They Found Atlantis lw-1
Page 31
These two were occupied with happier thoughts for Vladimir had woken early that afternoon and, after his ablutions, taken Camilla for a walk through the meadow to the jungle. Tall, bronzed, handsome, his magnificent body set off in its full strength and beauty by the light Atlantean costume, he was as splendid a specimen of manhood as any of his hosts. In this new setting his qualities far outweigh those of either of his rivals, at least in Camilla's eyes, and, moreover, it was to him she had turned in every crisis of their dark journey. They were here for the rest of their lives it seemed, and she knew in her heart that she had always liked him best, so in a passionate outburst she had confessed that she loved him and promised to marry him just as soon as he wished.
Their news had been received with enthusiastic congratulations by their friends but when the practical side of the matter was discussed and it was discovered that the Atlanteans never married, or at least had no sort of marriage ceremony, Camilla had become a little dubious about the matter.
It seemed to her conventional mind not quite right somehow just to go off into the wood as Luiluma suggested. That might be all very well for these lovely savages, and privately that was how Camilla thought of the Atlanteans, but it wasn't like being really married at all. In fact, looked at squarely there would be no permanent tie, only casual indulgence in what she had always been taught to regard as sin.
'Besides,' as she said privately to Sally, 'if there's no service or anything I wouldn't really be his wife so what hold would I have over him if he starts to go after one of these Atlantean girls later on. I do love Vladimir terribly of course but they are such a frightfully good looking lot that I'm scared about losing him already. That's why I said "yes', before one of them could snap him up, this afternoon.'
Sally agreed about the extremely dangerous beauty of Luiluma and her friends but forbore to point out that if a man's pledge to a woman he said he loved was worth nothing when given to her alone, no amount of bells and rings and blessings was going to make it any more binding however many people heard him make it before an altar. She knew the way Camilla's mind worked and could only sympathise while being just a little bit amazed to see her cousin's complete change of attitude brought about by coming into collision with other women as beautiful as herself.
Fortunately however Doctor Tisch arrived on the scene and came to Camilla's rescue by reminding her that he had taken orders in his youth. His offer to perform the rites of the Lutheran church over the pair was accepted with grateful thanks and, since there could be no question of 'going away' after it, the time of the ceremony had been fixed to tally with the conclusion of the evening meal that night.
Nicky had been the last to waken, and bathed while Camilla and Vladimir were hugging each other in the jungle. He did not seem as cast down by the news of his rival's victory as might have been expected. Rahossis had taken care of him while Nahou was showing the Doctor and the McKay round the island. Since then he had not been able to take his eyes off her whenever she was in view, and he had already confessed to Sally that he had suffered an unrequited passion for Mae West before he left Hollywood, whom Rahossis undoubtedly resembled.
All of them now with the exception of the McKay, who declared a conservative preference for his trousers, were clad in the flimsy costumes usual among the small population of the island. The two girls did more than justice to the Atlantean tunics and the McKay, who had seen them many times in bathing suits or evening dress, admitted to himself that he had never seen them look more beautiful. That they were conscious of it was evident from the proud way in which they held themselves. Axel and Nicky, like Vladimir, seemed more handsome and virile from the simple change of costume. Even the stout Doctor who had succumbed to Lulluma's wiles, far from looking ridiculous appeared to take on a new dignity in his dark purple robe which he entirely lacked in his untidy checked lounge suit. The McKay was only saved from seeming quite out of place because he remained stripped to the waist and the rippling muscles of his fine torso had their own beauty.
They had met all the Atlanteans now, after the emergency waking which Menes had decreed and watched them in silence as they proceeded to their special conference.
Two by two they walked up the steps of the Temple, hand in hand. Menes and Semiramis first—both grey and white haired, yet upright elderly people, very gracious and benign in mien as befitted the rulers of such an advanced community.
Nahou followed them, leading a dark smooth-haired Russian looking woman called Tzarinska.
Next came Quet, who might well, the onlookers thought, have been called Montezuma, for he had the features and colouring of a Red Indian and the haughty aristocratic bearing suitable to a Mexican noble before the Spanish conquest. With him walked Laotzii. She looked to be a little over forty and possessed that curious beauty which is seen only in half castes resulting from the mixed union of a European and a Chinese.
Rahossis came after her and by her side a fair Greek-God-like young man called Peramon. He was better looking even than Nicky, although of the same type and, realising it Nicky was filled with a deep jealous rage which made his face turn almost chalk white.
Lulluma walked behind her mother escorted by a tall dark boy. His features made the spectators of the procession think of Ancient Egypt or Peru and they knew that he was named Karnoum.
Last of all came Danoe, splendid in her Nordic loveliness and by the hand she clasped her young brother Ciston—a true child of Italy or Spain.
Sally shivered slightly as the last two closed the golden doors of the temple behind them. Axel had learned only ten minutes before from Lulluma the reason for the council and passed it on to the rest. The knowledge that their fate still lay in the balance had turned their gaiety into an anxious gravity.
'I wonder what they will decide,' she murmured half to herself.
'It is death for us if they will not allow us to remain,' said the Doctor.
'Is it?' enquired the McKay, bracing his shoulders. 'It may be death for them! I've still got a couple of bombs left you know.'
'You couldn't!' exclaimed Camilla, 'after they've been so kind.'
'If you did I'd never speak to you again,' declared Sally almost in the same breath.
'Well,' he apologised, 'God forbid that we should do them any harm but we'd be sunk for good if we had to leave this place—and if it comes to a choice of their lives or ours what's a chap to do?'
In the face of this potent argument they all fell silent except the Doctor, who announced: 'Fear! that is the great curse of the world. If it were not for fear all the millions on the upper earth might dwell as happily as these people here. They are afraid that our presence might upset their well-ordered lives, and we are afraid to go out into the darkness. Ach! If only all men could cast out fear all should be saved.'
For a few moments they remained staring at the closed doors of the temple, then Sally said suddenly:
'It's no good us standing here. I've got a feeling that it is going to be all right. Anyway they're far too gentle to turn us out summarily before we've had another meal. Let's do what we can to prepare supper for them and for ourselves when they have finished their pow-wow.'
Her idea was accepted readily and the whole party trooped off to the kitchen. There, to their surprise they found many things already prepared. The Atlanteans had apparently busied themselves with arrangements immediately after their awakening.
There were four freshly caught fish, two of the little deer already skinned and gralloched and a quantity of newly gathered vegetables spread out on the tables.
Axel took charge, since he considered himself, with some justification, a master of the culinary art. The girls understood enough simple cooking to follow his directions and the others took the necessary platters for the meal out into the garden.
In three quarters of an hour the gold plate was spread out below the temple steps for eighteen persons to banquet facing the swimming pool. Fruit, flowers, and the wheaten biscuits which served for bread, had b
een arranged; only the cooked dishes remained—nearly ready and gently simmering on the long stove which was automatically fed by heat directed from the earthshine.
The McKay was setting the golden goblets and the little liqueur cups opposite each place when the doors of the temple opened and the Atlanteans came out. He straightened immediately and, abandoning his task, confronted Menes.
'Well, Sir,' he said abruptly, 'we'll be glad to know what decision you've arrived at.'
The grey-haired Atlantean raised his hand in a gesture like a blessing; 'The Gods are favourable,' he answered gently. 'You and your people may remain—we make you welcome!'
He did not specify if by "The Gods' he meant the Council of the Atlanteans or Deities whom they had consulted, but the McKay did not bother his head about that. He gave his frank smile and said:
'That's very nice of you, Sir. We are all more grateful than we will ever find words to express, I'm sure. Anyhow we'll give you no trouble and conform to your laws to the best of our ability. Well work for our keep of course, most gladly, and lend a hand to keep the place just as shipshape and lovely as you've made it.'
Menes laid his hand on the McKay's shoulder. His humanity urged him to accept the coming of these strangers now that a general sanction had been granted, although it was against his better judgement but, in his wisdom, he knew that time would inevitably unfold the true nature of the newcomers and if the need arose the Council of the Gods must meet again.
'I thank you my son,' he said gravely. Then he smiled towards the array of gold plate. 'It pleases me to see this earnest of your willingness which you have given us already.'
'That's the least we could do, Sir. The girls are busy cooking supper. You've only to say the word and it shall be served when you wish. We thought, with your permission, we'd wait on your people since they've been hard at it looking after us all day.'
The fine old man shook his head. 'A courteous thought, but one to which I cannot agree. Now that we have accepted you there are neither hosts nor guests amongst us. Each will do his share and look first to the wants of his immediate neighbour, as is our custom here. Now, by all means, let us dine.'
The Atlanteans invaded the kitchen into which Luiluma had already run, carrying the good news to Axel and the two girls. A quarter of an hour later they were all laughing and jesting as they sat on the grass before the temple steps, participating in the alfresco banquet.
By the time they had finished the earthshine had dimmed to its lowest limit and there was only just sufficient light for them to see comfortably. To read by it would not have been possible but they could still see each other's faces as they would have in the gentle starlight of an August night in that upper world so far above their heads. Behind the pool the gardens were filled with shadows and the large trees were now black shapes, rising from mysterious scented belts of darkness, yet the air remained warm and still.
The plates and dishes were removed and then Nahou produced fresh goblets and half a dozen flasks from which he poured a thick, dark-golden liquid.
'This is our wine for festivals,* he said. 'I hope that you 284
will find it compares favourably with those of the upper world. I am chief vintager and responsible for its keeping.'
Doctor Tisch's eyes grew round with pleasure as he sipped it. 'This is Rhine Wine,' he declared, 'and the finest which I haf ever tasted although it has a something different flavour also. No Palatinate, even in the greatest years, could be so rich.'
'More like Chateau Y'Quem I should have said,' remarked the McKay with relish. 'Chateau Y'Quem, my friend, with a dash of old sherry flavour to it.'
'We call it Nektar,' said Nahou with quiet satisfaction. 'It has been known under that name from the beginning of time. It is made by allowing the grapes to hang on the vines until all their water has been absorbed by the earthshine. They become wrinkled then, like raisins, so that all their flavour and sweetness is condensed.'
Vladimir gave a long-drawn happy sigh. 'A rose between two other thorns can smell as good,' he misquoted solemnly. 'This is not Hock, Y'Quem, or Sherry—it is Imperial Tokay and vintaged similarly.'
He swung round then with a great laugh to Camilla and raised his goblet in the air. 'Drink my sweet beautiful! for God is gracious to his child Vladimir Renescu. Gracious indeed to give me wine, that I never thought to taste again, for my wedding's night. Drink! and later we will make great happiness together. Drink, all of you, I beg. Pledge us in this so magnificent Tokay.'
Both his friends and the Atlanteans responded with the utmost heartiness. The former loved him for the brave simple soul they knew him to be and the people of the island were already attached to him more than to any of the other strangers, with the exception of Lulluma's preference for Axel, because his spontaneous gaiety fitted in so well with their own nature. Even Nicky raised a cheer, for now that Camilla was stripped of her millions she no longer held the glamour she had had for him and was no more than just a very pretty girl such as he had dallied with by the dozen in the past. Besides he was sitting next the auburn-haired Rahossis so Vladimir could have Camilla, and Sally into the bargain, as far as Nicky was concerned.
As the plaudits and good wishes ceased Nahou refilled the goblets and Menes held up his hand for silence.
'Dear children,' he said. 'None of us have yet heard more than a garbled version of the manner in which our friends arrived here. To come down through the sea and then through the black lands of the fish-eaters must indeed have been a desperate venture. You are all on tenterhooks I know to hear particulars of this wonderful journey.' He glanced at the McKay whom he had placed, quite naturally, as the leader of the party, 'Will you not entertain us by an account of your great achievement?'
'Well, Sir,' the McKay hesitated, 'I'd be only too pleased to tell you, but spinning a yarn about the adventure in which we've been involved is not my strong suit—Count Axel now is a born raconteur. He'd make a far better job of it than I should.'
The Count was persuaded without any difficulty and, with Lulluma nestling against his shoulder, thrilled by his every word, he told their story from the day of Doctor Tisch's arrival in Madeira.
The Atlanteans listened absorbedly, refraining courteously from interruptions except when Menes asked for a point to be explained—much as a judge does who may already know the answer but wishes that a, possibly ignorant, jury may be further informed.
When the tale was done many questions were put to Axel and the Atlanteans regarded the newcomers with a new admiration now that they understood to the full their fortitude and courage in the perils they had shared. Then Axel bowed to Menes;
'We too, Sir, have an even greater curiosity—since you at least knew of our race, whereas we were totally ignorant of yours. Is it permitted that we ask some questions in our turn?'
Menes inclined his high polished beautifully proportioned forehead; 'Ask, and you shall be answered my son.'
'These fish-eaters, as you call them,' Axel began. 'Are they human or animal?'
'They are neither—and to explain them I must go back many centuries,' Menes smiled. 'Perhaps it would be best if I recounted to you something of Atlantean history and explain how it is that although our great race were almost annihilated by the cataclysm, we twelve descendants of it live now, a mile beneath the ocean, at the present day.'
There were eager murmurs from Axel and his party and so the benign old man went on:
'The birth of our nation goes back into the mists of antiquity, further even than we can ever know. We can only say that we possess twenty-nine thousand years of recorded history. That is to say, our people had reached a sufficient degree of civilisation to hand down the story of their doings eighteen thousand years before the Flood, although of course in those early days they can have been little more than barbarians who elected chieftains, one of whom was strong enough to become paramount above the rest and keep the peace in order that progress towards true culture might begin.
'Those of you who
believed in the legend which still lingers in the upper world of a great island, lying at one time in the centre of the North Atlantic, are correct. It was there that, for countless generations, safely secured from extermination by the savage hordes who populated the whole of the outer world through our surrounding seas, we advanced in all things to such a state that, apart from your mechanical inventions of the last hundred and fifty years, you can still show us nothing new.
'We domesticated many animals training them to our uses and, with patient care, converted the wild grasses into cereal crops. The larger portion of our island consisted of a great plain which lay to the southward under almost constant sunshine and which was blessed with an unusual degree of fertility, so that there was abundant food for all and yet still room for wild forests in which our ancestors preseved every sort of game.
'To tell you one tenth of the marvels of that country in the days before the cataclysm would take a year. Let it suffice that our architecture was advanced far beyond anything which man has yet achieved; our system of supply regulated to a degree in which no man ever needed to go hungry but no troublesome surplus ever arose; and that the systems of law and morality which we evolved through so many centuries have never been equalled for their justice and toleration.
'The time came, alas! when evil powers filled our people with greed and sloth. They began to accumulate riches, which in themselves could bring them no more than they
already had, and they were no longer content to work, even
their easy hours, in the mines or fields.
'As with all other nations we had had in our midst from the beginning certain persons who practised what, for want of a better name, I will call the Black Art. At first they were comparatively harmless, dealing only in spells, love-tokens and minor witchcraft, but the time came when they began to concern themselves with what you call "science" and that proved the most unholy alliance which has ever entered the world.