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Ruthless (The Revenge Games Book 2)

Page 15

by MV Kasi

  Rage and pity filled Ajay's eyes as he took in everything.

  The rage she understood, the pity she loathed. "Stop it," she said.

  Ajay didn't say anything. He continued looking at her quietly.

  Pushing away from his arms, she sat up. "Stop looking at me with pity, Ajay," she said.

  "It's not pity, Sia," he replied softly. The tone in which he spoke also indicated he was being careful not to agitate her.

  "You are trying to pity me. And you are also looking at me like I'm going to snap any moment."

  There was a considerable pause. "I'm just worried about you," he said.

  "Why?" she asked. "Like everyone said, it's finally over. Don't you think that too? That after getting my uncle and his cronies arrested, I'd be at peace?"

  She was met with silence again. A long loaded one.

  Not waiting for his answer, she got down from the bed.

  "You are hurt, Sia," Ajay called out to her. She didn't know if he was referring to her physical hurt or the mental feeling. "You need to rest and catch some more sleep."

  She gave him her profile. "I can't. Not with these clothes that remind me of last night. I feel unclean with them," she said, as she continued walking towards the bathroom.


  Ajay watched Sia as she walked towards the bathroom in stiff movements.

  He wanted to assist her, but he knew she wanted to be left alone. He continued watching as she threw away the previous night's clothes, before she stepped inside their bathroom for a shower. But before she disappeared from his view, he noticed the obvious bruises and cuts on her body.

  Rage took over him, followed by the feeling of helplessness. His rage was directed at the people who had hurt her. But there was also a pent up and lingering anger he felt towards her for putting herself in danger the previous night.

  He knew she didn't need him to lecture her about her safety and the risk she took. She simply needed him for strength and for solace.

  The bathroom door banged open, cutting off his thoughts. Sia walked out, and headed towards him with a determined look on her face. She was wet and completely naked.

  His body responded immediately while his mind remained tormented with worry and anger.

  Sia crawled on top of the bed, and then over him. "I can't get the images out of my head," she said as she pulled at his clothes. "Please, make me forget," she begged when he remained unmoving under her.

  She ripped some of his shirt buttons in a hurry. But he didn't move to assist her. He knew he would be out of control the moment he touched her. Especially with the things brewing inside his head.

  "Touch me," she demanded. "Take away the filth from my mind and leave me with the memories I need."

  "You are hurt, Sia," he rasped out as he clenched his fists to the sides.

  "Don't you dare reject me," she said. "Take me right now," she commanded.

  Her mouth met his neck as she kissed him in need and desperation. Unable to control himself, he grabbed her by her arms, and pulled her close, until their bodies were crushed together. He knew he would leave more bruises with this encounter. Because she wouldn't allow him to be gentle with her.

  She looked extremely volatile. And so was he.

  He didn't want to hold back. He wanted to feel her warmth. He wanted to reassure to himself that she was safe. And so, he pushed her underneath him, covering her body with his.

  When she flinched at the contact, he made one last attempt to hold onto whatever ounce of control he could. But it was a losing battle.

  "Don't hold back," she warned him, digging her nails into his arms, and knocking his control completely off the axis.


  Ajay woke up with a start.

  Sia was sleeping next to him, with visible shadows under her eyes. The clock next to their bed displayed that it was half past noon.

  They had only been asleep for a couple of hours. Considering the stress and trauma they had undergone over the past few hours, he should have also been fast asleep. Yet, he felt extremely alert. He couldn't explain it, but he felt a great sense of uneasiness.

  Gently, moving the hand curled around his chest, he slipped out of the bed. He watched Sia's face as he threw on his clothes. When he was sure that her breathing remained even, he walked out from their room and went towards the media room.

  He turned on the television, and kept switching the channel, until he found the one he was looking for. Varun hadn't wasted any time. Last night's live video was already on the news.

  "—people are in utter shock," said the newsreader. "Last night there was an exclusive event held inside the Citizen Hotel where a lot more influential members of the society were present."

  Images flashed on the screen. Images of a large group of well dressed men with masks on. And adding contrast to them, within the opulent surroundings were skinny and barely clothed children. Most of the children were on the masked men's laps looking lethargic and drugged.

  "In a shocking sting operation conducted by a secretive social service group, several children were rescued. Not only were those children being abused, but they were also planned on being trafficked to other locations soon. Police were able to retrieve the passports and visas to several other countries as proof.

  Ajay kept waiting for some indication of the identity of the people involved to be revealed. But it didn't happen. Only a vague statement of several arrests having been made was read out loud.

  Disgusted, Ajay turned off the television and dialed a number on his phone.

  It was answered immediately."Jay. I've been trying to reach you. How is Sia doing?"

  "Did you see the news?" Ajay asked.


  "No indication whatsoever."

  "I know. But Jagadish Naidu has been arrested along with the others. Including judge Sundaram."

  "You know that won't matter soon." Ajay's hand clenched as he tried to control the turmoil inside him.

  There was a long pause on the line. And then, "Yes," came in a quiet reply. "But please Jay. Don't do anything rash," Harsha warned him. "At least not yet. Until we try for some more time."

  Ajay took a deep breath and let it out, relaxing a little. He was glad he had someone like Harsha as his best friend and brother. Harsha was the only one who would ground him when the irrational thoughts took over.

  "How is Sia?" Harsha asked.

  "Sleeping right now."

  "How is she coping after last night?" Harsha probed for a better answer.

  "Not good. And that is after knowing that the person who hurt her is behind the bars. You can only imagine what would happen later."

  "Jay, let's try to stop it from happening. We can still speak with—"

  "You know I already tried as much as I could, Harsha. And I will continue trying. But it's not going to help. Not until..." He let his sentence drift off.

  There was a deep exhale. "You are right," said Harsha.

  "And knowing Sia, she will not let it go. Not that I expect her to. But I need to keep her from spinning out of control," Ajay stated.

  "I understand."

  "Find out as much as you can and keep me updated."

  "I will."

  "How is Anika doing?" Ajay asked.

  "She's doing well. Jo and her family are always with her, taking really good care of her."

  Ajay felt the familiar tightness in his chest and throat whenever he saw or heard about his daughter. "Double up the security around Jo's place," he advised.

  There was a long pause, as though it was now sinking into Harsha's brain that there were several others who could be possibly impacted. "I will, Jay," he replied.

  "Thank you, Harsha. I'll get in touch with you tomorrow," he said, before ending the call.

  He went down towards the kitchen. On his way, he turned on an app on his phone. It was of a security camera. He felt grateful towards Jo for agreeing to place the camera pointed at his daughter as much as possible.

  Anika was placed on a thick blanket on a plush green lawn under a shade. He could hear Jo's family chatting and laughing around her.

  Ajay's heart clenched with longing to hold his daughter in his arms.

  It has been close to four weeks since he last held her.

  He hovered at the entrance of the kitchen, continuing to watch Anika's antics as she tried to lift her head towards the people calling out her name.

  "Soon, my love," Ajay promised his daughter. "Daddy and mummy will get you back soon," he said softly, before turning off the camera footage.

  He went into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. He put some food onto a plate. And then grabbing some ice, he wrapped it in a towel, before heading up towards the bedroom.

  Sia was stirring lightly when he sat next to her on the bed.

  The area under one of her eyes was swollen and blackened. Gently, he touched the ice to her skin. and she flinched.

  "Sorry," he said softly when she opened her eyes to him. "There's a lot of swelling," he explained.

  She nodded and remained quiet as he continued with his ministrations. The previous night he had insisted on taking her to the hospital or having a doctor check her in the police station while she was being interrogated. But Sia had brushed it away. She kept insisting that she was fine.

  Ajay watched her as she closed her eyes, allowing him to take care of her.

  After a few minutes of silence, tears began to leak out of her eyes.

  "Sia..." he said, simply calling out her name.

  She didn't open her eyes. But spoke to him softly. "Why does it feel so incomplete?" she asked. "He's locked away. Where he can't possibly hurt any other children. But somehow I feel so...incomplete."

  Ajay didn't reply. Couldn't reply.

  He put the icepack away and lay next to her. Holding her close, he waited until she calmed down.


  Sia woke up to the phone ringing next to her. It was dark outside and the clock showed it was just past eleven.

  Ajay was lying next to her, and he had woken up to the phone ringing as well.

  She grabbed the phone next to her and answered it anxiously. "Varun?"

  "Sia." The voice on the phone trembled.

  Sia straightened immediately, all the traces of tiredness and sleep gone. "What happened?"

  "He's already out, Sia," the anguished voice cried out. "They let the animal out of the cage, along with the other disgusting animals."

  There was a stunned silence.

  "That's not possible," she whispered.

  "It happened. And it's all over the news as well," he said.

  Hurriedly, Sia turned on the television in the room. She flipped channels until the local news channel came up. She had to wait for five excruciating minutes until the headlines of her uncle being released scrolled through the bottom. And then, ten minutes later, there was coverage where the news was confirmed by his lawyer.

  "Mr. Jagadish Naidu is innocent. He was being framed unnecessarily by vindictive people around him. Luckily, with his background and good deeds, he has more well-wishers than others."

  The camera panned on her uncle while he was being led towards his car, outside the jail.

  "I didn't know what was going on in there. I was told it was a children's charity event. I'm equally shocked and appalled that such atrocities can happen with our innocent children."

  He spoke at length about how he was determined to bring justice to those children and get the actual perpetrators into the jail.

  A little later, the topic of the news changed to something inane. But Sia couldn't get her eyes off the screen.


  Ajay turned off the television as Sia continue to watch late night infomercials.

  He wasn't surprised with the news they just watched. He already knew that would happen, even before Sia received the call.

  The only thing he wasn't entirely prepared for was how Sia looked right then.

  "" he called out.

  She was staring right at him, but it felt more like through him. Her chest rose and fell with heavy, uneven breaths. And her pupils were dilated with a suppressed emotion.

  "Baby, please. Say something," he pleaded with her softly.

  He held her shoulders. "Sia...listen to me baby. We can—"

  "No," she stated in an eerie calm tone. "I don't want you to do anything."

  She stepped back, until his hands dropped from her shoulders.

  He could feel the walls between them get higher and higher. And he didn't know how to overcome the suddenly hopeless situation.

  "Sia, we can try to get them arrested again," he said. "I can—"

  "I said no!" she shouted. And then, taking a deep controlling breath, she turned away from him, to look outside a large window.

  "I'm going to do it," she stated quietly. "I don't need outside help. I'm going to bring justice in my own way."

  His heart began thumping. "Sia, you can't take justice in your hands. I know what he did to you was—"

  "Don't," she interrupted him sharply. "I may seem cold-blooded for what I'm planning on doing to him. But unless you understand what he is still capable of doing, you have no right to judge me."

  He went closer to her. "I'm not trying to judge you for what you want to do to him. Hell, I wanted to destroy him from much before for what he did to you. But, I can't let you do something that is irreversible. You could get arrested, and sent to jail for taking law into your hands."

  Sia looked crushed and disappointed as she heard him trying to talk her out of whatever she was planning out of sheer rage and helplessness.

  "You think they don't deserve to get punished for what they have done?" she asked.

  "They deserve to suffer in the worst way possible, Sia," he said with an edge to his voice. "But it should not be at the risk of you getting arrested."

  She didn't reply.

  "For god's sake, Sia!" he shouted, shaking her once. "Don't do anything rash or stupid. We have a daughter! We are a family now. Think about us!"

  She didn't look at him. She stared at the floor. "I can't give up," she whispered in a hopeless tone.

  He then knew that the beginning of a very rocky patch had already started.


  A week had passed since the child trafficking bust. Sia was seated at the police station to give another 'statement' of what she had seen that day during the child trafficking bust. Usually Ajay or one of her vast legal team lawyers should have accompanied her. But she was told that Judge Sundaram wanted to meet her, and he would do it if she came alone.

  And so, she did. She was sitting in front of Judge Sundaram, along with a police officer and a lawyer.

  "I told you before that you can't do anything," said the judge. "And also that the world works that way." He sighed. "I forgive you Mrs. Manthena. Only because of your uncle. And also because we are of the same status and level. We all need to work together. Why do you want to rock the boat for a few filthy kids that nobody wanted in the first place?"

  When she didn't reply, he broke into a small fleshy smile. "You need to mindful, you know. Because I heard you have a beautiful daughter."

  Her breath caught in her throat, but she remained silent.

  "How old is she?" he asked. "Less than a year I assume. A few more years and she'd be...just right," he taunted.

  Sia felt the walls closing on her when he spoke of Anika that way. The fact that she was at a police station where criminals should have been locked away, instead of threatening the witness— further added to the feeling of claustrophobia. Everything was fading around her. Shrinking, condensing. She wanted to scream and punch the animal in front of her. She wanted to tear out his face, and throw him on the floor, and stomp on his head until all that was left of him was left a bloody pulp.

  But she stopped herself.

  "For god's sake, Sia! Don't do anything rash or stupid. We have a daughter! We are a family now.
Think about us!"

  Ajay's words rang through her mind. She knew what Ajay had said made absolute sense. He was being practical and reasonable.

  The only problem was that those things were also killing her quest for retribution.

  Someone cleared their throat noisily, interrupting her murderous glare and thoughts. It was the police officer, who was obviously on the judge's payroll. "Mrs. Manthena, we called you here to speak with you personally. There was obviously a misunderstanding on that day. Please—"

  "What about the other evidence that was presented?" she asked in a chilling tone. "The bank statements with transactions made to Jagadish Naidu from him."

  Judge Sundaram's lawyer frowned and shuffled through all the bank statements and other information that linked most of the people to Judge Sundaram. "This isn't exactly evidence," he said. "All this proves was that there were a few check deposits made into Mr. Jagadish Naidu and his son's bank account every month. The fact that some of those people, in a very roundabout way are known to Judge Sundaram is merely a coincidence. You must know that most of the elite are known to each other in the city."

  "What about the missing children?" she pressed further."Don't you think it's strange that the missing children's cases spiked over the last few years in the city? And even the children in the orphanages who were supposedly adopted, couldn't be traced?"

  "I assure you, Mrs. Manthena. We have our best officers looking into this matter. But at present, we want to tell you that there is no connection to those missing children to Judge Sundaram or to Mr. Jagadish Naidu."

  "Find all the adopted children from Naidu Trust over the past few years and I'll withdraw the case," she said.

  "We don't have the resources to do something like that," the officer answered.

  Sia knew she was wasting her breath demanding answers from the officer in front of her. The asshole must definitely be working for them.


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