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Mind Trace

Page 16

by McCaghren, Holly

  As if to confirm his assumption, a man popped his head out of the open door and waved. He shouted to Garrett, "All ready to go if you are. Come on in!"

  "Thanks, Charlie," Garrett called as the man ducked back into the plane.

  He gave another questioning look to Alice, and then walked to the stairs leading up to the plane.

  Let's get this over with.

  She sighed deeply and followed him inside.

  The interior of the plane was extravagantly furnished. There were eight deep leather seats scattered about the interior. Below the windows were side panels made of varnished mahogany, containing cupboards for storage. Near the cockpit, across from the entry door was a mini-bar, complete with refrigerated compartments and stocked with food and drinks.

  This is crazy. I had no idea they made planes like this. Business must be thriving...

  Near the back was an open door, leading to a lavatory. Beyond that was another door, which she guessed housed a closet or something of that nature, but she didn’t think it was polite to investigate further. Alice selected the seat nearest to the door and sat down. The window shutters were closed, but there was not much use in opening them. Once they were in flight, it would be too dark to see anything.

  "I'm going to check with Charlie and see what the plan is."

  He joined Charlie in the cockpit. Alice could see the outline of two other men there. She guessed Charlie was one of them, and the other was most likely his co-pilot.

  They spoke in tones too low for her to hear, and a few minutes later Garrett came back out, selecting the chair across from hers.

  "Well, everything is set. We will arrive at our destination in a couple hours. Might as well get comfortable."

  The co-pilot came out, gave her a brief smile, then strode over to close and secure the side door.

  "Take off is in five minutes," he said before returning to his seat. He shut the door to the cockpit behind him.

  Alice heard the engines click on and off and the whirring of the wing flaps as the pilots went through their pre-flight checks. Then, the engines started in earnest and they began to taxi to the runway.

  The roar of the engines prevented any conversation as the plane began to take off. When the cabin had quieted down after they were in the air, Alice turned to speak with Garrett, only to find that he had fallen asleep.

  She was annoyed. She had intended to give him the third degree, including finding out how he managed to be in a position where he could call in this favor.

  So much for that idea...

  Alice reclined the seat back, settling into the plush leather cushions. She joined him in slumber a few minutes later.


  Garrett estimated it would take a little over an hour to drive from Newport to Concord. That gave him a few hours to kill before leaving.

  Might as well be productive with the time I have.

  He took a warm shower, which helped to clear his head from the last of the sedatives. In the kitchen, he grabbed a quick meal while trying to figure out what they would do after they met in Concord.

  Wait a minute. Where's my car? Is it still in New York?

  He rushed to the window in the kitchen and peered outside. Oddly enough, there was his little, gray sedan, sitting in his driveway.

  At least Jeremy is thorough…even if he is a backstabber.

  While he finished eating, Garrett did his best to think of what they would do once he met Alice. Things had gotten far more complicated than they had been originally, which meant they were now in danger almost anywhere they went. They needed to stay outside densely populated areas as much as possible so there was less chance of being spotted by cameras or anyone looking for them.

  Where could they go? He hesitated to even bring up the idea of asking any more of his "friends" for help, considering what happened with Jeremy. There had to be somewhere to seek refuge, at least until they made more secure plans.

  He did have a client who owned several vacation homes, one of which was in the area. Garrett had done odd jobs for him every now and then, but he knew that he was overseas this time of year and all of his homes would be vacant. He did not particularly like the idea of using one without permission, but honestly there just weren't many options to choose from. Besides, he and Alice would only be using it for a short while. He would run the idea by Alice, in any case.

  I need to take care of Cyberconn before I leave. They have to know what to do while I'm gone, especially since the situation with Alice is about to get a lot more complicated.

  Garrett went to his lab to work on one of the few remaining computers in his house. He shot off some emails to his coworkers, explaining that there was a situation that required him to be out of the office for an indeterminate amount of time. Garrett gave some instructions, designated who would be in charge while he was out, and said he would do his best to update them when there was any new information on his situation.

  That takes care of that. Time to go.

  Garrett would still arrive in Concord early, but he could get a room at the hotel and wait for her there. He packed a small travel bag, putting some extra toiletries and some of his clothes inside for Alice.

  Garrett went over his mental checklist again, taking one last glance around his house. When he was satisfied, he locked the front door behind him. Twilight was just beginning to settle as he drove towards Concord.

  An hour later, he arrived, with plenty of time to kill before he needed to be at the hotel.

  I could go straight there and wait for her, but more than likely, she'll be starving when she gets here. I'll just stop somewhere and pick up some food first.

  A supermarket close by was still open. He parked and entered the almost empty store. As he was walking up and down the aisles, Garrett realized he had no clue what Alice liked to eat. He selected a random assortment of food, hoping she would find something that she liked.

  Why am I so worried about what she likes to eat? I should be worried about how to keep her alive.

  Garrett paid the cashier, taking the paper sack of groceries as he left. He almost ran into a man hurrying into the store, carrying a large bag of tools. The man mumbled an apology and continued quickly to the back of the store. Garrett made out the nametag on his shirt that said, "Antonio."

  Garrett shrugged it off and exited the store. As he was fumbling one-handedly for his keys, something caught his attention.

  It's darker out here... Some of these lights are out. I don't get it. The store's still open; there's no need to turn off the lights yet.

  Calm down, Garrett. You're just being paranoid.

  As he approached his car, he realized that only the lights next to his car that had been extinguished.

  That's kind of creepy.

  There was also a large van parked a few spots over from his car that had not been there before.

  Okay, now this is just ridiculous. Get it together. No need to panic.

  He placed his hands firmly around his keys, doing his best to look confident and alert as he walked the rest of the distance to his car.

  He glanced sidelong at the van as he unlocked his trunk to put away the groceries. The van was quiet, and there did not seem to be movement near it. He looked closer and could just make out faded lettering that said, "Antonio's Plumbing Services." It was the same name of the guy he had almost run into.

  Garrett laughed audibly then, greatly relieved.

  This stuff is really starting to get to me. It never hurts to be too careful, though.

  He lifted the trunk open. Just as he was about to put the groceries inside, a dark cloth was thrown over his head and his hands were wrenched behind his back. The sounds of his protests were muffled by the cloth.

  Wait! How can this be happening?

  A split second later, his hands were tied and he was tossed, roughly, into the back of his open trunk. The door clanged shut over him, leaving him in total darkness.

  He was in complete shock.

m such a fool. I'd been so preoccupied by the van, I didn't noticed anything else. I should have been more vigilant. What will happen to Alice now?

  Or me, for that matter?


  The seats on the plane must have been more comfortable than Alice originally guessed. When she finally opened her eyes, almost two hours had passed. By the tilt and speed of the plane, they had begun the final descent to…wherever it was they were going. She sat up and stretched, looking over at Garrett.

  He was already awake, and watching her with a strange, queer expression.

  "What's up?" Alice questioned.

  "We should be landing in twenty minutes. Not much longer now."

  What's wrong with him? He's acting so strangely. Did I say something wrong?

  There was a few more minutes of silence before Alice spoke again.

  "Is there anything to eat around here?"

  He laughed and then gestured to the bar. "There are some sandwiches and things over there. I ate while you were sleeping."

  "Oh. How long have you been awake?"

  "Not very long."

  The small talk continued as Alice stood up and gathered some food for herself. There was not much point in starting a serious conversation now, as close as they were to landing. She brought her food back to her seat, eating in silence.

  Garrett had been acting off since she met him at the hotel. Had something else happened with Jeremy that she didn't know about? Surely, he would have told her if something was wrong…wouldn't he? Part of what had been bothering her was that he seemed…different, somehow.

  Alice lurched forward as the plane touched down. It rolled down the runway, taxiing for several minutes before coming to a stop. The door to the cockpit opened and the co-pilot came out again to unlock the exterior door. Alice heard a metallic clanking as stairs were unfolded and met the ground outside.

  It was almost pitch-black beyond the open door. The only lights that were visible were those coming from the plane.

  Once the door was open, Garrett approached the exit, hovering in the doorway of the plane just long enough to say, "Well, Alice. I just want you to's been nice."

  What is he talking about?

  The tone of his voice was so unfamiliar, so malicious; her insides felt like ice.

  "Garrett? What's going on?"

  "Why don't you come out and see for yourself?"

  He stood aside and let her pass.

  This is no time for games. I would think he realizes that.

  She brushed by him and walked out to the top of the stairs. Alice still couldn't understand what he wanted her to see. She saw a glint of metal a short distance from the bottom of the stairs, so she cautiously made her way down to look at it. It was still dark, with only the runway lights dimly illuminated in the distance and the eerie glow of the plane's cabin lights behind her.

  Just as she made it to the bottom, a dozen bright lights switched on, glaring cruelly down at her. She shielded her eyes, trying to adjust to the sudden, piercing light.

  "So good of you to join us, Alice…"

  No. That's impossible.

  She knew that voice. Alice would never forget it as long as she lived. She had hoped she never would have occasion to hear it again. Yet there it was, all the same. The speaker stepped into the light.

  I must be asleep. This is just a cruel nightmare.

  Alice was frozen in place. As Eric stepped forward, the rest of the area was lit, revealing a multitude of heavily armed men, vehicles and other effective deterrents for escaping. Their "mysterious destination" was apparently in the middle of the EngineerCorp airport.


  Her mind could not begin to fathom what was happening.

  Garrett betrayed me? Was everything I knew of him a complete lie? It can't be... He seemed so sincere. He wouldn't nonchalantly betray me. What did they do to him?

  Garrett came up behind her. She turned around and stared at him in disbelief, whispering, "Garrett, what have you done?"

  "Oh, I'm not your precious Garrett."


  He waved his hands off to the side as two men approached, holding a struggling form between them, head covered in a dark cloth.

  Eric stood back, silently watching. No one made a move, except for the man she thought was Garrett, who stepped forward and ripped the covering off the other man's face.

  Alice stared at the face of… Garrett? Her mind flashed back to the faded portrait in his study.


  The true Garrett blinked, looking around and trying to get his bearings. Then his eyes landed on the face of his imposter and Alice saw a look of pure, unadulterated rage on Garrett's face.

  "You!" Garrett growled.

  "Yes, dear brother…it has been so long."

  Then, with a superhuman rush of strength, Garrett broke free of his handlers and leapt on top of the other man. They wrestled for a few seconds before the two men were able to pull Garrett off and restrain him once again.

  The imposter walked up to Garrett, rubbing a red spot on the side of his head where Garrett had hit him. He glared at Garrett icily before turning away. Then, he seemed to reconsider, abruptly spinning back around to punch him squarely in the eye.

  Garrett fell backwards, stunned for a moment before the men on his sides pulled him roughly back to his feet. He recovered quickly and shouted at his brother.

  "I thought you were dead, Gabriel! You've been working for him this whole time? I knew it... I knew there had to be a reason for all of this!"

  "You mean, beyond your lack of security?" Gabriel chuckled. "I had to make sure everyone knew how much of a failure you really were, Garrett. Mom and Dad always thought you were the best, giving you everything. You had the world handed to you and you chose this? Look where it brought you! If they could see us now, I think they'd know who the better son really is."

  "You never did know when to stop, Gabriel…when things had gone too far. Just like now! What did you do? Sell your soul to the devil? I hope it was worth it. You have no idea what you've done."

  "No, Garrett. You're still as ignorant as ever. But, I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to figure it out." Gabriel laughed maliciously.

  Eric stepped forward now, interrupting. "Well, I hate to end this reunion, but we have business to take care of. Please escort Garrett to his quarters."

  He turned to Gabriel. "And, you…your work here is done. I believe you're needed elsewhere?"

  Gabriel looked back as Garrett was led away, struggling. Then, he nodded to Eric and stepped into a waiting vehicle.

  Alice had begun to inch away slowly as Gabriel was talking until she backed into something hard and unyielding. She turned around and found herself staring into the impassive face of a heavily armed guard.

  Eric turned to look at her. His face unfolded into a slow grin, partially exposing a perfect set of bleached white teeth.

  "I knew you couldn't stay away."

  Chapter 14

  Alice was completely trapped. No matter what she tried, she could not get past the army of trained men surrounding her. Clearly, Eric was taking no chances this time around.

  Why hadn't I listened to my instincts?

  "Would you care to join me?"

  "Do I have a choice in the matter?" Alice replied, icily.

  Eric laughed. "There's no need for hostility, Alice. I'm not such a bad guy, once you get to know me. Now, why don't we go somewhere a little more…comfortable?"

  He held his hand out to her, offering an escort. Alice gave him an incredulous look, and then strode past him toward the waiting vehicle.

  I might not be able to win here, but he's crazy if he thinks I'm going to be happy about it.

  "Suit yourself, my dear."

  It was a large cargo vehicle, similar to a Hummer. She walked around the back of the truck, where the door was open. In the back of the vehicle, situated in some sort of dock, was the same type of motorized restraint vehicle that she had unwillin
gly used before. She unconsciously took a step back when she saw it, but a hand was placed on the small of her back, pushing her forward.

  Eric sarcastically gestured toward the chair. "Your throne awaits…"

  She gritted her teeth and allowed herself to be carried up and strapped into the chair. Now was not the time to waste her energy in a fruitless battle. Alice briefly thought of Garrett. She was not the only one that received a shock tonight, but she was glad to know that he had not been the one to betray her.

  I wonder where they're taking him. I hope it's better than where they're taking me.

  The truck began moving along the darkened streets of the EngineerCorp campus. A considerable entourage followed silently behind them. After going through a series of gates and security checkpoints, the truck rolled to a stop at the back of a nondescript building. A large ramp led up to an equally large and impressive steel door.

  This must be the place they use to deliver more sensitive materials. Materials they don't want to send through the main warehouse. Or, it's the entrance for their special "guests."

  A man got out and took care of opening the door. It swung back on massive metal hinges, showing a long corridor filled with harsh artificial lights. Alice was wheeled out of the car and up the ramp, into the building.

  Here we go again…

  A short elevator ride later, they arrived at her all too familiar cell. Eric opened the door and she was deposited inside the room. Before they removed her from the chair, Eric stepped forward to speak to her.

  "I've had my engineers make you a little gift while you were away."

  He picked up an item on the desk and held it up. A thick metal band formed a smooth circle in his hands.

  No. Not that!

  "You have the honor of testing this prototype for us. We have been developing it as prisoner control for the military. It is placed around a prisoner's ankle, where it can only be removed by a wireless signal sent from the device server. While in use, it emits a radio signal at all times, telling the server the exact coordinates of the prisoner. If the prisoner should happen to venture outside the acceptable area as programmed by the administrator… it will inject the wearer with a nice dose of sedatives before activating at least a dozen different alarms.


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