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Protecting What's Mine

Page 26

by Jennifer Sucevic

  I remember having a glass of wine and talking for a bit. With the way I currently feel, you’d think I’d knocked back the entire bottle myself.

  Did I drink more than one glass?

  If I recall correctly, it wasn’t even a full glass. Everything’s so fuzzy, like my mind is sifting through buckets of sand. I don’t like this feeling. Running a hand over my face, I haul myself up into a sitting position. Shock spikes through me when I realize that I’m in Dominic’s master suite.

  How did I get here?

  Glancing down at myself, I yank the comforter up to conceal my bare breasts. I peek beneath the covers with a sense of dread.

  Totally naked.

  What the hell happened last night?

  Why aren’t I wearing pajamas?

  I search my brain, desperate for answers. Anything that would explain the situation. But I keep drawing blanks. I don’t remember changing my clothes last night. There are no memories after falling asleep on the couch in the family room.

  Some of the muzziness clouding my brain falls away. Eyes flying around the room, I search for Dominic, hoping he’ll be able to shed light on what happened, but he’s nowhere to be found. The bathroom door has been left ajar, and the shower is running. I sit frozen in place with the covers clutched against my breasts. The water shuts off a few minutes later, and I hear the swish of the shower door sliding open.

  This can’t be happening. It has to be some sort of bizarre dream.

  Questions brim at my lips.

  Every single one of them flees my mind as Dominic strolls out of the bathroom rubbing his hair with a towel. Nothing covers his body.

  He’s as naked as I am.

  My mouth drops open as I stare at him in shock. I’ve never seen Dominic without clothes on. Sure, I’ve seen him in swim trucks, but I’ve never seen… I gulp.

  I’ve never seen that before!

  It takes a few seconds to realize that I’m staring. This can’t be happening.

  Why is Dominic parading around naked in front of me?

  And why can’t I rip my eyes away from his penis?

  A small squeak escapes me when it begins to thicken, and I’m jolted back to the present. Scorching heat floods my cheeks.

  “Morning, sweetheart. I hope you’re feeling better.” He rubs the towel through his blond hair and stands there like being naked in front of me is an everyday occurrence.

  Confused and uncomfortable, I clear my throat, while trying to keep my focus on the far wall. I can still see him in my periphery, but at least I no longer have a head-on view.

  Dominic chuckles. “There’s no reason to be shy. Not after last night,” he says, his voice low and husky.

  My eyes dart to his.

  The floor may as well have just dropped out from under me. “What do you mean?” I croak.

  Grinning, he closes the distance between us. I’m no longer distracted by his jutting erection. My heart thrashes against my rib cage.

  Desperately I try to recall even the minutest detail from last night. A tiny fragment that will clue me in on what he’s implying took place between us. I don’t need it spelled out, though. The fact that I’m in his bed naked says it all in gigantic neon letters.

  He settles on the bed next to me. There’s a tenderness in his gaze as it holds mine. His fingers feather across my cheek. I stare, praying that my suspicions are wrong.

  He searches my eyes before asking, “You don’t remember anything?”

  I shake my head.

  He sighs. “That’s too bad. What happened between us was beautiful. So much better than I could have ever imagined.” His voice drops an octave. “About an hour after we turned in last night, you knocked on my door, asking if we could talk.”

  Nothing he says jogs my brain.

  There are no flashes of memory.

  Only an empty void of nothingness.

  My face remains blank. As does my mind. I don’t even recall getting off the couch. Or going to bed. My mind trips back to the last memory I was able to hang on to. And that’s sitting with Dominic, finishing my glass of wine, and resting my head against the back of the couch before closing my eyes.

  Is that why I can’t remember?

  Because I was so exhausted?

  What other rational explanation could there be for waking up like this?

  “You climbed into bed with me and we talked about everything that’s been going on in your life.” His thumb sweeps across my bottom lip. “It was such a good talk, Gracie.” A look of disappointment settles over his features as his brows beetle together. “I’m surprised you don’t remember.”

  Talking in bed doesn’t explain why I’m now naked in it.

  He shrugs. “One thing led to another, and we ended up making love last night. I have to say, it was well worth the wait.” He smiles and leans toward me, brushing his mouth over mine. I don’t shy away from the kiss because my mind is still cartwheeling.

  Swallowing down the rising bile, I whisper, “You’re telling me that we had sex last night?”

  He taps a fingertip against my nose. “We made love, Gracie. It wasn’t sex. What happened between us was love.”

  My belly drops to my toes.

  Shaking my head in disbelief, I suck my lower lip into my mouth. What happened yesterday felt like a nightmare. I thought everything would feel normal again when I woke up this morning. But that hasn’t happened.

  Today is more screwed up than yesterday.

  How is that possible?

  “We really…” it takes a moment for me to wrap my lips around the words, “made love?”

  Dominic strokes the side of my face before his fingers trail down the side of my neck, dipping beneath the covers. He caresses my left breast. My nipple tightens in response. A deep groan of appreciation slips from him and I brush his hand away from my body.

  His touch doesn’t feel right.

  “I would be more than happy to give you a repeat performance. I’ve got some time until I have to head into the office.” He grins and gives me a flirtatious wink. “Hell, maybe I’ll call in and let them know that I’ll be working from home today. Would you like that, Gracie? We can spend all day in bed.”

  I blanch at that idea. “No! We can’t… I mean…”

  “I’m sorry you don’t remember what happened between us,” he says with a contrite expression. “It was really special. I’ve waited a long time for us to be together. Maybe I should have slowed you down last night…”

  Slowed me down?

  What the hell is he talking about?

  “When you stripped and started kissing me, I couldn’t resist.” His eyes darken with hunger. “You’re a hard woman to say no to, sweetheart.”

  With tears springing to my eyes, I bury my face in my hands. God, what a mess… “Dominic, I’m sorry, but I don’t remember any of this. I don’t…”

  He wraps me in his arms, holding me against his chest. “Shhhh, it’s okay. We have time to figure this out. There’s no rush.” He drops tiny butterfly kisses along the side of my face.

  Dominic and I sleeping together last night was a mistake. It should have never happened. Even thinking about it makes me nauseous. I need to get out of here. I can’t stay in this house another second longer.

  Pulling myself together, I chance a look at him. “I need to go home.” Everything from yesterday has slammed into me, yet my mind is still fuzzy around the edges.

  What day is it?



  Regardless… “I have to get to class.” I’m sure he doesn’t want me to miss school.

  “No problem. I’ll have the car brought around. We can hash this out tonight, okay? I’ll send Henry to pick you up around five o’clock,” he says nonchalantly, as if my world hasn’t been tipped upside down.

  It’s weird.

  What else can I do but play along?

  When I remain silent, he asks, “Does that work for you?”

  Not sure what to say,
I nod in agreement. I would do almost anything to get out of this situation. The sooner, the better. My throat feels tight, as if I’m suffocating very slowly.

  When he makes no move to leave, I blurt, “I have to get dressed.”

  “Of course.” He releases me from his grasp and stands. I’m still keenly aware of his nudity. His penis is right there, less than a foot away from me. And he’s still erect. Averting my eyes, I draw in a shaky breath and wait for him to leave. I’ve never been so uncomfortable in my life.


  I continue staring straight ahead, hoping to avoid further awkwardness.

  His fingers slide under my chin and lift my head to bring us eye to eye. “Please don’t be embarrassed about this. It’s been a long time coming.”

  Unsure how to respond, I nod.

  He quietly says, “I think your parents would approve. Don’t you?”

  I blink hard, not wanting to think about Mom and Dad right now. I have no idea if they would approve of me sleeping with my godfather, the man they chose to protect me. Who has known me since infancy.

  Maybe they would.

  Or maybe they’d think it’s weird.

  Which is what I think.

  Clearing my throat, I repeat, “I need to get dressed.”

  He nods and strolls over to his walk-in closet. I leap out of the bed when he disappears from sight. As soon as my feet hit the floor, everything wavers. I have to close my eyes and inhale a deep, steadying breath.

  My body aches more than it did yesterday. Additional bruises have blossomed along my thighs and torso. Shaking off the fogginess, I stumble from Dominic’s room toward the one I’ve always considered my own.

  I close and lock the door, leaning heavily against it.

  I need a shower.

  Once the water warms, I step under the spray and wet my hair, face, and limbs. I lather up and gently rub my body, mindful of the bruises and scrapes marring my flesh. Ten minutes later, I step out feeling more alert. My mind is still somersaulting, though. What happened with Dominic doesn’t make sense. I’m having a difficult time accepting that we slept together.

  Guilt churns within me.

  I considered a relationship with Dominic a while back, but that was before Matteo and I became involved. The only man I can imagine being with now is Matteo.

  I rummage through my overnight bag, pulling on panties and a bra before finding a shirt and jeans.

  A fresh wave of nausea rolls over me.

  What am I going to tell Matteo?

  How am I going to explain that I slept with another man?

  My godfather, of all people.

  Inhaling a shaky breath, I slowly release it as my stomach continues to roil. I need to get out of this house now. Hopefully Dominic has left for the office. I don’t want to face him again.

  How did everything veer so completely out of control last night? If Dominic weren’t so adamant that we had slept together, I would question it. But he has no reason to lie. I may not want to believe him, but I do.

  Shoving my feet into a pair of ballet flats, I zip up my bag and hoist it on to my shoulder, wincing as my sore muscles throb. Then I’m out the door. I’m halfway down the staircase when the pounding begins. It rattles the front door on its hinges. My feet stall as Dominic strolls into the foyer, grabs the handle, and opens it.

  Matteo stands on the other side.

  Frozen on the staircase, the breath catches in my throat. My fingers bite into the banister. Matteo’s dark eyes dart around before landing on me. The fury in them pins me in place.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  “Matteo.” My voice cracks as his name spills from my mouth.

  He shoves past Dominic, taking the stairs two at a time. When he’s close enough, Matteo yanks me toward him. I flinch as his arms wrap around me.

  Hearing my hiss of pain, he loosens his grip. His fingers slip under my chin and tip my face toward his. “Sorry, bella. I didn’t mean to be so rough.” His lips brush over mine.

  My breath comes out in shaky puffs. My heart drums against my ribcage. I thought I’d have more time before facing him. I’m nowhere near ready for a confrontation. I hope Dominic will give me the courtesy of telling Matteo what happened in private. The last thing I need is an audience. I already know that Matteo will be livid.

  “It’s okay,” I whisper. “I’m okay.” I just want to inhale his masculine scent and pretend that the last twenty-four hours never happened.

  “Good. I was worried about you.”

  Although I want to run my hands over his face, I keep them to myself.

  “Ah, Mr. Matteo Valentini, I presume. Nice of you to drop by,” Dominic pauses, his tongue sweeping across his teeth, “unannounced. Perhaps you might give some advanced notice of your impending arrival in the future. It’s really only polite.”

  My eyes dart from Matteo to Dominic. A wave of anxiety crashes over me. Matteo’s embrace tightens.

  “Gracie, darling, why don’t you tell your boyfriend what happened last night. He has a right to know.”

  I stare at Dominic in shock, floored that he is bringing this up in front of Matteo. Doesn’t he understand that I want to break this news to him myself?

  In private.

  Without him looking on.

  Matteo tenses, and his eyes shift from where Dominic stands by the front door to me. “What’s he talking about?”

  I swallow the bile rising in my throat.

  Before I can think of a rational explanation, Dominic continues, “You have to understand that I’ve known Gracie her entire life. When her parents died, they entrusted me with both her care and well-being. Obviously, it’s a responsibility I gladly accepted. Gracie’s a special young woman. Her heart is as pure as gold. She deserves a man who is her equal.” He pauses. “You are not the kind of man her parents would have approved of. The Valentinis are the kind of people her parents spent their careers prosecuting and locking up behind bars. You have no future with my godchild.”

  Every muscle in Matteo’s body clenches. His jaw ticks as he glares at Dominic. He doesn’t loosen his hold on me. “You’re right.” The barely suppressed violence within his words is audible. “I could be the most perfect man in the world and I still wouldn’t be good enough for her.”

  Dominic’s eyes slide to mine. “This is a rather indelicate subject to be discussing with you but obviously, it needs to be said so that you understand the gravity of the situation. Last night, Gracie and I consummated the love we feel for one another.”

  Horror floods my entire body.


  Why is Dominic doing this? For the first time since Matteo stormed through the front door, a flicker of doubt crosses his face.

  His eyes turn frigid. “Is that true?” he rasps, his voice riddled with disbelief and tinged with hurt. “Did you sleep with him?”

  I hastily shake my head because the truth of the matter is that I still can’t remember a single detail from last night.

  Nervously licking my lips, I whisper, “I don’t know.” I shake my head again. “I can’t remember anything.”

  Some of his coldness recedes. “How is that possible?”

  “Gracie was upset when she showed up at my door last night.” Dominic sends Matteo a hard look full of contempt. “She had a few glasses of wine to help settle her nerves.”

  “I only remember having one,” I interject. It was half a glass at the most.

  Matteo’s narrowed eyes shift between Dominic and me as if he’s trying to piece together the truth for himself.

  “You can’t deny that you woke up naked in my bed this morning,” Dominic says.

  My cheeks ignite with heat. Unfortunately, that fact is undeniable. “The last thing I remember is falling asleep on the couch and then waking up in his bed this morning. Whatever happened in between that is blank.”

  Absently stroking his cheek, Dominic muses, “It was such a heat of the moment kind of thing that we didn’t use protection.”r />
  The blood rushing through my veins turns to ice. I thought the situation couldn’t get worse.

  I was wrong.

  I’m not on the pill. Not yet, anyway. I have an appointment set up for next week. But that does nothing to solve my current predicament.

  Strangely excited by the prospect, Dominic adds, “Nothing would please me more than if you ended up pregnant, Gracie. Your parents would have been ecstatic.”

  My fingers rise to my temples. “Stop.” Nausea churns in my stomach. I’m going to be sick right here on the staircase. “Please, just stop.”

  Confusion threads through his voice. “Gracie? What’s wrong? Did I say something to upset you?”

  “You need to stop bringing my parents into everything.” Anger roils through my belly as my voice picks up strength. “I have no idea how either one of them would feel about Matteo. And I certainly don’t know how they would feel about this situation either. You keep throwing Mom and Dad in my face and I’m tired of it.”

  Sometimes I think Dominic is trying to manipulate me into doing what he wants by bringing them up in conversations. It needs to stop. I haven’t said anything before because Dominic is family. The only family I have. He wants the best for me. But I can’t listen to it anymore. It hurts too much.

  His face falls. “Gracie, I never meant-”

  “I think you did.”

  I straighten my shoulders. My anger continues to grow as I think about the last two months and all the times he’s used my parents to herd me in a specific direction. I didn’t want to see it before. I didn’t want to believe it was purposeful. I’ve never lashed out at Dominic. There’s never been any reason.

  Until now.

  Matteo kisses the top of my head. His eyes stay trained on Dominic’s as if he doesn’t trust him. “I have a car waiting out front. I want you to wait inside the limo. There are a few things I need to clear up with your godfather.”

  I step out of Matteo’s arms and turn to face him. Does he think he can just send me to the car like an errant child while he and Dominic have at each other?

  I don’t think so.

  “No. I’m not leaving the two of you alone together,” I say firmly.


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