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The Cowboy's Unexpected Love: Wade and Sierra (MacFarland Ranch Book 1)

Page 28

by SJ McCoy

  Wade’s heart melted in his chest, and he heard Sierra let out a little sob and breathe, “We love you, too.”

  Wade nodded, “We do.”

  Mateo relaxed a little, but something was still bothering him.

  “What is it?” Wade asked. “What else?”

  Mateo hung his head and spoke into his chest. “Maya wants me to ask if you will be our mom and dad. But you’re not married. And I don’t know …” He let the words trail off and the silence they left behind echoed all around them.

  Shit. He’d just told them that whatever they needed, he’d try to help. But he couldn’t help them with this one – not without putting Sierra in a position that he didn’t want to force on her – not yet.

  He slowly raised his gaze to meet hers. She looked … scared. But what was she scared of? That he’d want to get married, and she didn’t? That she’d be letting the kids down? As he looked into her eyes, he thought he knew the answer – she was scared that he didn’t want to marry her. It looked as though there was a storm raging in the gray depths; flickers of emotion shone like lightning. He didn’t want to ask her for more than she wanted to give, but that would be better than leaving her hanging, than not making it clear once and for all that he loved her with all his heart and wanted to marry her and be with her forever. He opened his mouth to say it all, but she held up her finger, and he stopped.

  “We would love to be your parents.” She smiled down at the kids. “That’s what I’ve hoped for from the day I heard about you. I wanted to bring you home with me and be … your mom.”

  Maya flung her arms around Sierra’s neck and said very quietly, “Mom.”

  Wade squeezed his eyes shut to keep the tears in. He felt Sierra’s fingers tighten around his. “I know that Wade loves you, too. And he’s already told me that he wants to be there for you.” She squeezed tighter as she continued, “We’re not married, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be your dad. But if the day ever comes when he wants to marry me, I’ll say yes in a heartbeat.” She looked back down at the kids, as if she were telling them, but he knew her words were meant for him. “He thinks that it’s too soon to ask me. Because – as you know – I was supposed to marry another man not so very long ago.”

  Maya touched the bruises on her neck, and Mateo said, “The one who did that to you.”

  “That’s right. The one who did that.” She met Wade’s gaze before she spoke again. “I think that Wade believes that he’s doing the right thing by giving me time. He’s such a good man, he never wants to rush me or put pressure on me. He’s taught me to be sure that I make my own decisions and that I only base them on what I want.” She smiled and a tear rolled down her face. “He needs to know that he taught me well, and that I’ve decided that I want to marry him just as soon as he wants to ask me. I don’t want to wait. I could have died last week, and I don’t want to waste a single day. I know the life I want. I want to be his wife and I want to be your mom and for him to be your dad and for us all to be a family just as soon as we can.”

  Wade couldn’t keep a tear from spilling over and rolling down his cheek. He leaned over the kids and kissed Sierra. “I love you.”

  She smiled through tears of her own. “I love you, too.”

  He didn’t know if she looked expectant or if he was just imagining it. This was the perfect moment, except for one thing. He didn’t have a ring! His mind raced. What could he use? He didn’t want to let the moment pass by, but he didn’t want to ask her without putting a ring on her finger. It wouldn’t feel real.

  She brought her hand up to brush her hair out of her eyes. Her smile was fading fast, and her cheeks were tinged with pink. Shit. She’d gone out on a limb for him, and he was leaving her hanging. His eyes landed on her watch. It might look tacky, but it had saved her life, and it was about to save his.

  “Can I see your watch for a second?”

  She gave him a puzzled look but took it off and handed it over. He worked off the loop that held the end of the strap in place and gave the watch back. She still looked puzzled as she put it back on, and both kids were watching him curiously. He slipped the loop over the tip of his finger. It should work. It might be too big, but it would go on.

  This was it, then. He grinned at the three of them and then got out of bed. He held up his hand to stop Mateo when he got up to follow him.

  He walked around to Sierra’s side and got down on one knee on the floor. The kids crowded against her as all three of them looked down at him with wide eyes.

  “Sierra.” His voice sounded rough and gravelly, but he pushed on. “Sierra, darlin’. I think I’ve loved you since the minute I laid eyes on you. I didn’t think someone like you would give someone like me a second glance.” He reached for her hand, and she gripped his fingers tight. “When I first met you, I thought you were someone who needed my help; I thought I could help you out by showing you how you deserve to be treated and by making you see just how special you are. It’s only been a short time, but you’ve stolen my heart and I don’t ever want you to give it back. I’m going to love you until the day I die.” He looked at the kids. “I’m going to love you guys till the day I die, too. I promise that I’ll always be there for you.” He looked back at Sierra. “I didn’t want to push you for this. I didn’t want to ask you too soon. But I trust you to know what you want. So, I’m asking you, will you marry me? Say you’ll be my wife?”

  Tears were streaming down her face as she nodded. “Yes! I’ll marry you.”

  He slid the pink piece of plastic onto her finger, and she laughed. “It fits! That has to be a sign.”

  He laughed with her. “Yeah, it’s a sign that I’m the luckiest guy on Earth. I have to be, to get you as my wife, and you two as my kids.”

  He climbed back onto the bed and wrapped his arms around Sierra. Maya wriggled her way in between them and Mateo kneeled up and put his arms around their shoulders.

  Wade swallowed back more tears when Maya looked up at him and nodded, and the first words she ever spoke to him were, “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, baby girl.” He smiled at Sierra. “And I love you, darlin’.” He put his hand on Mateo’s shoulder. “And I love you, little man.”

  Sierra laughed. “I love you all!” She held up her hand with the piece of pink plastic wrapped around her finger. “When I woke up this morning, I didn’t expect that I’d be getting engaged today.”

  Mateo leaned back and spoke solemnly. “Unexpected love is the best kind of love.” He met Wade’s gaze. “My new dad said so.”

  Wade wrapped his arms tighter around all three of them. He might have told Ford that if the right woman came along, he’d want to marry her. But he hadn’t been looking for a wife and certainly not for kids. And yet here he was – happier than he would have believed possible with his unexpected love;


  A Note from SJ

  I hope you enjoyed Wade and Sierra’s story and getting to know the MacFarlands. As you probably noticed, the siblings are all angling for books of their own – and they’ll each get one. But they’ll have to wait their turn. Next up will be Janey and Rocket – I can’t wait to share their story with you.

  With Summer Lake, I gave the older characters their own series in Summer Lake Silver. I’m not going create that separation with the MacFarland Ranch series. There is a whole bunch of older characters who will get their own books. We met Ace, and Frankie’s brother, Maverick, in Spider. You’ve seen glimpses of Deacon and Emmett in Wade and Sierra’s story. And there are a couple of other guys whom you haven’t even met yet. So many books; so little time!

  And if you’re one of the many people who notices the details I miss, you might be wondering about the eldest MacFarland brother, Cash. (Ohh … Cash!). You’ve heard several mentions of him, and yes, he will be getting his own books. Yes, bookS – plural. According to him there will be three, but we’re still in negotiations about that. I may talk that number down – he may talk it up – who are you b
etting on?!?

  The man has taken up residence in my head, you have him to thank for the whole series. He’s masterminding everything, I’m just – mostly – doing as I’m told.

  Please let your friends know about the books if you feel they would enjoy them as well. It would be wonderful if you would leave me a review, I'd very much appreciate it.

  Check out the “Also By” page to see if any of my other series appeal to you – I have a couple of freebie series starters, so you can take them for a test drive. You’ll find a list of all my books – complete with reading order and Freebies here.

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  I hope our paths will cross again soon. Until then, take care, and thanks for your support—you are the reason I write!




  PS – Project Semicolon

  You may have noticed that the final sentence of the story closed with a semicolon. It isn’t a typo. Project Semicolon is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and love to those who are struggling with depression, suicide, addiction, and self-injury. Project Semicolon exists to encourage, love, and inspire. It’s a movement I support with all my heart.

  "A semicolon represents a sentence the author could have ended, but chose not to. The sentence is your life, and the author is you." - Project Semicolon

  This author started writing after her son was killed in a car crash. At the time, I wanted my own story to be over. Instead, I chose to honour a promise to my son to write my ‘silly stories’ someday. I chose to escape into my fictional world. I know for many who struggle with depression, suicide can appear to be the only escape. The semicolon has become a symbol of support, and hopefully a reminder – Your story isn’t over yet


  Also by SJ McCoy

  Summer Lake Seasons

  Angel and Luke in Take These Broken Wings

  Zack and Maria in Too Much Love to Hide

  Logan and Roxy in Sunshine Over Snow

  Ivan and Abbie in Chase the Blues Away

  Colt and Cassie in Forever Takes a While

  Austin and Amber in Tell the Stars to Shine

  Donovan and Elle in Please Don’t Say Goodbye

  Summer Lake Silver

  This series features couples in their fifties and older. Just because a few decades—or more—have skipped by since you were in your twenties it doesn’t mean you can’t find love, does it? Summer Lake Silver stories find happily-ever-afters for those who remember being thirty-something—vaguely.

  Marianne and Clay in Like Some Old Country Song

  Seymour and Chris in A Dream Too Far

  Ted and Audrey in A Little Rain Must Fall

  Diego and Izzy in Where the Rainbow Ends

  Manny and Nina in Silhouettes Shadows and Sunsets

  Teresa and Cal in More Than Sometimes

  Summer Lake Series

  Emma and Jack in Love Like You’ve Never Been Hurt

  Holly and Pete in Work Like You Don't Need the Money

  Missy and Dan in Dance Like Nobody's Watching

  Smoke and Laura in Fly Like You've Never Been Grounded

  Michael and Megan in Laugh Like You’ve Never Cried

  Kenzie and Chase in Sing Like Nobody’s Listening

  Gabe and Renée in Smile Like You Mean It

  Missy and Dan’s wedding in The Wedding Dance

  Ben's backstory in Chasing Tomorrow

  April and Eddie in Dream Like Nothing’s Impossible

  Nate and Lily in Ride Like You’ve Never Fallen

  Ben’s Story in Live Like There’s No Tomorrow

  Smoke and Laura’s wedding in The Wedding Flight

  Leanne and Ryan in Fight Like You’ve Never Lost

  Remington Ranch Series





  Four Weddings and a Vendetta

  A Chance and a Hope Series

  Chance Encounter

  Finding Hope

  Give Hope a Chance

  The Davenports




  The Hamiltons

  Cameron and Piper in Red Wine and Roses

  Chelsea and Grant in Champagne and Daisies

  Mary Ellen and Antonio in Marsala and Magnolias

  Marcos and Molly in Prosecco and Peonies

  Love in Nashville

  Autumn and Matt in Bring on the Night

  Standalone Novella

  Sully and Jess in If I Fall




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