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Paranormal Encounters

Page 46

by Carl East

  They looked at each other and pushed him aside to see if there was anything left. His hands filled with food, he turned to the kitchen sink and put his head under to guzzle the cool water gushing out of the spigot. He managed to get himself under control and lifted his head from the water. Turning, he saw the girls guzzling soda while stuffing in bread and cheese. Watching them, he wondered how long they had been held captive in the bedroom upstairs.

  “I’m amazed that we managed to get out of that one, but I have a feeling we didn’t do it on our own,” commented Douglas.

  The girls turned, suddenly embarrassed, as they realized what they had been doing. Courtney was the first to speak. “You’re right; we couldn’t have done it on our own. Follow me, both of you.” Trailing behind her, they followed her to the attic, and there on the floor was a fresh pentagram.

  “Who are you conjuring?” asked Jenny.

  “Falcon,” replied Courtney, as she went through the routine and summoned the demon.

  Falcon appeared with an elaborate swirl of his cape inside the circle. He was not happy about being there. “Ok, Courtney, now what do you want?” he said.

  “I knew it was you,” replied Courtney.

  “What…?” said Falcon, suddenly realizing his mistake.

  “You were imaginary, at least in our forced reality, so how would you know my name?”

  “Damn, I’m starting to understand why Satan likes you so much,” replied Falcon, dropping the pretense of annoyance about being summoned.

  “Can someone please explain what you’re both going on about?” said Douglas, clearly disturbed by what he was hearing.

  “Falcon, would you care to elaborate?” replied Courtney, wanting to hear this for herself.

  Falcon made a face, and then he started to talk. “I’ve never hidden the fact that I despise Satan, so whenever I get the chance, I like to mess with his game playing. I’d found out that he was going to use the manipulator on you all, so I decided to interfere. What I couldn’t do was tell you directly, as that would’ve been passed on to Satan by the manipulator. So instead, I introduced a couple of characters, one that never did exist, and one that I knew I could trust,” said Falcon.

  “Grant and Sarah?” replied Courtney, feeling shocked. “But which one was real?”

  “Grant was fake, he was someone your minds conjured in an effort to replace Douglas. Sarah, on the other hand, is real. She is my own personal succubus, and someone I could trust. I couldn’t introduce her as such, though, as that would be stretching the realm of possibility a little too far.

  When I made the decision to send Sarah to you, she had to take on the persona of someone in need of help. Not even Sarah was aware of my plans to thwart Satan. I had to replace her memories with human ones in order to deceive the Manipulator. Then, I had to arrange our meeting. When we made our deal, I made it appear that she was given the gifts of a succubus, but all I did was trigger her previous memories by whispering a key word into her ear as she lay on the floor before me. It was then that I promised her she could have a little fun with you all before she was to let slip where in reality you really were,” concluded Falcon.

  “So in your mind, messing with Satan involved setting us all free,” said Courtney.


  “So, the second Hell’s Gate doesn’t really exist? And we never blew up the first one?” asked Douglas.

  “That’s right, I’m afraid. Satan has played you almost from the beginning. He really is a cunning fucker at times, you know?” said Falcon.

  “You admire him?” said Courtney.

  “Not admire, I just happen to think he’s not unintelligent. However, I would love to see him go down,” replied Falcon.

  “There’s one question I’d like answered. How did Sarah appear to us when she wasn’t caught by the Manipulator?” said Jenny, thinking she’d found a hole in Falcon’s explanation of events.

  “As a succubus, she has many talents, and one of them is the ability to enter another mind. The truth is that it was easy for her to enter the Manipulator’s mind and join you in your delusions. In fact, I believe she directed you a few times by sleight of hand,” replied Falcon.

  “Does any of this mean you’re willing to help us, or is this just a game to you as well?” asked Courtney.

  “I will not help you directly. However, I sometimes need to hear what’s going on in this realm, and with that in mind, I offer you someone who really can be beneficial to your little group,” replied Falcon, while theatrically raising his cape.

  There, in a crouched position was Sarah, totally naked and smiling. “Hi gang…how’s tricks?” she said, as she stood up.

  Everyone looked at each other, and although no words were spoken, they all knew there was no choice but to take her in. Even though the past couple of weeks had been a lie, Sarah had come to free them. Had she not done so, they would still be imagining their lives while some vile creature tormented them all. Courtney turned to her friends, and with both of them nodding, she allowed Sarah to break the circle and join them. With that done, Courtney said goodbye to Falcon, and read out the counter-spell for his return.

  The End

  Vampire Berserker

  The cool draft coming through the cracks along the wooden cellar door was starting to get on Johnny’s nerves; His skin was already supersensitive since the change and it was another reminder of how things were never going to be the same again.

  There he was, sitting in the midst of the local vampire lair contemplating how to tell them his unfortunate news. He’d been a vampire now for just a week, and although vampires usually lived a solitary life, they did gather for weekly meetings at the central lair.

  When he’d first appeared there, drawn by some unknown force, they made him feel at home straight away, a tradition it seems from the old days when a vampire’s only code was that he didn't kill another vampire. It was the policy to always, accept new blood into the fold. Johnny had to tell them this news, but how to word it without sounding stupid, that's what he pondered as he sat there in a drafty corner of the darkened room, he would have sat there forever if it hadn't been for Scar; he was the head vampire, and a grumpy old bastard.

  "What's this news, that's so important then?" he said, loudly.

  "I think I'm a vegetarian, I'm allergic to blood," replied Johnny without thinking.

  He couldn't see the funny side to it, but they didn't stop laughing for at least a quarter of an hour.

  "What do you mean, ha…hah…ha, you're a vegetarian, ha…hah…ha?" Scar eventually managed to gasp out.

  "I mean that when I try to suck blood I'm violently sick," he replied.

  "You're also shit out of luck then," someone in the back shouted.

  Again, they erupted into laughter, this was getting Johnny down and he felt that he was alone after all, but he tried one more time.

  "Is there nothing I can do?" he said.

  "Yeah, suck a vegetarian's blood," replied Fang the second in command.

  They just collapsed after that, thumping each other on their backs while wiping the tears of blood from their eyes. Johnny gave up trying and left dejected and feeling more alone than before.

  Twenty minutes later, he found himself perched on the top of a large building overlooking an apartment complex; it was his favorite haunt since becoming a vampire, mainly because he could spy through the windows on the people inside. He would sit there through the night remembering what his life had been like before the change. It also didn’t hurt that a beautiful blonde-haired woman lived in the penthouse and she never drew her blinds.

  If he was going to die of slow starvation, he wanted to enjoy his final days. Even from this distance, he could hear the opening of the lock on her door as she finally arrived home. He sat there pondering his fate while he watched her throw down her tote bag and purse on the living room chair before walking into the kitchen to pour the customary glass of white wine and head into the bedroom.

e have incredible gifts given to them when they are turned by a vampire; their senses are tripled for one-thing. Johnny’s eyesight was better than it had ever been; in fact, in the old days he used to wear glasses. Now he felt like Superman because his eyesight could peer across the distance, even through the gloom and see just about everything. His hearing was so powerful that even her small sighs of pleasure as she kicked off the high heels reached his ears. As for his strength, well let’s just say that if a certain bully at school had picked on him now, he'd be wearing his head up his ass. Johnny smiled at that thought, and then squirmed on his perch as he remembered some of the things that he missed. The sun warming his skin on a summer’s day, the hotdogs with chili sauce at the corner food cart, just the thought of that taste made his stomach growl loud enough to wake the dead. Ugh, he couldn’t go on like this. What was he going to do?

  Looking back to the windows he spotted her beginning to disrobe, it was almost like a strip tease. Her body was incredible and as she pulled off the jacket, the blouse and unhooked the bra, his mind was saying yes, yes, yes. Let’s have a look at those lovelies. Those breasts were a masterpiece and her blonde hair which came down to her shoulders shone in the light when she turned a certain way. She had blue eyes, and a smile you could watch forever. She faced the mirror checking this way and that, lifting her breasts a bit to see if they drooped. Nodding her head as if to say she still had it, she began getting ready for a bath, picking up the brush for her hair as she grabbed her robe lying on the bed and entered the bathroom.

  ‘What should I do?’ he wondered, thinking once more of his problem, you see a vampire needs to eat at least once a week or he/she shrivels up and dies, he was told that when he was turned. There was one plus side to all of this, as yet he hadn't killed anybody, and strangely he was pleased with this part of his ailment. Johnny was never a violent person as a human; in fact, he always believed and still did, that there are always solutions other than violence to solve problems.

  Johnny was suddenly aware that he was not alone, and upon turning, he found Scar silently approaching me.

  "So this is where you hang out!" he said, looking over at the nearby buildings and focusing on the windows of the apartment block.

  "Yes, I come here to think sometimes, and to spy on a gorgeous blonde who lives in the penthouse," replied Johnny not realizing what he’d done.

  "Well, I came to tell you that you're not the first who couldn't drink blood," he said as he suddenly stalled and seemed to come to attention.

  At first, Johnny was encouraged by this news, but found he hadn't finished yet.

  "It doesn't happen very often, but when it does the vampire dies a week or so later," he carried on while moving closer to the edge of the rooftop.

  This is what Johnny suspected would happen, he already knew he just wanted it confirmed. Johnny sat there silently watching Scar’s movements trying to figure out what he had focused on.

  Just then, he saw the blonde as she came from the bathroom into the bedroom, watching as she slipped out of the robe she was wearing. She started to get dressed for bed, placing a blue silk nightdress over her head. They were both watching, Johnny realized, as it slid down the various parts of her body. It was quite erotic but then Scar reminded Johnny that he was still there, by saying, "If you can't have her, then I will."

  He then launched himself from where he was standing, and landed squarely on the penthouse roof. That little move usually impressed the hell out of Johnny, on this occasion however it annoyed him, for as he watched, Scar was about to enter her apartment. He couldn't allow it, he just couldn't. Whether it was the anger of another vampire taking his last bit of fun away from him before he died, or the fact that he didn't even ask if he would mind, Johnny didn’t know; he just had to stop him. He jumped and missed the ledge by a clear foot.

  Falling the twenty, flights gave him a chance to ponder the folly of his ways; his arms and legs were spinning out of control and on the way down, he thought ‘if I was really Superman I could fly.’ Damn he was only a vampire and hitting the concrete and bouncing up a couple of feet woke him out of his trance before he landed hard again. Getting to his feet without so much as a scratch, he bolted for the front entrance of the building. Upon reaching it he found it was one of those buzzer affairs, not knowing a single person in the building he pressed them all, to a chorus of hellos. The door buzzed open, ‘there's always one,’ he thought as he raced up the stairs taking six at a time, pretty soon he’d reached the penthouse, and kicking the door down he entered.

  The picture before him was a scene from a classic Hammer Horror Film for she had fainted in Scar’s arms, and he was about to bite her neck.

  "Put her down…,” shouted Johnny.

  Scar looked over at him surprised.

  "Why, you can't take her, you're a defect remember?"

  "I still have the right to choose my last victim," he said, hoping that if he gave him the 'rights' speech he would concede.

  Scar placed her on the bed, and then turned to Johnny, his eyes beginning to glow red.

  Johnny couldn't beat him in a fair fight, for his strength was twice his own having fed on the blood of his victims, but then why fight fair with a vampire. Scar lunged, pinning Johnny’s shoulders to the wall. Johnny latched onto his neck and sank his teeth in and then took a bite, it was the only thing he could think of doing. The power of the blood spilling through the wound surged into his body, Scar tried to push him off, and suddenly Johnny felt like a God.

  He raised his hands to Scar’s shoulders, ripped his throat out with his teeth and then plunged his right hand through Scar’s chest and out the other side. Johnny was in complete shock. He’d found the only cure for his ailment, living on the blood of vampires. Scar’s body turned to fine ash as Johnny let him drop to the floor.

  Looking up and finding the blonde still unconscious on the bed, he walked over to her. Scar had ripped the strap off her nightgown and the silky material had spilled down to reveal those magnificent breasts. She started to come around and her eyes popped open.

  "Oh…who are you?" she said, with terror in her eyes.

  "Have no fear; I stopped him from hurting you," replied Johnny, pointing to the ash on the floor.

  She wasn't convinced, and began pushing herself backwards on the bed to get away from him. ‘This is going to take some finesse’ he thought.

  Johnny suddenly remembered a power that all vampires possess, and one, which he hadn't yet tried. Staring deeply into her eyes he told her that she was safe with him, and then watched to see if his hypnotic skills were working. She slowed her retreat up the bed and then stopped. Rising up she came to embrace him with both arms, and he could feel the tension slowly leave her body. Raising his hands gently to her face, he looked again into her eyes and whispered, “Kiss me.”

  Her eyes drifted shut as she placed her lips over his and began to kiss him with a passion he’d thought he’d lost forever. Her tongue played with the crease of his lips before entering his mouth in search of his own. They kissed as if they were lovers long parted and then the lust started to take over. Her hands began to remove his clothes and she placed wet kisses as each new area of flesh was revealed. Her fingers tangled with the belt on his pants as she struggled to open the clasp. Lowering the zipper of his pants her hands reached inside to grasp the briefs he wore and in one slow move, she pulled his pants down from his hips and was on her knees in front of him.

  He kicked the pants off his feet and reached to pull her to his naked flesh. Her nightdress fell to the floor as they embraced again. Johnny started to kiss her neck, not once having the desire to bite it, he carried on down her beautiful body, upon reaching her breasts he lingered, his tongue playing with her nipples while his right hand was stroking her inner thigh, she sucked in a mouth full of air as his fingers brushed her womanly lips.

  She reached for his cock, taking it in her hand she started to rub gently, his erection responding with a jerk as she manipulated it b
etween her fingers. Johnny carried on kissing her body, getting nearer and nearer to her lovely mound of pubic hair, she had to let go of his cock as he drew nearer to his goal. Placing his tongue to the entrance of her pussy, he licked the outside before penetrating her tunnel of love, and then proceeded to lick and suck her tiny hood, she placed her hands into his hair encouraging him to delve deeper.

  What many people don't know about vampires is that they had staying power they could make love for days if they wanted too.

  Her legs were squirming as she reached her first orgasm, her juices tasted like nectar, Johnny lapped it up which made her moan in pleasure. Proceeding back up to her breasts he cupped them with both hands, by now she could feel his stiff member rubbing against her leg, and getting nearer to her pussy, reaching down she guided his lust to where she wanted it the most, it touched the outer wall, and she pushed her hips forward in anticipation of entry. It glided past the moist entrance with ease, upon entering her body she let out a gasp, and then holding his buttocks with both hands she pulled him into her womanhood.

  Slowly at first for Johnny wanted to savor the moment. He started his rhythmic motion, and letting Johnny take over she kissed him once again, her hot mouth covering his own in a wanton lustful manner, darting her little tongue in and out with the same speed as his cock, which had penetrated her inner sanctum. She moaned with pleasure as he started to speed up, shouting loudly as she neared another orgasm, Johnny wasn’t even close but he was enjoying this moment more than any time in his life.

  They changed positions, and he lifted her legs, parting them and holding them in place he entered her pussy in a kneeling position, again making her gasp. She wanted him deeper as she thrust her hips forward trying to take more than she could, he penetrated deeper eager to satisfy her lust and she pulled on her nipples whilst stroking her breasts, in an effort to encourage his thrusting of her pleasure zone.


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