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ALEX HUNT and the Chase for Rhapta_A Relic Chaser Adventure

Page 15

by Urcelia Teixeira

  A noisy nose blow behind me jerks my thoughts back to the priest who breaks into song soon joined by the crowd behind me.

  I want to go home and never, ever leave again.

  Chapter Sixteen


  "How you feel dis morning Charlie-boy? You betta?"

  "Slept for the first time in a long time thank you Chief. My bones ache, but I feel good thanks."

  "Ha, dem bones from too old. Your feet good to walk? You go to find Lakicia now. I find new Jeep, and I send my warrior to take you to edge. Come. We eat to make strong."

  Soon after, I find myself walking over to a new Jeep he traded for fifteen cows. He's a good man.

  "I don't know how I can ever repay you for looking after my family Chief. Thank you."

  "You go to find Rhapta and Lakicia Charlie-boy then no curse come. You stop the curse of Kifa and big man-eater bird. No treasure hunter must find first okay? You stop curse over Tanzania people. You do dat? I happy."

  His English isn't perfect but I understood every word of his plea. He lost his wife and his son, and somehow he thinks it's all linked to the curse of Kifa for finding Rhapta. I've never been one to believe in witches and evil spirits, but some things are inexplicable and uncomprehending. There have been many who say they have seen the massive Raptor bird fly over Mafia island late at night trying to prevent anyone from finding Rhapta. Some say it happens only when Treasure hunters dig too close.

  “You no mess with gods Charlie-boy. You bring curse on people. Rhapta stay sleep. No wake.”

  "I'll do my best Chief. I give you my word. If I find Rhapta, then it will be declared a historical monument, and no one will be permitted to go there. It could open up infinite and fragile clues of ancient cultures and lost civilizations and reveal important links to the past. And IF there is in fact treasure, the president will claim it, and all this can be put to rest once and for all."

  First things first though. I have to find Alexandra.

  The Chief said they headed to the safe-house. That's my girl. Sharp as a tack thinking that I would go there. I would have if I were twenty years younger, that's certain.

  I stop at the edge of the city and slip on the kaftan he gave me as disguise. I have never been in a dress before. I guess it will have to be if I want to hide. How the hell do you wrap this bloody thing? Where's Izzy when you need her? I look in the Jeep's mirror. Yup. The turban will do. Not perfectly wrapped but it does the trick.

  "Okay, Alexandra. Daddy is coming, my girl. Let's do this thing and finish what we started!"

  The Jeep blends perfectly with the city's vehicles. It seems to be what most drive so thus far, I have no one on my tail. Camouflage... check. The town is the hustle and bustle of tourists this time of year, and the traffic on the rural roads is enough to drive anyone mad. I park around the back of the safe-house and notice the motorcycle the chief said they used. So they're still here. Fantastic. I'll park beside them according to our practiced protocol and walk in, just in case.

  There is a surveillance camera above the door. I have four seconds to slip in once I throw the sangoma's magic powder in front of it. Given it works of course. Who knows what that witchdoctor concocts in those pots of hers but she was adamant it would provide a smokescreen blocking its view. What the heck. It is worth the try, so I take out a pinch from the leather pouch she gave me and strew it across the lens. Sure as sugar it makes a big, black, puffy cloud. The Rhinoceros door knocker welcomes me, and I quickly click my way through the sequence while looking over my shoulder to be sure I'm still alone. Click, click and click. I'm in. Another pinch of magic powder over the next camera and I stealthily move to the blind spot under the stairs. I linger there to listen for voices.

  There aren't the slightest of noises. It is way too quiet for them to be up there. But I am one hundred percent positive it was their motorcycle. Besides, she parked it in precisely the place where we rehearsed. At the time, we chose the parking also to indicate our presence inside the safe-house, so that was unmistakably her signal to me. Now? I am not altogether satisfied, so I take my gun out from under the dress. How women do this, heavens only knows. Bloody uncomfortable all this fabric.

  Looking around there is no sign whatsoever of anyone there. I climb the staircase, purposefully skipping numbers three and eight, being the creaking ones. Another one of my tactics as an early warning system. At the top of the stairs, I pause and listen again. I hear a man's voice. Who? This doctor the Chief spoke of perhaps? There is something so familiar about it though, but it's just too soft to distinguish correctly. I should climb up into the roof and look through the trusses first. My fingers reach up into the thin crevice to the right of the door, and I pull out the latch which releases the hidden shaft from the wall. Crawling in on all fours it's a tight squeeze, and I barely fit. Was this always so tight? I mean, I aged a bit and probably had one too many drafts in the uni pub, but this is just not comfy at all. Another knee forward and I strike a light bulb in my head realizing it's this damned dress. I slide back down and rid the attire before crawling in again. Phew. That's so much better.

  Once again I head up into the shaft. It's an old air duct I built into the wall at a steady upheave toward the roof. Izzy never thought it would have any use. Now, look. Albeit my purpose was really as an escape should the door be locked from the outside but still. Up or down it served a goal right now. One which is undoubtedly coming in quite handy. Once at the top I carefully slide aside the small hatch window, allowing me to look down into the room from above.

  Eric is walking back and forth to the window. With a gun! I strain my neck to get a better angle. What the ... No. What is this? There has to be a mistake here. Why is Alex tied up? She's just sitting there... asleep.

  Then that must be the doctor behind her. Also tied and gagged. Why are they sleeping and why are they both tied up? I see Eric again. Who the hell is he talking to on the opposite side of the room? And why the hell is he carrying a gun and not untying my little girl? I strain my neck askew and catch my heart on my feet. I'm hallucinating. Is that... is that? NO. I shut my eyes and shake my head. It's a dream or a nightmare or something, but it isn't real. I'm still dehydrated. Maybe it is the muti the Chief gave me. Yes. I’m seeing things. I try to look again. It isn't a right angle, so I strain my head flush with the steel shaft.

  Shite! Izzy? My Izzy? She’s alive? I choke back the sobs that seem to convulse my body as I realize it isn't a dream or hallucinations. My chest burns and I'm struggling to choke back the tears. Get a grip, Charles. Damn it, get a grip. I look again. It is her. My darling Izzy! She's alive and she... she is gagged and tied too. What the... Bollocks! That little brat. It's Eric! HE's the traitor. Izzy was right about that boy all along. 'Never trust a redhead.' Shite!

  My body is shaking with anger and disbelief, and it takes strain in the small shaft as I try to stay wedged without sliding down or make a noise. It never used to be this hard. My body might not be what it once was, but by golly my mind still has it. You need to think Charles. Your darling Izzy is ALIVE, and that bastard has her and your little girl.

  Okay. It's only Eric. A little pipsqueak snot-nose who's still wet behind the ears. He has nothing on me, and besides, it's four against one of him. If the doctor has any backbone, he would show his worth and pull through for us.

  I quietly close the hatch and slowly slide back down the shaft. Think Charles. You've seen enough movies to think of something here. Think James Bond. What would Bond do? Hell, who am I kidding? It's the bloody movies. I can't get distracted now with stupid Bond movies. Distracted! That's it! I need to distract him!

  My lacerated feet still ache as I run down the stairs in search of something that might work as a distraction. There is an old elevator shaft around the back of the building. There is no question in my mind that it will make a racket when I put it into motion. I need something in it to create a more noticeable noise though. Loud enough for it to lure Eric out and when he gets to the bottom o
f the stairs, I'll clammer him.

  A pile of junk lie in the furthermost corner. If Eric is watching the monitors he will spot me running across the room. I recall him standing at the window so perhaps the coast is clear and I can take the chance.

  The rubble on the floor yield nothing except paper and shards of fabric. Maybe in the pantry. I yank the doors open. Golly, how long have they been here? The stockpile is all depleted. A couple of tins of beans and some cleaning detergent. Not going to work. There is another downstairs closet with the mops and brooms. Yes. It's perfect. I'll find something there I'm sure.

  Minutes later I managed to tie the broom and mop sticks across the elevator doors which should hopefully make a noise when it moves up and down. Will it be loud enough? Not sure but it's at least a plan. I'll have about ten seconds to run to the stairs, maybe less.

  "Bloody hell, I'm too old for this shite. James Bond my ass. He has stunt doubles and weirdos building fake bombs and stuff. "

  Okay. Ready. I take a deep breath and push the button. The elevator is old and probably hasn't worked for years, so the loud clanging noise is deafening. Had I known this I wouldn't have bothered with the bloody brooms.

  The ten seconds of running with my injured feet felt more like ten minutes, but I get under the stairs and wait. I can't feel my heartbeat at all. Have I died already? My limbs feel numb. What if there is more than one perpetrator with him? I really couldn't see all that well through the tiny hatch. The bloody little bastard! How long has he been by my side? Years! Did he have Izzy all this time? Locked up in here like Rapunzel. And my abduction? The little bastard is probably behind that too. The bloody traitor. I should hang him by his balls.

  My gun is cocked. The elevator is making one helluva racket, and I'm in position.

  " Come on Eric you little bugger."

  I hear the lock click on the door above my head. It's working. James Bond should take some tips from this old man.

  I swallow hard as my heart echoes loudly in my ears.

  Bollocks! The dress! I left it on the stairs. Bloody hell that was so stupid of me! There's no way he would miss it. Heck, he probably stepped on it.

  My eyes follow his feet step by step through the stair openings. I need to swallow. My mouth is dry, but I need to gulp my saliva down. He will most certainly hear it in the silent warehouse, so I force myself not to. I am barely breathing as he reaches the bottom. I should have just called the police instead. What was I thinking? The little bugger is half my age. Brave up Charles. Show this little ass what real men are made of. Almost... a little closer... closer...

  Damn it! His cell phone's shrill ring shriek through the warehouse and I seize the moment to swallow.

  "Hello? Yes. I've got them. All except the old man but he could be dead by now. I'll wait for your signal."

  He hangs up and walks to the front door dismissing the first clanging noise that stopped when the lift got to the top. I didn't think it through properly. James Bond wins after all. Now what? Plan B. B for bravery.

  And before I could stop myself I jump out from behind the stairs and walk up behind him.

  "Drop your gun, Eric!"

  He flings around, startled by my being there and fires a bullet off in my direction. It misses me, just.

  "You little bastard you! I said drop the gun!!"

  He fires another bullet. I run for cover behind a steel cupboard.

  "There's no point old man. I got your entire family up there. You're not walking out here alive. Give it up. If we all work together, we can split the bounty."

  Like hell, we will. He'll kill the lot of us once we find Rhapta.

  "Come out Charles. While you still have a chance. Or else I'll kill them one by one."

  He won't. He needs us all. We can't decipher the codes without each other's strengths. He's bluffing. Besides he needs the box with the scroll and the code. Maybe he hasn't figured that part out yet.

  "Okay, Professor. You asked for it. Who will it be first? Your beloved Alex or perhaps the long-lost Izzy? Wouldn't you want just one last moment with her before she dies? Again?"

  He bursts into a sadistic laugh, and I hear him climbing the stairs. Damn him!

  "Fine! You win Eric."

  I tuck my gun in the back of my pants and come out from behind the cupboard with my hands in the air.

  "There you are, old man. I knew you'd give in. You're a wimp. I knew you wouldn't let your family die. Slide over your gun. Slowly."

  "If it's the last thing I do Eric. I'll make you pay for this."

  "Give it a rest Charlie. You're done bossing me around. I've been by your side all this time and never once got any claim to any of the relics you've found."

  "So that's it then. The fame and fortune. You're no different from all those other treasure hunters Eric. Just after your fifteen seconds of fame and a briefcase of money. What about the history?"

  "Oh, history shmistory. Spare me the bull crap. Who cares if there are hidden civilizations and ancient clay pots? It's all rubbish. What? So it can stand looking pretty in a museum somewhere? No Sirree. I am making my history. I'm tired of doing your dirty work for you, and you take all the credit."

  "How long Eric? How long have you known Izzy was alive?"

  He belts a disgusting laugh. I should smack in his face.

  “It was you all along. You were the one who told them where the village was.”

  "You didn't know Professor? The great Professor Charles Hunt couldn't figure it out? You stupid old fool. I had your precious Izzy here all this time. She was my prisoner. Locked up in your glass castle. You're such an idiot. You never once thought of even going to the morgue to see her body. Just blindly believed the authorities. They're all in my back pocket old man. We tracked the village through your stupid watch you idiot. We've been digging on Mafia island since then."

  "So all this and you still haven't found Rhapta. Well isn't that funny. It doesn't exist you, birdbrain. Let me guess. You haven't found anything, and now you need me, and the wooden box don't you?"

  "So then you do have it? Where's the key old man?"

  "Well if you kill me or any of my family up there you'll never get it. Mark my words."

  "Then I guess we're all going treasure hunting together aren't we? Get up there to your precious family. Move it!"

  What should be like walking the gallows up the stairs is instead squelched by sheer excitement. At the top of these stairs is my beloved Izzy and my darling daughter.

  I'm propelled up with skill and speed.

  "Izzy!" I run over to where she's bound and gagged on the floor and pull her gag from her mouth.

  "It's you, my love. All this time, I never knew."

  "Easy there Professor. Don't even think about untying her. Put the gag back in her mouth. NOW!"

  My fingers fumble at the gag around her neck, but I do as he tells me. Only, I loosen it a little.

  "Sorry my love. I'll get us out of here and this time, you're going home."

  "Dream on old man. Like hell she is. None of you are going home without me finding that treasure first," shoving me down against the floor.

  I look across to Alexandra who just woke from all the commotion. There's not a tear in her eyes. Instead, a bland look of disbelief as she stares into her mother's eyes.

  "Sweetheart, it's true. Your mother is alive. This bastard had her locked up here all these years. You'll be okay my sweets. Hang in there. "

  "Shut up old man, or I'll gag you too."

  He would have done that already if he wanted to. For some reason, he hasn't tied me up or gagged me. I wink at Alexandra, and she only nods her head. Her eyes filled with tears.

  "It's okay sweetheart. We'll figure this out."

  "Ya ya, that's enough of this soppy crap. Go sit down and put your hands behind your back."

  Wishful thinking so I follow his orders again. The ropes hurt as he constrains my hands.

  "Who are you waiting for, Eric? Who's in it with you? They're using you,
you know? Once they arrive, they'll kill you. Think about it. They don't need you anymore."

  "Shut up! Who cares what you think?"

  "You should Eric. How much time do you have before they get here? I have a Jeep parked out back. Help us get out and find Rhapta, and we'll make sure you claim the discovery and the uni's reward."

  I can see his birdbrain ticking away as he contemplates the temptation.

  "Come on Eric. You know I'm good for it. I give you my word."

  He points the gun at Alexandra's head.

  "I'll kill her first old man. You mess with me, and I'll kill her. Do you get me?"

  I merely nod as I try to gain control of my breathing again. If this fool dares kill Izzy or Alex, or anyone here, I'll gut him myself.

  "Get up, all of you. I said. GET UP! MOVE! Give me the keys to the Jeep."

  I toss it over. Idiot.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The Chase

  "Drive old man, and don't even think of trying any funny business. You three, shut your mouths and put your hands up against the bull bar. Tie them up, doc and make sure those knots are tight."

  We do as Eric instructs. I lean my head on Mum's shoulder. I can't believe she's alive. All this time we thought she was dead and she wasn't. She's alive!

  "Where do you want me to drive to Eric?"

  "Where do you think old man? The river mouth of course. Hope you brought your goggles. We're going to do a bit of diving."

  Diving? We can't dive. Those caves are dangerous, and if the tide is not in, it will be impossible to do. Sam turns and looks at me. His eyes are the size of saucers. I'm pretty sure he's never even held diving goggles never mind descend below the water. I wish I can tell him not to worry and that we'll think of something, but I still have the gag in my mouth.


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