by Naomi Klein
divestment movement in, 354
neuropathy, 436, 438
“New Abolitionism, The” (Hayes), 455
New America Foundation, 263
New Atlantis (Bacon), 266
New Brunswick:
anti-fracking campaign in, 299, 303, 370, 373–74, 381
Indigenous rights conflict in, 371–74
oil train explosion in, 333
New Deal, 10, 453, 454
New Democratic Party (Canadian), 36
New England, 441
New Era Colorado, 98
New Era Windows Cooperative, 123n
Newfoundland, anti-fracking movement in, 348
New Green Revolution, 135
New Jersey, Superstorm Sandy in, 53
New New Deal (Grunwald), 124
New Orleans, La., 4, 9, 53, 105, 407
New South Wales, anti-coal movement in, 300–301, 376
New York, N.Y., 13, 63, 103–6, 157
Bloomberg as mayor of, 235
disaster infrastructure in, 51
New Yorkers Against Fracking, 214
New York State:
anti-fracking ordinances in, 361, 365
fracking in, 316–17
fracking moratorium in, 348
renewable power plan for, 102
Superstorm Sandy in, 53, 405
New York Times, 333, 411
New York Times Magazine, 286
New Zealand, 163, 182, 290
Nexen, 246
Nez Perce, 319, 370
Nicaragua, 348n
Niger, 270
Niger Delta, 197, 219
government repression of anti-oil movements in, 306–7, 308, 370
oil extraction in, 305–9, 358
Nigeria, 219, 305
carbon emissions of, 305
colonial heritage of, 370
political unrest in, 308–9, 358
Nile River, volcanic eruptions and, 273
Nilsson, David, 220–21
9/11, 6, 63
Nixon, Richard, 125
Nixon, Rob, 276
Nompraseurt, Torm, 321
nonbinding agreements, at Copenhagen, 12, 13–14, 150
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 362
geoengineering and, 264, 280
Norgaard, Kari, 462
Norse Energy Corporation USA, 365
North Africa, 274
North America, 182
emissions from, 40
program cuts in, 110
wealth in, 114
World War II rationing in, 115–16
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 19, 71, 76, 78, 83–85, 358–59
North Dakota, Bakken formation in, 71
Northern Cheyenne, 322–23, 346, 370, 386, 389–93, 399
traditional values of, 391–92
unemployment among, 391
Northern Cheyenne Reservation, 322, 389, 390, 397, 408
fire on, 396
solar heaters for, 393–96
Northern Gateway pipeline, 312, 362, 381
campaign against, 302, 337–42, 344–45, 365–66, 367, 380
cost of, 400
Joint Review Panel for, 337–42, 363, 365
North Texas, University of, 312
North Vancouver, Canada, 323
Norway, 99, 130, 179, 198
Nova Scotia, 371
npower, 149
nuclear holocaust, 15
nuclear power, 57, 58, 97, 118, 131, 199, 202, 205
Germany’s phasing out of, 97, 136–38
“next generation” technologies for, 137n, 236
in the wake of Fukushima, 136
Obama, Barack, 12, 227, 392, 412
“all of the above” energy policy of, 22, 302, 304–5
environmental agenda of, 45, 118, 120–21, 141–42
and fossil fuel industry, 141
health care law of, 105, 125, 151, 227
and Keystone XL, 140–41, 403
responses to financial crisis by, 120–26
support for biofuels by, 32
Occupy Sandy, 103–5, 406
Occupy Wall Street, 103, 153, 206, 464
Oceana, 330–31
oceans, 175
acidification of, 165, 259, 434
dead zones in, 439
iron “fertilization” in, 257, 258, 268, 279
see also marine life
O’Connor, John, 327
Office of Price Administration, 115
offshore drilling, 22, 80, 144
deepwater, 2, 142, 300, 310, 324
lifting of limits on, 145
see also Arctic drilling; BP, Deepwater Horizon disaster of
Ogallala Aquifer, 346
Ogoni, Ogoniland, 306, 309, 370
oil, 102, 128, 215
Oil Change International, 115
oil industry, 197
political and economic power of, 316
public ownership of, 130
and drop in conventional production, 147
see also extractive industries
Oil Sands Leadership Initiative (OSLI), 246
Ojo, Godwin Uyi, 306, 309
Okanagan, land claims of, 368
O’Neill, Gerard, 288
One Million Climate Jobs, 127
Ontario, 56, 382
feed-in tariffs in, 67, 133
local content provision challenged in, 68–70, 71, 99, 126
renewable energy sector in, 66–69
Oomittuk, Steve, 375
Operation Climate Change, 307–8
opposition movements, 9–10
see also Blockadia; climate movement
Oregon, 319, 320, 349
Oreskes, Naomi, 42
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 114–15
Orwell, George, 96
Osuoka, Isaac, 307–8
Otter Creek, Mont., 322–23, 389, 397
Our Hamburg—Our Grid coalition, 96–97
oysters, 431–32, 434
ozone depletion, 16
Pacala, Stephen, 113
Pacific Northwest:
ecological values of, 319–20
proposed coal export terminals in, 320, 322, 346, 349, 370, 374
Pacific Ocean, acidification of, 434
Paine, Tom, 314
Palin, Sarah, 1
palm oil plantations, 222
Papanikolaou, Marilyn, 361
Papua New Guinea, 200, 220
Paradise Built in Hell (Solnit), 62–63
Paraná, Brazil, 221, 222
Parenti, Christian, 49, 186
Parfitt, Ben, 129
Paris, public transit in, 109
Parkin, Scott, 296
Parr, Michael, 227
particulate pollution, 176
Passamaquoddy First Nation, 371–72
Patel, Raj, 136
Patles, Suzanne, 381
Paulson, Henry, 49
Peabody Energy, 391
Pearl River Delta, 82
Pelosi, Nancy, 35
Pendleton, Oreg., 319
Peninsula Hospital Center, 104
Penn State Earth System Science Center, 55
fracking in, 357n
Homeland Security Office of, 362
water pollution in, 328–29
Pensacola, Fla., 431
permafrost, 176
Peru, 78, 220–21
pest outbreaks, 14
Petrobras, 130
PetroChina, 130
Pew Center on Global Climate Change, 226
Pew Research Center for People & the Press, 35
Philippines, 107, 109
Phillips, Wendell, 463
phosphate of lime, 163–64, 166
photovoltaic manufacturing, 66
Pickens, T. Boone, 237–38, 252
Pickens Plan, 237
Pierre River Mine, 379–80, 383
Piketty, Thomas, 113, 154–55
eruption (1991), 258–59
weather effects of, 259, 270, 271–72, 274
Pinatubo Option, 258, 259–62, 274
famine and drought as consequences of, 270, 279, 287
solar power generation affected by, 259
termination problem in, 260
weather patterns affected by, 260, 268, 270–71
Pine Ridge Reservation, 393, 396
pipelines, 141, 157, 349, 352, 362, 413, 446
as common threat, 315–16
Indigenous peoples and, 315, 319, 344–45
public value of renewable energy projects vs., 400
see also specific pipeline projects
Pittsburgh, Pa., rights of nature ordinance in, 444
place, love of, in Blockadia movement, 337–66
planetary exodus, 288–89
planned obsolescence, 91
planning, long-range, see long-range planning
Point Carbon, 225
Point Hope, Alaska, 375
Poland, 75, 144, 200, 225
polar bears, 435
Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming, 282
Polis, Jared, 314
politicians, responsibility evaded by, 12, 119
politics, elite control over, 18, 119
polluter pays principle, 110–19, 202–3
pollution regulations, 39
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 203, 429
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 426
Pooley, Eric, 207, 208
Pope, Alexander, 446
Pope, Carl, 237, 356, 357n
population, 14, 114n
populism, 117
postindustrialized nations, 79, 132, 177, 387, 460
poverty, 7, 19, 61, 85, 110, 115, 119, 134–36, 157, 177, 343, 455, 458
consumption and, 91
in developing world, 40, 55, 88n, 179–82, 409, 416, 418
extractive industries and, 181–82, 416
lack of protection and, 49
renewable energy and, 391, 399
Powder River Basin, coal mines in, 320, 323, 343–44, 395
power, corporate, 25
Power Past Coal, 349
power plants, coal-fired, see coal-fired power plants
precautionary principle, 335–36
Premier Gold Mines, 382
Presidential Oil Spill Commission, 330
President’s Science Advisory Committee, climate change report of, 261
price controls, 125
PricewaterhouseCoopers, 15
Princeton Environmental Institute, 113
Princeton University, Carbon Mitigation Initiative of, 113–14
Prince William Sound, impact of Exxon Valdez oil spill in, 337–39, 426
privatization, 8, 9, 39, 72
diminished services under, 128
of disaster response, 51–52
of former Soviet economies, 19
and infrastructure investments, 108–9
as license to steal, 154
of public sphere, 19–20
reversals of, 39, 95, 96–103
Prize, The (Yergin), 311
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 79, 217, 328n
“proof of harmlessness,” 271, 272
propane, 328
Prosperity Without Growth (Jackson), 93
protectionism, 64–65, 84
Public Accountability Initiative, 216
Public Citizen, 80, 213
Global Trade Watch of, 359–60
public health systems, 10, 109
public infrastructure, 19, 20
public sector, 95
crumbling institutions, 158
green energy and, 97–103, 406–7
and infrastructure investments, 108–9
spending cuts in, 19, 72, 110
public services, zero-carbon, 19–20
public transit, 7, 40, 92, 93, 108, 121, 124, 126, 127
in Brazil, 157
cheap, 91
in France, 109
in wartime, 16–17
public works, 39
Pungesti, Romania, anti-fracking movement in, 298–99, 303, 347, 404
quantitative easing, 110
anti-fracking movement in, 303–4, 313, 348, 358–59
fracking moratorium in, 71
opposition movements in, 9, 464
Queensland, 27, 301
environmental, 205, 429
sacrifice zones and, 310–11, 314
railways, 91, 108, 122, 133
coal transport by, 234, 362, 389, 397
high-speed, 126
oil transport by, 311–12, 325, 332, 333
Rainforest Action Network, 197, 296, 356
“Rainforest Chernobyl,” 309, 378
Rakotomanga, Cressant, 221–22
Rand, Ayn, 44
Rasch, Phil, 264
rationing, wartime, 115–16
Raytheon, 9
Read, Joe, 53n
Reagan, Ronald, 39, 117, 203–5, 229
real estate:
disaster infrastructure and, 51
in wake of Superstorm Sandy, 9, 235n
re-communalization, 96–103
Red Cloud, Henry, 24, 393–97
Red Cloud Renewable Energy Center, 396
REDD-Monitor, 223
RedGE, 78
Red Hook, Brooklyn, 105n, 405
Reilly, John, 11
reinsurance, 9, 234
religion, and dominion over nature, 41, 74, 177
re-municipalization, 96–103
renewable energy, 16, 18, 67, 90, 93, 127, 131, 218, 253, 283
Asia and, 349–50
buy-local programs for, 77
cheap natural gas as undercutting, 128–29
community ownership of, 398–99
Gates’ dismissal of, 236–37
in Germany, 97–98, 130–31
incentives for, 138–39
investment in, see green technology, investment in
major oil companies and, 111–12
maturing technology for, 213–14
misleading cautions on, 199–200, 394–95
noncorporate providers of, 131
100 percent, 101, 102, 137, 214–15
private sector and, 100–101
public ownership and, 97–103
public sector and, 97–103, 406–7
public value of, extractive projects vs., 400
in Spain, 110
transition to, 89, 97–103, 115, 214–15, 364
and variability of natural systems, 394–95
as viable alternative to fossil fuels, 349, 398, 399, 400–401, 403, 413–18
WTO’s slowing of, 71–72
reparations, 414–15
see also climate debt
REPOWERBalcombe, 403–4
Republican party, 35, 118, 125, 141, 204
climate change denial and, 34, 36, 46, 407
Republic Windows and Doors, 123n
resilience, 419, 442
Resisting Environmental Destruction on Indigenous Lands (REDOIL), 375–76
resources, depletion of, 450
Responsible Endowments Coalition, 401
Reyes, Oscar, 224
Richmond, Calif., 321, 402
right wing:
as barrier to progress, 31–63, 75, 124
on climate change as left-wing plot, 31, 32, 156, 411
Rignot, Eric, 14
Rio Earth Summit of 1992, 55, 76, 77, 83, 85, 150, 200, 293, 363
Risky Business project, 49
Roberts, David, 364–65
Robertsbridge Group, 249n
Robertson, Julian, 208
Robock, Alan, 264, 270, 273–74
Rockaways, 103–6
Rodríguez, Heriberto, 222
Rogers, Jim, 196
fracking in, 298–99, 303, 344
government repression of environmental protest in, 2
98–99, 303
Romm, Joe, 54
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 121
Roosevelt, Theodore, 211
Rosebud Sioux, 375
Rothschild, Richard, 31, 34
rotifers, BP oil spill and, 432
Rousseff, Dilma, 179
Rowe, Stan, 444
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 299
Royal Society, 152, 266
Chicheley Hall geoengineering conference of, 256–61, 263–67, 280–81, 284–85, 451
royalties, on oil, gas, and coal extraction, 112–13
Roy, Arundhati, 291
Ruffalo, Mark, 317
Greenpeace activists arrested by, 300
oil and gas companies in, 178–79
see also Soviet Union
Sacramento, Calif., 99
sacrifice zones, 172–73, 310–15
Safe Drinking Water Act, 328
Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau, U.S., 332
Sahel, 270, 274, 275–76
Sainsbury, 116
St. Lawrence River, 359
Salina, Kans., 438
salmon, 338–39, 345, 375, 440–41, 448
Salvation Army, 167
Sami, 375
San Andrés, Providencia, and Santa Catalina province, Colombia, 348
Sancton, Thomas, 74
Sand County Almanac (Leopold), 184
Sandy, Superstorm, 3–4, 9, 51, 103–8, 175, 405, 406, 446, 465
Koch attempt to block federal aid for, 53
Sanford C. Bernstein & Co., 358
San Francisco, Calif., 354
Santa Barbara oil spill of 1969, 201
Santorum, Rick, 312
Sarnia, Canada, 428
Saro-Wiwa, Ken, 306, 307, 309
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 176
Sauven, John, 376
Save the Fraser Declaration, 344–45, 365
Savitz, Jackie, 330–31
Sawyer, Diane, 391
Scaife, Richard Mellon, 45
scallops, 434
Schapiro, Mark, 222
Schmitt, Harrison, 32, 286n
Schwacke, Lori, 433
science, climate, 46, 59, 127, 152, 158
Science, 329
Science Advisory Committee, 73
Scientific Revolution, 170, 177, 266
Scott, Mike, 381, 389–90, 445
sea levels, 13, 270
sea star wasting syndrome, 27–28
Seattle, Wash., 354
sea turtles, 434
seawalls, 10
SEC, 148
Senate, U.S., 227
Senegal, 270
Sering, Mary Ann Lucille, 276
Shah, Jigar, 199, 239
shale, fracking of, 142–43, 144, 147, 214
shale gas, 298–99, 346, 357n
water supply contamination from, 328–29
shale oil, 311, 346, 357n
Shanghai, China, 13, 351
shareholders, 111, 112, 128, 129, 146–47, 148, 150, 252
Sheeran, Kristen, 401, 402
Shell, 111, 226, 238, 246
Arctic drilling operations of, 332, 333, 358, 375–76
diminished profits of, 358
fracking operations of, 347
green groups funding and, 196, 198, 217, 229