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The Cowboy's Unexpected Love: Wade and Sierra (MacFarland Ranch Book 1)

Page 18

by SJ McCoy

  “What? With who?”


  Jane blew out a sigh. “Come on, Sierra. I don’t know what he’s playing at. I mean, I know he acts all charming with all the women who go in there, but he doesn’t need to bother doing that crap with me. I know better and I’ve told him so.”

  “What crap?”

  “Pretending that he’s interested.”

  “He is.”

  Jane shot a look at her before turning back to the road. “Don’t you start. Frankie’s bad enough. Wait. Did she put you up to this? Is that what the cookies are for?”

  “She didn’t put me up to anything. Rocket likes you. What’s the problem?”

  Jane let out a big sigh. “There is no problem. Sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you. But don’t be ridiculous. He doesn’t like me. It’s just his personality. He’s a charmer. He charms all the women.”

  “He is a charmer, but I didn’t see him deliberately trying to charm anyone but you. You like him, don’t you?”

  Jane made a face. “As if I could hide it. But come on, Sierra. I’m not stupid enough to set myself up for that kind of fall.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Have you seen him? He’s gorgeous, right?”

  “He is a good-looking guy.”

  “Right. And have you seen me?”

  Sierra scowled. “Of course, I have. And you’re –”

  “Don’t! Don’t even go there. I’m nothing to look at is the nicest, most honest thing that you could say, so I’d rather you didn’t say anything.”

  “I wasn’t going to say that.”

  “I know. And I’d hate to hear you lie to me. I’d rather we just dropped this.”

  Sierra blew out a sigh of her own. “If you don’t want to talk about it, I’ll respect that, but I need to say one thing first.”


  “You’ve been busy encouraging me about Wade. I want to encourage you about Rocket. He is interested in you. He said so. And Frankie knows it too. I have my hang-ups that I shouldn’t like Wade because I’m supposed to be on my honeymoon right now. You told me I was wrong. You have your hang-ups about the way you look, meaning that Rocket wouldn’t be interested in you. I’m telling you that you’re wrong, and I think it would be a real shame to let your hang-ups stop you from exploring something that could turn out to be something wonderful.”

  Jane shook her head sadly. “Thanks. I know you’re only saying it because you care. But … I just can’t, okay? It’d hurt too much to let myself hope and then find out that … You’ve said your piece. Let’s drop it.”


  They drove in silence for a while. It was only when Jane turned onto the driveway at the ranch that she spoke again.

  “I do believe him that he wants to get to know me better. I’d love that. But I know that it would be short-lived. I’d rather keep him at a distance and slowly turn him into a friend than try for something more than that and get my heart broken when he’s the one putting me in the friend-zone when he meets someone better.”

  Sierra shook her head sadly. “It’s your choice to make. And I’ll respect whatever you want. I won’t push you or bug you. But Janey, you only get one life; isn’t it better to reach for something good even if you might not get it, even if you fall and get hurt? Isn’t that better than never even hoping – than telling yourself that good things just aren’t meant for you?”

  Jane looked over at her but didn’t say anything. Sierra just hoped that she might decide to take a chance. Although her words had been meant for Jane, she mulled them over herself. Should she try to reach for something good with Wade? Should she let herself hope that if she stayed here … It’d be too easy to tell herself that he wasn’t meant for her. That there couldn’t be anything between them because she was about to change her whole life for two little children she’d never met. Would it be better to hope or to lock herself down to the reality that in less than ten days from now whatever there was between them would have to end?

  Chapter Sixteen

  Wade shut his computer down and grabbed his hat from the rack. He wanted to get home, back to the cabin and to Sierra. He was surprised at how quickly he’d come to think of it as home. Until she’d moved in with him, he’d only ever called it the cabin. He shook his head as he headed out of his office. He’d have to get used to thinking of it that way again in just another short week. After that, she’d be moving into the big cabin, and he’d be going back to the house with his brothers. He could get the last of the work done and put the cabin on the books for guests. That had been the plan from the beginning; he needed the extra beds. He might be sentimental and want to keep living in the space that he’d shared with Sierra, but he wouldn’t do it. He crammed his hat on his head as he strode down the hallway to the conference room. He might want to go home to Sierra but before he could, he had to meet with his brothers.

  Ford was already there, standing with his back to the room staring out the window at the mountains. He turned when Wade entered.

  “Sorry I’m late.”

  “You’re not. The others aren’t here yet anyway.”

  “Yeah.” Wade stuck his head back out the door, hoping that Tanner and Tyler were on their way and that they wouldn’t hold him up too long.

  “What’s up?” asked Ford.


  His brother smirked. “Yeah, right. I’m guessing you’re in a hurry to head home?”

  Wade gave him a sheepish smile. “You got me.”

  “Seems to me that you’ve got her if you want her.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “That in the space of a week, you and Sierra have gotten real close. That if you wanted her to stay, I believe she would.”

  Wade blew out a big sigh. “Nah. I mean, she is going to stay. You know that. In the big cabin. Which is awesome, really. We thought we’d lost that income when the original renters canceled, so to have Sierra –”



  “It’s me you’re talking to. Don’t bullshit me. I’m not talking about cabins and income; I’m talking about you and that sweet little lady who seems to me like she’s fallen head over heels in love with you.”

  Wade closed his eyes. He couldn’t allow himself to go there. “Shit, Ford. I’ve only known her a week. We have a good thing going, I’m not going to deny that. But it’s not going anywhere. Next weekend she’ll move out of the cabin. I’ll come back to the house.”

  “How can you say it’s not going anywhere? Yeah, you’ve only known her a week, but you’re already living with her.”

  “We’re not … it’s not.” He struggled with what to say to that. How could he deny that he was living with Sierra when that was exactly how it felt to him? But he wasn’t, not really. They’d even talked about it. He hadn’t wanted her to feel like she was under any kind of pressure, or to feel weird about things moving so fast between them. Somehow, they’d ended up agreeing that what they were doing was like some kind of vacation fling. It was intense and moving so damned fast it made his head spin, but it was okay to roll with it because it had a predetermined end date.

  Ford raised his eyebrows and waited.

  “We’re not living together.”

  Ford looked toward the door at the sound of Tanner and Tyler’s voices as they came down the hallway. “Whatever you say. I’ll let it go if you want, but I think you’re a fool if you let it end next weekend.”

  Wade frowned at him. “I thought you’d be the one to call me a fool to try and keep it going.”

  “So did I. But you and Sierra, you just seem right together. I know you never wanted kids, so that’d be a tough one. But I like seeing you with her. You’re the happiest I’ve seen you.”

  Wade held his gaze for a long moment.

  Ford shrugged. “I know I’m the last one you’d expect to be encouraging you, but I am. Okay?” He gave a small chuckle. “Believe me, I know. You don’t find the
truth of a relationship in months or years; you find the truth in moments. The moments that light you up, the ones that take your breath away and the ones that set your heart on fire, that’s where you find it. You going to tell me you don’t know what I’m talking about?”

  Wade just stared at him. He knew damned well what he was talking about. So many moments with Sierra had done all of those things – lit him up, taken his breath away, set his heart on fire. And his heart knew the truth. He might have only known Sierra for a week, but he’d had more of those moments with her than he’d ever had with Josie, the woman he’d known through high school and married not long after.

  As if reading his mind, Ford continued. “Maybe you’re making up for the fact that it took you years to figure out that you were with the wrong woman by figuring out in less than a week that this time you found the right woman.”

  Wade opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Tanner and Tyler came in.

  “Is everyone going to Shane and Cassidy’s tonight?” asked Tanner.

  Ford held Wade’s gaze for a moment before turning to answer. “Yep. Everyone except you, since you won’t give up your shifts behind the bar at Chico.”

  Tyler laughed. “Why would he do that? You know he only works there so that he gets his pick of the tourist chicks every weekend – and he doesn’t even have to buy them drinks.”

  “Hey!” Tanner shrugged. “It works out well. I’m great behind the bar. The ladies love me. Everyone goes home happy.”

  “Well. Not everyone,” said Tyler. “You leave a lot of lovely ladies disappointed when you choose the one that you’re going home with.”

  “What can I say? I can’t please ‘em all. I mean I wouldn’t mind trying, but …”

  Ford laughed. “You’re a dog.”

  “Nope. I’m just doing my part for the local economy.”

  “What?” Wade couldn’t help laughing as he asked.

  “I am! I show the tourists a good time, they go home and tell their girlfriends about the hot cowboy they got to sleep with and when they come back, more friends come with them looking for a cowboy of their own.”

  Wade shook his head.

  “Yeah, well, never mind that,” said Ford. “How about we get on with it since we all have somewhere else we want to be tonight. While you go off and choose the next willing victim to succumb to your charms, the rest of us want to go home and get ready to go over to Shane’s place to hang out with friends.”

  Tanner made a face at him. “You really do think I’m a dog, don’t you? As a matter of fact, I have a call in to Andy to see if he wants to switch with me tonight. I’d rather come over to Shane’s and hang out with you guys.”

  Ford raised an eyebrow. “There won’t be any single women there.”

  “Jeez. I’m not constantly looking to get to laid.”

  Tyler laughed. “No, just most of the time.”

  Tanner turned to Wade for sympathy, but he just shrugged. “I don’t know what to tell you.”

  “Well, it’s not like you have to worry about it, is it? I always thought you should have been my hunting buddy, but Josie got her claws into you young and now that you’re finally recovered from that, you got yourself Sierra.”

  Wade didn’t know what to say. If even Tanner thought that he and Sierra were … something, then it must be blatantly obvious.

  Tyler grinned at him. “Yeah. I’m glad she’s taking the cabin. Are you going to move in there with her?”

  “No!” Jesus. He wanted to. He’d thought about it enough. They’d only had a few nights together, but he was already dreading the time when he’d have to sleep without her by his side again. “She’s moving in there so that she has room for the kids, remember?”

  “What, and that means there’s no room for you?” asked Tyler.

  Ford blew out a sigh. “Jesus, Ty! Remember why he’s not married to Josie anymore?”

  “Oh. Shit. Sorry.”

  Wade just shrugged. They all seemed to think that Josie wanting kids when he didn’t was the only reason that they’d gotten divorced. He’d tried when he first moved back home to explain that the reason he didn’t want to have kids with her was because of all the other underlying flaws in their relationship. But Josie had fed the rumor mill that he didn’t want kids and that part of the story was the only part that had stuck – even with his own family. After eight years, he didn’t see the point in trying to enlighten them now. Especially not when he was hoping to get out of here sooner rather than later.

  “Anyway,” said Ford. “Let’s run through everything and get out of here, can we?”

  “Gladly,” said Wade. He knew he’d probably look forward to these end of the week roundup meetings with his brothers again soon enough. But tonight, he just wanted this one over with.

  ~ ~ ~

  Sierra eyed herself in the mirror over the dresser as she applied a coat of lip gloss. She had to smile at the way she looked – she looked good. She was dressed more casually and wearing less makeup than she ever normally did, but she looked better. Living out here suited her in so many ways.

  Wade came out of the bathroom and stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and meeting her gaze in the mirror. Have I told you today how beautiful you are, little lady?”

  She leaned back against him, loving the feel of the warm skin of his chest naked against her back, still damp from the shower. “You have, thank you. I’d say you’re the beautiful one, though.” She turned within the circle of his arms and rolled up on her tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips. “Have I told you that you’re the most handsome man I’ve ever known?”

  He batted his eyelashes at her, making her giggle. “Aww, shucks. You can’t go saying stuff like that, it’ll go straight to my head.”

  “It won’t. You’re not like that. You’re not just the most handsome man I’ve ever known, you’re also one of the most decent and …”

  He chuckled as he caught her hand in his and pressed it to the front of his boxers. He was hot and hard. She sucked in a deep breath.

  “When I said it’d go straight to my head, I meant that one.” He cupped his hand, still holding hers so that she could feel him twitch and grow.

  “Oh.” She was getting used to him, getting used to the way he was so open and sexy, but she still didn’t know what to say most of the time. “I could help you out,” she suggested.

  The lines around his eyes crinkled as he closed them. “I’d like nothing more. But we should save it until we get back.”

  “Of, course. Sorry.” She tried to step away from him, but he put his hands on her shoulders.

  “Hey. Don’t think it’s because I don’t want to. I always want you. You have to know that. But if I get you into bed right now, we won’t be getting out for a while. And if we’re late tonight, everyone will know why, or at least, they’ll assume they do. They’ll tease us mercilessly.” He held her gaze. “And I don’t mind that. I don’t mind one bit if they all know that I can’t keep my hands off you. Or if they figure out that I’d rather be alone with you than there with all of them. I don’t mind if they know the truth. The only thing I’m worried about is how you’ll feel. I’m guessing that you’d be uncomfortable with that kind of teasing.” He raised an eyebrow. “Am I right?”

  She nodded slowly. “Yes. You’re right. I’d be embarrassed. I’m not …I don’t …” She shrugged.

  Wade let go of her and went to get a shirt from the closet. He kept his back to her as he pulled it on. “Do you know when your stuff is supposed to arrive from home yet? I was thinking, I should take you to look at the cabin tomorrow. It didn’t even occur to me that you haven’t seen it yet. I can be a real dumbass – ”

  He stopped abruptly when she put her hand on his shoulder.

  “What’s up?” The fact that he didn’t turn around to ask, told her that she was right. He was uncomfortable and moving the conversation on from where they’d been.

  She didn’t want to make him more unc
omfortable, so she rested her cheek against his back and slipped her arms around his waist instead of making him turn around to look at her. “Yes, I’m excited to see the cabin. But before you change the subject, I need you to understand what I meant about being embarrassed if everyone starts teasing us.”

  All his muscles tensed. “It’s okay. I know – ”

  “It’s not okay. You don’t understand. You think that I’d be embarrassed about them knowing that we’re, what we’re …” Ugh, she couldn’t even find the right words. But it didn’t matter. “I’m not embarrassed about being with you. I could never be. I’m proud to be with you. It makes me feel special that someone as wonderful as you wants to be with me. What I’m embarrassed about, or I would be if they teased us about it, is that … well, I’m not the kind of girl who does this normally. Who sleeps with a guy without it being … being part of something bigger. I’m embarrassed that they’ll think I am.”

  He spun around within her arms. “They don’t think that.”

  She shrugged. “Whether they think it or not, it’s kind of true, isn’t it? I haven’t wanted to examine it too closely, because you’re too wonderful and I want to make the most of the time that we have. But no matter how nice we try to make it seem, we’re just two people who are sleeping together for a couple of weeks while we can – knowing that it’s not going to go anywhere.”

  His lips pressed together, and a muscle ticked in his jaw. “I guess we are.”

  Her heart sank. She’d hoped to make him feel better, but instead she’d made things worse. “But only because that’s the way it has to be.”

  His eyebrows drew down and he looked deep into her eyes. For a moment she thought he was going to ask her why it had to be that way, why they couldn’t have more than a couple of weeks. Or better yet, that he might tell her that they could have more and that he wanted more. But the moment passed. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and stepped away to button up his shirt. “Don’t worry. We’ll be there on time. No one will tease you about what we’ve been up to.” She watched him heave in a big breath and slowly let it out before he added, “And you’re right of course, this is the way it has to be.”


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