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Protecting What's Mine

Page 29

by Jennifer Sucevic

  The exception to that, of course, would be JT.

  Apparently, he didn’t get that memo.

  Or he just doesn’t care.

  The first time he came on to me, we were at some season opener party. He was actually there with a date. A tall, stunning model. But still… I could feel his eyes lingering on me as I floated around the room. Numerous times throughout the evening, he joined the same group of people I was talking to. As the event wore on, I noticed him becoming progressively drunker until he finally approached me, asking if I was interested in leaving with him.

  And his date.

  Ummm… no thanks.

  And just like that, JT Higgins didn’t seem quite so great anymore. I have zero interest getting involved with, or even befriending, a guy like him.

  The second time it happened was at a wedding. Since it had been about six months since I’d seen him last, I let the entire incident go. Chalked it up to him being young and new to the team.

  But just like before, I could feel his eyes on me. As unaffected as I wanted to be, I wasn’t. His gaze felt like a physical caress. Gooseflesh continued to break out across my skin. When he finally approached, it was to offer me a drink and an elevator ride up to his room for the night. That’s when I knew my initial impression of JT Higgins was spot-on. The guy was a major player. Not to mention a jerk. And I wasn’t interested. No matter how spectacular looking he was.

  You’d think at some point he would get it through his thick skull that it wasn’t going to happen between us, but no. The last three years have played out much the same. He has constantly hit on me, and I have continually shot down his offers.

  Because I’m a big girl, and I can handle some guy who is nothing more than an irritant, I’ve never said one word to Liam or Gia about JT’s persistent pursuit of me. It’s more irksome than anything else. It’s not like JT has ever touched me or gotten handsy. I’d deck him if he did.

  If Liam ever found out that JT was trying to hustle me into bed, he’d have a freaking cow. And I don’t want or need that. I’m trying to get the guy to loosen up where I’m concerned. He takes overprotective big brother to a whole new level. Plus, I really don’t want to be the cause of any problems between him and a teammate.

  So I just let it go.

  And steer clear when we’re thrown together.

  Even though JT has apparently cleaned up his act, I secretly think it’s all a PR sham so that the organization doesn’t trade him at the end of this season. Although, I will say that ever since he stopped drinking, he’s also stopped hitting on me.

  I’m so lost in thought that I don’t realize I’m still staring until clear green eyes collide with mine. A jolt of electricity spears through my entire body as my breath instantly becomes lodged at the back of my throat before I have the good sense to rip my gaze away.

  Gia points towards a group of football players. “Looks like Ryan is here.”

  Careful to avoid those unique green eyes, I cautiously glance back out the window only to find my boyfriend standing in the midst of all that testosterone.

  He looks… completely awed by the company he’s keeping.

  I’m not sure if I should be miffed or not that he didn’t bother finding me first to say hello.

  I met Ryan freshman year. His dorm was situated next to mine, so I would see him frequently in the cafeteria or walking to and from class. He introduced himself after the first few weeks of school and occasionally we’d get together to study. Sometimes he would invite me to parties, but I always declined.

  Ever since I could remember, school has always been a challenge for me. I’m not one of those people who can cram for a few hours and sail through a test with an A. In fact, that’s a surefire way for me to flunk an exam. I’ve always had to work harder and longer than any of my friends. And I knew college was going to be even more rigorous than high school. So instead of getting caught up in all the social stuff, I concentrated on my studies.

  I’ve wanted to be an elementary school teacher since I was twelve years old. I’ve never even considered another career path. I also knew that getting into the program would be challenging. So I kept myself focused and sophomore year, I applied to the elementary education program and was accepted.

  This year I’ll actually be student teaching. I’m excited to finally get into the classroom. Now that I’m in the program and have the first three years of college under my belt, I feel like I can finally loosen up on the reins just a smidge. Maybe even have a little more of a social life than I’ve allowed myself up until now. I have no plans to lose my head and go crazy, but maybe I can ease up just a bit and enjoying myself.

  Which is precisely why I finally caved after three years of having Ryan hound me to go out with him. We’ve been seeing each other for about two months now. Although we are definitely not the kind of couple who has to spend every single waking moment together. Because we’re both busy, we usually see each other a few times a week. We go out to dinner, grab coffee, see a movie, or hit a few parties.

  That kind of thing.

  I’ve yet to invite him to stay over at my place now that I finally have an apartment off campus, even though he keeps hinting around at it.

  I almost snort.

  Alright, he does way more than hint around.

  Up until this point, I just haven’t been ready to take our relationship that far. I don’t know what’s been holding me back, but something is. Maybe it’s just first time jitters.

  I hate to admit that I’m a twenty-one-year-old virgin, but…

  Yeah, I’m a twenty-one-year-old virgin.

  It’s not like I planned for this to happen. I didn’t set out to save myself for someone special. I guess I’ve just been so focused on school and spending time with my brother and his family, that it hasn’t been a priority for me.

  But now, suddenly, I’m a senior in college. And I’m still a virgin. It’s like I blinked and realized that I’ll be graduating this spring. When I confided in Holly, my roommate, she just about died before telling me that kids graduating from high school aren’t even virgins anymore. She claims I would be hard-pressed to find a junior or senior in high school who was still a virgin.

  I think she might just be right about that.

  So, yeah, I guess what I’m trying to say here is that I’m finally ready to be de-virginized.

  Is that even a word?

  Anyway, with the way things are going, I’m pretty sure Ryan and I are headed in that direction.

  Just as I’m about to answer Gia, my eyes once again become ensnared by green ones. Another shiver slowly slinks its way down my spine as I yank my gaze away yet again.

  I really wish he would stop watching me.

  Forcing a bright smile, I say, “I’m going to head out and say hello to Ryan.” I tickle the baby still being held within Gia’s arms. At this point, Max’s eyes look to be a gorgeous deep gray. Even though they could still change at this point, I don’t think they will. Both Liam and I have the exact same shade of eye color.

  “Want me to take Max?” There’s nothing I love more than being with my niece and nephews. The two older kids are bundles of boundless energy. I don’t know where they get it from. They’re exhausting, but in a good way.

  Almost as soon as the words are out of my mouth, she’s dropping the baby into my arms. “Sure, why don’t you give him to Liam so I can get more food out onto the table. Looks like things are running low.”

  “No problem.” I cuddle his soft little four-month-old body close to mine before inhaling a great big breath of baby in the process. As I do, everything within me instantly settles, just like it always does.

  Max is like taking a handful of Xanax.

  Totally addictive and completely necessary.

  Especially when JT Higgins is in the vicinity.

  About the Author

  Jennifer lives in Michigan with her husband, kids, a dog named Rocky and a cat named Lily. After pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Histo
ry, a Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology, she spent five years working as a high school guidance counselor. Please contact Jennifer at Connect with Jennifer on facebook




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