by Naomi Klein
Niger Delta oil operations of, 306–7, 358
offshore drilling by, 145–46
Pierre River Mine project of, 379–80, 383
reserve-replacement ratio of, 147
Shelley, Mary, 278
shipping industry, 113
emissions from, 76, 79
Shiva, Vandana, 284
shock doctrine, 8–10
geoengineering as, 276–78
Shock Doctrine (Klein), 8, 10
shrimp, BP spill and, 431
Shrybman, Steven, 72, 77–78
Sierra Club, 10, 84, 86, 156, 183, 197, 211, 235–36, 237, 325, 356–57, 381, 389–90
“Beyond Coal” campaign of, 349, 397
divestment movement and, 357
International Climate Program of, 352
Sierra Club BC, 365
Silent Spring (Carson), 185, 201
Silfab Ontario, 65–66, 68–69, 122, 126
Silfab SpA, 66, 68–69
Simon, Gary, 374
Simpson, Leanne, 442–43
Sinclair, Scott, 70
Sinclair, Upton, 46
Singer, S. Fred, 42
Sinner, George, 312
Sitkalidak Island, 332
sixties-era dropouts, 403, 404
Skates, Chris, 53n
Skocpol, Theda, 229
Skouries forest (Greece), mining project in, 293–94, 296–98, 303, 314, 342, 347, 445
Slate, 263
slavery, slaves, 154, 177
compensation paid to owners of, 415–16, 457
economic case against, 462
economic impact of, 415–16, 455–57
reparations for, 414–15
see also abolition movement
Slett, Marilyn, 340
Slottje, Helen, 361
smart energy grids, 108
Smart Growth America, 126
Smith, Adam, 173, 462
Smith, Brendan, 401, 402
smog, 176
social democracy, 132, 179
socialism, 38, 40, 75, 159, 177, 184, 210n
authoritarian, 44, 178–79
centralization under, 179
Chávez’s “Twenty-first Century,” 182
extractivism and, 178
5-year plans under, 133
social isolation, 105
social justice, 36, 59, 61, 117
social media, in Blockadia movement, 303, 466
social movements, 83, 121, 124, 177, 204–5, 450, 453–57, 459–61, 463–64
social programs, 10, 119
cuts in, 8
Social Security, 454
social spending, cuts in, 8
Society of Petroleum Engineers, 193
Solangi, Moby, 432–33
solar heaters, 393–96
solar panels, solar arrays, 70, 122, 131, 132, 142, 223, 237, 287, 402
global oversupply of, 66n
rooftop, 100
trade restrictions on manufacturers of, 65–69
Solar Pathfinder, 393
solar power, 24, 25, 72, 97, 102, 110, 118, 124, 127, 131, 147, 156, 215, 237, 395, 396
in combined-cycle plant, 129
fracking’s negative impact on, 129, 144
in Ontario, 67–68
private sector and, 100–101
Solar Radiation Management (SRM), 257–61, 277, 282
computer models of, 270–71
Governance Initiative (SRMGI) for, 263
historical record as predictive tool in, 271–75
“proof of harmlessness” argument in, 271, 272
unequal geopolitical risk in, 269, 275–76, 287
untestability of, 269–70
see also Pinatubo Option
solastalgia, 165
Solazyme, 240
solidarity, 62–63
Solnit, Rebecca, 62–63
Solomon, Ilana, 86, 359
Solón, Pablo, 18
Sompeta, India, 350
Soon, Willie, 33
South Africa, 11, 127, 412
apartheid in, 454–55
fracking in, 347, 348
South Asia, 13
Pinatubo eruption and, 272
Southeast Asia, 14
South Korea, 81, 82
South Pacific, 162
Soviet Union, 75, 178
collapse of, 88, 178
see also Russia
space mirrors, 258
Spaceship Earth, 286
Spain, 132, 225
opposition movement in, 9
renewables subsidies cut in, 110
Spatharidou, Dimitra, 132
Spencer, Baldwin, 415
Speth, Gus, 120, 205
Standard & Poor’s, 367–69, 383
Stanford University, 101, 102, 137, 214, 354
Starbucks, 49
starfish, 27–28
“Star Wars” missile defense system, 268n
State Department, U.S., Keystone XL and, 140, 375
Statoil, 130, 179, 198, 246
steam power, 171–74, 266, 410
steamships, 175
Steinberger, Julia, 124
Steingraber, Sandra, 214, 317, 335, 427
Stephen, Marcus, 168
Stern, Nicholas, 88
Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, 70
Steshia Hubert, Nerida-Ann, 161, 162, 164
stewardship, 169, 383, 444–45
Steyer, Tom, 49, 234–35
Stiglitz, Joseph, 72
stimulus program, 121–22, 124
green initiatives in, 124
Stockholm, 179, 202
Stockholm Environment Institute, 417–18, 465
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, 114
Stockman, Steve, 161
stock market crash of 1929, 10
Stone, Ed, 449
Stone, I. F., 153, 201
storm barriers, 108, 109
Strahl, Chuck, 362
stranded assets, 146
StratoShield, 262, 268n, 271
stratosphere, sulfur dioxide in:
from volcanic eruptions, 258–59, 273–74
see also Pinatubo Option
strontium-90, 203
structural inequity, 40
Stuffed and Starved (Patel), 135
Stutz, John, 94
Suckling, Kierán, 206
Sudan, 270
sulfur dioxide emissions, 208
Suncor Energy, 234, 246
sunlight, reflection of, see Solar Radiation Management
SuperFreakonomics (Levitt and Dubner), 262–63, 271–72
Superfund Act of 1980, 202
super-rich, 19
supply lines, length of, 76
Supreme Court, Canada:
Haida Nation case in, 369
Indigenous land rights affirmed by, 368, 371–72
sustainability, 55, 77, 447
Sustainable Energy Blueprint, 213
Swarthmore College, 355
Swearengin, Paula, 310
Sweden, 179
Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, 34
Swiss Re Americas, 49
SWN Resources, 299
Sydney, Australia, 446
Syngenta, 9
Syriza party (Greek), 181–82, 297
Take, The, 123
Tambococha oil field, 410
tarmac, melting of, 1–2
Tar Sands Blockade, 302
tar sands oil (bitumen), 2, 94, 139, 140, 144, 145, 234, 237, 252–53, 254, 310, 349, 352, 358, 446
call for global moratorium on, 353
diluted (dilbit), 325, 331
grassroots opposition to, 321–22
high risk in, 324
Indigenous opposition to, 322, 375
open-pit extraction of, 329
opposition to, 234
water use in mining of, 346
see also Alberta tar sands; pipelines
tax cuts, 39, 72
for consumers, 112
taxes, 19,
39, 42, 117, 119
airline, 250–51
carbon, 112, 114, 125, 157, 218, 250, 400, 461
corporate, 19, 115
financial transaction, 114
luxury, 93
pollution-based, 284
on the rich, 113–14, 118, 153
transition, 418
tax havens, closure of, 114
Tax Justice Network, 114
tax refunds, 118
Tea Party, 3, 38, 227
technology, 16, 24, 76, 142, 186, 236
and domination of nature, 56–57
extreme extraction and, 310
see also geoengineering
TED Talks, 211, 236
Tellus Institute, 94
temperatures, extreme, 2
Temple, William, 183
Tercek, Mark, 208n
TerraPower, 264
Texaco, 309
drought of 2011 in, 47, 440
fracking in, 347
Keystone XL and, 361
water pollution in, 329
Texas, University of, 329
Texas City Prairie Preserve, oil and gas drilling on, 192–95, 196, 215
Thames River, 446
Thatcher, Margaret, 39, 42, 60
Thie, Hans, 131
think tanks, conservative, 38, 203
Third World Network, 77
Thomas-Flurer, Geraldine, 367
Thompson, Lonnie G., 15
Thoreau, Henry David, 184, 286, 140, 156, 233n, 353, 356
tidal power, 127
Tiger Management, 208
tight-rock formations, 311; see also shale, fracking of
Tillerson, Rex, 111, 314
Time magazine, Planet Earth on cover of, 74, 204
Tiputini oil field, 410
Tjelmeland, Aaron, 192, 195
Tongue River, 389, 390
Tongue River Railroad (proposed), 389
tornados, 406
Toronto, 55, 65, 67, 73, 126
Total, 246
Totnes, England, 364
Toyota, 196
trade, see free trade agreements; international trade
trade unions, 81, 83, 177, 204, 454
job creation and, 126–27
job protection by, 126, 178
NAFTA opposed by, 84
transaction tax, 418
TransCanada, 149, 346, 359, 361, 362
see also Keystone XL pipeline
Transition Town movement, 364
Transocean, 330
Trans-Pacific Partnership, 78
transportation infrastructure, 85, 90, 127
travel, wealth and, 113
Treaty 6, 372
tree farms, 222
Trenberth, Kevin, 272, 275
Trent River, 300
trickle-down economics, 19
Trinity nuclear test, 277
triumphalism, 205, 465
Tropic of Chaos (Parenti), 49
tropics, techno-fixes and risk to, 49
Trump, Donald, 3
Tschakert, Petra, 269
Tsilhqot’in First Nation, 345
Tsipras, Alexis, 181–82, 466
Tsleil-Waututh First Nation, 323
Tutu, Desmond, 464
Tuvalu, 13
2 degrees Celsius boundary, 87–88, 89, 150, 354, 456
Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, 13, 21, 56, 86–87, 214, 283
typhoons, 107, 175, 406, 465
Uganda, 222
ultra-deepwater “subsalt” drilling, 145
Undesirables (Isaacs), 167
unemployment, 180
unemployment insurance, 454
Unified Campesino Movement of Aguán, 222
Union of Concerned Scientists, 201
Clean Vehicles Program at, 237
United Kingdom, 13, 149, 170, 224, 225
compensation of slave-owners in, 415–16, 457
“dash for cash” in, 299
divestment movement in, 354
flooding in, 7, 54, 106–7
fracking in, 299–300, 313
Industrial Revolution in, 172–73, 410
negatives of privatization in, 128
politics of climate change in, 36, 150
supports for renewable energy cut in, 110
Thatcher government of, 39
World War II rationing in, 115–16
United Nations, 7, 18, 64, 87, 114
Bloomberg as special envoy for cities and climate change of, 236
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), 219–20, 224, 226
climate governance and, 280
climate summits of, 5, 11, 65, 150, 165, 200; see also specific summits
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 110
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, see Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
international agreements and, 17
Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, 135
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment of 1972, 202
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 377, 383
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, 180
United Nations Environmental Modification Convention, 278
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 272
United Nations Framework on Climate Change, 200, 410
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 76, 77, 78–79
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 167
United Nations Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (1992), 55, 293
United Policyholders, 109
United States, 19, 67, 68, 143
carbon emissions from, 409
coal exports from, 320, 322, 346, 349, 374, 376
Copenhagen agreement signed by, 12, 150
energy privatization reversals in, 98
environmental legislation in, 201–2
failure of climate legislation in, 226–27
Kyoto Protocol and, 218–19, 225–26
oil and gas export restrictions in, 71
opposition movement in, 9
solar energy market in, 72
WTO challenges brought against, 65
WTO challenges brought by, 64–65, 68
United States Climate Action Partnership (USCAP), 226–28
University College London, 415–16
uranium, 176
urban planning, green, 16
urban sprawl, 90, 91
US Airways, 1–2
U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 227
utilities, alternative models for, 130–33
U’wa, 376–77
Vagt, Robert F., 217
van Beurden, Ben, 358, 376
Vancouver, Canada, 13
Var, France, 317–18
Vassiliou, Anni, 347
vegetation, carbon and, 14
Venezuela, 179–80
Venkataraman, R., 75
venture capitalists, 252
anti-fracking movement in, 348
local agriculture in, 404–5
Vernon, Caitlyn, 365
victory gardens, 16, 17
Vidal, John, 244
Vietnam War, 261
Virgin Earth Challenge, 257, 284–85
Virgin Green Fund, 238, 239, 253
Virgin Group, 230, 237
Virgin Airlines, 231, 238, 241–44, 249–52
Virgin Fuels, 238
Virgin Racing, 243
Virgin Trains, 231, 238, 252–53
Viteri, Franco, 388
volcanic eruptions:
droughts and, 272–73
global impact of, 274
weather patterns and, 259, 270, 271–74
Volney, Constantin-François, 273
Vonnegut, Kurt, 286, 287
Vowel, Chelsea, 371
Voynet, Dominique, 218
wage controls, 125
/> Wallach, Lori, 359–60
Wall Street, 206, 208
in financial crisis of 2008, 9, 44
Wall Street Journal, 207, 312
Walmart, 196, 208–10
Walton, Sam, 209
Walton, Sam Rawlings, 209
Walton Family Foundation, 209
Wang Wenlin, 300
Wania, Frank, 328n
Ward, Barbara, 286
Warsaw climate change summit (2013), 200–201, 276
Washington, D.C.:
Keystone XL protest in, 139, 301–2
record temperatures in, 73
Washington Consensus, 81
Washington State, 319
Indigenous land rights in, 323, 374–75, 380–81
proposed coal export terminals in, 320, 322, 346, 349, 374, 380–81
Washington, Tracie, 419
disruption to supplies of, 14, 165
First Nations and, 384
privatization of, 133
as public utility, 7
water pollution:
extractive industry and, 83, 94, 295, 296, 332, 344–47
from fracking, 328–29, 332, 344, 346
water power, 16, 101, 215
of factories, 171
steam engine vs., 171–72
Waters, Donny, 431, 432
Watt, James, 171–75, 204, 266, 394, 410
Waxman-Markey, 227
concentration of, 154, 155
decentralization of, 131
greenhouse gas emissions and, 113–14
inequality of, 123, 454–55
redistribution of, 40, 42, 453
transfers of, 5
Wealth of Nations (Smith), 173, 462
weapons, climate change and, 9
weather, extreme, 35, 102–10
weather futures, 8–9
weatherization, 93
weather patterns:
global warming and, 269
historical record of, 271–76
Pinatubo eruption and, 259, 270, 271–72, 274
variations in, 269
weather patterns, intentional modification of:
as weapon, 261, 278
see also Pinatubo Option; Solar Radiation Management
Weintrobe, Sally, 12
Werner, Brad, 449–50, 451, 460
West Antarctic ice sheet, 13, 14, 15
West Burton, England, 300
Western Australia, 376
West, Thomas, 365
West Virginia, 332, 357n, 367
wetlands, extractive industry damage to, 425–26
Weyerhaeuser, 369
Where Do We Go from Here (King), 453
Whitehead, Andrew, 432
Whitehorn, Will, 230–31
Whitehouse, Mark, 428
Whiteman, Phillip, Jr., 386
Whole Earth Catalogue, 288
WikiLeaks, 78, 165
wilderness system, federal, 203
wildfires, 14, 52, 108, 446
Wildlife Conservation Society, 221–22
Wildlife Society, 192
Willemse, Oom Johannes, 347
Willett Advisors, 216, 235
Williams, Eric, 415
Willis, Rebecca, 90
wind farms, 110, 223, 287
“Window for Thermal Coal Investment Is Closing” (Goldman Sachs), 352