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Foolish Heart (MacLarens 0f Fire Mountain Contemporary Book 9)

Page 10

by Shirleen Davies

  “Whatever works, man. You head downstairs to be with your lady and I’ll call J.D.”

  Bounding down the steps, Kade headed to the kitchen where Brooke spoke with her mother. They’d always been close, but the death of her father years before tightened the bond. It had been a blessing when Annie met Heath. Brooke, Cam, and Eric, as well as Heath’s children, Trey and Cassie, showed no hesitancy in accepting the union, bringing the two families together.

  “Thanks for letting Clive stay here, Annie.”

  Waving her hand in the air, she shook her head. “No need for thanks. He’s welcome any time. Brooke told me about what happened with Paige today. Is she all right?”

  “A little shaken, but she’s a strong woman. She’s staying with Nesto until this all goes away.” Kade opened the refrigerator door, pulling out a bottle of water.

  “If I had my way, those kids would be living together permanently.” Annie placed the roast in the oven, closing the door. “It would be a real shame if they aren’t able to get past this and build a life together.”

  Brooke glanced at Kade. Both felt the same way, knowing it would take a lot of time and a minor miracle for Nesto to put the pain behind him. The fact he had another woman in the background didn’t bode well for Paige.

  “You know, Nesto’s been seeing someone.”

  “Piffles.” Annie waved her hand in the air again. “I’m sure she’s a nice lady, but no one is going to replace Paige in his heart. Given enough time, he’ll figure it out.”

  Kade laughed. “Piffles? Well, you must be pretty certain if you’re bringing that out.”

  Annie stopped cutting vegetables, settling her hands on the counter. “Like you, Nesto’s been through a lot. The same way Brooke healed your heart, Paige did the same for him. Her actions may have been misplaced, but she made the decisions for the right reasons. I think Nesto is smart enough not to let pride get in the way. Don’t you?”

  Kade had no answer. Slipping an arm around Brooke’s waist, he kissed her cheek, hoping Annie was right.

  Paige stared at the ceiling, her arms above her head, legs stretched out. She’d retreated into her bedroom an hour before, changed into sleeping pants and a tank top, her head spinning from another round of questions at dinner. Clive had been persistent, forcing her to recount small details she hadn’t remembered when describing the incident with Javé to Nesto and Kade. She hoped those specifics mattered.

  Pressing fingers against her temples, she closed her eyes, trying not to think of where Nesto had gone. Right now, Clive sat in the living room, watching television as he played babysitter during Nesto’s absence. She’d heard him mention the name Val before he left, thinking she’d already tucked herself away in her room. Paige didn’t want to accept he’d moved on, but reality had a way of killing fantasies.

  Standing, she checked her image in the mirror, then grabbed one of Nesto’s long-sleeved shirts from the guest room closet, slipping it on. Watching a meaningless show might distract her enough to rid her mind of Nesto. Opening the door, she took the few steps to the living room.

  “Do you mind company?”

  Standing, Clive gave her a weary smile. “Not at all. I’m watching some comedy.” He named a couple actors she didn’t recognize. “You can select whatever you want. I’m not picky.” He held out the remote.

  She sat down in the leather chair Nesto preferred—a lounger with electric controls. “Whatever you’re watching is fine. I can’t seem to sleep, even though I’m exhausted. Maybe a movie will help.”

  “A glass of wine might do the same.” He held up his empty bottle of beer. “Nesto has an open bottle of red in the refrigerator.”

  “That’d be great.” She watched as he poured her a glass, then grabbed another beer for himself, his movements graceful for such a tall man. He wasn’t broad like Nesto, but wiry with corded muscles in his arms. She had no doubt Clive could take care of himself in any situation.

  “You did real well remembering details. Most victims are too flustered to recall much.” He handed her the glass, then lowered himself onto the sofa.

  She shrugged, taking a sip of wine. “Funny, I never thought of myself as a victim.”

  “I don’t think it’s in your nature to act like one. You handled yourself well, didn’t break down or run. Nesto is proud of you.”

  Her head snapped toward him at the comment. “Don’t kid yourself, Clive. Nesto doesn’t think much of me at all. I’m only staying in his cabin because of the threat. Once it’s over, I’ll be back in my cabin and he’ll have his freedom back.”

  Clive set down his beer, leaning forward, resting his arms on his legs. “I may be misreading him, but I doubt Nesto sees you as a burden.”

  She sighed, staring at the images on the TV. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m grateful he’s willing to play bodyguard. Especially after what happened yesterday. I also know Nesto has a personal life he’s putting on hold because of me.”

  Clive nodded. “I see.” Leaning back, he stretched his arms across the back of the sofa. She could almost see his mind working. Underneath his laidback persona, she guessed there hid a complicated man who’d seen a lot and spoke sparingly.

  Standing, she grabbed the remote, increasing the volume, then sat down. “Let’s see how good your taste in movies is, Agent Nelson.”

  An hour later, Paige wiped tears from her eyes, her stomach still convulsing in laughter. The movie had been perfect, her appreciation for it growing as she finished another glass of wine.

  She hadn’t thought of Nesto or who he was with since she’d turned up the volume. Sometime during the movie, she’d moved to sit at the other end of the sofa from Clive, her legs propped on the coffee table, then tucked under her as she relaxed.

  “Great choice, Clive. I can’t believe the guy…” She thought of a particular scene and started laughing all over again.

  Clive joined her. “I know which one you mean.”

  The door opened, Nesto walking in, coming to an abrupt stop at the scene before him. Paige sat cross-legged next to Clive, her face flushed with laughter. The old chambray shirt she wore barely covered the thin tank top and lightweight pajama pants. She and Clive were carrying on so much, they didn’t even notice him until he cleared his throat.

  Clive stood, picking up the empty beer bottles and Paige’s empty wine glass. “Hey, man. Did you have a good evening?”

  He glared at Clive, then Paige. “Appears you two had a much better time than me.”

  Standing, she barely acknowledged Nesto as she walked toward her room. “I’m sure Val gave you a real good time,” she mumbled, wishing she’d gotten into bed before he came home. She didn’t need to see the satisfied look on his face placed there by another woman.

  Resting his hands on his hips, he watched her walk away. “What the hell’s wrong with her?”

  Clive leaned against the counter, crossing his arms. “Don’t know. I got the impression she knew you went to see Val. It didn’t sit well with her.”

  Muttering a curse, Nesto moved past him, grabbed a bottle of water, and guzzled it. “It’s not what she’s thinking.”

  Clive held up his hands. “Not my problem.” Heading to the door, he grabbed the knob, then turned. “Seems you two have a lot of unfinished business. Might be a good time to work it out.”

  Watching as Clive closed the door, Nesto grabbed the remote, sinking into the lounger, surfing the channels. After a few minutes, he realized he hadn’t looked at a single show, his mind consumed with thoughts of Paige.

  He’d spoken to Clive after dinner, realizing he had to get away after bringing Paige back to the cabin. Meaning to take a long drive, he ended up at Val’s apartment. Walking up the path, he believed losing himself in the beautiful redhead would be the best way to push Paige from his mind.

  Instead, when Val opened the door and let him in, he realized this wasn’t where he wanted to be and she wasn’t the woman he desired. He felt uncomfortable stringing her along, giving her t
he impression there could ever be more.

  An hour later, he drove away, leaving a gracious, although hurt woman standing at her front door. He’d been right to make the break. Val had hoped for more, and Nesto knew she deserved a man who could give it to her.

  After another hour of driving around, he pulled to a stop in front of the cabin, determined to talk with Paige, even if he had to wake her up.

  Seeing her laughing, relaxed, enjoying her time with Clive hit him with the intensity of a punch to the solar plexus. Nesto wanted to be the man sitting next to her, laughing, pulling her close. He just hadn’t been able to get past the belief she’d walk out again when things got hard or when her parents applied pressure to get their way. Nesto was a selfish man. He needed to know his woman was all in, the same as he would be when he made the commitment.

  Tossing the television remote aside, he stalked to his room, glancing at her closed door, wondering if she’d answer if he knocked. Scrubbing a hand down his face, he shook his head. Tonight wasn’t the right time.

  The sound of her phone had Paige reaching toward the table, fumbling with it before putting it to her ear.

  “It’s Paul.”

  She shot up, resting her back against the headboard. “Where are you?”

  “Staying at some janky motel in northern Phoenix. When I got to town, I got a call from my business partner that had me going underground.” She waited as he drew in a deep breath, wondering if he held a cigarette or something stronger. “I’ve got to see you, Paige. Today. I’ll drive up, meet you wherever you want.”

  “All right, but I won’t be coming alone. Nesto will be with me.”

  “Not a chance, sis. He’s a fed. I don’t trust him.”

  The battle within her swelled. Paul was her brother, her own flesh and blood. Still, she’d made a promise to Nesto. She had to make a choice.

  “Well, I do trust him. It’s either Nesto and me or you’re on your own.” Her heart pounded as she waited, hearing his deep breathing on the other end of the line.

  “Fine. I’ll call you when I get to Fire Mountain.” He hung up before she could respond.

  Setting the phone on the table, she threw off the blankets, slipping into the shirt she’d worn the night before. Opening her door, she heard nothing from Nesto’s bedroom as she stepped into the bathroom, turning on the water.

  Letting her clothes fall to the floor, she relaxed as the hot water washed down her back. Putting a small amount of shampoo on her hair, she scrubbed it into her scalp, rinsing before using the body wash. Turning up the heat, she closed her eyes, resting her hands against the back wall to let the hot water soothe her taut muscles.

  The sound of running water should’ve stopped him. She’d thought he’d been with another woman, probably wouldn’t welcome what he offered. Nesto pushed the thought aside, hesitating an instant before pushing the door open, slipping out of his briefs before stepping in behind her. Paige gasped at the feel of his hands on her bare skin, her body tensing.

  “What are you doing in here?” Her voice shook, feeling his breath against the side of her neck.

  Nipping the sensitive skin below her ear, he pulled her closer to his chest, not answering.

  “You shouldn’t be here.” She moaned as his hands moved across her body, warm water sluicing over both of them.

  “Tell me to leave and I will.” He sucked on the delicate skin at the junction of her shoulder and neck, hearing another low moan escape. “Say it, Paige. Tell me to go and I’ll be out of here.” Turning her to face him, he captured her mouth, doing things he’d only dreamed of for months. “Say it.”

  “I can’t. I don’t want you to go,” she breathed out, feeling his hands work their magic on all her sensitive places.

  He chuckled into her mouth. “I didn’t think so.” Touching her in ways he knew she liked, he pleasured her, feeling his own body respond.

  “Nesto, please…”

  “Please what? Tell me what you want, sweetheart.” His hands and mouth continued their merciless onslaught, Paige squirming in his arms, restless and needy. “Say it. What do you want me to do?” He could feel the instant she relaxed in his arms, giving up the battle of wills she’d been fighting with herself.

  “I’m so tired of being without you. I need you, Nesto. Please...” She tightened her arms around his neck, twisting her fingers in his hair, taking everything he gave and returning the same.

  Pulling back, he waited until she opened her eyes, his heart pounding at what he saw. The same love as before she’d left him showed on her face, providing renewed life to a man who’d been drowning without her. Unable to accept what he saw, Nesto turned her around.

  “Place your hands on the wall.” His words were harsh against her ear. A growl escaped him, pleased when she didn’t resist. “That’s it, baby. Just like that.” Aligning himself behind her, he gave her what she wanted, what he needed, then collapsed behind her.

  Paige sat on the edge of her bed, the towel still wrapped around her, face buried in her hands. Sobs echoed in the small bedroom, forcing her to confront all she’d lost. She cried for what they’d had, for breaking his heart, for the anguish in his eyes when he’d left the shower, dressed, then walked out without another word.

  She’d confessed how much she still loved him, her regret over not talking to him before making the decision to walk away. Her words seemed to have little effect. He didn’t look at her again before slipping into his clothes, shutting the door behind him.

  Chapter Eleven

  Outside the cabin, Nesto sat on a well-used Adirondack chair, watching the sun finish its rise over the eastern mountains, a deep ache in his heart. No doubt about it, he’d been an ass to take Paige the way he had and then walk out.

  Cursing himself as every kind of fool, he sucked in a deep breath of fresh morning air, knowing he had to apologize. Nesto had taken his doubt, confusion, and anger out on Paige. When she’d broken down, telling him she still loved him, he’d lost it. The deep sobs when he left sliced through his heart. He wondered how a man and woman could love so much while causing each other such acute pain.

  Standing, he opened the door, seeing Paige’s back to him as she made coffee. Tensing at his approach, she stilled when he placed his hands on her shoulders. Leaning down, Nesto kissed the spot below her ear, feeling her tremble in response.

  “I’m sorry, Paige. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  She shifted around so quickly, he didn’t have a chance to respond before she shoved his chest, pushing him away.

  “That’s a lie, Nesto. You did mean to hurt me, punish me for what I did to you…to us.” She swiped at tears pooling in her eyes, her expression tight. Trying to slip past him, she stopped when he gripped her arm.

  “We need to talk.”

  “Why? So you can tell me it was a mistake, that you’re heading back to see Val tonight? Forget it. I can’t even look at you right now.”

  He didn’t let go, gently pulling her back to him, wrapping his arms around her. Tucking her into his chest, he rested his chin on her head.

  “When I left last night, I drove over to Val’s. I had every intention of losing myself in her.” Feeling Paige try to pull away, he tightened his hold. “Instead, I broke things off.”

  Nesto waited, hoping she’d say something, anything, to help him find clarity in the mass of confusion. When she didn’t, he continued.

  “I don’t know how to go back, Paige. All my life, I’ve moved forward, certain of my path, filled with confidence. Everything changed when you left. Now you’re back and I don’t know how to respond, what to say. I keep asking myself if we can have a second chance, then wonder if I even want one. You’ve got me going in circles.”

  Leaning back, she looked up at him. “Why?”

  Letting out a deep sigh, he rested his forehead against hers. “There’s one woman I want, and it isn’t Val. The problem is I don’t know if I can find a way to trust you again.” Dipping his head, he kissed the tip o
f her nose. “I want to, Paige, I just…”

  Her heart squeezed at the strain in Nesto’s voice, the doubt that haunted him. She’d hurt him worse than she’d ever imagined. Drawing in a shaky breath, she tightened her arms around him.

  “It wasn’t a lie, telling you how much I still love you. There’s no reason to believe me, but the horrible mistake I made with Paul, choosing to help him over staying with you, will never happen again. It’s a huge leap of faith. If I were in your place, I don’t know if I could do it. All I’m asking is for you to consider giving us another chance.”

  Nesto wanted to trust her more than he needed his next breath. He just wasn’t ready to cross the line. Nuzzling her neck, he trailed kisses along her jaw, brushed his mouth across hers.

  “I’ve missed you so damn much, Paige,” he breathed out. “I’m just not ready to make any promises.”

  The comment hurt, but it also reminded her of one of the many reasons she loved him. Promises were precious, and Nesto didn’t offer them without knowing they’d be kept.

  “Then we can take it a day at a time. As slow as you need until you’re certain of your feelings. If you find you can’t get over the past, tell me and I’ll walk away.”

  His stomach clenched at the thought of losing her again. At least her offer gave them time to find out if they could still build a future.

  He looked down at her. “A day at a time works for me. When do you want to start?”

  Leaning up, she kissed him again, letting her lips brush down his jaw and neck, feeling his body stiffen. “Can we start now?”

  Tilting his head in question, he smiled when her meaning became clear. “Are you sure?”

  “It’s been too long since you’ve made love to me, Nesto. The shower, well…that was just sex. Not the image I want to remember.”


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