by Naomi Klein
tobacco companies compared to, 355
transient culture of, 343–44
water requirements of, 346
see also fossil fuels; specific industries and operations
extractivism, 161–87, 442, 443, 459, 460–61
colonialism and, 169–70
defined, 169
postcolonial, 179–82
progressive, 181–82
sustainability and, 447
Exxon, 145, 147
ExxonMobil, 44–45, 111, 113, 150, 192, 196, 234, 236, 238, 282, 283, 314
Exxon Valdez oil spill, 337–39, 426
Eyre, Nick, 90
green credits for, 219
retrofitting of, 122–23
fact resistance, 37
austerity and, 117–19
individual vs. corporate, 116–18
see also climate debt
famine, 270, 272, 273, 274
Fanon, Frantz, 459
Farallon Capital Management, 234–35
Farley, Joshua, 173
farming, farmers, see agriculture
Farrell, John, 99–100
FedEx, 51, 208, 210
feedback loops, 14
feed-in tariffs, 67, 131, 133
Feely, Richard, 434
feminist movement, 177, 453–54
Fenberg, Steve, 98–99
Ferguson, Brian, 349
Ferris, Deeohn, 314
fertility cycle, of ecosystems, 438–39, 446–48
fertility industry, 421–22
Feygina, Irina, 57
Figueres, Christiana, 200–201
financial crisis of 2008, 5–6, 9, 39, 44, 80, 88, 110, 120–26, 151, 158, 223, 392
financial markets, instability of, 19
financial transaction tax, 114
Finkenthal, Daniel, 207
firefighting, 72, 108, 109
First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit, 205
First Nations:
in anti-pipeline campaigns, 340, 345, 365–66
government dismissal of pollution claims by, 326
water supplies of, 384
see also Indigenous peoples; specific peoples
fisheries collapses, 14
Flannery, Tim, 176
flaring, of natural gas, 219, 305–6
Fleming, James, 263, 270
floods, 14, 72
austerity budgets and, 106–7
business opportunities in, 9
Florida, 330
Flounder Pounder, 425, 427
Foley, Jonathan, 58
Foner, Eric, 456
Food & Water Watch, 197, 356
food, 10
declining stocks of, 13
prices of, 9, 239n
sovereignty, 135–36
see also agriculture; famine
food chains, aquatic, 259
food miles, 78
Ford, 67
Ford Foundation, 198
Forest Ethics, 248
carbon sequestering by, 304
clear-cutting of, 296, 304, 310
privatization of, 8
Forster, E. M., 335
Fort Chipewyan, Canada, 327
Fort McKay First Nation, 386
Fort McMurray, Canada, 325–26, 343
Fort St. James, Canada, 380
Fortune, 229
Fort Worth, Tex., 329
fossil fuel economy, 23, 45–46, 121, 173, 456
fossil fuel emissions, see greenhouse gas emissions
fossil fuel era, 266, 311
fossil fuels, 2, 16, 20–21, 90
capitalism and, 176
depletion of, 233
extracted from nature preserves, 192–96
extractivism and, 170
in fertilizers, 134
global economy’s dependence on, 39
and liberation from nature, 173–75
phasing out of, 7, 69, 137–38
regulation of, 71
search for new reserves of, 129–30, 142, 145
for transition to 100% renewables, 214–15
viability of renewable energy vs., 349, 398, 399, 400–401
see also extractive industries
Fox, Josh, 217
Fox, Nick, 245
Fox News, 35, 227
fracking (hydraulic fracturing), 2, 57, 71, 94, 129, 142–43, 144, 147, 213–17, 235n, 237–38, 239, 249, 287, 310, 312–13, 357n, 446, 451
bans and moratoria on, 348
Big Green’s failure to critique, 199–201
earthquakes and, 329
Environmental Defense Fund policy on, 355–56
as exempt from EPA regulations, 328
high risk in, 324
infant health and, 428
local ordinances against, 361, 365
methane emissions from, 143–44, 214, 217, 304
in New York State, 316–17, 361
proposed Europe-wide ban on, 353
public opposition to, see anti-fracking movements
regulations permitting, 145
water required by, 346
water supply contamination from, 328–29, 332, 344, 346
France, 218, 457
anti-fracking movement in, 303–4, 317–18, 335, 348
EDF spying case in, 362
fracking ban in, 318, 348
heat wave of 2003 in, 47
public transit in, 109
Frankenstein (Shelley), 278
Frankfurt, Germany, 97
Fraser River, 345
free-market ideology, 24, 60, 63, 64–95, 121, 173, 284, 291, 465
capacity to respond and, 72–73
carbon reduction and, 21
climate change increased by, 55–56, 412
climate change’s disruption to, 40–44
disasters and, 107
energy subsidies and, 70
Heartland Institute and, 34
and the imagination of the elites, 154, 186
impact of inequality and corruption on, 465
and inability to say no to corporations, 119, 124–25, 141–52
re-municipalization and, 99
Freese, Barbara, 171
free trade agreements, 7, 39, 81
climate movement vs., 64–95, 460
long-distance shipping and, 40, 210
and multiplication of emissions, 80–83
responsibility vs., 48
as threat to democracy, 358–60
free trade zones, in Asia, 19
French Revolution, 177
Frente de Defensa de la Amazonía (Amazon Defense Front), 291
Friedman, David, 237
Friedman, Milton, 44, 62
Friends of the Earth, 84, 197, 201, 213, 356
Friends of the Earth U.K., 250
Friends of Nature (China), 351
Frosch, Robert A., 282
fuel prices, 112
fuel quality standards, 71
Fukushima nuclear disaster, 136, 268
G20 summits, 115
gardening, 93
gas companies, see extractive industries
Gasland, 217, 304
Gass, Heather, 38
Gates, Bill, 135, 235, 236–37, 252, 254, 263, 264, 268–69, 276–77, 280, 281, 289
Gates Foundation, 236
Gauger, Ralf, 100
Gearon, Jihan, 398–99
Gemmill, Faith, 375–76
General Electric, 226
General Motors, 67, 196, 210, 221, 282
Geneva, 6
gentrification, 156
Geoclique, 263, 264, 268–69
geoengineering, 57–58, 154, 236, 255, 256–90, 447
as bridging tool, 257, 281
complexity of biosphere ignored by, 267–68, 290, 422
dangers of, 266–67, 279–80
ethics of, 277
extractive industries and, 281–84
moral hazard and, 2
negative public view of, 290
Royal Society conference on, 256–61, 263–67, 280–81, 284–85, 451
as shock doctrine, 276–78
see also Pinatubo Option; Solar Radiation Management
“Geoengineering: The Horrifying Idea Whose Time Has Come” (forum), 263
geologists, economic, 46
Geophysical Research Letters, 329
George, Russ, 268
Georgia Institute of Technology, 432
Georgia Strait, 374
geothermal energy, 127
Geraghty, Jim, 52
German National Center for Aerospace, Energy and Transport Research (DLR), 138
Germany, 75, 132, 133, 162, 218, 225
energy privatization reversal in, 96–98, 127–28
feed-in tariffs in, 131, 133
growth of dirty coal use in, 136–39, 144, 224
nuclear energy phased out in, 97, 136–38
renewable energy in, 97–98, 130–31, 136–39, 224, 237, 398, 451
travel habits and wealth in, 113
Gerze, Turkey, 349
Gillette, Wyo., 343, 344, 395, 396
Gilman, Nils, 189
Gindin, Sam, 122–23
Gingrich, Newt, 35
glacier melt, 14, 15, 175
global feed-in tariff, 413–14
Global Frackdown, 304
globalization, 22, 64
corporate, 19
dawning of, 18–19
of markets, 39, 85, 171, 412
successes of, 19
Global North, 49, 314
see also developed world; postindustrialized nations
Global Risks report, World Economic Forum, 112
Global South, 53, 77, 181, 309, 314, 412
Blockadia movements in, 412
environmentalism in, 202
see also developing world
global warming, see climate change
Globe and Mail, 325, 333
God’s Last Offer (Ayres), 280
God Species, The (Lynas), 279
gold, mining of, 296
Goldenberg, Suzanne, 312
Golden, KC, 304, 320
Goldman Sachs, 51, 208n, 352
goods, lasting vs. disposable, 85, 90
Gore, Al, 41, 67, 85, 150, 155, 211, 212, 218, 230, 233, 241, 242, 244, 385
government intervention, 42, 43, 178, 201–3
necessity for, 54–55
government regulation:
corruption in, 333–34
laxity of, 330–31, 333
governments, collusion between extractive industries and, 297–99, 303, 306–7, 308, 360, 361–66, 378–80
Grandin, Greg, 455
Grantham, Jeremy, 233
Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co., 233
Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, 233n
Great Barrier Reef, 147–48, 301
Great Depression, 89, 115, 454
Great Transition, 89, 115
Greece, 466
austerity programs in, 9, 108, 131–32, 154
economic problems of, 297
government repression of anti-mining movement in, 297–98, 303
oil and gas exploration in, 22, 181–82
Skouries forest mining project in, 293–94, 296–98, 303, 314, 342, 347, 445
WTO challenges brought against, 65
Green for All, 92
Green Alliance, U.K., 90
green consumerism, 211–13
“green deserts,” 180
green energy entrepreneurs, free market and, 69–70
Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 66–69
green energy programs, trade law challenges to, 64–65, 68–69
green fascism, 54
Greenhouse Development Rights framework, 417–18
greenhouse effect, 74, 213
greenhouse gas emissions, 6, 64–65, 90, 198, 219, 259
computer models of, 270
cost of, 112
countries’ responsibility for internal, 79
cumulative effect of, 21, 40, 56, 175, 409–10, 416
decreased work hours as offset to, 94
deregulation and, 210
distorted global picture of, 79, 411–12
fracking and, 129, 143–44, 214, 217, 304
free trade and, 80–83
global gas boom and, 143–44
globalized agriculture and, 77–78
increase in, 20, 452
low wages and high, 81–82
reduction of, see emission reduction
from shipping, 76, 79
standards for, 25
WTO regulations and, 71
see also carbon emissions
extraction industry in, 385
melting ice sheet in, 12, 148, 385
green NGOs, geoengineering and, 264, 280
Green Party (New Brunswick), 374
Greenpeace, 84, 156, 197, 199, 201, 205, 233n, 264, 356
anti-drilling protests of, 300
EDF spying on, 362
Greenpeace U.K., 376
green technology, 85, 87, 89–90
for developing world, 76, 85
investment in, 89, 156, 400–407, 451
green towns, 406–7
Greenwich, University of, 101
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 92
Grunwald, Michael, 124
Guarani, 221
Guardian, 149, 312, 346, 363–64, 383
Guay, Justin, 352
Gulf Restoration Network, 425
Gupta, Sanjay, 430
Guujaaw, 368–69, 383
Haida Gwaii, 369
Haida Nation, land claims of, 368–69
Haimen, China, 350
Hair, Jay, 84, 191
Haiti, 457
Haiyan, Typhoon, 107, 175, 406
Halkidiki, Greece, 294, 342, 445
Halliburton, 330
Halliburton Loophole, 328
Hällström, Niclas, 413–14
Halstead Property, 51
Hamburg, Germany, 96–97
Hamilton, Clive, 89, 175, 264
Hansen, James, 22, 41, 73, 140
Hansen, Wiebke, 97
Harper administration (Canada), 302–3, 362
environmental protections weakened by, 381–82
“war on science” of, 326–28
Harter, John, 313
Harvard Medical School, 105
Harvard University, 81, 354–55
Hauper, Debbi, 373
Have You Ever Seen a Moose?, 26–27
Hawking, Stephen, 288
Hayes, Chris, 455, 456
Heartland Institute, 38, 40, 41, 63, 72, 210n, 211, 228n, 235, 451
billboard campaign of, 41–42, 50–51
Center on Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate at, 50–51
climate conferences of, 43, 204, 286n, 394
corporate funding of, 44–45
Sixth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC) of 2011, 31–35, 38, 39–40, 43, 45, 47, 53n, 59–60, 91, 119, 142
Heathrow, protests against new runway at, 249–50
heating prices, 112
heat waves, 13–14
Heiltsuk First Nation, 338–42, 363
Heinz Endowments, 216
Henderson, Jonathan, 425–26, 427
Heritage Foundation, 39
heritage trust funds, 112–13
Hernández Navarro, Luis, 464–65
herring, 338–39, 425
Hertsgaard, Mark, 141–42
high-density living, 91
Highway 12, big rigs on, 318–19, 342, 370
highway system, national, 124
Hillman, Tim, 99
Hiroshima, atomic bombing of, 277–78
Hochschild, Adam, 456
homeostasis, quest for, 446–47
Honduras, 222
honeybees, 439
Hong Kong, 13
the Treaties” (Neil Young tour), 383–84
Hopi, 398
Hoquiam, Wash., 349
hormones, 421, 424
chemical disruption of, 429, 433, 436, 439
Horn of Africa, 47
Horner, Chris, 32, 34, 45, 228n, 411
House of Representatives, U.S., 35
Energy and Environment Subcommittee of, 47
housing, 92
affordable, 7, 40, 91, 156, 157
energy-efficient, 91
retrofitting of, 122
sizes of, 90
subsidized, 10
Housing Authority, New York City, 104, 105n
Houston, Tex., 47
Housty, Jess, 338, 339, 341–42
Howarth, Robert, 143, 217
Howell, Lord, 313
Huanca, Nilda Rojas, 161
Hudson’s Bay, 435
Hugo, Victor, 29
human reproduction, 419–30
human rights, 177, 197, 453
in international law, 167
human rights abuses, “green,” 222–23
Human Rights Watch, 308
in dominion over nature, 41, 75, 177, 186
as “God Species,” 279, 289, 395
Hungary, 75
hunger, 100, 135
hurricanes, 4, 9, 14, 47n, 105, 107, 108, 404, 407
hybrid cars, 35
hydraulic fracturing, see fracking
hydrocarbons, 237
metabolizing of, 433
reserves of, 150
hydroelectric power, 97, 100, 182
Iceland, 243
ice shelves, 176
Ickes, Harold, 293
Idaho, 318, 370
Idaho Rivers United, 319
Idle No More movement, 381–82, 397
Ierissos, Greece, 295, 298
Ijaw Nation, 307–8, 309, 370
Ijaw Youth Council, 307–8
immigration, 49, 156
Imperial Oil, 145
incentives, 18, 136–39
income, guaranteed basic, 26, 461
Inconvenient Truth, An (film), 150, 211, 212, 230
independence movements, 454, 455
Independent, 416
India, 5, 24, 55, 75, 82, 88n, 175, 202
anti-coal movement in, 350
carbon emissions from, 409–10, 411, 412
coolant factories in, 219–20
fast-growing economy of, 40, 152
starvation in, 135
wealth in, 114
WTO challenges brought against, 65, 68, 70, 126
WTO challenges brought by, 65
Indian Affairs Bureau, U.S., 396
Indigenous Environmental Network, 318, 332
Indigenous Network on Economies and Trade, 367
Indigenous peoples, 67, 181, 200
in Blockadia movement, 139, 177, 373–74, 380–84, 443–45
carbon cowboys’ preying on, 220–21
children of, in church-run schools, 339, 379
climate debt of developed countries to, 387, 388–99, 408
pipelines and, 315, 319, 344–45
pushed out of own preserved land, 183, 221–23
socioeconomic disenfranchisement of, 384–87, 391–92
ways of life of, 370–71; see also worldview, regenerative