight of Courtney. “Ah, the master will be pleased that I’ve captured you,” he said with a broad grin.

  “You haven’t captured anyone, freak, now stand aside!” bluffed Courtney.

  “What exactly will you do if I don’t, my dear? Throw another one of those ridiculous spells at me? Oh yes, I know who you are. My master has told us often that whoever brings you before him, their reward would be immeasurable.”

  It was at this point that Sarah moved forward and began to stroke his cock, much to the surprise of both Courtney and the demon. At first, he looked surprised, and then his body started to react. Courtney didn’t know what Sarah was doing, but she trusted her enough to wait and find out. He became hard and erect, and he seemed to find it difficult to refuse her advances. Courtney wondered if Sarah’s gift was actually turning the tables on their nemesis. She couldn’t help be caught up in the feelings that seemed to be getting stronger throughout the hall in which they stood.

  Suddenly, Sarah dropped to her knees, and with both hands, she guided his large cock into her mouth. His reaction was to thrust his cock forward, and Sarah seemed to manage quite well as it slid in and out of her throat. Courtney realized that she was now just background noise, and she reached into her bag for the one thing she knew would be useful.

  Sarah, meanwhile, was managing to swirl her tongue around the tip of his cock, and she was driving him wild with every lapping moment. He came abruptly, and flooded her mouth with his cum, and with his eyes closed, he waited for Sarah to swallow it and clean it all up. However, upon opening his eyes, he realized the girls were climbing the stairs and trying to escape. Running after them, and feeling like a fool for being so taken in, he reached the bottom of the spiral staircase only to have holy water thrown into his face. As he screamed in pain, the girls made good on their escape, and they could hear his bellows of rage as they ran through the front door of the mansion.

  “That was good thinking, Sarah, though it was dangerous.”

  “I suddenly had the idea as I watched his cock; it almost felt like the right thing to do. Besides, I needed to know if I could affect them as well as others. It may not be the ideal defense, but it sure is an effective one,” replied Sarah, as they hastily climbed into the car.

  Courtney couldn’t disagree with that and smiled at Sarah. It was a nice change to get one up on those bastards, she thought as they drove home.

  Chapter 20

  Courtney was satisfi
ed that they had the location of the second Hell’s Gate. Unfortunately, they’d alerted the demon to their presence, who would inform Satan. He knew that she was responsible for destroying the first gate, and he would take steps to ensure that she wouldn’t destroy this one. He was going to come after them, and with that in mind, she placed new wards around her home while they studied. She only hoped that it would be enough to keep the evil at bay while they made plans.

  “Will the new wards stop them?” asked Sarah.

  “To be honest, if they’re intent on getting through, I’ve yet to find a ward that will stop them. I simply haven’t found anything that can defeat them, at least not in any permanent way,” replied Courtney solemnly.

  Meanwhile, far below them, certain forces were entering the pipes that led up into the house, and Courtney and Sarah were unaware of that fact.

  “Here’s one that looks interesting, Courtney,” said Sarah, turning the tome around to show her.

  “Yes, we’ve come across that one before; unfortunately, it serves to ward off dogs only, and not the evil that we need it to affect.”

  A knock on the front door stopped that conversation, and upon answering it, Courtney found a young man waiting.

  “Hi, have I got the right address? I’m looking for Courtney. I’ve been sent by Reverend Green.”

  “Yes, you’ve got the right place. You’re saying that Kate sent you. Why?”

  “Oh, she thought I might be of use, as I’ve studied runes and their uses extensively; she also explained a little about something called the lust. To be honest, I didn’t quite know what she was referring to, but if I can help in any way, I’m more than happy to. My name’s Grant, by the way, have I the honor of addressing Courtney?” he said very politely, as he thrust out his hand.

  “Yes, I’m Courtney, welcome, Grant. Come in,” she replied. Courtney led the way into the sitting room, wondering how Grant would handle the lust, as he put it, once he met Sarah. Courtney introduced them to one another, waiting to see what happened.

  Sarah was reluctant to shake hands, but after a wink from Courtney, she held her hand out.

  “Hi, Sarah, pleased to meet you,” said Grant, as he shook her hand and then spied the tomes scattered around the table. “Oh my, you have some classic tomes here, and a few that even I haven’t read,” he added. Letting go of Sarah’s hand, he absentmindedly began to skim the pages of one particular book.

  Courtney was startled at this point, because Grant hadn’t felt what Courtney was struggling to control. He hadn’t felt the lust, and she waved to Sarah to get nearer. Sarah, realizing what Courtney wanted, went and stood very close to Grant as he continued to pour over the books.

  “Do you know about these books?” said Sarah, for want of a better opening line.

  “Oh yes, I’ve studied these types of books for over five years now. I’m fluent in all but the Arabic scriptures; for some reason that one language is very hard for me to pick up,” he said, clearly unaffected by anything Sarah was doing.

  This was interesting, and Courtney had to know what it was that was different about this man.

  “Grant, put the book down and turn around please,” said Courtney.

  Grant did as he was told, and he turned to face them both.

  “I’ll get straight to the point, Grant. Sarah, here,” she said, pointing to Sarah, “has a certain gift, something she picked up from a demon that recently possessed her.” Courtney waved him to silence, as it appeared he wanted to interrupt her. “This gift drives ordinary people wild with lust, but as of yet, you haven’t shown any signs of succumbing to its temptations. I need to know why?”

  “My guess would be the emotion spell I placed on myself before coming over here. An ancient ward that protects you from things like fear of the dark and other such nuisances. Although, I have to say, I’ve never heard of this lust emotion you’re referring to,” he replied, matter-of-factly.

  “Do me a favor, remove the ward, I need to verify this,” said a more-than-curious Courtney.

  “Very well,” he replied, mumbling a few well-chosen words. “There, the spell has been removed.”

  Sarah was standing right next to him, and suddenly, Grant turned towards her as if to notice her for the very first time. Sarah looked down, as did Courtney, and they could see the bulge appearing in the front of his trousers.

  “Oh my God,” he said, feeling both embarrassed and overcome with feelings of wanton lust.

  He felt himself wanting to reach out and touch her breasts, and if he hadn’t quickly closed his eyes and shielded himself again with the same spell, he would’ve done just that. “Wow!” he said, once the spell took hold.

  “Wow indeed, but listen, Grant, will it work on me?” said Courtney.

  “Yes, it’ll work on anyone,” replied Grant.

  “Then cast it over me, and teach me the words,” said Courtney.

  Grant did as he was told, wondering how Courtney managed to keep her emotions in check. “There you go, Courtney, you’re protected now. I must just add though, that this particular spell only lasts about two hours before the effects begin to fade, so if you need it for longer, you should memorize it so that it’s always on hand.”

  Courtney stood next to Sarah, trying it out. Until now, they’d worked opposite ends of the room whenever possible, just so they could get some work done. It hadn’t been a total success however. Now, Courtney couldn’t feel anything, although she’d grown fond of Sarah in the time they’d been together. Courtney kissed Sarah, and she only felt normal everyday emotions. “It works! Now, try it on Sarah!” said an excited Courtney.

  Grant did as he was told, but something unexpected happened.

  “Oh, Courtney, is this what you felt?” said Sarah, suddenly opening her blouse to reveal her heaving breasts and virtually ripping her skirt off to get her fingers inside her hot pussy.

  “Quickly, Grant, remove the ward!” said Courtney hastily.

  Grant removed it, but couldn’t help being aroused by what he’d seen. At least on this occasion, though, it was a natural feeling, and not one induced by artificial means.

  “It must have sent her power inwards, instead of canceling it out,” observed Grant, as he watched Sarah recovering herself.

  “Yes, it did. I felt this overwhelming urge to cum, and would’ve done anything to achieve it,” replied Sarah, as she straightened out her skirt. “I understand now just how much I affect others, but this ward is great news, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, as long as it works on demons as well, and I see no reason why it shouldn’t,” replied Courtney. “Well, Grant, you’ve seen just a fraction of what we’re up against, are you willing to help us discover a means by which to stop the evil that threatens our very souls?”

  “Of course I’ll help you. What do you want me to do first?” replied Grant.

  “Study the tomes, and if you find anything useful, let me know. We need to be well armed and prepared the next time we take on Hell’s Gate,” said Courtney.

  After several hours of study and learning very little, they all decided to sleep. Courtney insisted that they all sleep in the same room, as there was safety in numbers. This made sense to the others, so they settled down for the night in sleeping bags. Courtney checked the wards around the building before falling asleep, just to make sure they were covered for the night.

  Three hours later, everyone was asleep, and the house was peaceful and quiet. In the dark, above Sarah’s sleeping form, an unseen hand slowly unzipped her sleeping bag. As the bag’s flap was gently pulled away, it revealed the soft and beautiful body that lay beneath. Without making a sound, the fastening on Sarah’s bra was released, and her breasts were freed. They moved up and down with each breath, and suddenly her nipples began to depress and then lengthen as if being sucked on. Moist rings were forming around her aureoles, and her nipples hardened and turned red. Her soft moans were barely audible as her panties began to slide down her thighs and over her feet as she let out murmu
rs of approval.

  Her legs were spread, and in her mind, it appeared as if she was in a wonderful dream. Her pussy lips were pulled apart, and she envisaged a handsome young man kissing her growing bud. Her breasts were being fondled by unseen hands, and it made her feel so good that she began to lick her lips as each nipple was pulled and tugged upon.

  Suddenly, a long tongue slid around her moist lips, circling the bud, and then slipped into her womanhood. Involuntarily, she opened her legs wider, and her moans of pleasure were becoming more pronounced. She dreamt that she could feel juices running down her inner thighs, and at that moment, her eyes opened. Immediately, she felt something push past her lips and teeth to stifle the cries in her mouth. Her eyes swung down to see her nipples being manipulated. The large cock in her mouth stopped her from making any sounds and she was momentarily shocked to find that she was enjoying this treatment.

  She began to suck on the cock that was violating her throat, and thought she should feel shame that she wasn’t trying harder to escape this exquisite torture. Then, her body rose from the bed, and a bigger cock thrust into her dampness. She was now servicing two cocks, and could feel numerous hands pulling at every inch of her body. She knew that they’d picked her because of her newfound powers; it’d been a magnet to them. She didn’t know how they’d managed to get past the wards and into the house, but at that moment, she really didn’t care.

  Her body was approaching a powerful orgasm, and just as it was about to strike, she felt another cock entering her anal passage. The orgasm hit with an intensity she’d never experienced before, and she started to lose control. This made her choke several times from the cock still pushing in and out of her mouth, until finally, she felt it jerking, and she gagged as the beast’s jism exploded into her throat.

  With a shame she could never admit, she wanted more of the same. Her pussy was on fire and now was being stretched as the cock inside it pounded her even harder. The cock pushing in and out of her ass made her feel like a slut. When they came together, she felt their seed gushing out of her holes. She also felt the seed of countless others coming over her breasts, and she was still sucking the renewed cock in her mouth back to life.


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