Finding Love Again (Crystal Lake, Montana Book 1)

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Finding Love Again (Crystal Lake, Montana Book 1) Page 12

by Ann,Christa

  Dustin had to remind him of a show he’d committed to attend. “I can go and get everything done for you, Dad.” Colby jumped right in to help out, which didn’t surprise him.

  “You don’t have to. I can hire some helpers.” Shannon didn’t want to put anyone out.

  “Are you sure? Kim, you okay with Colby being away for about two to three weeks?” Ryan asked.

  Kim looked at Colby first then shot a quick glance to Dustin. Interesting… “I needed to let Colby know tonight that Mom and Dad are going to see my aunt and uncle in Oregon and wanted me to go with them. So, I’ll be away for about a month.”

  As the plans were being made, everyone started to show up. Shannon’s friends were startled to see Alexis, but happy, too. Ryan’s friends started showing up. JP got Stan to man After Hours and he even brought his twin cousins, Max and Mitch. Frank and Nell showed up, with Steve right behind them. Everyone who meant something to him was there. Life just got better.

  They all went outside to eat, talk, and tell some stories that made them all laugh. Ryan pulled Shannon into his lap and wrapped his arms around her. “I’m going to miss you while you’re home,” he whispered into her ear.

  “I was thinking about that. I think I only have to give one week. I’m only going to send the things I really want and donate the rest. If my friends want anything, they can have it. The company I work for knows realtors I can list the house with and, when it sells, the closing documents can be mailed to me here,” Shannon explained.

  Ryan had a look of relief on his face. “So, that means you won’t be gone for a month, but a week.” At the look on her face, he corrected himself. “Okay, two weeks. I think I can handle that. I’m going to need to add the boys as authorized signers to the ranch. This wouldn’t be happening if I did that already. I would be able to come with you.”

  Being so relaxed, they didn’t realize how late it had gotten. The boys decided that Dylan would stay with them so they could get to know each other. Alexis and Carly headed back to the cabin with Shannon’s friends. This gave Ryan and Shannon the house to themselves.

  After everyone left, Ryan and Shannon went outside and cuddled together on the porch swing. He didn’t know how long they sat there.

  “Can you be happy here, Shannon? I mean, without being able to see your friends any time you want to?” Ryan wanted to make sure she would have no regrets.

  Shannon sat up and straddled Ryan, placing her hands on his face. “You have made me feel alive. I never thought I would find love again, but I have. I’ll see my friends. They can come here and visit me. Plus, between us we have five kids to keep us busy. I love you, Ryan.”

  “And I love you, too,” Ryan replied and leaned in to kiss Shannon with everything he had, putting all his feeling into that one kiss.


  The next three days went by fast. Everyone got together as much as they could. Shannon stayed at Ryan’s every night. During the day, she spent time with her friends and her children. Carly spent time with Shannon when she didn’t work at the bookstore. Shannon even picked her up for lunch and they walked around town to spend some time together.

  Shannon helped Ryan with getting everything together for his trip. They were leaving on the same day. He packed his duffel bag and got all his paperwork for his meeting with the Farm and Ranch Association. His attorney was working on getting his sons added as signers to everything regarding the ranch.

  Colby’s girlfriend, Kim, left the following day, so he had time to get packing done. Ryan purchased a plane ticket for Colby on the same flight with Shannon.

  The day came that Shannon had to leave to head home. She hadn’t told Ryan, but she’d already contacted her boss both by phone and email, letting him know that she handed in her notice. Shannon didn’t want to be away any longer than necessary. Ryan’s meeting would only last a week, tops. Maybe ten days.

  “So, I’ll see you in two weeks,” Ryan said as he held onto Shannon. He bent down and kissed her forehead.

  Shannon reached up. “It will go by fast. We’ll both be so busy that time will fly. I’ll call you every night.”

  With that, Ryan said goodbye to his children then got into his truck and drove away.

  “Okay, Colby, you ready to head out?”

  * * *

  Shannon and Colby worked morning to evening to get everything done—putting the house up for sale, deciding what she wanted, what to send to Dylan and Alexis, and what to donate. Her boss let her leave without completing her one-week notice. Shannon decided not to let Ryan know so she could surprise him by being at the ranch before he got home.

  “Shannon, I just finished the….oh, I’m sorry I didn’t know that Bianca was here.” Colby looked down at the little three-year-old girl hugging her mother’s legs. She was the cutest blonde-haired, blue-eyed little girl he had ever seen.

  Shannon turned around. “Hey, Colby. I’m trying to convince Bianca to come back to Montana with us. She just lost her job and needs a change.”

  “That would be great. I know Dad wouldn’t mind. You should call him.” Colby sat down next to Mia, who finally sat down on the floor to play with her stuffed animals. He loved kids and noticed that Mia was just as shy and quiet as her mother.

  “Okay. I’ll do it, but I’ll have to leave when my brother and sister-in-law are at work. And, since I don’t have much, I can fit it all in my Malibu. Do you have four boxes I can have?” Bianca looked at Shannon with hope in her eyes.

  Shannon watched Colby play with Mia. “You’re really good with her, Colby.” Mia looked up and smiled, and signed, I like him.

  Colby looked to Mia to Shannon, “What did she say? I don’t know American Sign Language.” Colby handed Mia the stuffed teddy bear.

  “She said she likes you.” After Shannon told him, he looked embarrassed.

  “I’ll go put the boxes in your car for you, Bianca,” Colby offered. “I’ll be right back, Mia. Okay?”

  After Bianca and Mia left, Shannon and Colby got ready to head back to Montana. She couldn’t wait to see Ryan. The moving company got the last of Shannon’s things to either go to Montana or her children. What was left in the house, Lisa and Erica would donate for her. They were also going to look after the house until it sold. Erica’s car broke down, so she bought Shannon’s. Colby found a small box that had hidden compartments that he wanted to give to Kim. Shannon let him have the box to give to his girlfriend.

  Shannon and Colby got to the house one day ahead of Ryan. She unpacked the boxes that had already arrived. Some were her clothes and others items that meant something to her: pictures, jewelry, and odds and ends.

  “Hey, when did you and Colby get here?” Carly leaned against the doorframe.

  Shannon got up from the floor and made her way over to Carly. “Last night late. Come on in.” Shannon and Carly were still working on getting closer. “I have something for you.”

  “Really?” She could hear the excitement in her voice.

  “Yes. Oh, where is it? Here, this is for you.” Shannon handed Carly a small ceramic box with blue flowers on top. As she opened it, she took out a gold necklace with an emerald and six diamonds.

  She just looked at Shannon with tears in her eyes, and the emotion that showed her how much this gift meant to her. “I can’t accept this. It’s too much. You should be giving this to your daughter, not me.”

  She could tell how much she really wanted the necklace. “Yes, you can. My daughter has one just like it. I got them when my late husband and I went to Ireland. I’m giving mine to my step- daughter… well, hopefully one day. I called Dylan and Alexis and they’re fine with me giving this to you. Alexis even said the two of you can wear them at the same time when she comes to visit.”

  Carly hugged Shannon tightly. “Thank you. I love it and will cherish it always.”

  They both worked together, opening the rest of the boxes and finding places to put everything. They talked and laughed and had a great time. “Oh, I almost
forgot; Dad called me to check in. He’s coming home tonight around dinner. I can make myself scarce so you two can have dinner together.”

  With a smile Shannon replied, “That would be great, but only if it’s okay with you. How about all of you come over here in the morning and we can have breakfast together as a family? That’s one thing I missed when my kids moved.”

  “Okay. Well, I gotta go to work. I’m going to let Dustin and Colby know what’s going on and that I’ll be staying with them tonight.” Carly got up and hugged Shannon before she left.

  Shannon got excited about Ryan coming home tonight. She rushed and got everything put away, cleaned the bedroom and bathroom, and replaced the sheets. Tonight is going to be special.

  One of the boxes held candles that she’d bought in a scent called Midsummer’s Eve. She placed them in the bedroom and the Ocean Mist in the bathroom. She took a shower and took her time shaving her legs and her mound completely bare. Under the navy blue sundress, she wore a sheer mesh and lace teddy.

  She came downstairs to start dinner and found that Rosa had already fixed dinner. “Now, don’t you get upset. You’re running out of time, so I got everything done for you. Steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, and broccoli… his favorite. The dining room table is set for two, including candlesticks, and I got a bottle of red wine from the refrigerator. All you need to do is relax and keep everything on low heat. I’ll see you for breakfast.” Rosa kissed her cheek and went to Hank, who stood at the back door.

  “Thank you, Rosa.”

  About thirty minutes later, Ryan’s truck pulled up to the house. She started the radio—country music, of course—and waited by the table.

  * * *

  Ryan was tired and hungry. He just wanted to eat, shower, and call Shannon. God, he’d missed her. Being away from her made him realize that he didn’t want to be away from her ever again. He couldn’t wait for her to come home.

  He got out of his car and looked at the barn, wondering if he should check on the horses. Maybe after he ate. Walking up to the house, he heard the radio. Why would Rosa leave the damn thing on? “Rosa?” he called out, with no answer. Again, “Rosa?”

  He started to head upstairs when he noticed the light in from the dining room. As he turned the corner, he stopped dead in his tracks. “Shannon.” She looked absolutely beautiful in that sundress with her hair half up on the sides. The table was set for two, with candles and wine. He dropped his duffel bag and walked over to the woman who held his heart. “What’s all this? When did you get home? I talked to you this morning, and you said you would be home in a few days.”

  She reached out and took off his Stetson, and placed it on the other end of the table. “I didn’t want you to know that I got in yesterday late. This is all for you. Surprise!” Taking his hand, she squeezed. “Go wash up, dinner is done.” Ryan’s heart swelled and he leaned over to kiss her. She pulled away. “Go. I’m hungry, and I don’t want dinner to get cold or burn.”

  After Ryan washed up in the downstairs bathroom, he went back into the dining room and Shannon had the plates and wine ready. They ate and talked about their trips.

  “I called my boss and emailed him before I left to go home. He let me leave without working the week out, so we had a lot more time to pack up and put the house up for sale. Bianca lost her job and needed a change, so I invited her to come to Montana and stay with us, just until she found a place to live. I hope that’s okay with you.

  “That’s fine, Shannon. They’re both welcome. Max and Mitch will be glad to see her. Don’t look at me like that. They are interested in her and, yes, I told them she has a daughter. But let’s not talk about them, okay?”

  As Ryan finished eating he told her about his trip. “I’m getting two more horses. They will be here in about two weeks. Someone abandoned a farm, so the group of us are taking in all the animals. The boys will have to get ready for them.”

  They cleaned up the table and placed the dishes in the dishwasher. A knock on the door startled them. Ryan looked at Shannon. “I’ll get it.” As he moved down the hall, his sons came through the door. “Hey, boys. Is there a problem?”

  “No. Just wanted to say ‘night to Shannon, and realized you were home,” Dustin replied.

  Colby gave his dad a one-armed hug. “We’ll talk to the two of you in the morning at breakfast. Night, Dad. Come on, Dustin.”

  “Shannon?” Ryan called out. Where the hell did she go?

  She answered, “I’m upstairs.”

  Ryan went and grabbed his duffel bag and headed upstairs. When he got to his bedroom door he froze in place and dropped his bag, again. Candles flickered in different places in the bedroom, giving the room a romantic glow. Shannon stood by the nightstand, in a silk robe that stopped just above her knee. She must have brought up the wine and glasses. He slowly moved over to her and could smell the shea butter on her. “What’s all this?”

  “Why don’t you go take a shower first.” Shannon took Ryan’s hand and walked him into the bathroom. More candles were lit in there. Unlike the bedroom, they smelled like the ocean and coconuts. She had everything laid out and, when he turned, she ran the water in the shower. Okay, I’m going to go along with this and find out what exactly she has planned.

  Ryan took the fastest shower that he could remember ever taking and wrapped the towel around his waist. While he dried off, Shannon went back to the bedroom and closed the door behind her. He shaved, brushed his teeth and, with one last glance, he headed into the bedroom only to be stunned again at the sight before him.

  Dear God! Damn! Shannon stood by the bed with her long hair down and the robe gone. He could now see what she’d had underneath the dress. She wore a sheer mesh and lace teddy with openings for her breasts—her very exposed breasts. Ryan shifted over to her and stopped a foot from her. With one hand, he cupped her cheek. “You’re full of surprises. You are breathtaking. If this is what happens when I go away for a week, I might have to go away again. I love this. When did you plan all this?”

  He ran his fingers down her neck, over her collarbone and down her breast, stopping right above her nipple. He raised an eyebrow to her, waiting for her to answer. “I, um, got this at a store before I left. And you don’t get to go away without me,” Shannon panted out.

  Before she finished speaking Ryan started drawing circles around her nipple, but not touching it yet. He wanted her wild and mindless. Bringing both hands up to cup her breasts, he squeezed them lightly. Then he started to glide his hands lower under her breast to her ribs and her hips. Shannon raised her hand up toward Ryan. “Put your hands behind your back, Shannon. I want to explore this teddy a little bit more. If you touch me, it will be over way too soon.”

  She slowly lowered her arms and placed them behind her. “I need you to touch me.”

  “Oh, I will be soon. Be patient, baby.” He turned to sit on the edge of the bed, keeping the towel around his hips. Ryan leaned forward and turned Shannon by her hips so she stood in front of him. His hands traveled around to cup and squeeze her ass. “Move forward, Shannon, and straddle my knee but don’t sit down.”

  She did as he asked. Keeping a hand on her ass, he eased his right hand down her ass to her thigh and up to her pussy. While his hand roamed downward, he finally took one of her nipples into his mouth and sucked hard. Ryan cupped her sex and moved his palm, then froze for the third time. He released her nipple with a pop and looked up at her to see a blush color her cheeks and neck.

  “What’s this? An open crotch, too?” He slid two fingers inside of her. “Already wet and shaved.” He pumped his fingers in and out in a slow and steady rhythm.

  Shannon moaned loudly. “It’s a surprise. Ryan, I need to come. I can’t last much longer.”

  “I know. All I have to do is touch this hard bud that’s peeking out and begging for attention to know.” As Ryan stated what he wanted, he placed his thumb on her clit and rubbed it in circles. Shannon dug her nails into his shoulders as she came. “That’s it
, Shannon, come for me.” He curled his finger to rub her g-spot, and she went over the edge again. He loved the lust on her face. Gorgeous.

  Shannon fell forward into Ryan’s arms. Her hand went to the towel and pulled until it released. Going to her knees, she licked him from base to tip. “Shannon, stop. I won’t last if you keep doing that.”

  “Isn’t that the point?” she replied with a wicked smile.

  “I want to be inside you.” She stood up and started to remove that teddy. “No, leave it on.”

  Pushing herself up to her feet, Ryan cupped both breasts and took one nipple into his mouth. Then he moved to the other nipple while one hand moved to her ass. Releasing her breast, he nipped at her mouth before kissing her deeply. Turning her around, he stood and she crawled up onto the bed and Ryan climbed up over her.

  “I can’t wait anymore, baby. I need you too badly.” With that, he reached down and guided his cock to her entrance and thrusted. And stilled. Shit, I forgot a condom. “Baby, you feel so damn good. But, I have to tell you I don’t have a condom on. Please, I want to stay bare. I’m clean.”

  Shannon looked at him with lust-filled eyes. “So am I. Please move. I need to come again.”

  Ryan moved inside her. He had never felt this way toward someone. She tightened around his cock, and he almost lost complete control. “You feel unbelievable. So damn tight.” He went to his knees and placed her leg on his shoulder and got deeper, his eyes going crossed from the feeling. Shannon moaned and he knew she would go over the cliff of pleasure soon.

  “Not yet, baby. Together, and I’m not ready to let go.”

  “I can’t, Ryan.” Shannon’s legs tightened and she started to shake as she used the leverage to be able to move.

  Ryan froze deep inside her. “Yes.” She tried to move, but Ryan wouldn’t let her. Shannon then froze when she felt a finger at her ass. “Be still.” Ryan slowly pushed the tip of his finger into her and waited. He did this three more times until his finger was totally inside.


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