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Page 15

by Mya O'Malley

  “I’ll do what I can, but I can’t make any promises.” The officer threw her hands up in the air. “I have some research to attend to, if you’ll excuse me.” She nodded at Naomi.

  “Thank you.” Naomi glanced at the disheveled Ryan and expelled a breath. “Ryan? We need to get you to a doctor.”

  “You’re not afraid to come with me?” He looked up at her from his seat.

  “No, for some reason I’m not. Let’s go. I’ll give you a ride and drop you back off at your car later.”

  She hugged Maggie’s parents. “I’ll have my cell on me. Talk to you soon.”

  “Thank you, Naomi, for everything,” Mr. Field exclaimed.

  His wife nodded through tears. “After all this time, I feel like we’re finally going to get some answers.”

  Naomi’s own tears fell as she embraced the woman once more. Her heart was breaking for the Fields, and she hoped closure was close for the couple.

  She had to give Ryan credit. He stood and attempted to speak with Maggie’s parents.

  “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”

  “Just go, Ryan, and get some help.” Mr. Field rejected Ryan’s handshake, then led his wife to the door.

  IT WAS LATE. It had been an exhausting day, for sure. No way around the fact that being with Ryan today was taking an emotional toll on her. He was up; he was down; he was sad; but most of all, he was just plain Ryan.

  Try as she might, she couldn’t picture him harming anyone. They had decided to head straight to the emergency room instead of going to a doctor’s office. Any head trauma could be ruled out through X-rays and MRIs. Problem was, each time the doctors had attempted any type of testing, the electrical system went haywire and tests couldn’t be conducted. Figures there would be a problem with the equipment. It was just their luck that they’d have more hurdles thrown in their way.

  They were keeping Ryan overnight for observation and would try to get the testing done in the morning. Officer Marty just might have to make a trip to the hospital to interview Ryan. The fact that Ryan wasn’t locked up in the county jail overnight confirmed her suspicions that Miriam Marty didn’t truly consider Ryan a threat at this point.

  She stood alone in her house. Nothing would feel better than a warm shower right now.

  Zelda rubbed her warm body across her calves as Naomi headed for the staircase. A creaking sound from the top of the stairs stopped Naomi in her tracks. A faint white form stood at the top of the stairs, moaning as if in pain.

  She was suffering.

  “Maggie, talk to me. Tell me what I can do,” Naomi cried.

  Anguished humming rose higher and higher in pitch until Naomi felt she couldn’t stand it another second. She held her pounding head.

  “Stop, Maggie! Stop!” She covered her ears, tears streaming down her face.

  Maggie stopped.

  “Maggie. What is it?” It was as if she was trying to tell Naomi something. She almost appeared to be pointing.

  Naomi spun around, but it was too late. Seeing a dark figure standing there, she cried out.

  He advanced upon her, grabbing her wrist and bending it backward.

  “No, help! Help!” Naomi screamed. The only hope she had was if someone heard her. “Maggie!”

  Maggie stood, her hand covering her mouth. She bellowed out an unearthly, ear-splitting sound but remained firmly planted at the top of the stairs.

  He released Naomi’s wrist slowly, his jaw dropping. “What the hell is that?”

  Naomi broke free, making a run for it.

  “Maggie?” She heard him cry out. His shouting ceased as she heard him pick up speed behind her.

  Don’t look back.

  She sucked the air in as she sprinted for the door. He was closing in on her. She could feel movement behind her.

  “Naomi! You’re not getting away. Not this time.”

  She lunged for the door, grasping hold of the doorknob. It didn’t matter. He had closed the space between them. His body slammed against her.

  “Help!” She cried out as loud as she could manage. Maggie’s cries echoed her own. Glancing to her right, she saw Maggie’s form sobbing.

  He held her from behind, shoving her back up against him.

  “Nick. Please don’t…” she sobbed.

  “Listen to me,” he spat through his foul breath, making her want to vomit. Her trembling body was squashed tight against him. “You couldn’t let it go, could you?”

  “What…what are you talking about?” Naomi’s jaw shook with each word.

  “Look what you’re making me do. It’s all your fault.” His spittle hit her cheek as she closed her eyes.

  “What are you going to do, Nick?”

  “You leave me no choice.” He leaned closer still and placed his lips on her cheek. Fear spread through her body, her flight reaction in full gear.

  Grabbing her by the hair, he pulled her head back. “Don’t be mad at me. Be mad at yourself. As usual, your nosy ways have gotten you into a world of trouble. It was bad enough you broke my heart, but then you had to play detective and bother my uncle. I’m not having it, Naomi.” He tugged her hair tighter, making her cry out from the pain.

  “Please, Nick…”

  “I’m not having it!” Nick screamed, shoving his mouth into her ear. Reaching for her throat, he squeezed.

  Gasping for air, her arms met his as she tried to pry his hands from her neck. His strength overpowered her.

  “It’s your fault!”

  A piercing scream met his own as Maggie watched. Her scream rose to an unnatural pitch. Shattering glass sounded all around. Naomi struggled to breathe, darkness closing in. Ryan’s tortured face came to mind. He was innocent. My God, she should have known it all along.

  Her world became black. She didn’t have the breath or the energy to resist.

  “You didn’t love me. You didn’t love me back. Just like the others!”

  She hit the floor as she heard voices. Nick’s hands left her throat, and she sucked in precious air, opening her eyes wide. Before her, she witnessed Bryce tackle Nick to the floor, pinning his head down.

  “Bryce!” She attempted to speak, but her voice was a mere whisper. Her throat ached from the fight.

  “Call the police!”

  Of course. Where was the phone? Glancing around the kitchen, her shaking hands found her landline phone. She pressed 911 and waited for the police to pick up.

  “There’s been an intruder. Send help. Tell Officer Marty that it’s Naomi Morrison,” she stated numbly.

  Naomi slowly placed her phone down and searched the kitchen. Maggie had saved her life. Naomi was sure of it.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t plan to hurt her. I just came here to talk, and I lost it. I’m sorry!” Nick’s muffled shouts filled the air.

  “What are you looking for?” Bryce followed her movement around the kitchen. Maggie was no longer there.

  “Bryce, she saved me. Maggie saved me.”

  “Sweetheart, I think you need to sit down. You’re not making any sense.”

  He wouldn’t understand. Nobody else would ever understand the bond she and Maggie had formed.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “PLEASE TELL OFFICER Marty I need her,” Naomi repeated once more. They weren’t paying attention to her, and she wanted to rip her hair out from frustration.

  “Naomi. Just relax. They want to make sure you’re okay.” Bryce sat by her side, holding onto her hand.

  “I’m fine. I’m just a bit shaken up is all.”

  “I bet.” The examining doctor felt up and down her neck. “It looks like you’ll be okay, but I’d feel better if you stayed here overnight just so we can keep an eye on you. Standard procedure. Promise.” The young doctor winked.

  “Oh, fine. Not that anyone would listen to me anyway. I want to see Officer Marty, though.”

  The doctor glanced at the nurse, nodding his approval. The nurse scurried off, heading out the door.

  “We’ll call the police station. Haven’t you already spoken with the police though? I’m sure they questioned you at your house.”

  “Yes, they did. But they promised I could speak with Officer Marty. I need to speak with her, only her.”

  “Then she’ll be here as soon as she can, I suppose. Right now, you need to calm down and rest,” Bryce added.

  “Okay, I guess you’re right.” She acquiesced, lying back on the hospital bed. As soon as she sat back, she sprang back up, grabbing hold of Bryce’s arm.

  “I have to see my friend. He’s here in this hospital. Get the nurse.”

  “Your friend? Who?”

  “Please, Bryce. His Name is Ryan. He’s here, on this floor.” What was his room number? She had asked earlier, and she struggled to remember it.

  “Room 76. Ryan, room 76.”

  Naomi pressed the bedside button, paging the nurse herself.

  What was taking so long? Patience was not an area of strength for her right now. She needed to apologize to him for doubting him. How could she have even considered it for a minute? The poor guy even doubted himself.

  “Naomi. There’s something I’ve been meaning to say to you.” Bryce leaned over so that he was closer to her.

  ”Bryce. How did you happen to be at my door? What were you doing there?” She hadn’t thought it through before. Her only thought was that she was grateful for his impeccable timing.

  “Well, that’s why I was there. I wanted to speak with you about the other day, you know, when I was at Johnny’s. But then I heard a scream, at the time I didn’t know what was making that sound.”


  “Uh. Yeah.” Naomi twirled her hair.

  “It was chilling. How did you scream so high? I mean, the pitch of that scream…” Bryce shook his head as his eyes glazed over.

  “I don’t know. There’s so much more to this story than what you know, but I’m too exhausted to get into it all right now. Later, okay?”

  “Sure, but you’ve officially piqued my curiosity. However, back to that day at Johnny’s.”

  Seeing him with Blondie hadn’t been the highlight of that day, but with so much going on right now, it had slipped her mind.

  “Yes.” She recalled the cold stares she had received from the blonde-haired woman.

  “She and I, we’re nothing.” He blushed deeply.

  It was her turn to blush. “Oh, Bryce. It’s none of my business. You don’t have to tell me this.”

  “No, but you see, it does concern you.”

  She thought carefully before speaking. “How so?” She hoped she had guessed the answer to his question.

  “Naomi,” he began softly, reaching for her hand.

  “What’s the problem, miss?” One of the nurses walked briskly into the room at that moment.

  Bryce cleared his throat and sat back.

  “I need to see a man named Ryan. He’s here in room 76.”

  “The good-looking one?”

  The nurse’s comment earned a raised eyebrow from Bryce.

  Oh, so Ryan had been charming the nurses already. She laughed out loud, picturing Ryan chatting it up with them.

  “That’s the one.”

  “Nice guy. I’ll see what I can do,” the nurse stated.

  “Thank you.”

  Bryce waited a moment before the nurse left to speak. “Is this Ryan guy your boyfriend?”

  “Um, no. But he used to be. It’s kind of complicated.”

  “I see.” He glanced away.

  “Bryce, what were you saying before?”

  “I…” Bryce began as Ryan walked through the door, looking fresh-faced and, well – tall, dark, and handsome.

  “Ryan!” Naomi leaped to her feet to meet him.

  “It was nothing.” She heard Bryce mumble as Ryan wrapped his arms around Naomi.

  Bryce stood and excused himself. “I’m going to head out now. John is watching Holly and I said I’d be back soon. I’ll check in on you tomorrow?”

  “Yes, hopefully I’ll be home by then. Oh, I’m sorry. This is Ryan. Ryan, Bryce.”

  Ryan reached for Bryce’s hand and pumped it. “Great to meet a friend of Naomi’s. Take care.”

  “Yes, you too.” Bryce kissed Naomi gently on the cheek and left her alone with Ryan.

  “What are you doing here? Are you okay?” Ryan smoothed Naomi’s hair, studying her face.

  “I have so much to tell you, Ryan. Sit down, please.”

  Ryan took his spot beside Naomi on the hospital bed. “Look at us, a bunch of fools, sitting here in the hospital.“ He chuckled as he held on to Naomi’s hand. She looked into his sparkling blue eyes and squeezed his hand.

  At that moment, she realized she loved him. Loved him as a friend. Their relationship would survive this and become even stronger.

  “Tell me everything.”

  “I’m so sorry that I didn’t have faith in you. I should have known you couldn’t have harmed her. I’m sorry, Ryan.”

  “Sh. Slow down. What happened?”

  “It was Nick. He went nuts. He didn’t want us investigating Maggie’s death. She was his ex-girlfriend, and he killed her!”

  Ryan let go of her hand. “Are you sure?”

  “Hell, yes. Why else would he tell me to back off? Why would he try to kill me?”

  “Kill you? Where is he?” Ryan’s blue eyes sparked with anger.

  “He was arrested. It’s fine. Thanks to Bryce and his perfect timing, I lived to tell the truth.”

  Ryan’s arms found her, squeezing her tight. “I shouldn’t have let you out of my sight, honey. I’m sorry.”

  “You didn’t exactly have a choice. You are in the hospital, in case you haven’t realized.” Naomi giggled as she rubbed the top of his head.

  “Does any of this ring a bell? Do you remember a crazy ex-boyfriend named Nick?”

  Ryan bit his lip, his mouth turned down in a frown. “I can’t remember.”

  “It’s okay, Ryan. It’s fine.” She didn’t wish to stress him out any more than he already was. But, secretly, she was losing her mind, waiting for him to recall anything that would help put this case to rest.

  “Are you okay?” He held Naomi’s face in his hands and studied her.

  “I am. How about you? Did you remember anything else? Were the doctors able to give you an X-ray?”

  “No, it’s so strange. Seems the electrical problem is still continuing. I’m out of here soon, though. Maybe I’ll talk to a therapist instead. I feel that something awful must have happened, otherwise why would I block out this whole period of my life?”

  Naomi winced as she heard his words. She herself had been given an X-ray, and there were no problems. It was as if fate was out to get him. A far as his theory about his memory loss went, she wasn’t sure, but his words made sense. Whatever had transpired with Maggie must have been so awful. As long as he wasn’t a suspect for murder, she knew they could move past whatever it was that was holding him back.

  “I don’t know what happened to you, Ryan, but I’m here for you, and between the two of us we’re going to figure it out. Promise.”

  “I hope so, Naomi. I certainly hope so.”

  RYAN WAS RELEASED the next morning as well. There was nothing else the doctors could do for Ryan except tell him to try to come back for testing. One day, they figured, all of his memories would come flooding back as if a door had opened.

  New theories surfaced in Naomi’s mind as to why Ryan would block out such an important person and time in his life. He must have witnessed her death. The more she thought about it, the stronger her theory became.

  It was the only reasonable explanation.

  Now the hardest part came: waiting Ryan out. The doctors had said not to push him, that his past would come back to him when he was ready to face whatever it was that was holding him back. She would have to practice patience on her part.

  “Maggie.” Naomi held her hands up in the air, calling out. “Give me som
e kind of hint, some clue.”

  Maggie held the key here. A strange sensation washed over Naomi as she came to terms with the fact that she had dated two of the same men Maggie had. Look where it had landed Maggie.

  “Maggie, this connection we share is amazing. Just tell me, somehow, what happened to you. What did Ryan see? What did Nick do to you?”

  She heard her presence before she saw her appear. From the harsh slamming, she sensed Maggie’s mood immediately. Smashing cabinet doors gave way to Maggie’s unearthly features.

  “Maggie,” Naomi whispered.

  Naomi winced as she covered her ears. The sorrowful weeping filled her head. It hurt to connect with Maggie in this way. It hurt so much.

  The spirit took a step toward her. Naomi didn’t so much as flinch. Maggie stepped closer, still, her hand reaching out for Naomi. Naomi maintained eye contact, despite her pounding heart.

  A sharp rapping sound stopped the ghost in her tracks.

  “No, Maggie. Don’t go!” Naomi cursed the person on the other side of the door. Naomi had been so close to touching her. What would she have done next? What would Naomi have discovered?

  “Dammit!” She clenched her fists, stomping to the door.

  “I’m so happy you’re home.” Bryce smiled brightly as Naomi opened the door.

  “Bryce.” She unclenched her fists. How could she be upset with him? “Come in, please.”

  “What’s wrong? You look upset.”

  If only he knew. “It’s complicated.”

  “I’m a good listener.”

  Naomi was sure he was. Everything about Bryce was likable. So likable, in fact, that he was finding his way into her head more and more these days.

  “Can I get you anything? Water, coffee?” She led the way into the kitchen.

  “Naomi, stop.”

  His words gave her pause. Turning to face him, she saw the raw emotion in his eyes. Sucking her breath in, she waited for him to speak.

  “Naomi. I have been trying to tell you since I met you…”

  “Tell me what?” she managed.

  He stepped closer to her, reaching out.


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