by Naomi Klein
see also First Nations; specific peoples
Indigenous peoples, land rights of, 7, 26, 182, 365–66, 367–87, 418
anti-tar sands movement and, 322
Canadian Supreme Court upholding of, 368, 371–72
climate change and, 380–84, 385
conflict with non-Natives over, 371–74
government and corporate opposition to, 369–70, 381–82
as impetus for uniting of Indigenous peoples and non-Natives, 373–74, 380–84
land-sharing provisions in, 372
lawsuits over, 368, 371–72, 378–80, 384, 386, 451
as routinely ignored, 377–78
Standard & Poor’s and, 367–69, 383
trumped by socioeconomic power of extractive industries, 384–87
individualism, 36, 48, 56–57, 462
industrialized nations, see developed world
Industrial Revolution, 18, 25, 157, 175–76, 177, 409
colonialism and, 171, 175, 457
slavery and, 415–16
steam engine in, 171–73
infertility, in humans:
environmental damage and, 424–25, 428–30
stress and, 437
infertility, in marine life:
BP spill and, 431–33
climate change and, 433–34
energy-related, 23
investment in, 108–9, 454
transportation, 85, 124, 127, 318–19, 342, 370; see also railways
urban, 51, 122
Ingraffea, Anthony, 214
Inner Mongolia, anti-coal movement in, 300
Institute for Local Self-Reliance, 99–100, 209
Institute for Marine Mammal Studies (IMMS), 432–33
Institute for Policy Studies, 224
insurance, 234
disaster, 109–10
profit motive and, 49–51, 105
Intellectual Ventures, 262, 264, 289
Inter-American Court of Human Rights, 376
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 33, 39, 73–74, 79, 80, 143, 150, 152
Interior Department, U.S., 333, 375–76
International Development Department, U.K., 87
International Energy Agency (IEA), 23, 59, 100, 152
warming report of, 14–15
World Energy Outlook report of, 147
International Labour Organization, 127
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 81
austerity policies promoted by, 77
on carbon tax, 114
free-market ideology and, 62
international trade, 26, 64–73, 76–77
climate protection and, 77
exporting of dirty production in, 79
see also free trade agreements
Intervale, 404–5
Inuit, 375
Inupiat, 375–76
in extractive industries, 235–37, 352
in infrastructures, 108–9, 454
socially responsible, 402–3
see also divestment movement; green technology, investment in
in vitro fertilization (IVF), 421
Iran, 454
Irene, Hurricane, 108, 404
Isaacs, Mark, 167
“Is Earth F**ked?” (Werner), 449–50
Ishpingo oil field, 410
island states, low-lying, 12
Istanbul, 23, 157
Italy, 65, 154, 225
Ithaca, N.Y., 316–17
Ithaca College, 317
Jackson, Tim, 93
Jackson, Wes, 438, 439–40, 446
Jacobin, 94
Jacobson, Mark Z., 101, 102, 137, 214–15
Jacques, Peter, 38
Jakarta, 223
James, Jewell Praying Wolf, 323
Japan, 68, 69
Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission, 65
Jevons, William Stanley, 29
job creation, 70, 93, 118, 121, 126–28, 141, 154, 237–38
Johnson, Lyndon B., 73, 261
Jonah Field, 215
Jones, Mary Harris “Mother,” 367
Jones, Van, 156
Jordan, John, 405
Jost, John T., 57
Journal of Geophysical Research, 270
JP Morgan, 215
Juhasz, Antonia, 111–12
Kaczynski, Ted, 41–42
Kahan, Dan, 36–37, 56–57
Kaiama, Nigeria, 307
Kaiama Declaration, 307–8
Kakarapalli, India, 350
Kalamazoo River, 331, 338
Karoo, South Africa, 347
Kartha, Sivan, 388, 465
Kasser, Tim, 60
Katmai eruption (1912), 273–74
Katrina, Hurricane, 4, 9, 47n, 105, 407, 465
Kearl open-pit mine, 145, 147
Keeter, Scott, 35
Keith, David, 247, 254, 263, 268, 269, 275, 280, 281
Kennedy, Robert, Jr., 356n
Kenya, 109, 202
Kernza, 440
Kerry, John, 34, 225
Keynes, John Maynard, 178
Keynesianism, 38, 75, 125
growth and, 178
Keystone XL pipeline, 139–41, 149, 197, 205, 237, 245, 302–3, 312
campaign against, 301–3, 304, 318, 323–24, 359, 403
eminent domain laws and, 361
Indigenous land rights violated by, 375
landowner suits against, 313, 361
Ogallala Aquifer route of, 346
Khor, Martin, 77
Kibale National Park, 222
Kilimanjaro Energy, 247
killifish, BP oil spill and, 432
Kinder Morgan, 217
King, Jeff, 395, 396
King, Lucas, 397
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 449, 453
Kintisch, Eli, 263
Kitimat, Canada, 302
Kivalina, 112
Klare, Michael T., 320
Klaus, Václav, 42–43
Klein, Naomi (author):
ecological despair of, 419–20
fertility crisis of, 420–25, 427, 436–37, 441–42
pregnancy and childbirth of, 419, 440, 448
Kliegerman, Stephen G., 51
Knight, Alan, 246, 252–53
Koch, Charles and David, 44, 45, 227
Koch Industries, 44
Koenig, Kevin, 411
Koonin, Steven, 282
Krupp, Fred, 191, 207–8, 226–29, 356n
Kyoto Protocol, 69, 76, 77, 79, 150, 165, 218–19
labor, 176, 177
cheap, 81–83
cooperative, 122–23
in Industrial Revolution, 171
public sector, 157
labor movement, see trade unions
Laboucan-Massimo, Melina, 322
Labrador, 348
Lac-Mégantic, Canada, oil train disaster at, 311–12, 332, 333
LaDuke, Winona, 443
laissez-faire economics, see free-market ideology
Laki eruption (1783), 273
Lakota Nation, 375
Lame Deer, Mont., 390, 395
Lameman, Al, 378–79
Lameman, Crystal, 379
Lamkin, John, 426
Lander, Edgardo, 363
land ethic, 184
Land Institute, 438, 439–40
land management, 91
land rights, of Indigenous peoples, see Indigenous peoples, land rights of
Lane, Lee, 282–83
Lang, Chris, 223
Lasch, Christopher, 117
Latin America:
colonial land grabs in, 414
overdependence on resource extraction in, 179–82
Latour, Bruno, 278–79
Laval, Canada, 313
La Via Campesina, 134
Lawson, Nigel, 42
Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, 314
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards, 406
lead particulates, 203
Leard State Forest (Australia), 301
Lee, Marc, 112
left wing:
climate change and, 63
extractivism and, 178–82
political potential of climate change ignored by, 157
traditional institutions of, 158
legislation, environmental, 141, 150–51
Lehrer, Eli, 50–51, 234
Leidreiter, Anna, 97
Leopold, Aldo, 184–85
Levitt, Steven D., 262–63, 271–72
Lewis, Wayne, 64
Liberal Party (Canadian), 36
liberals, climate change and, 61–62, 156
Li Bo, 351, 352
Liepert, Ron, 312
lifestyle changes, 4, 17–18, 91
Lifton, Robert Jay, 57
Limits to Growth (Club of Rome), 185–86, 207
Lipow, Gar, 113
liquid nature, 223–24
Little Red, 242
Liverpool, 172
Living in Denial (Norgaard), 462
LNG (liquefied natural gas), 376
local hiring, 92
local power, 96
local production, 7, 68–70, 71, 76, 85–86
of food, 90, 134–35, 222, 404–5
London, 13, 148, 172
Lone Pine Resources, 358–59
long-haul transportation, 83, 84, 85
long-range planning, 95, 124–26
and jobs, 126–28
for power, 128–36
Longueuil, Canada, 313
Los Angeles, Calif., 13
Los Angeles Times, 272, 300
Losing Ground (Dowie), 84, 203
Louisiana, 330, 431
Love Canal Homeowners Association, 206
Lovell, Evan, 239, 240
Lovelock, James, 231
love of place, in Blockadia movement, 337–66
low-carbon economy, 16, 21, 91, 93
for developing world, 76
infrastructure in, 72, 124
low-consumption activities, 93–94
Lower Elwah Klallam, 374–75
Lubicon Lake First Nation, 322
Lukacs, Martin, 383
Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio, 179
Lummi Nation, 322–23, 370, 374, 389
Lynas, Mark, 279
Lynchburg, Va., 333
Maccario, Paolo, 65–66, 68–69
McClendon, Aubrey, 312, 356
McCright, Aaron, 46–47
MacDonald, Christine, 189
McDonald’s, 196, 208
McIntosh, Alastair, 210
McKibben, Bill, 139–40, 148, 353–54, 404
Madagascar, 220, 221–22
Madrid, 157
Maegaard, Preben, 132
Magna, 68
Maher, Bill, 137
Maine, 435
malaria, 109
Malawi, agroecology in, 135
Maldives, 13
Mali, 270
Maliseet First Nation, 371–72
Malm, Andreas, 80–81, 172, 394
Manchester, England, 172, 300
Manhattan Project, 278
Manne, Robert, 41
Mann, Michael, 55–56, 107
Manuel, Arthur, 367–69, 383
Mao Zedong, 178
Marcellus Shale, 312, 328
marine life:
climate change and, 433–35
food chain in, 259
impact of Deepwater Horizon spill on, 425–26, 431–34, 451
impact of Exxon Valdez oil spill on, 337–39
oceanic acidification and, 259, 434
Marine Stewardship Council, 209
carbon, 211
cyclical nature of, 225
expansion of, 171
limits of, 136–39, 142
see also free-market ideology
Marom, Yotam, 153
Mars, terraforming of, 288
Marshall, Donald, Jr., 372
Marshall, George, 213
Marshall decision, 371–72, 374
Marshall Plan for the Earth, 5–7, 40
Martínez, Esperanza, 176, 304, 408–9
Marx, Karl, 177
materialism, 25, 60
Matsés people, 220–21
Maules Creek mining project, 300–301
Maxmin, Chloe, 354
May, Brendan, 249n
Means, Landon, 395
meat, demand for, 14
climate change denial and, 34
elite control over, 18, 369–70
Meeting Environmental Challenges (Kasser and Crompton), 60
Melbourne, Australia, 446
Melbourne, University of, Energy Institute of, 102
Men’s Health, 429
Merchant, Carolyn, 395
Merchants of Doubt (film), 42
mercury, 176, 203
Merkel, Angela, 136, 141, 218
Mesoamerica, 439
methane, 15, 143–44, 214, 217, 222, 304
in water supply, 328–29, 332
Métis, 371
Mexico, 19, 68, 81, 82, 84, 202
Zapatista uprising in, 182
Mexico, Gulf of, 147, 330
see also BP, Deepwater Horizon disaster of
Meyer, Alden, 200–201
Miami University, 401
Michaels, Patrick, 32, 33, 45, 47, 48, 142
Michigan, Enbridge pipeline rupture in, 331–32, 338
Microsoft, 237
migrants, 154, 166–67
climate refugees, 7
Mi’kmaq, 299, 303, 371–74, 381
Mi’kmaq Warrior Society, 373
military budgets, 114
military, U.S., petroleum consumed by, 113
Mill, John Stuart, 178
Millennium Pipeline, 317
Miller, Colin, 157
Mills, Christina, 313
Minerals Management Service, 333–34
mining, 91n, 173, 176
mountaintop removal, 303, 309, 310, 329, 353
open-pit, 180, 296, 325, 329, 348, 445
see also specific projects
Minisink, N.Y., 317
Minnesota, 27
Minnesota, University of, Institute on the Environment at, 58
miscarriages, environmental toxins linked to, 424–25, 429, 439
Mississippi, 431
Mississippi River:
drought of 2012 in, 2–3
flooding of 2011 in, 3
Mississippi River Delta, ecological damage in, 425–26
Mitchell, Stacy, 209
Mobil, 192
Mohave Generating Station, 398
Mohit, Nastaran, 103–5
Molina, Patricia, 182
Monbiot, George, 363–64
Monsanto, 9, 80, 135, 196
monsoons, 268, 269, 270, 273–74, 287
Montana, 53n, 318, 370, 381
coal mining in, 320, 342–43, 346, 370, 388–93, 395, 397, 445
Environmental Quality Department of, 397
State Land Board of, 389
Monterey Shale, 347
Montreal, Canada, 313
Montreal, Maine & Atlantic railroad, 333
Montreal Protocol on ozone depletion, 220
moose, disappearance of, 26–27
Morales, Evo, 180–81
moral hazard, geoengineering and, 261
moral imperative:
in abolition movement, 462–63
in climate movement, 336, 386–87, 464
divestment movement and, 354–55
in social movements, 462, 463–64
Morano, Marc, 32, 34, 45
Morton, Oliver, 259
Mosaddegh, Mohammad, 454
Moses, Marlene, 64, 449
Mossville, La., 429–30
Mother Earth, see Earth Mother/Mother Earth concept
Mount Elgon National Park, 222
Movement Generation, 448
Movement for the
Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP), 306
Mueller, Tadzio, 138
Muir, John, 183–84, 211
Mukherji, Joydeep, 368–69
multinational corporations:
cheapest labor force and, 81–82
export-led development and, 82, 412
Mumbai, 13
Munich, Germany, 97
Murdoch, Rupert, 35
Myhrvold, Nathan, 262, 264, 269, 277, 280, 281
Nagasaki, atomic bombing of, 277–78
Narain, Sunita, 96, 414
NASA, 14, 152
earth-from-space photographs by, 286
Goddard Institute for Space Studies at, 22, 73
NatCen Social Research, 117
Nation, 420
National Academy of Sciences, U.S., 152, 282
National Association of Manufacturers, 227
National Audubon Society, 84
National Center for Atmospheric Research, 272
National Energy Board, Canada, 362
National Environment Appellate Authority, India, 350
National Guard, 103
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S., 102, 426, 432–33, 434, 436
national security, 49
National Toxics Campaign, 206
National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers, 253
National Wildlife Federation, 84, 185, 191, 226, 390, 393
Native American cosmologies, 184
natural gas, 67, 102, 219
Big Green’s advocacy of, 199–201, 235n, 236
as bridge fuel, 128–30, 211, 213–14, 252, 257, 287
climate benefits of, 144n
conventional, 215
flaring of, 305–6
fracking and, see fracking
renewables displaced by, 44n, 128–30, 214–16, 252
for vehicles, 237
Willett’s support for, 235–36
natural gas industry:
Sierra Club and, 197
strategic miscalculations by, 316–17
Natural Resource Partners, 349
Natural Resources Defense Council, 84, 115, 198, 205, 213, 226, 325, 357
Move America Beyond Oil campaign, 231
Nature, 37, 259
delayed response of, 175
fertility cycle of, 438–39, 446–48
legal rights of, 443–45
steam power and freedom from, 172–74
Nature Climate Change, 290
Nature Conservancy, 191–95, 196, 206, 208n, 210, 212n, 226, 233n, 355
Business Council of, 196
fracking supported by, 215
oil and gas drilling by, 192–95, 196, 206, 215, 451
Paraná offset and, 221, 222
Nauru, 64, 161–69, 175, 187, 221n, 311
Australian offshore refugee detention center on, 166–67
independence of, 162
phosphate of lime in, 162–63
Navajo, 398–99
Navarro Llanos, Angélica, 5–7, 40, 409
Navigable Waters Protection Act, gutting of, 381–82
Nebraska, 403
Nelson, Gaylord, 153
neoliberalism, 39, 43, 72–73, 80, 131, 132, 154, 158, 466
Netherlands, 99
anti-fracking movement in, 348