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Paranormal Encounters

Page 44

by Carl East

  “She’ll be fine; she just needs rest. Now, I must go so if you please the counter-spell?” said Falcon, stepping into the pentagram.

  “Not so fast, haven’t you forgotten something?” asked Courtney, as she stood up and walked over to him.

  “No, I’ve given her a gift that should help you in your quest. The only thing I ask is that you do not reveal where this gift came from. Now, it’s been fun, but I’m ready to go back,” he said, mockingly.

  Courtney turned to Sarah, and Sarah managed to nod that he was telling the truth. After that, Courtney happily recited the spell that would banish Falcon back to the depths of Hell, and just like that, he was gone.

  Courtney helped Sarah to her feet and gathered her clothes, at least the ones that were intact. They led Sarah to her bedroom to rest and headed for the kitchen to get dinner started. Working together quietly, they got a meal together and went to check in on Sarah to see if she was hungry. They found her lying on the bed, looking completely and utterly exhausted.

  “I suppose you’re both wondering what the gift was?” she said. Hearing them enter the room, she began to pull the blanket closer around her body.

  “We are, but it can wait until you’re rested,” replied an anxious Courtney.

  “Oh, I’m alright, it’s just that I’ve never experienced anything that intense before. Anyway, the gift he gave me should come in handy. You both know what a succubus is, right?” said Sarah, as she got up.

  “Yes, a servant of Hell. They are usually females who have certain gifts such as bending the will of men,” said Grant.

  “That’s true, but there’s far more to it than that,” replied Sarah, with a smile.

  “So, what’s this got to do with the gift he gave you?” said Courtney, eager to know more.

  “Falcon’s actually given me the powers of a succubus. Apparently, that’s how the best females are rewarded in Hell. It’s like being promoted, and no minor demon would ever mess with a succubus.”

  “Why?” asked Grant.

  Just then, Sarah disappeared, to the horror of both Grant and Courtney, only to reappear behind Grant and place her hands over his eyes. “Guess who?” she said, laughing.

  Grant jumped in fright, not knowing what was going on. Courtney looked amazed and sank onto the bed as Sarah sat beside her.

  “You see, in order for a succubus to do what her master requires, she needs certain abilities. One of them is getting past locked doors, so she’s given the ability to teleport, for want of a better word. She’s also given incredible strength. Here, let me show you,” said Sarah, as she picked up a telephone directory. With just a little exertion, Sarah suddenly tore the directory in half and threw it on the coffee table.

  “Wow!” was the only word that escaped Grant’s lips.

  “Yes, wow indeed. Anything else?” said Courtney, truly impressed by what she’d seen so far.

  “Haven’t you noticed yet? Or has Grant given you protection against the lust?” replied Sarah.

  Courtney then realized that Sarah wasn’t turning her on, and that Grant’s special spell hadn’t been cast yet.

  “A succubus needs to be able to turn the lust on and off, and at the moment, it’s off,” said a smiling Sarah.

  “Oh, that’s great news. I have to say, that’s some gift. It’s like being in the presence of a superhero,” said Courtney, with a smile.

  Sarah laughed at that, but Grant was in a more inquisitive mode. “Is there anything else?” he said, knowingly and looking very serious.

  “There are a number of other little things that I can do, but some of them scare me,” replied Sarah.

  “Such as?” continued Grant.

  “The thing is, when Falcon gave me this gift, he gave me the power to know what a succubus is capable of. In fact, the instant I knew I had these powers, I also knew everything there was to know about the succubus,” replied Sarah.

  “Isn’t that a good thing?” said Courtney.

  “Not when you consider how horrifically the succubus goes about doing things. She can drain the very essence of a man straight from his body, just by fucking him. She also has a few dubious talents that I will explain in time,” replied Sarah.

  “The succubus you’re talking about is evil; you’re not. It’s up to you how this newfound power is used. I would suggest that you be our bodyguard and use your powers to protect us in the work ahead. Can you do that?” said Courtney.

  Sarah thought for a brief moment. “Yes, I can do that,” she said, holding Courtney’s hand and giving it a squeeze.

  Courtney smiled at her, and then they started to plan.

  Chapter 25

  Three days had passed, and Courtney, true to her word, found herself outside the original Hell’s Gate home. It was a hollow, burnt-out shell now, but the major walls of the mansion still stood intact as Courtney approached the hanging front door with Sarah in tow.

  “What you’re about to witness, Sarah, is my method and ability to enter a deep trance. Once I’ve relaxed and focused my inner thoughts, I’ll be able to open my senses fully. When this is accomplished, I will be able to hone in on the specific period in time just before Jenny destroyed herself in an attempt to destroy the gate. From that point…”

  “Aren’t you forgetting something?” interrupted Sarah.

  “No, what’s that?”

  “How about Douglas? Isn’t he worth saving as well?” questioned Sarah.

  Suddenly, Courtney sat down hard on the top of the doorstep. With her head bent over her knees and her arms wrapped around herself, she seemed at first to be in quiet thought, until Sarah could hear the sound of smothered sobs and see her shoulders start to shake.

  “My God, what’s wrong?” said Sarah, reaching down to comfort her.

  “I can’t believe I’d completely forgotten about Doug. I feel so ashamed of myself,” she cried. As Courtney looked up, Sarah saw streams of tears running down her face.

  “For heaven’s sake, you only forgot him for a few moments. It’s because Jenny meant so much to you, and because you were able to save her before. Now that you’ve remembered, and are going to try again, perhaps you can put things right for both of them. Please stop crying, and let’s do this thing to get your friends back,” finished Sarah.

  Courtney sniffed, hiccupped and proceeded to mop her face against the end of her sleeve. She let Sarah help her up and then turned to face the charred hanging door.

  “I need to be holding onto your arm when you go into your trance. I have another trick up my sleeve that only the succubae are able to do,” said Sarah, as the door slowly dragged across the floor until it creaked open.

  “I’m not even sure this will work. I’ve tried it a few times now, although if what Grant said was true, it might be worth trying again on this date. Come on, let’s go,” replied Courtney, with a determined look on her face.

  They entered the house and went straight to the hidden passage. Heading down the stairs and reaching the bottom, Courtney went into her routine as Sarah maintained contact with her arm.

  Courtney opened her eyes, and it was as if a magic wand had passed over the carnage, because suddenly, the house was intact again. She could see exactly how it was before the explosion and fire.

  “That’s an incredible gift you have, Courtney!”

  Sarah’s head swiveled back and forth, trying to take in everything at once.

  “You can really see all of this?” Courtney asked.

  “Yes, but only because of our connection.”

  “Well, what you’ll see next is Douglas before he got killed. If he sees us, I want you to grab his arm while we’re still connected and get him out of here. Can you do that? Will you promise to do that, no matter what happens?”

  “Not a problem,” replied Sarah, confidently.

  The image before them changed, shimmering like water before their eyes, and it suddenly became the point just before Doug was killed. Courtney, seeing him before her, cried out in joy and call
ed his name.

  “What are you doing here, Courtney? We’re just about ready. You should get out of here,” replied Douglas, looking straight at her.

  Sarah didn’t need any prompting after hearing that, she just grabbed his arm and they were instantly gone. Courtney then shifted the scene, with a big smile on her face, to before Jenny had set off the explosives.

  Courtney was overwhelmed when she saw Jenny alive and well. “Jenny!” “I need to talk to you.”

  Turning at the sound of Courtney’s voice, she replied, “I’ve got to do this. They’ve messed with us for too long. It needs to end tonight,” said Jenny, setting the last wire into the detonation box.

  “It won’t end here, Jenny. I’ve discovered other Hell Gates. Dying here will be meaningless, but fighting them off without you would be just as bad.”

  Just then, a demon appeared on the other side of the gate, and he was laughing aloud. “You see, you silly bitch? You can’t beat us this way. Yes, we know you’ve blown the gate once before, but your friend was lost in the process. If you save her now, the gate survives; you’ll never beat the master. He foretold of this outcome from the very beginning, and now we’ll just keep coming until you’re all ours to do with as we please,” the demon mocked slyly.

  Just then, Sarah reappeared and grabbed both their arms. In an instant, they all were outside and in front of the house. The mansion was intact, as the explosives hadn’t gone off yet, but Jenny and Douglas were safe once again.

  Leaving the estate, they headed back to the house in a hurry to put distance between them and the gate. Settling in and raiding the refrigerator before firing up the coffeepot, Courtney couldn’t put off their questions any longer. She had the unenviable task of informing her two friends of exactly what had happened. They sat at the table, silent and in shock, when she related the chain of events to them. She explained exactly what had happened and the fact that they’d been dead for over a year.

  No one spoke. It took a while to sink in, but as they could see dates and times on various things like the newspapers and television, they realized that they were now in Courtney’s present. They had to believe that it was all true.

  Courtney then introduced Sarah and her amazing abilities, as well as Grant and his contributions thus far. Throughout the entire explanation, Courtney had a grin from ear to ear. She couldn’t believe she’d gotten her friends back.

  Sarah suddenly doubled over, clutching her stomach, and the talking stopped.

  “What’s wrong Sarah?” said Courtney, as she darted from her seat to her side.

  “Oh, damn, I was kind of hoping not to have to tell you all this for some time,” replied Sarah, as Courtney helped her into the nearest chair.

  “Explain what?” they all said together.

  “Do you remember me saying that there were a few other gifts given to me with this newfound power? Well, one is the need to be satisfied sexually on a regular basis, otherwise I suffer crippling cramps. It’s like being a vampire that needs blood, although thankfully, I don’t need to hurt anyone. However, there is a catch; I need to be attracted to the person or persons. At this moment, the only two people that fit that bill are Courtney and Jenny. For some reason, and I can’t explain why, Jenny turns me on,” replied Sarah, as she groaned and clutched her stomach once more.

  “I think I know the reason for that one. It’s because Courtney is close to Jenny and has a connection with her that you’re feeling,” explained Grant.

  “Ok, Sarah, come with me. Jenny would you like to come too. I’ve heard of the things the Succubae are capable of, and two people might be better than one,” said Courtney, taking Sarah by the hand and leading her to the bedroom.

  When they entered the bedroom, Courtney and Jenny could feel the lust. Courtney knew that Sarah had turned on her lust power, and had to quickly explain to Jenny why she was feeling the way she was.

  Sarah wasted no time after that. She discarded her clothes and stood naked in front of them. Jenny gawked at Sarah’s breasts, as they were perfect in every detail. They defied gravity and had large, deep, pink nipples that were fully erect. At that point, Jenny realized her own nipples were getting hard, and she saw Courtney was stripping off her clothes.

  The lust was getting stronger, only this time it was different. Jenny actually wanted to feel the lust. She watched as Courtney turned and kissed Sarah passionately on the lips before laying her down on the bed. Jenny started to undress, wanting to get in on the action, but something stopped her. As she watched them on the bed, she could see a bulge appearing between Sarah’s legs. It started as a small lump protruding from Sarah’s hairless vagina, but as Jenny watched, it got bigger and bigger.

  The longer she watched, the bigger it got, until finally, she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. A cock was growing out of Sarah’s womanhood. It grew until it was at least ten inches long, and it was at this point that Courtney realized what was happening, because she went to place her hand on Sarah’s pussy and felt a cock instead.

  Courtney’s startled eyes looked down in disbelief. She couldn’t believe that her hand was on a huge cock. What’s more, it was coming out of Sarah’s pussy. It began to slide itself back and forth in her hand, and she had to admit that it was impressive looking.

  Jenny felt a wet patch developing in her panties, and she quickly undressed to join them on the bed. Her instinct was to touch that wonderful cock, and as she did so, Courtney guided it into Jenny’s mouth. Jenny sucked on it, and feeling it pulse against her tongue, she sucked in a bit more. Courtney was busy placing a finger inside Sarah’s wet pussy, and she could feel the base of the cock lodged inside her.

  Sarah moaned and leaned forward to kiss Courtney before sliding a finger between her legs. By now, everyone was moaning with pleasure, and the room became an echo chamber of wanton lust, but there was a problem. Courtney was no stranger to the lust, having felt it many times before, but this was different. It was more intense than any of the other times. She felt like she had to cum, and the more they continued, the more intense the feeling became.

  Finally, she could take no more. She called out to Doug and Grant, and seconds later, the two men opened the door. They stood there, watched the girls writhing on the bed and helplessly enjoyed the sight.

  Doug and Grant felt the lust spell immediately, and for a moment, they both watched the scene unfold before them. There was Sarah, kissing Courtney passionately while she finger-fucked her. Courtney, meanwhile, was returning the compliment, as Jenny sucked on Sarah’s COCK. What? They couldn’t believe what they were seeing. However, each time Jenny let the cock come out of her mouth, Doug’s hard-on became more intense.

  Grant began sliding his hand over his rigid member, but the lust he felt demanded more. He felt so horny that he stepped out of his pants and immediately began to rub himself off.

  Courtney saw him do this and ushered him over to the head of the bed. When he got there, she grabbed his cock and began to suck it. Pulling and licking him, she then passed him over to Sarah, who immediately engulfed his cock. Suddenly, Grant felt like he was fucking Sarah’s throat. She was holding him by his ass cheeks and pulling his meat into her mouth.

  “How in God’s name is she doing that?” whined Courtney, feeling jealous.

  “It’s part of…oh my God…her gift,” replied Grant, as he watched his cock repeatedly disappear down Sarah’s throat.

  Doug, who had been in shock at what he was seeing, suddenly moved to position his body behind Sarah. He took his cock and guided it between Sarah’s legs, rubbing against her clit as he did so. If he thought he was going to have trouble getting it in her pussy, he was wrong. As soon as he pushed forward, he could feel the opening of her pussy, and the unmistakable wetness drew him in. He began to fuck Sarah, and as he looked down, he watched as Jenny sucked that large member.

  Jenny was completely lost in the lust, and as she sucked Sarah’s cock for the umpteenth time, she felt it jerk and knew what was coming. She
didn’t know whether it was the imminent climax or the lust that penetrated every pore of her being, but for whatever reason, she started to cum herself, and almost didn’t notice the explosive exit of the semen hitting the back of her throat. When she did realize it, she sucked harder, and helped it by grasping it with her right hand and milking it for all it was worth. Sarah was almost screaming, as Jenny felt a second spurt followed by a third. It was too much at one point, and it started to escape from Jenny’s mouth and down her chin.

  Sarah then moved away from Jenny, and pulled Courtney underneath her. She spread her legs and pushed her still-hardened cock into Courtney’s moist womanhood. Doug was left to find his own way again, and as soon as Sarah began fucking Courtney, Doug began to fuck Sarah. It was the most bizarre thing anyone it that room ever had witnessed or experienced.

  Grant and Jenny had fallen out of the sex loop, but that changed as soon as they looked at each other. Jenny climbed on top of Grant and was riding his manhood as if sex was going out of fashion, and their moans of pleasure echoed throughout the room.

  Courtney was amazed at how Sarah’s cock seemed to be hitting her G-spot with every downward motion, and when they kissed, Sarah’s tongue delved deeply into Courtney’s mouth. When Courtney finally came, it was intense and seemed to last for minutes. Shortly after that, Doug groaned aloud, and everyone knew he was shooting his load inside Sarah. However, Sarah’s orgasm got everyone’s attention, because as she came, the bed shook and she let out an almighty scream of everlasting pleasure.

  A few moments later the room was quiet, until finally, Courtney spoke. “How often do you need to be satisfied?” she said, sitting up on the bed.

  “About once a week,” replied Sarah.

  “Well, if you need me again, I’m always available,” said Courtney.

  “Me too,” said Doug.

  “And us, don’t forget us,” said Jenny and Grant together.

  For a moment, everything was quiet, and then Sarah started laughing, followed by everyone else.


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