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Foolish Heart (MacLarens 0f Fire Mountain Contemporary Book 9)

Page 2

by Shirleen Davies

  “Yeah, about that…” Kade’s eyes narrowed on Nesto, taking a sip of beer. “Have you talked to Paige since she came out for the wedding?”

  Nesto cocked a brow. “And why would I talk to her? I couldn’t get away from the reception fast enough after she showed up. She only came to Fire Mountain because you and Brooke announced the fact she’s pregnant, and Paige didn’t want to miss it—them being best friends and all. I heard she flew back a couple days later. In and out, done deal.” He looked at the television mounted above the bar, then back at Kade. “Besides, what does that have to do with me staying with you guys a couple days?”

  Kade hunkered over his glass of beer, not meeting Nesto’s eyes. “Guess you haven’t heard the news.”

  “Ah, hell,” Nesto muttered. “Tell me it’s not what I’m thinking.” He knew how generous Heath, Rafe, and Jace, or the brothers, as most called them, were when it came to handing out jobs to family or those close to them. It was how he got his position.

  Kade shook his head. “Wish I could. The brothers offered her a job and she accepted. Starts next week.”

  “And she’ll be staying with you and Brooke.” A churning began deep in his belly, burning upward, squeezing his chest.

  “Yep. She’ll also be working with Brooke. Paige’s doctorate is in a similar subject matter. She taught at the university and has been doing consulting since moving back east. Seems she’s ready to head back west.”

  Nesto’s jaw clenched. He couldn’t think of anything to say, other than to spout his dismay. Who the MacLarens hired wasn’t his business.

  Kade shifted to look at him. “She’ll work with Brooke for a week or two, then head to Fire Mountain.”

  The hope Nesto had that she’d be living in Montana, far away from him, faded. “She’ll work out of headquarters.”

  “Afraid so, brother. Brooke needs help on a high level. There’s no better choice than Paige.”

  Nesto signaled the bartender for two more beers, along with two shots of whiskey. “It would’ve been nice if Heath had mentioned something to me.”

  “He didn’t remember you and Paige being together. You were in San Diego and broke up months before leaving the marshals and moving to Arizona. He never put two and two together.”

  Nesto let out a frustrated breath, his voice growing louder. “And Brooke didn’t think it important enough to bring up?”

  “No.” Kade picked up the whiskey, tilting the shot glass toward Nesto, then downing it in one swallow. “She and I had strong words with each other after I found out.”

  Nesto winced at the thought of them arguing, one defending Paige, the other supporting him. Still, the entire situation irked him. “Brooke is one of the smartest people I know. She had to have known how hiring Paige would play out with me.” Shaking his head, he drank his whiskey, setting the glass on the bar with more force than necessary. “Why would she do it without saying anything to me? At least I could’ve been prepared.”

  “You’re hearing about it now, bro. Besides, you know how Brooke can be when it relates to people she cares about. Paige is like a sister, and you’re like a brother.” Kade looked away, but not before Nesto caught something in his eyes, causing a flash of understanding.

  “Please don’t tell me she’s trying to work a deal to get Paige and I back together.”

  The corners of Kade’s mouth tilted up, even as he worked to keep his features neutral. “I didn’t say that.”

  “Ah, man. Tell your wife to stay out of this. Whatever Paige and I had or didn’t have is over and done. Brooke needs to accept it, the same as me.” Finishing his second beer, he considered ordering a third, then took a breath, wishing he could change the decision Heath had already made. “Damn, Kade. What’s a man to do?”

  Kade’s smirk died when he saw the devastated look on his best friend’s face. Until the latest MacLaren wedding, Nesto had been doing great, moving forward, pushing thoughts of Paige from his mind. Now they were in the forefront again, a shining mess to face each day. Clasping Nesto on the shoulder, he squeezed lightly.

  “Accept she’ll be around. You’ll run into her at headquarters sometimes, maybe be in the same meetings. Be your normal, professional self, and don’t let her get to you. Better yet, find someone else. Nothing like a new woman to shove away mistakes of the past.”

  “I tried that. After she left, I hit whatever woman showed an interest.”

  “And?” Kade asked, although he thought he already knew the answer.

  “Waste of time. It helped for a few hours, then it all came rushing back.”

  “Might be different if you meet the right woman. Guess you won’t know until you try. Well, I’ve got a standing phone call with Brooke.” Kade pulled out some money, leaving it on the bar.

  Standing, Nesto did the same. “I’ll head out with you.”

  Outside, Kade turned to Nesto. “Look, don’t overthink this. Give it some time. I’m sure it will all work itself out after a while.” Slapping him on the back, Kade took off.

  Climbing into his truck, Nesto gripped the steering wheel with both hands, staring straight ahead. He had the perfect job, working with his best friend and people he admired and trusted. The money was excellent, and he couldn’t ask for a better boss than Heath MacLaren. Screwing this up wasn’t an option.

  Blowing out a shaky breath, he started the ignition, accepting Kade’s advice. He’d bury whatever feelings he once had, showing Paige a professional front, treating her with respect, the same as he’d do for anyone. He’d faced enemies in the past and always survived. This would be the same. Paige might have once been the woman of his dreams, but no longer.


  “I don’t understand why you can’t stay here and build a life. You could find another teaching position, continue your consulting, maybe meet the right man.” Irene Wallace wrung her hands together, a gesture she’d never do in public, where everyone saw her as the consummate matriarch of a socially prominent family. “There are plenty of fine, eligible men for you to meet. You might even fall in love.”

  Continuing to place folded clothes into her luggage, Paige kept her back to her mother, refusing to be drawn into another discussion about staying in Philadelphia. She returned for a reason, doing what she could. In the end, it hadn’t been enough.

  “Have you seen my hoodie, Mother?” Placing her hands on her hips, Paige glanced around the room. “I swear I left it on the chair in the corner.”

  Walking to the closet, Irene drew it off a hanger, handing it to her daughter. “You know how Mary is about clothes not being put away.”

  Paige couldn’t stop the grin at the mention of the woman who’d run the house since a few years after Paul’s birth. When Irene’s social obligations kept her out much of each day, Mary had become almost like a second mother to Paige and her younger brother, continuing to make her presence known after both children had left.

  Where are you, Paul?

  The thought flashed through Paige’s mind before she could push it away. Forcing herself to focus on the task at hand, she rolled the sweatshirt, using it to fill the space at the upper edge of her carry-on. Studying the other two bags, her gaze cut to the closet.

  “Mother, I may need to have Mary ship some things out to me. I’ll label them before I leave so she’ll know what to send.”

  “I suppose it’s too much to ask you to stay a few more weeks. Your father hasn’t had as much time to spend with you as he’d like.”

  Paige rolled her eyes. She wanted to point out her father would have plenty of time if he didn’t spend most of it with his mistress—the woman he thought he’d hidden so well. In many ways, Paige thought it good she and her mother had learned of the woman on a shopping trip in the city, spotting the two of them having lunch, holding hands, talking in intimate whispers.

  “With all that’s happened since my return, we never had a chance to talk about Father and, well…” As soon as she voiced her thought, Paige wished she hadn’t.
The color drained from her mother’s face, her hands clenching until her knuckles appeared white.

  “There’s nothing to discuss. I’ve learned to live with the many choices he’s made during our marriage.”

  Paige’s voice softened. “I shouldn’t have brought it up. It’s your decision on how to handle issues with Father. It’s just that I want you to be happy.”

  Irene’s back straightened, a new gleam in her eyes. “You don’t have to worry about my happiness, sweetheart.”

  Paige stopped in the middle of zipping closed a bag and stared at her mother. “You don’t intend to leave him, do you?”

  Walking to the window, Irene gazed out on manicured lawns, well-pruned bushes, and pristine walkways. The back yard where she’d held so many garden parties, taken so much pride in designing, now seemed to be one more sad reminder of what truly mattered. Her son had disappeared, Paige was leaving, and her husband had emotionally and physically separated himself from her years ago.

  “What would make you ask that, Paige? I’ve been in love with Peter since graduating from college. He’s provided a good life, everything I could ever dream of having…” Irene caught her lower lip between her teeth before she said more than she should.

  Paige’s chest clenched at the melancholy in her mother’s voice. A woman who’d always been so full of life and love. She wanted to see the light in her mother’s face again.

  “Come with me.”

  Irene’s eyes widened, a flash of something Paige hadn’t seen in a long time showing in her expression before she concealed it. “Oh, I couldn’t. Not with the big fundraising event coming up and your father’s trip after that.”

  Her throat tightened on the last. Paige knew he hadn’t invited her mother to go along on the three week business trip through Europe.

  “There’s no reason you can’t come for a visit while Father is gone. By then, I’ll be in Fire Mountain at one of the MacLaren cabins. It has two bedrooms—plenty of room for both of us.”

  A wistful expression crossed Irene’s face before disappearing. “I’ve never been on a trip without your father.”

  “Well then, that’s another reason you should come. He’ll be gone for three weeks. The perfect opportunity for you to take your first trip alone.” Paige walked up to her, taking Irene’s hands in hers. “Think about it. I’ll be staying with Brooke for a couple weeks before going to Fire Mountain. You’d have a chance to meet the MacLarens. You’ll love Annie, Heath MacLaren’s wife.”

  “Perhaps.” Irene drew her hands away. “I may not make a decision until the last minute, though. You never know about your father. He might change his mind and ask me to come along.”

  Paige’s heart ached for her mother, knowing it wouldn’t happen. Although they didn’t speak of it or have any proof, they both knew Peter planned to take his mistress, an insult so great, Paige didn’t know how her mother accepted it with such serene grace.

  “If not, I’ll expect you to fly out.”

  Setting the luggage on the floor, Paige took one more look around. “I believe everything is packed.”

  “Are you sure I can’t drive you to the airport?”

  “I’m sure. Believe me, you don’t want to fight the traffic.” Looking out the window, she saw the cab coming up the drive. “The car is here.”

  Paige felt a pang of remorse at leaving her mother this time. When she’d left years ago, it had been to obtain her doctorate in San Diego. Paul had still been at home, and her father had come home most nights. She hoped her mother would consider visiting. If nothing else, it would get her out of this big empty house that seemed more like a prison than a place of refuge.

  Paige rested against the plane’s window, closing her eyes as the pilot reached his designated altitude. Her thoughts skipped between her brother, the reason she’d come home, and her mother, a woman who’d always been strong and steadfast in her love for her husband. After all his progress, Paul had chosen to walk out one night, leaving the family who’d come together to help him. He’d gone underground, cutting all ties to those he knew.

  She hoped her mother would decide to visit. Getting away from Paige’s father, letting him know his wife could survive without him, might just be the kick he needed to realize what he seemed determined to throw away. Regardless, it had been years since her mother had ridden a horse, spent a day having fun.

  Hearing the soft hum of the engines, her thoughts turned to Nesto, a man she would never be able to forget. Even though she’d given him ample warning, he’d been angry when Paige showed up at the ranch, refusing to speak with her or even acknowledge her presence. It had been awkward when he’d walked away, leaving her stunned and raw with pain. Not that she blamed him. Good intentions and solid reasons for her walking out on him might never overcome the resentment or hurt she’d caused.

  Over the last weeks, she’d faced her share of doubt about accepting the job at MacLaren Enterprises. If it had been offered by anyone else, she would’ve refused. Brooke knew how to wrap it all up in a nice little bow and present the package to Paige. Perfect job, outstanding pay and benefits, great working environment, and a boss she already loved as a best friend.

  Brooke had assured her, given the various travel schedules, running into Nesto would be a rare occurrence. For some reason, Paige didn’t believe that was entirely accurate. As the plane moved closer to its destination, her stomach churned with uncertainty. She’d be working for Brooke, who reported to Heath, the same as Nesto. Odds were their offices wouldn’t be too far apart. Paige couldn’t stop wondering if she’d made an enormous mistake by accepting the job.

  “May I get you coffee, water, or a soft drink?” The flight attendant leaned over, getting Paige’s attention.

  “A diet cola.” Paige hesitated a mere instant. “And rum.”

  Chapter Two

  Crooked Tree, Montana

  Paige stepped onto the tarmac, a broad smile breaking across her face at the sight of Brooke jumping up and down, waving, a more somber Kade standing next to his wife. Her welcome committee.

  “I can’t believe you’re actually here.” Brooke ran forward, wrapping Paige in a warm hug, then stepping back. “We are going to have so much fun.”

  “I’m so ready for that.”

  Kade walked up, giving her a brief hug. “You might have to squeeze in a little work every now and then.”

  Paige laughed. “I’m ready for that, too. I didn’t expect to see you here, Kade.”

  Slipping her arm through his, Brooke smiled. “This is where my husband gets territorial and controlling. He’s hardly let me out of his sight the last few days. After we return to Fire Mountain, my days of traveling will be limited.”

  Walking to the terminal, Kade held the door open. “It isn’t just me. Heath and Annie feel the same.”

  Paige turned to Brooke, lines of worry creasing her forehead. “Is it the baby?”

  Brooke nodded. “The baby is causing the doctor some concern.”

  Kade tilted his head to the side. “Some concern? What he said was you need to take it easy and not be hustling around the country, putting stress on yourself and the baby.”

  “Or?” Paige asked.

  Brooke sighed, knowing Kade had valid concerns. “We could lose him.”

  “Well then…wait…it’s a boy? When did you find out?”

  “Yesterday. I have doctors in Crooked Tree and Fire Mountain, so we opted for the sonogram here. Kade burned up the phone lines around the country last night.” Brooke stopped in the baggage area, placing a hand on her stomach. She glanced at her husband. “I think he kind of wanted a girl.”

  Kade snorted. “Only because I know the kind of trouble boys get into.”

  “And their toys are expensive,” Brooke added, thinking of the Harley, tricked-out truck, quad, and other equipment her husband kept in Fire Mountain.

  “There is that.” Kade smiled.

  “You’re going to be great parents, whether you have a boy or girl. I�
��m betting there will be a couple of each running around your place before you’re done.” A sudden jolt whipped through Paige, causing a split second of intense pain around her heart. She and Nesto had spoken several times about children, deciding on at least three, maybe four. Placing a hand on her chest, she pushed, trying to reduce the pressure.

  “Are you all right?” Brooke asked.

  “Fine. Ate some spicy food for lunch and it’s catching up to me.” The lie came easily. She’d told herself so many since leaving Nesto, rationalizing her decisions had become common. “Those are my bags.” She pointed to the two matching red suitcases.

  “I’ve got them.” Kade strolled away, leaving them alone for the first time.

  “You look great, Brooke. Amazing, actually. How’s Kade doing?”

  “He’s been wonderful. Nothing seems to faze him. Well, he may have lost it for a second when the sonogram tech pointed out why she knew we were having a boy.” Brooke smiled, remembering the look of pure joy on his face. “He’s worried about me right now, so he’s hovering a little more than usual. That’s okay. I sort of like having him close.”

  “Who wouldn’t? You won the prize with Kade.”

  Brooke studied Paige’s face, seeing so many emotions flitter across her features in the span of a few seconds. “Thanks for taking the job. I know it was difficult knowing you’d be facing Nesto.”

  “It won’t be difficult. You saw the way he reacted when he saw me at the wedding reception. He hates me. I’d feel the same if I were in his place.”

  “You never told me why you left him, Paige. I keep telling myself you must have had a good reason for walking away, but—”

  “You two ready to head home?” Pulling two red bags behind him, Kade stopped next to them.

  “Lead on.” Paige picked up her carry-on, glad for the interruption. She didn’t want to share her true reasons for leaving, particularly not to her close friend and her ex-DEA agent husband. When she’d made the decision to walk away from Nesto without explanation, it had been to keep him protected from the actions she had to take. Until she knew the whereabouts of her brother, and the trouble he may still be in, nothing had changed.


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