Paranormal Encounters

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Paranormal Encounters Page 56

by Carl East

  Opening her eyes she saw Michael had Jenny’s legs spread wide and pinned to the ground; he was twisting and grinding his hips into her, while she arched her back to take him deeper. Their faces were etched with ecstasy and they came as one.

  Johnny stood there on the path leading to the inner circle and watched as couple after couple came with explosive pleasure. Turning his head, he saw a single woman standing alone in the circle still chanting and singing to the goddess and Johnny watched as the woman began to writhe in place. She moved as if she was sex incarnate and he could see the moisture of her desire begin to run down her inner thighs. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her breasts and hips as they moved to her chanting and he began to walk towards her.

  She must have sensed he was there because she slowly opened her eyes to look deep into his. In one smooth motion, she fell to the ground on a bed of green moss and opened her legs wide to watch his approach. His eyes went to her slit to see the still protruding clit bared before his gaze. It was deeply flushed and in need of attention. He had to have her was his only thought as he stopped between her parted legs and dropped down his pants. His cock was so distended that he had difficultly removing the underwear that held it in. Bare to her gaze he felt himself swell further as her eyes ran down its length and she began to moan with desire.

  “Please,” she begged.

  Johnny sank to his knees and gathering her ass cheeks with his hands he pulled her closer and falling forward impaled her with his cock. She screamed in pleasure and began to shake from the climax that ran like a tidal wave through her body. The fathead of his cock withdrew slightly only to plunge deeper and faster into her wetness. The nipples of her breasts were on fire as he rubbed his chest against her and with each thrust of his hips into her wetness, the weight of his body was cushioned against the fullness of her breasts. The soaring pleasure began to build again and as he continued his wild thrusting into her body, she began to give a keening sound of anticipation as it continued to build higher.

  “You are mine, now, always,” he grunted as he used his muscled thighs to continue his taking of her body.

  With each thrust, her pelvis went higher until his every movement was centered on the seat of her pleasure.

  “Take me,” she screamed in pleasure and he did, repeatedly.

  The goddess appeared above them in the glen, her eyes veiled in the mists of time and smiled. ‘Now, this was a way to fight a war,’ she thought before she slowly disappeared from view. Her fading thoughts were of the deadly menace that was approaching her new coven from the west and how they would handle the challenge.

  Chapter 35


  Dawn was still hours away as Cassandra made her way to Johnny through the darkness of the forest. Carefully walking with one hand lifting her cloak and the other parting the leaf covered branches she made her way down the moonlit path. Smiling in remembrance, she felt reborn this night; not only had the Goddess blessed her by bringing her sister safely home but also her sister’s friends, one of whom was now her lover. The magic that the coven had used this night had saved them all and she bowed her head to thank the Goddess once again.

  Lifting her eyes she saw that Johnny was waiting for her in the clearing and her heart began to swell as their eyes met. She saw his eyes fall to the part in her robe where her breasts and womanhood were bare to his gaze. Watching his sudden intake of breath, she knew that he was watching every step that brought her closer to him. He held out his arms and gathering her close she felt one hand fall to her hip as the other slipped under the robe to play with her breasts. Raising her head to him their lips met in a scorching kiss that took her breath away. When the second hand made its way to the cleft of her cheeks, she felt his groan as his arms tightened their grip. Dropping to his knees, he began to place kisses on her abdomen as he made his way down to her parted thighs.

  “Are they secured?” he murmured.

  “Yes,” she gasped, “Each lair is bound to one of nine pits but that binding will only last for another hour. When the sun rises it will be gone,” replied Cassandra.

  Her thoughts were labored as she felt his tongue glide along the seam of her womanhood, the tip just barely parting the folds. Her hands drifted down to his hair to pull him in closer to ease the ache he had begun.

  “That’s all the time I’ll need…if you’d care to join the others I will be with you shortly,” said Johnny softly as he placed the tip of his tongue against her clit and took a thorough lick of her slit before he stood up.

  Turning, he made his way down the path that Cassandra had just used moments before and although his mind was already on the vampires ahead, his swollen cock reminded him that the sooner he was done the sooner he could get back to Cassandra.

  She stood there on trembling limbs watching Johnny stride quickly away and hoped he’d make it back with time to spare before the day sleep would take him from her. Cassandra turned and walked away, wondering what he was going to say to the nine lead vampires who even now were prisoners in the deep pits.

  Chapter 36

  The sounds of the forest kept him company as he made his way to the vampire pits. Walking down the path, he appreciated the fresh smell of the earth and plants as he made his way closer. His life and the time he had spent in the city seemed far away and long ago now, as if he had experienced it in a dream. Being with Cassandra had brought this awareness of all living things to his untutored eyes and made him realize what he had been missing. His plan was to stay here in the forest with her and not go back and as he approached the first pit, knowing that it held Damien, he stopped and peered over the edge.

  “By now you all know that you are bound to this pit, but the spell that holds you here will only last for another hour. I’m here to give all the lairs a choice, you can leave with a pledge that you’ll never attack us again, or I can end your existence here and now and be done with you. The choice is yours, I suggest you make it a wise one,” said Johnny.

  Damien looked around at his lair members, and knew that they would agree; after all, they were already beaten. Seeing their nods, he looked up at Johnny.

  “I pledge that no member of my lair will attack your people again, and that includes me,” he said putting his head down in submission.

  Johnny didn’t see the odd twist to Damien’s lips as he left the pit and went to the next. He asked each leader of the lairs the same question and upon receiving the same response from them all, he returned to Damien.

  Raising his voice so that all could hear he said, “In a little over half an hour the spell will dissipate and you will be able to escape the pit. Remember the agreement because I will show no mercy the next time we meet,” said Johnny before walking away.

  When he arrived back at the cabin, he entered to find them all celebrating the victory, and immediately joined Cassandra next to the fire. Gathering her into his arms he felt that he had finally found his home and looking around the room he knew that he’d found a new family. The fire cast a warm glow around the room and Johnny felt content, it was a new experience for him. Even in the life before being turned he’d never felt this much at peace. He kissed Cassandra’s brow and stood up to walk over to the window. He knew that the first of the vampire lairs should be emerging from the pits and if they had any sense, they would leave the meadow to make their way back before sunrise.

  Damien was the last to climb from the pit and looking back through the woods he could see the light from the cabin peeking through the leaves. His body was telling him that dawn was approaching and with one last look back he turned and made his way swiftly back to the city and his lair. The agreement the lairs had made with Johnny would not be broken, at least not in the literal sense, he thought. Thinking back on the plans he had made weeks before he knew that he had been right to follow his instincts. Steps had been put into place so that any remaining witches that survived their initial attack were to be tracked down and eliminated. Only time would tell if his backup plan
would solve his problems.

  Turning from the window Johnny said, “Well…they’ve gone, perhaps now we can settle down and decide our future. I think we need to make plans for a place to stay, we obviously can’t live here forever, but if Cassandra is willing we would like to make our home in this meadow or at least close by?” said Johnny watching everyone turn to face Cassandra.

  “I’ve already discussed this with the coven and they welcome you all, if staying here is your wish you are free to do so,” replied Cassandra.

  Dawn was approaching and the new group descended to the basement for the day sleep. Johnny stood on the steps, looking up at Cassandra and knew that she and her coven would protect them until the next rising. She walked down to give him a kiss before returning to the top of the stairs. Johnny slid the heavy bolt shut and knew that the door was secure.

  Chapter 37

  James walked through the moon-drenched meadow and occasionally waved at a few members of the coven as they went about their nightly business. Looking up at the stars a wonderful sense of freedom came over him and he silently closed his eyes and breathed in the cool night air. Suddenly the sounds of the forest went deathly quiet and opening his eyes, he quickly looked around trying to sense the cause. Straining his ears, he became aware of something heavy moving fast through the wooded area just below the meadow. The sound grew closer and louder as if it was coming his way, straining his eyes and crouching down into a fighting stance he thought, ‘What is that?’

  A mass of darkness appeared to be bursting through the trees and as it reached the clearing, it appeared to separate and stop. There standing in the dim light the three black shadows surveyed the area and upon seeing James, their eyes began to glow a fiery red ember. They crept closer to him and as they did so, his eyes burned their image into his mind and as terror began to steal his breath away, he began to make sense of what he was seeing.

  “Dear God, hell hounds,” he cried.

  The sounds of his own strangled moans woke him up and upon opening his eyes, he saw his friends surrounding his sleep space. Shivers racked his body as his mind gathered the thoughts from his vision and he sat up and took a shaky breath. Morgana sat down next to him holding him close to calm him.

  “Johnny, I’ve had a vision, they’re sending hell hounds after us,” he finally said.

  “Hell hounds? I’m not sure I know what they are, I think I may have read about something like that in a book, but I didn’t think they were real…Michael do you know anything?” replied Johnny.

  “I don’t know much, but what I do know about them is bad enough. I’ve heard stories of vampire lairs that do business with sorcerers and as far as I know sorcerers are the only people capable of summoning hell hounds,” said Michael.

  Jenny was holding on to Michael’s arm, waiting to speak, when he turned to James and asked, “Did you say hell hounds…like more than one?”

  “Yes, I saw three in my vision,” replied James.

  “The leader of each lair gave us their word that they would not attack again if we showed them mercy. Are you saying they lied to us?” said Johnny.

  “No, the others probably did tell the truth, but Damien…this has to be the work of Damien and his advanced planning. When he told us he wouldn’t be attacking, again he was referring to himself and from that moment in time forward. Knowing him, he had a backup plan in place to ensure if any of us got away during the fight that the hellhounds would finish us off. He clearly knew that the hounds would be unleashed, and that he wouldn’t have to attack again,” replied James.

  “Has anyone here seen these hounds?” said Jenny.

  “I saw them in my vision as clearly as I see you, and trust me they are a terrifying opponent. I have a sense that they are on their way and they’ll be here by tomorrow night, as my vision showed a full moon. It’s full tomorrow, so we have to get the coven to safety.”

  Cassandra met Johnny’s eyes and nodded, the coven had protection spells set around the area but it would certainly be prudent to let the sisters know what was coming and take precautions. She would direct the women to search the books of magic to find the hell hounds weakness.

  “James can you describe them to us?” said Jenny.

  “In my vision, they stood as tall as a mastiff and were dark as night with ember eyes that glowed red in the dark. They stood on three muscular legs, two in front with only one centered behind. Watching them burst into the clearing I saw how the back leg comes up between the two front ones and pushes them forward to give speed. However, from their build I sensed that they may be clumsy creatures and not good at making sudden turns. But what really frightened me in the vision were their teeth. They have very large hinged mouths full of long razor sharp teeth made specifically for tearing flesh from the bone.”

  “Okay, we get it, they are mean mother fuckers. I will take one on by myself, Michael you can have another and Jenny and James can take the third. All I need to know is do they bleed, and what the best weapon for killing them is?” said Johnny much to everyone’s surprise.

  “I believe we can find those answers for you,” replied Cassandra.

  Cassandra and Morgana left to gather the coven while the others discussed it further.

  “I’ve never heard of sorcerers, other than in stories told to children. Which begs the question, what else don’t I know about?” said Johnny.

  “According to an elder that I once met, there are certain truths to all myths throughout mankind. One of these is the sorcerer, but he also told me that sorcerers pay a huge price for summoning such creatures. Apparently they age by years, giving up their future life, when they use this kind of black magic, so unless they used several sorcerers the one who sent these hell hounds has aged greatly,” said James.

  “Well…I’m not going to be too concerned unless I find out that they are indestructible. If they bleed then they can die, and until Cassandra says otherwise, we need to keep that in mind,” replied Johnny.

  Chapter 38

  Cassandra was gazing at a roaring fire in the meadow but she was not alone. Her sister and the other witches of the coven were with her encircling the flames and casting herbs and spices onto the glowing wood. Their chanting prayers were carried on perfumed air to the heavens as they waited for a sign. Time passed slowly when suddenly a bright orange flame shot out of the center of the fire and they felt the magic swell to encompass them. They bowed their heads and waited until the flame died down and the fire returned to normal. They relaxed when Cassandra and Morgana got up and walked back to the cabin.

  “Johnny, the Goddess informed us that silver is the hell hounds Achilles heel and fortunately we have a large silver dagger used for sacrificial purposes, although it’s more ceremonial these days,” said Cassandra.

  “That’s good news, now do we have any other silver?” replied Johnny.

  “I have silver tipped arrows, but I doubt they would penetrate the creatures hide when fired from a bow, other than that I also have a silver dagger,” replied James.

  “I suggest you use the arrows like a knife and give your dagger to Jenny; at least you’ll both have something the creature will fear,” said Johnny.

  “We just need a weapon for Michael now, and we’ll be ready.”

  Cassandra took the large dagger she’d been speaking of out of a chest and handed it to Johnny.

  “It’s very sharp and as you can see it’s extremely old,” said Cassandra.

  Johnny looked at it closely to find it had a jewel encrusted handle, and the blade was about ten inches long.

  “Michael needs something of silver, Morgana could you ask the women if they have anything that’s made of silver?” said Johnny.

  “Yes…straight away,” replied Morgana leaving the room.

  James then said he had an idea and he left the room, while Jenny, Michael and Johnny discussed tactics.

  “The one thing we have going for us is vampire speed, I seriously doubt the hell hounds could match that. So we should us
e it to our full advantage, by keeping behind the beasts and not giving them a chance to rest or reach a given target,” said Johnny.

  “Agreed, I think if Jenny can distract one of them James should be able to take it unawares. My only concern is being able to penetrate their thick hides with the weapons we have at hand?” replied Michael.

  Just then, Morgana and James came back into the room.

  “I’m afraid we have no more silver Johnny,” said Morgana.

  “It’s okay, we may not need it,” replied James whilst throwing a weapon over to Michael.

  Michael looked at what he caught to find five arrows bound together tightly, with the one in the middle protruding in the center. It made a nice weapon, light and very sharp. James then gave Johnny his to look at.

  “Good idea James, I believe this will work. I suggest we feed now and talk some more about this, but most of all we need to rest and prepare ourselves for the fight ahead.”

  Chapter 39

  After a night of talking and a day of rest, the four vampires stand waiting in the meadow for the beasts that James foretold of the night before. The pits that were used to hold the vampires were now covered with twigs and leaves, with a nasty surprise awaiting any hellhound that fell into one. The four friends stood a good distance from one another, as they needed to split the hounds up before combat.

  “Jenny…when one of the hounds has committed itself to attacking our position, try not to move until the last possible second. If we move too early it will just home in on us quicker than if we move a second or so before it arrives,” said James knowing that she was scared.

  “Thanks James, I will do that,” replied Jenny.


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