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Daddy's Fake Bride (A Fake Marriage Romance)

Page 30

by Caitlin Daire

  Lily moved her other hand up her skirt now, and I could tell from the movement that she was hooking her fingers around her panties. She yanked them down, and my mouth dried up as I saw the pale pink cotton panties bunching up around her ankles.

  “Stop,” I said sharply. I wanted so badly to bend her over and teach her a lesson about behavior like this, but I was frozen stiff right now. If I moved, I’d take her. I just knew it.

  Lily tilted her head up to look at me again. “I want you to fuck me. I want you to be my first.”

  “Shit,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper now. I was right this whole time. She was a virgin. Every man’s fantasy—exploring totally untouched territory. Conquering it. Making it his.

  Making it mine.

  I shook my head and snapped myself out of the haze of lust. “Lily, no. This can’t happen. We both know why,” I said for what felt like the tenth time.

  She took a step back, her expression filled with confusion now. “I thought…I thought you wanted me too. The way you’ve been acting since I saw you…”

  The look of pure heartbreak in her eyes drove me insane. Then she looked down at her feet, and I stepped closer again. “Never said I don’t want you,” I said. “But we can’t.”

  Her head snapped back up. “Why not?”

  “Because it’s wrong. Craig…I mean your dad….we used to be best friends. I can’t do this to him.”

  “You’re thinking about my dad right now?” she asked, raising her eyebrows. The look of sadness had vanished now, replaced with a tiny little smirk. “You know, I’m thinking about a totally different sort of daddy.”

  My entire body stiffened at her words. Where the hell were innocent little virgins picking up on this dirty stuff these days? It was unbelievable how filthy and seductive Lily could be when we both knew she’d never had so much as a hand laid upon her before. What she just said was like the infamous magic words to me, though. She had me eating out of the palm of her small hand right now, and she didn’t even know it.

  “You don’t know what you’re saying,” I growled, trying and failing to strengthen my resolve to resist her. “You’re just a kid.”

  “I told you the other day. I’m not a kid anymore, Jackson.”

  “And yet you want a man to call daddy. Is that right?”

  She fluttered her eyelashes. “Maybe…” she said coyly.

  I gave her a thin smile and reached forward to slowly stroke her arm. This was it. No holding back, no stopping myself now. “All right. You want to call me daddy? You want me to take care of you?”


  “Then you do as I say. You follow my rules, follow my orders. No matter what, or you will face the consequences. Promise, little girl?”

  Her eyes were filled with eager lust and wonder. “I promise. What do you want me to do?”

  My smile widened. She was going to be pouting in a moment, I just knew it. “I want you to put your panties back on. Then go and make me a coffee. I showed you the kitchen on the way in. By the time you’ve done that, everyone else should be arriving, and my exec assistant can show you around. Then you’ll work a whole day here, and you won’t take those panties off again. Not unless you’re using the bathroom.”

  Her face fell. “What? I don’t….”

  Her voice trailed off, and I tilted her chin up with one finger so that she was staring into my eyes again. “This is wrong,” I said. “We both know it. We shouldn’t do it. But if we can trust each other, and you can really do as you’re told….maybe there’s a shot. But you don’t question me. Ever. You do as I say, no questions asked. That’s my first rule. Break that and you get nothing. Got it?”

  She nodded meekly. Then she leaned down to retrieve her panties and slid them back up her legs, her cheeks flaming red. I loved seeing that, loved how ashamed she looked. It showed how innocent she truly was, and how much she hadn’t been expecting this. She’d probably only pictured this going one way. She’d assumed that her little seduction venture would go the same way as she’d seen in all the movies and TV shows she watched, with me—the big brutish man—immediately caving to all her little attempts, unable to resist her sweet feminine allure. Instead I’d turned the tables on her, and soon she’d be the one caving to all my demands.

  I still knew it was wrong to do this. Bad. Forbidden. But fuck, I couldn’t resist Lily for a second longer as soon she said the word ‘daddy’, and the fact that anything between the two of us was already so taboo only made it ten times hotter.

  “I’ll go get your coffee now,” she murmured, barely meeting my eyes.

  Her expression was still a mixture of embarrassment and uncertainty, and I smiled and nodded slowly before uttering three crisp words.

  “Good girl, Lily.”

  Chapter Eleven


  ‘Good girl, Lily.’

  Jackson’s words echoed in my head, sending sugary trickles of desire down my spine as I fled his office and made my way down the hall. My core was aflame, legs trembling, stomach twisting. I hadn’t expected any of this. I hadn’t expected myself to suddenly go for him the way I did earlier, but it was like someone else had taken over my body, pulling my strings and controlling me and my words like a puppet. I couldn’t resist. Couldn’t stop it. He was all I could think about the last few days. All I could dream about. I hadn’t even had the usual nightmares last night, because he was in my head instead. And so I tried….

  And failed.

  He shot me down again and again. Kept saying no. But then it was like something suddenly changed in him. All of a sudden he was playing along. Telling me to do what he said. Acting like I’d be his if I followed his orders. His little girl. That’s what he called me. Good girl, Lily. There were those words again, playing over and over in my mind. I wanted to hear him say them to me again, so desperately.

  I should’ve been upset when he rejected me, only to later tell me he’d actually want me if I behaved the way he told me to. I should’ve frowned and defiantly told him that wasn’t how things were these days. Men couldn’t just tell women what to do anymore. So who the hell did he think he was? But this wasn’t an issue of men versus women by any stretch of the imagination.

  This was me versus him. The little girl versus the sexy older man. My new boss. My daddy.

  He seemed to like it when I called him that. Come to think of it, that’s what seemed to tip him over the edge earlier. That’s what changed his mind and made him agree to starting….something….between us. I wasn’t sure what it was, exactly. All I knew is that I had to follow his rules and orders, and he’d give me what I wanted. Maybe.

  I guess I’d find out.

  Part of me still wanted to act out and go against his orders; maybe take my panties off again, just like he told me not to. But I couldn’t. I wanted to please him, and I also knew I’d never have him if I didn’t prove myself to him today; prove that I could be a good girl for him. If I just resisted all these temptations and urges, I’d finally get what I wanted one day soon. I’d get him. Then, and only then, would I be able to act out. I could be bad for a day and see what happened, because I was itching to find out how he’d punish me.

  My nipples hardened under my blouse in anticipation as I imagined all the different scenarios. Would he turn me over his knee and spank me, just like he’d said the other day when I went to his house to beg for an internship? And speaking of begging…would he make me beg? Oh lord, I hoped so. I couldn’t imagine anything hotter.

  I busied myself in the small kitchen, making sure Jackson’s coffee was perfectly brewed, and when it was done I grabbed some cream and sugar to go with it in case he wanted that. I should’ve asked, but it hadn’t occurred to me. I’d do that next time. I’d be better. I’d be even more of a good girl. My cheeks felt blazing hot at the thought, and it occurred to me that I would do absolutely anything Jackson wanted me to. Anything he needed or desired.

  On my way back to his office, I saw a few employees enterin
g the headquarters for the day, and they nodded at me and flashed me brief smiles as they passed me in the hall. I returned the gesture, but I knew it was for a different reason. They were smiling to be polite, and I was smiling because I had a secret now. A secret I shared with none other than their boss.

  “Here’s your coffee,” I said demurely, entering Jackson’s office again. “I brought creamer and sugar. And a spoon.”

  I set the beverage down on his desk, then stood up straight. He looked at me, then down at the steaming coffee cup, which he slowly picked up, and my stomach twisted nervously, awaiting his response as he took a sip.

  “Thank you, Lily. This is perfect. I don’t need sugar or cream, by the way,” he finally said, setting the cup down in the saucer.

  I breathed a sigh of relief, watching his lips turn up in the smallest of smiles. He was happy with me; happy that I was doing what he said. He was happy I was so eager to please him as well, no doubt. And I had to be like that. I felt like a puppet being controlled by the strings of my desire earlier, but this was something else entirely. Jackson was so big, so powerful. Not just physically, but in other ways too. He was probably going to be a United States senator soon, for god’s sake. Men like him got things done.

  He stopped looking at me all of a sudden, and I turned to see a woman step through the door behind me. She was very tall with bony arms and legs and wispy blonde hair. “This damn traffic. I swear to god…” She stopped in her tracks and stared at me, apparently only just realizing I was standing here. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize you had someone in here this early, Jackson.”

  He stood up. “Kaye, this is Lily. Our new intern. Lily, this is Kaye, my exec assistant. I told you about her earlier. She’ll be the one showing you around and getting you started today.”

  Kaye was studying me curiously, and I had to admit I was doing the same. She looked familiar, but for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out where I’d seen her before. Perhaps I’d spied her out the window once upon a time, taking a forgotten briefcase to Jackson’s house. After all, she was his assistant. She’d likely been in our area a hundred times.

  “Lily, nice to meet you,” she said, holding out a hand. I did the same, and she smiled as we shook, but it didn’t quite meet her eyes. I guessed she was just a typical political snob. Maybe one had to be like that to work in this field. “You probably don’t remember me, but we’ve actually met before. You were just a child.”

  “Kaye has worked for me for nine years,” Jackson explained. “She came to a few of my summer barbeques, when I used to have them. You would’ve been about ten or eleven at the time.”

  “Oh.” Well, that explained why she looked so familiar, then.

  “All right. Kaye, you know what to do,” Jackson went on with a wave of his hand. “I’ve got the Hewitson meeting soon, and then I’ll be at City Hall for the rest of the day. I’ll be back here at five to come and get you, Lily. I assume you’ll be needing a ride home.”

  I blushed and nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  His lips twitched again, and I knew I’d done something right. So he liked to be called sir as well as daddy…I made a quick mental note of that.

  “How cute,” Kaye said, her voice syrupy sweet. “Looking out for the little neighbor girl at her first job.”

  She let out a sharp bark of laughter, obviously thinking Jackson would chuckle along with her, but instead he frowned and looked at me to gauge my reaction. I simply stayed stock still and didn’t let out a word.

  “Apologies, Lily. You’d think my assistant would have more manners,” he said in a crisp, no-nonsense tone.

  Kaye’s amused smile faded back to an impassioned expression, but I didn’t miss the glint of disdain in her eyes as she turned around. Ooh, boy. Someone didn’t like me already…

  It wasn’t exactly hard to figure out why. Even a blind man could see she had a crush on Jackson. It was obvious the second she stepped in here, flashing that overly-lipsticked smile at him as she wafted that cloying violet scent of her perfume around the room.

  “Come on, Lily,” she said stiffly. “There’s lots to be done.”

  “Okay,” I said, meekly following behind her.

  “Oh, Lily?” Jackson said, interrupting us mid-step. “Just one more thing.”

  I turned back to face him. “Yes, sir?”

  His eyes flashed. “Remember my rule,” he said. “The office rules,” he added for Kaye’s benefit, so she wouldn’t suspect anything.

  “Of course, sir,” I replied, a small smile playing on my lips.

  Then I turned on my heel and left the room, wondering about what he said earlier. So far he’d only given me one rule in regards to my conduct, but he’d made it clear there were more. There had to be.

  Oh, how I wanted to find out what those other rules were…and what would happen if I broke them.

  Chapter Twelve


  A week had passed now.

  A whole entire week.

  Nothing had happened. Barely a word had passed between Jackson and me, save for the curt ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ he uttered when he picked me up and drove me to and from work in the mornings and evenings. There was no conversation aside from that, no promising glances. Not like there was last Monday.

  The days had tormented me, seeming to stretch endlessly, like a never-ending straight road in the desert. I had no idea where he was spending most of his days or what he was doing (although I assumed it was all work-related things), let alone why he was doing this. Maybe he simply couldn’t risk being seen doing anything even remotely flirtatious at work (that made perfect sense, to be honest) but what about outside of it? When he came to give me rides, he literally said nothing other than ‘hello’ or ‘good morning’, like I said earlier, and it was the same at the end of every day when he dropped me off. It was agonizing. I was starting to get a feeling it was supposed to be some kind of test, though. Something to prove that he could make me wait and have me whenever he wanted; something to get me all hot and riled up in the process.

  Boy, was it working.

  I was going crazy with need. I wanted nothing more than to see him, touch him, taste him for the first time, and all I did was stand on edge, waiting for the moment he’d come to me. Talk to me. Everywhere I went, I glanced over my shoulder, hoping to see him behind me, and every time I heard a man’s voice, I practically jumped. I couldn’t even sit still from the tingling between my legs every day of the week, so it was damn lucky that the internship was keeping me on my toes so much. The work was mostly grunt stuff—making coffees, sending emails and thank you notes to donors, calling other possible donors, helping to plan fundraising events, photocopying…the usual intern things. But I was seeing how things worked behind the scenes, and I was learning a ton. It was definitely all worth it.

  I sighed as I stepped up the garden path and fumbled with the key to the front door. Today had been more of the same—menial tasks, phone calls and total ignorance from Jackson as usual. A horrifying thought suddenly occurred to me. What if he wasn’t just tormenting me as part of a sexy plan to get me all hot and bothered, tease me till I couldn’t take it anymore? What if this was it? Maybe he’d realized we were crossing a huge line. Hell, not even a line—starting anything between us, especially something so naughty….that wasn’t just crossing a line, it was crossing the entire Atlantic.

  God, I dearly hoped that wasn’t the case.

  I picked up some mail that’d been dumped on the doorstep and headed inside, still fretting about it, and I sighed as I saw the house in darkness. Once again, dad was off working late. I wished he’d come home for dinner with me again, like he did last week. That was so nice, actually sitting down and eating a home-cooked meal together.

  I frowned as I glanced at the mail. There was a package addressed to me, and also a letter. The letter had my name printed in small block letters, but the package was addressed to me in familiar handwriting. I’d seen it enough times on papers at the campaig
n office.


  Finally, some contact. I squealed with excitement and dropped the other smaller letter, wondering what on earth Jackson would’ve sent me. Grabbing a knife, I carefully cut the tape that bound the cardboard box together, and I puckered my brows in confusion as a pink velveteen bag fell out along with a note.

  I decided to read the note before delving into the bag.

  L – I have a gift for you. A toy, but not the kind you’re used to playing with. I bought it for you, but my toy box is where it belongs at all times after you are done with it. Use it, and don’t wash it. I want to smell you on it; want to know you really did it. Do it now, and bring it over to me when you’re done. Remember, dirty girl – you made a promise. You do exactly as I say at all times or face the consequences….


  I smiled, knowing why he’d signed it with a ‘D’ instead of ‘J’ for Jackson. D for daddy. He was really loving that whole thing, and I had to admit, it got me tingling like mad too. I quickly read the note again, wondering what else was in this ‘toy box’ of his. Maybe one day he’d let me find out…

  Just in case Dad happened to come home soon, I gathered up the things back into the box and then padded down the hall to my bedroom. If this toy was anything like what I was picturing, then it wasn’t the kind of thing I wanted my father seeing.

  When I reached my room, I sat down on the bed and reached into the pink bag, and I gasped as I pulled out my new toy and read the information on the side of the see-through box it came in. Jackson was right; this wasn’t like any other toy I’d ever had. It was a candy pink-colored thing called a Teaser Vibe according to the box label. There were details and instructions on its use inside the box, and I began to read them.

  Featuring five modes of perfectly-targeted vibration, the Teaser Vibe packs a ton of intense stimulation into a classic bullet made even better with the addition of a clit-pleasing sleeve slipped over the top. Perfect for all sort of external pleasure-seeking, the Teaser’s soft tip pinpoints the clitoris and nipples with ease. A single button on the sleek remote allows for easy customization of five modes of steady and pulsating vibration. Requires batteries (sold separately).


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