Paranormal Encounters

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Paranormal Encounters Page 55

by Carl East

  The light from the house could be seen from the path as they came upon a house made of gray weathered stones. Their footsteps on the small pebbles covered with green moss made a soft scuffling sound as they followed it to the front door and as they approached near, the door flew open with a soft swoosh and a woman came barreling out.

  “Morgana, I knew you would make it back,” cried Cassandra as she threw her arms around her sister.

  The hugging and tears of joy continued and as Morgana opened her arm for Jenny to join them, she ran to embrace the two women. Morgana introduced Jenny to her sister while the men stood silent and uncomfortable trying to contain their own emotions as they saw the women embrace each other and share their joy in each other and their sisterhood. Midnight sat on the top step smirking at the men and then yawned and stretched wildly. It was time for this group to get inside to the coziness of the fireplace as she was still waiting for her dinner. Making her presence known, she wrapped herself around the women’s legs and then moved to the door and began to meow loudly for their attention.

  Cassandra wiped her eyes, released her hold on the two women and moved her gaze to the men that stood on the path. Her eyes fell on James and knew that she had picked wisely for her sister. He followed her every movement and tears were streaming silently down his face at the joy of their reunion. The other man kept his eyes on her newest sister and Jenny introduced him as Michael. Her eyes met the last man in the group and she felt a sudden buzzing in her ears as if someone had just boxed them. Shaking her head she stood there staring until he introduced himself as Johnny, she stood there in a daze until a piercing meow demanded her attention.

  Cassandra turned back to the door and opening it wide bid them all enter. The two couples went in first and as Johnny followed them up the steps, he stopped to look into her eyes. Her skin felt flush as she returned his gaze and even though she stood at the landing, she still had to look up into his eyes. Standing there, they looked at each other until she felt as if she were falling into his gaze. He stopped at the landing close to her, so close that as he stepped up the last step his chest brushed against her breasts sending a gasp from between her lips.

  She turned and entered hurrying to build up the fire to take the chill from the evening. Her teakettle was placed on the hook and into the fire to heat and she threw a handful of fragrant spices on the fire as she went to light the candles around the room. Turning back to her guests, she saw the two couples sitting together while the lone man stood there with his hands on his hips watching her every movement. Knowing they were vampires she still offered tea or light broths as refreshments but they declined graciously.

  Morgana watched her sister fluttering about and looked to James to get his reaction. He met her eyes with a raised eyebrow and a grin and leaned in to whisper in her ear that Johnny looks like he’s smitten. Giggling in response Morgana turned her gaze towards Johnny and saw him staring in concentration at her sister as if he was trying to figure her out. Seeing Cassandra’s uneasiness at his continuing gaze Morgana stood up, grabbed Jenny’s hand and dragged her forward, she then herded her sister into the kitchen so that they could talk.

  Watching them leave the room the men looked at each other and began discussing their defensive plans in preparation for the vampires’ attack. While they were discussing the various pros and cons of strategic placement of weapons and barricades, they could hear the laughter of the women pouring from the kitchen.

  Midnight watched them as she curled up near the warm bricks of the fireplace. Keeping an eye on the man that had been studying her mistress she couldn’t decide if she would allow him to stay. Wrapping her tail around her toes, she shifted to get more comfortable and decided to take a nap and sleep on it.

  Chapter 32

  Damien had them in the palm of his hands. The other leaders of the remaining vampire lairs had agreed to attack the witches’ coven. With the full moon only a few days away, he knew that the witches would be preparing for their worship in the glen. Those bitches loved to meet in the dead of night to burn their incense, sing their prayers and dance beneath the full moon. That’s how he’d gotten hold of Morgana. Well, once they overpowered them, he’d let the vampires have their way with the other women, but he’d keep Morgana and her sister, the leader of the coven, for himself. Remembering Morgana’s face he felt his member twitch in response and knew he’d take more than her blood this time, he’d take her body as well. Her sister would just be the icing on the cake because he’d have the magic too.

  They made their plans late into the night and didn’t stop until they felt the approach of another day. The leaders left to return to their lairs and Damien went down to his chamber where he had a meal waiting. The naked woman tied to his bed tried to scream behind the gag that kept her quiet. The men had done well she was quite a beauty. The short hair only added to the elfish look of her young face. Her lips were swollen from trying to free herself from the gag and as he approached, he began to calm her with his eyes but only slightly. He liked it when they fought with him as it heightened his sexual drive. After all, he was a predator and he wanted to stalk his prey before he consumed it.

  Removing her gag, he instructed her not to scream and even as she opened her mouth wide, no sound came out. Her arms were tied down so he loosened them and her leg restraints. Watching him as he undressed she began to move around the room looking for a chance to escape and as she moved her young taunt breasts moved back and forth. He watched as her nipples extended in fear and knew that fear could be turned to sexual ardor with just a few minor adjustments. Closing the distance between them, he gripped her arms and lifted her into place as she tried to kick at him wildly.

  Putting his hips between her legs he lowered her to his waiting cock and as the head slid between her lips and to her opening he heard her gasp in surprise. Yes, she didn’t expect it to feel so good. He kept sliding her clit over the top of his engorged head as his seed seeped out to lubricate the hood that shielded her pleasure. He could feel the beginning of her arousal as the moisture from her opening began to run down the sides of his foreskin. Yes, she was almost ready. As she wiggled and moved against the contact, he wasn’t quite sure if she was trying to escape or trying to get closer.

  He lowered her slightly until the distended nipples were in front of his face and then extending his fangs he gently pierced the bright pink tip and sucked the end into his mouth. Drawing forth her lifeblood and sucking deeply on the tip at the same time he felt her struggles begin to stop as moans began to pour from her lips. Yes, she was ready.

  Bending his knees slightly he placed the engorged head of his cock against her and almost felt it sizzle as it made contact with the moisture seeping from her opening. Sliding past the entrance he pumped his way into her, stretching her wider with each thrust. Her legs fell upon the tops of his hips and locking her feet he felt her plunge herself down on his hardness. With a thrust of his hips, he had her fully impaled upon his cock and with a circle of his hips drew out just enough to plunge deeper.

  The woman rode his hardness clutching his cock deep with her muscles so that with each push and pull the rim rubbed against her sweet spot while her clit rode the velvet touch of his foreskin. Her moans of pleasure filled his ears and closing his eyes, he envisioned Morgana riding him this wantonly and with a tightening of his balls and a final thrust, he emptied himself into the woman with a groan of pleasure that drained him to his core.

  The pulsating cock kept emptying itself into her channel and with each spurt, the woman riding it came repeatedly, each climax driving her higher until she fainted at the pleasure. Lowering the now limp woman to the bed, he wiped his cock in her hair relishing the shining softness that was now coated with the remnants of her pleasure and his seed. She was really quite stunning, and the bee stung look of her lips called to his still excited cock. He tied her hands to the bedposts, placed his hardening cock between her lips and felt the plump hot wetness enfold him into their care. Even aslee
p her mouth began to move and suckle at his end, licking the rim while it gently sucked him in deeper. However, he felt the day sleep coming upon him and withdrew to place his now hard cock back into the softness of her pussy. Wrapping his arms around the pillow under her head, he laid his face down next to her and looked forward to his awakening.

  Chapter 33

  Everything was ready and the traps were laid. The women who volunteered to staff the traps were in place. The remaining women, who remained, prepared for participating in the ceremony. Since this was a blue moon, a full moon occurring twice within one month, the ceremony was more elaborate than usual. The women removed their clothes and began to oil each other’s skins rubbing the moisture in until it shone on their skin like silk. The hair was removed from under arms, legs and their womanhood, symbolic of being newly born, and flowers were weaved into their hair.

  Standing within the group Cassandra wondered at the men’s reaction when they saw the women’s attire, or lack thereof. Morgana was helping Jennifer and as she watched the two young women, her body began to prepare herself for what was to come. The female body was something to be worshipped not hidden away from sight, as was the case in modern times. It was something to be celebrated and enjoyed and the women here tonight were raised in this belief since birth. Shame of being naked before others was not something in their upbringing and the women gathered were even excited that the men were going to see them this way.

  Cassandra saw that Morgana was again explaining this to Jenny, and Jenny seemed to understand, but the rosy flush that covered her body belied her true understanding. Moving to join the others Cassandra went over the plan again with the women to ensure that everyone knew what was to take place and seeing their understanding headed to the hallway that would lead them to the front door.

  The men turned hearing the first soft footfalls and as Cassandra appeared, Johnny froze in his tracks. Seeing her head held high as her full bobbing breasts moved against her body had his cock in an instant erection. He could see her waist length hairbrush against her back at hip level. The lips of her womanhood were bare to his gaze and as he watched, he saw a slight protuberance part the lips and appear. Her engorged clit peaked from between the folds to meet his heated gaze. Raising his eyes, he looked into hers and knew that she was his. She proudly walked past brushing her hand against his aroused cock as she moved to leave the house and he stilled her in place when he grasped her hair. She turned and his lips met hers in a devastating kiss that left them both breathless until his hand smartly slapped her ass to get her going. He heard the women behind her gasp and then began to giggle as they moved past him.

  Watching the women moving forward from the bedrooms and out the door the men realized that the strategy of the women worked. The chosen were young while their older counterparts staffed the traps. All sizes and shapes of women came forward, large breasts, small breasts, long legs and petite ones, firm high asses, and soft wide ones marched past, all naked and oiled and all with their womanhood bare to their gaze. Many were aroused by parading in front of the men and their nipples were elongated in pleasure. Gazing below they saw more than one baring their clit as it peeked between their lips in excitement.

  Their mouths ran dry as they watched the endless parade knowing that there was at least one woman for each vampire that lay in wait. Jennifer and Morgana came last and as they tried to pass, Michael and James stepped in front of them. Grabbing them into their arms, they ground their lips against them in need and rubbed their covered cocks against their womanhood. Jennifer was the first to lower Michael’s zipper and reach inside to free his cock. Raising a leg high on his hip, she guided him into her wetness to give him a taste of what was to come after the fight. Plunging against him, she climaxed immediately and pulled off not giving him a chance to finish. Morgana followed suit but James grabbed her second leg and flung it other his hip to chain her to his cock. He plunged into her until she screamed in climax and he followed soon after.

  Watching them walking away Johnny wished he had done the same to Cassandra, but the waiting would only make it that much sweeter. Turning to the men he told James to wipe the grin off his face and put his cock way. Michael tried to follow suit but had to use two hands to force his member into submission behind the zipper. They moved to their assigned places in the attack and waited for the vampires to make their move.

  Chapter 34

  The vampires slid along the ground writhing around the bushes like snakes as they made their way to the witches meeting place. The moon was shining like a spotlight in the sky and it was so bright it was turning the night into day and Damien motioned to the others to be quiet. Hearing the soft chanting coming down the hill to the glen the vampires tensed for the attack waiting for the full complement of women to come and take their places.

  They watched in shock as woman after woman marched past their hiding places naked as the day they were born. Long hair fragrant with flowers caught the breezes while those with short locks were just teased into tumbles from the wind. Their mouths panted with want as the women marched past proudly flaunting their breasts and jiggling their asses. Their womanhood was shaved clean so in the bright moonlight they could see the moistness of their excitement. The scents of their arousal filled the air and the vampires trained their keen noses to every whiff. Soon those noses would be poking between those legs and enjoying their fragrance up close.

  Damien heard slight whimpers of excitement and hoped that the vampires could maintain their hold until all the women were in place. This was going to be a night to remember he began to think and stopped cold as he saw Morgana trailing at the end. His cock barely interested until now came to full throbbing attention as he saw the hardening of her pink tips pass before his eyes. He saw and smelt her arousal between her thighs and fangs sprang into his mouth at the sight. He couldn’t wait much longer. He’d have to give the signal soon or die of want.

  Suddenly the women all moved to lie on the ground as one. Spreading their legs, they opened their womanhood to the moonlight and that’s when the vampires went insane. To a man, they all fell upon a woman spreading her legs wider and pushing their cocks into the hot wet openings. He watched in shock as the women welcomed them between their legs and some even tilted their hips up to take them deeper. The moans and groans of excitement could be heard like thunder on the wind and occasionally a scream of completion topped the moans as one after another came in the excitement of the moment. The couples lay embraced in the joy of completion and listened as their counterparts reached the bliss that they had experienced. Most began again and the rampant lust that filled the glen began to take over. Positions and partners were switched and soon the gathering became an orgy. Mouths met penises and clits alike while other orifices left unguarded became openings for a new level of excitement.

  Damien watched in disbelief as Morgana, Cassandra, and another woman stood in the center of the group chanting and praying to the goddess. What madness was this he thought as he stood up and marched down to meet them. Stepping over couples and groups of witches and vampires connected together in a pleasure train he made his way towards them and as he watched, Morgana turned her eyes towards him.

  “How did you think this would end Damien?” she asked.

  He stood there with his mouth gaping and could not form a single thought in his head.

  “Yes, we could kill you, but why should we deny ourselves the pleasure of the lust when so many of your members are ready to fulfill it?” she said.

  Damien scanned the glen and saw what he had missed before. There were other witches high in the surrounding trees standing tall and naked as the ones below. They were forming a ring of magic that encircled the women and the vampires; this was the magic turning his vampires into lust-crazed beasts. Instead of killing the women by draining them of their blood, they were contributing to the making of magic with their sexual energy. The vampires did draw blood from their partners but only to increase the pleasure of the women who the
y were mating with.

  Morgan, seeing understanding appear on his face turned back to the other two women and joined them in their chant to the moon and the goddess and he realized that he had been beaten at his own game. They had used magic to seduce the vampires.

  The night passed in dizzying pleasure for the vampires in the circle and standing there, watching Damien saw the woman that had been tied to his bed suddenly appear before him and drop to her knees. Slowly lowering his zipper, she made an art out of fondling and removing his erect penis from the confines of his pants. Pursing her full moist lips she gazed deeply into his eyes as she slowly slid her tongue around the rim of his head and pulled him into her mouth. Closing his eyes, he gave into the ecstasy that began to fill his body and as his hips pumped gently forward closer to the depths of her throat, he felt the fingernails of her hands dig deep into his ass checks. She pulled him closer, closer still, until he was lodged deep inside her throat. The heat and tightness overcame his resistance as he poured his seed into her waiting depths. Pulsating repeatedly, he finally became sated and fell to his knees in front of her watching as she licked her lips in satisfaction.

  Turning his head he suddenly found Morgana standing beside him and seduced by the magic leaned towards her and placed his lips on her sex. He extended his tongue to tease the source of her pleasure and she moaned with approval and widened her stance. She held her hands to his head to direct his attention to a more sensitive spot. Yes, that’s the place she thought and moments later, she came on his tongue as he continued to taste her pleasure. James stood behind her and entered her in a single thrust, which pushed her to an even higher level of pleasure, and she came again twitching against James and Damien as they laved their attention on her.


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